View Full Version : Tried to buy Ximerin but PayPal Window not loading

03-02-2011, 05:38 AM
I tried several times and the PayPal window (that has all the fields to fill out to put the payment through) came up as a blank white window with nothing in it, and wouldn't go anywhere. I waited and waited but the payment fields would not load.

After 5 or 6 attempts to get it to load, I got locked out.

I am on LinuxMint9 and was using Firefox browser, I think I could try another browser, like Epiphany or Midori, but now I'm locked out.

I get something like:

"For security reasons, due to too many attempts to log into payment options, this account has been locked for a day. Please try again tomorrow."

What frustrates me is chances are this "lockout" won't end until the Ximerin bonus is over.

Is there anything I can do? I already submitted a ticket (NGF-904709) but I don't think it will be addressed until the bonus is over.


03-02-2011, 01:12 PM
I tried several times and the PayPal window (that has all the fields to fill out to put the payment through) came up as a blank white window with nothing in it, and wouldn't go anywhere. I waited and waited but the payment fields would not load.

After 5 or 6 attempts to get it to load, I got locked out.

I am on LinuxMint9 and was using Firefox browser, I think I could try another browser, like Epiphany or Midori, but now I'm locked out.

I get something like:

"For security reasons, due to too many attempts to log into payment options, this account has been locked for a day. Please try again tomorrow."

What frustrates me is chances are this "lockout" won't end until the Ximerin bonus is over.

Is there anything I can do? I already submitted a ticket (NGF-904709) but I don't think it will be addressed until the bonus is over.


Contact paypal their customer service, they are ussualy quick at responses.
They might be able to help you out, or take a look at your account.

03-02-2011, 03:06 PM
You can also send a ticket in the "clients" section of our support area. Here is the address: www.regnumonline.com.ar/support.

Thank you.