View Full Version : Casting a spell causes game to crash

01-09-2011, 08:33 PM
Very very annoying. I started the game earlier today and was very excited as i had played it about 3 years ago. I was playing with a friend when my game crashed. Thinking it was just a weird 1-time crash, i relaunched. This time i got as far as using a spell on a spider thing. Bam. Crash. I tried this about 3 more times purposely casting a spell to see if it made my game crash. As soon as the spell hits the spider, my game crashes. I tried re-installing, running as admin, but nothing has worked.

Please no-one post saying they have the same error or anything like that, i'd like a solution if possible, if not could i be told when it would be fixed?



01-09-2011, 08:44 PM

When logging back in please send in the crash report.

About your issue, what video settings are you using? Have you tried lowering the graphic details or shader model?

Post your PC specs here too.

01-09-2011, 08:48 PM
Did you try playing around with the graphic options..? Safe mode might help you to play the game normaly...

01-09-2011, 08:56 PM
I've tried fiddling about with the resolution, the rendering and i've even tried safe mode. But still, when i cast a spell, the game crashes on me. Maybe i've wrongly explained - it completely freezes. It stops responding. I have to go to task manager and end the game on processes. If it's still possible to get a crash report then how can i do that?

I have an intel i3 processer (2.13GHz)


64-bit operating system on windows 7

NVIDIA GeForce 310M

01-09-2011, 09:07 PM
Don't know if this helps - But after using my spell on the spider, as the game crashes/freezes, the spider disappears? I've tried turning off the special FXs too and weapin trails and beams. Still no solution yet.

01-09-2011, 09:22 PM
[09/01/2011 17:57:43] [=?(0)] scripts/interface/admin/game_control.lua not found!
[09/01/2011 17:57:43] [=?(0)] scripts/interface/admin/Telemap.lua not found!
[09/01/2011 17:57:43] [=?(0)] scripts/interface/admin/SpawnControl.lua not found!
[09/01/2011 17:57:43] [=?(0)] scripts/interface/admin/SpawnEdit.lua not found!
[09/01/2011 17:57:43] [=?(0)] scripts/interface/admin/DobFinder.lua not found!
[09/01/2011 17:57:43] [=?(0)] scripts/interface/admin/MiniWord.lua not found!
[09/01/2011 17:57:43] [=?(0)] scripts/interface/admin/devinfo/DevInfo.lua not found!
[09/01/2011 17:57:43] [=?(0)] scripts/interface/admin/devinfo/MonsterDevInfo.lua not found!
[09/01/2011 17:57:43] [=?(0)] scripts/interface/admin/CombatDevInfo.lua not found!
[09/01/2011 17:57:43] [=?(0)] scripts/interface/admin/devinfo/QuestDevMenu.lua not found!
[09/01/2011 17:57:43] [=?(0)] scripts/interface/admin/devinfo/QuestReqInfo.lua not found!
[09/01/2011 17:57:43] [=?(0)] scripts/interface/admin/devinfo/DataFinder.lua not found!
[09/01/2011 17:57:43] [=?(0)] scripts/interface/admin/devinfo/PopUpConsole.lua not found!
[09/01/2011 17:57:43] [=?(0)] scripts/interface/admin/devinfo/SpawnerDevInfo.lua not found!
[09/01/2011 17:57:43] [(0)] cannot open scripts/gameplay/actions/admin/view_doids.lua: No such file or directory
[09/01/2011 17:57:43] [(0)] cannot open scripts/gameplay/actions/admin/ai_debug.lua: No such file or directory
[09/01/2011 17:57:43] [(0)] cannot open scripts/gameplay/actions/admin/test_action_ALT_F12.lua: No such file or directory
[09/01/2011 17:57:43] [(0)] cannot open scripts/gameplay/actions/admin/test_action_ALT_F11.lua: No such file or directory
[09/01/2011 17:57:43] [(0)] cannot open scripts/gameplay/actions/admin/test_action1.lua: No such file or directory
[09/01/2011 17:57:43] [(0)] cannot open scripts/gameplay/actions/admin/test_run_script.lua: No such file or directory
[09/01/2011 17:57:43] [(0)] cannot open scripts/gameplay/actions/editor/editor_get_zones.lua: No such file or directory
[09/01/2011 17:57:43] [(0)] cannot open scripts/gameplay/actions/editor/editor_get_dob_info.lua: No such file or directory
[09/01/2011 17:57:43] [(0)] cannot open scripts/gameplay/actions/admin/ai_command.lua: No such file or directory
[09/01/2011 17:57:43] [(0)] cannot open scripts/gameplay/actions/admin/spawn_monster.lua: No such file or directory
[09/01/2011 17:57:43] [(0)] cannot open scripts/gameplay/actions/admin/test_action6.lua: No such file or directory
[09/01/2011 17:57:43] [(0)] cannot open scripts/gameplay/actions/admin/quest_dev_menu.lua: No such file or directory
[09/01/2011 17:57:43] [(0)] cannot open scripts/gameplay/actions/editor/editor_show_current_zones.lua: No such file or directory
[09/01/2011 17:57:43] [(0)] cannot open scripts/gameplay/actions/editor/editor_get_npc_templates.lua: No such file or directory
[09/01/2011 17:57:43] [(0)] cannot open scripts/gameplay/actions/admin/data_finder_tool.lua: No such file or directory
[09/01/2011 17:57:43] [(0)] cannot open scripts/gameplay/actions/admin/test_action2.lua: No such file or directory
[09/01/2011 17:57:43] [(0)] cannot open scripts/gameplay/actions/editor/editor_save_dynamic_object.lua: No such file or directory
[09/01/2011 17:57:43] [(0)] cannot open scripts/gameplay/actions/admin/game_control_toggle.lua: No such file or directory
[09/01/2011 17:57:43] [(0)] cannot open scripts/gameplay/actions/admin/debug_draw.lua: No such file or directory
[09/01/2011 17:57:43] [(0)] cannot open scripts/gameplay/actions/editor/editor_get_dynamic_object_templates.lua: No such file or directory
[09/01/2011 17:57:43] [(0)] cannot open scripts/gameplay/actions/admin/spawn_item.lua: No such file or directory
[09/01/2011 17:57:43] [(0)] cannot open scripts/gameplay/actions/admin/spawn_npc.lua: No such file or directory
[09/01/2011 17:57:43] [(0)] cannot open scripts/gameplay/actions/admin/recall.lua: No such file or directory
[09/01/2011 17:57:43] [(0)] cannot open scripts/gameplay/actions/editor/editor_save_npc.lua: No such file or directory
[09/01/2011 17:57:43] [(0)] cannot open scripts/gameplay/actions/admin/dob_dev_info.lua: No such file or directory
[09/01/2011 17:57:43] [(0)] cannot open scripts/gameplay/actions/admin/dev_info.lua: No such file or directory
[09/01/2011 17:57:43] [(0)] cannot open scripts/gameplay/actions/admin/spawn_dynamic_object.lua: No such file or directory
[09/01/2011 17:57:43] [(0)] cannot open scripts/gameplay/actions/admin/test_effect.lua: No such file or directory
[09/01/2011 17:57:43] [(0)] cannot open scripts/gameplay/actions/admin/player_macro.lua: No such file or directory
[09/01/2011 17:57:43] [(0)] cannot open scripts/gameplay/actions/admin/teleport.lua: No such file or directory
[09/01/2011 17:57:43] [(0)] cannot open scripts/gameplay/actions/admin/massive_kill.lua: No such file or directory
[09/01/2011 17:57:44] [.][=?(0)] (game_core:0) Required "setup_ui" handler not found for interface: game_control

01-10-2011, 01:33 PM
Is there a way to fix that error or anything? Got no replies since yesterday - has this error really not been seen before? =S

01-10-2011, 02:15 PM
i had a similar problem not too long ago. it was solved by re-downloading and then re-installing. dont forget to delete all directories of the old installation.

just an idea, though

01-10-2011, 02:31 PM
Done that already, didn't work =S. Any other possible fixes?

01-10-2011, 03:28 PM
I'm getting very annoyed now. I'm not blaming anyone, but i've now tried to redownload and install 3 times. I've tried deleting all files to do with regnum yet nothing has worked. There MUST be a fix for this problem, it's such a big one - i'm missing major files by the looks of the error log. Is there anyway to download these files other than redownloading regnum again, because that doesn't work.

01-10-2011, 03:35 PM
I'm getting very annoyed now. I'm not blaming anyone, but i've now tried to redownload and install 3 times. I've tried deleting all files to do with regnum yet nothing has worked. There MUST be a fix for this problem, it's such a big one - i'm missing major files by the looks of the error log. Is there anyway to download these files other than redownloading regnum again, because that doesn't work.


You should already have every possible file needed to play the game as Regnum auto-patches itself before entering the servers if a update is available.

What shader model have you tried in? Try entering the game under Fix Pipeline and see if that helps.

Is your graphic card drivers up to date?

01-10-2011, 03:51 PM
You probably tried this allready, but making sure doesn't hurt... There is a "download all resources at once" option... Did you try to turn it on/off?

01-10-2011, 04:05 PM
Thanks for a quick response. I just tried the 'download all at once' option. Didn't help me i'm afraid. I managed to cast 2 spells but on the third cast my game froze up again. I'm just trying the fixed pipeline now. Will tell you if that helps or not in about 40 seconds xD

01-10-2011, 04:07 PM
Damnit - game still froze. On the brightside it made it very smooth while i was playing for the 10 seconds :( Any other possible solutions? :S

01-10-2011, 04:13 PM
Are your drivers for your graphic card up to date? I would check that and see if that might be a possible problem.

If your graphic card as you stated is a NVIDIA GeForce 310M download the latest driver from this link: http://www.nvidia.com/object/product_geforce_310m_us.html

Once you do that, restart your computer and try entering the game again.

01-10-2011, 04:46 PM
Completely forgot about checking the drivers - am currently downloading the latest driver software on the given website. Will tell you if it works in time. Thanks a lot for helping me by the way, it's appreciated :)

01-10-2011, 05:07 PM
Damnit. I installed the new driver and have the reboot twice but still the game refuses to not freeze. aghhhhh.... any others? :)

01-10-2011, 07:10 PM
It seems that the error log shows exactly the same error after how ever many reinstalls its been and after the driver update. It seems that I need to get these files. Can anyone possibly try to copy them into a seperate folder and upload them for me? Understandably there's a fair few files that i'm missing, but I think this might be the only solution for me.

01-10-2011, 08:27 PM
Bit of a weird one, but hopefully this will help you sort my problem out. This is exactly what happens to make my game crash: I will be on my character and go into combat mode. After selecting a target I click to cast my 1st spell as a mage, the one is No.1 slot. The spell charges, and everything is still fine. But as soon as the spell hits the target, they disappear and the game freezes, causing me to have to end it in the processes tab on 'Task Manager' I copied what i had found in my error log to a post a while ago. I think that may have to be ignored. My friend - who has absolutely no trouble playing the game - has checked his error log and found the exact same error. Just to add - again hoping this helps - sometimes the spell can hit perfectly and it will not freeze. The longest rally i've been able to cast is 3 spells, but it still freezes at exactly the same point - on impact. I'm still not sure what exactly it is that makes it freeze, but please, some help would be fantastic.

My friend has looked to see if he has the files that i requested, and he doesn't, so that is definitely not the fix I was hoping it was.

01-10-2011, 08:38 PM
Um... I'm out of ideas... I suppose you don't have problem with any other game?

01-10-2011, 09:25 PM
Not sure if your vid card is integrated...

If your vid card is in its own slot, uninstall it and remove it from computer. After that, the integrated vid card your computer came with should kick in and work. (download any drivers you may need)

Now, try to play the game. It will obviously not work as well but that is not the point. Try to do the same thing as before and see if it crashes.

If it don't crash, then something wrong with your vid card.

If it still crashes, then umm. I'm out of ideas too.

P.S. I'm not a computer tech, so take my advice at your own risk! lol

01-11-2011, 02:11 AM
OK Guys here's the update on the situation:

The bug is still happening. I attack those spiders with a spell and my game DOES freeze. But because i was so tired of killing spiders, i decided to walk further into the game. The spiders at the start are the ONLY things that make my computer freeze. Once i completed that quest I was able to play the game without many further freezes. It still happens occasionally but only every 30 minutes or so, it's not too bad.

Thus far, i haven't found any other creatures which make me freeze as often as those spiders do at spawn. Something weird was going on, but atleast i can still play without many hitches further into the game.

Thanks alot for all the responses, I really am sorry to have not gone further, though i think i did what most of you would. I really appreciate the help.

So to address anyone else with this problem: Finish the spider quest. The game WILL freeze a few times, but once that is done, you can play the rest of the game without many freezes.

Thanks again.


01-11-2011, 07:07 AM
I'm glad you got it going :)
Welcome to Ignis (I suppose) xD