View Full Version : I have the leave Regnum for a while

11-20-2010, 08:16 PM
:igneo:First of all, been playing for over 4 years now.

Hi guys, many people PM'd me when I told them about me quiting another day and I thought I should make it official for everyone to know!

This is the main reason why I cannot come to invasions, it's in my nature to sleep atleast 8 hours a night, so it really is impossible to be online for my Realm even though many of you don't quite get it and call me a realm traitor and other realm pride shit offenses.

Sorry for having a life and not taking a shitty online game srzly.

fuu ngd = eveil corpareshun

ps if you see my chars online its not me, its lider


11-20-2010, 08:34 PM
noooo a player from PT-landia leaving!!!

the end has arrive.

11-20-2010, 08:58 PM
This is the main reason why I cannot come to invasions, it's in my nature to sleep atleast 8 hours a night, so it really is impossible to be online for my Realm even though many of you don't quite get it and call me a realm traitor and other realm pride shit offenses.

LoL i hope that is a joke..

11-20-2010, 09:58 PM
LoL i hope that is a joke..

No no... welcome to Ignis where to b kool u hafe to play @ nite.

11-21-2010, 01:40 AM
LoL i hope that is a joke..

The sad part is i think thats the one part that is true xD