View Full Version : Name Change Scroll Problem

11-19-2010, 11:38 PM
OK so heres my story. I bought a name change scroll on my one character with a certain name in mind. I know this name is available because I searched it and it says user not found. I have also confirmed this by having my friend make an acc with that name. After he did it to reserve the name for me he deleted the character. I then tried to use my name change scroll for that name and it says "Invalid name specified." I am a litte fustrated because i payed 13000 ximermin for it and now I cant even get the name that I want. I have also submitted a ticket for this. No one has responded yet. Please help!!!

11-19-2010, 11:55 PM

The name/character is kept in the database for 3 months in case the account that used it wants to recover the character back and then its wiped out the database if the account in question didn't ask to recover the character back after the 3 months, so the name is free for anyone to use again.

Best you can do is send in a support ticket to see if NGD Studios can assist you further.


11-19-2010, 11:56 PM
If someone created a character with that name, it will take 3 months until it is unlocked again. You should contact NGD to solve this issue.

11-21-2010, 01:21 AM
If someone created a character with that name, it will take 3 months until it is unlocked again. You should contact NGD to solve this issue.

How long does it usually take them to message you back for a ticket?

11-24-2010, 11:27 PM
How long does it usually take them to message you back for a ticket?

3 months ? :imstupid: