View Full Version : Watch this film, guys.

12-13-2010, 01:08 PM
I recommend you guys to watch Scanner Darkly. Incredible craftsmanship, even tho I hate rotoscopy, this animation has its reasons to be there. Without it, this film wouldn't be possible. Imagine that for 10 animators, one minute of the film took 50 hours of work to turn it into fluent, almost fluid-like animation.

The plot is heavy, and for post-soviet countries may seem very familiar.

Also, big kudos to Alex Jones, who's starring there, very amusing.

I'm not going to provide a link, since it's a normal film. Buy the DVD, maybe? :P

12-13-2010, 02:03 PM
Actually if you liked that film read the authors books. Also quite a few films have been made from his novels some good some BARF everywhere bad. He is one of my favourite authors ever. I recommend Valis and Ubik to start.


Blade Runner (http://www.philipkdick.com/films_bladerunner.html) (1982)
Based on "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?"

Screamers (http://www.philipkdick.com/films_other.html) (1995)
Based on "Second Variety"

Total Recall (http://www.philipkdick.com/films_totalrecall.html) (1990)
Based on "We Can Remember It For You Wholesale"

Confessions d'un Barjo (http://www.philipkdick.com/films_other.html) (French, 1992)
Based on "Confessions of a Crap Artist"

Impostor (http://www.philipkdick.com/films_other.html) (2001)
Based on "Impostor."

Minority Report (http://www.philipkdick.com/films_minreport.html) (2002)
Based on "The Minority Report."

Paycheck (http://www.philipkdick.com/films_paycheck.html) (December 25, 2003)
Based on "Paycheck."

A Scanner Darkly (http://www.philipkdick.com/films_scanner.html) (July 7, 2006)
Based on "A Scanner Darkly"

Next (http://www.philipkdick.com/films_next.html) (April 27, 2007)
Based on "The Golden Man"

Books are always better.

12-13-2010, 02:06 PM
Not all of the films based on Dick's books were good :p

But yeah, Scanner Darkly was one of the good ones.

12-13-2010, 02:33 PM
Old news is old.

Otoh, good movie is good.

12-14-2010, 02:00 PM
btw lets turn this into a movie suggestion thread!

last 4 i've watched:

The A-Team, http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0429493/, not a bad movie, could've been better if BA Baracus was a bit more manly. Watch it if you're bored or just into some mindless and relaxing action.

Red, http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1245526/, great movie, Malkovich was outstanding. :D

The losers, http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0480255/, don't know what to say about this one. I guess it's an OK watch if you have nothing to do.

Machete, http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0985694/, watch it. :D

12-14-2010, 05:22 PM
We have to rescue the missing gears!

12-14-2010, 06:26 PM
Books are always better.

I was actually expressing my awe upon the incredible animation work, mostly.
Book can't animate stuff.

Also, I never said this film is new.