View Full Version : This made me giggle about trying to Balance MMOs

11-18-2010, 08:55 PM
How Do Developers Determine Class Balance?

It’s really quite simple. Buff every class until it has the same DPS output. Then look at the population. Whichever class is highest is clearly the most fun. Nerf that class until the population is even. This also helps players because then they can see that anyone playing that class is in it ‘for the fun’ rather than to be a useful part of the group and can avoid them with ease. It’s like a flytrap for noobs. If there’s one thing I’ve learned from history, it’s that the ideal way to ensure a sense of balance and fairness is to give everyone else someone to oppress.


11-18-2010, 10:57 PM
Actually the ballance is very well I hardly find some overpowered char than barbs because of the knocks they easy put dmg enough to kill you for a few secs and when you are down you hardly get up. There should be some way to balance barbs without nerfing them too much anyway why did you add fulminating like the barbs dmg wasn't enough before? When you are on a barb buff yourself reach a target knock it fulminating target is dead you can even kill a knight like that. :/ Roar is a bit too long good that not many have much points for it on 5 and also howl is a bit too long on 5.
And hunters are a little weak their role in wars isn't big all good areas have huge cds as stalker and stalker in war isn't good. Barbs buffs go off till you reach the enemies had to cooperate with people. Maybe allowing hunter to buff something while being under camo will make it better ninja at least. On hunter, on conj and on barb i miss like 5 more power points, while on marksman and lock i have fair enough points It is a good thing that you can't get all good spells but some spells should be improved too to make the choise harder. I don't play knight for wars.

11-18-2010, 11:43 PM
I agree. I never used fulm other then testing it out to see how dumb it is. I never make my knock past lvl3 and roars on lvl2 only. Anything more is not skill. IMO Knocks should not be more then 5 secs. I think Max 5 secs is fair any lvl lower should just be enough so they cant hit you one turn or something. roar5 is a joke I have time to pick my girlfriend up at the train station and hit the Mcd's drive through before I can atk again.