View Full Version : Cant login to Horus, lost character Ra

03-04-2011, 05:27 AM
my sad story

i downloaded Regnum 5 days ago, installed, played Horus 3 days
then, couldnt log in to Horus, went to Ra
made a character in Ra, forgot type, made archer
re-made new character, mage
played ra for 1 day

then, couldn't log into Horus, stayed in ra, day 2, 50 hours total now, both servers, level 15 Horus, level 12 Ra.

then, tried to log into Ra, got into server, but character stalled at about 2/3 load, server disconnect... 20 times in a row over two days
so, i tried to create a new character, Ra... success.. level zero..!!!

then, I played my new zero for a hile, and tried to re-load my main character.
no luck, and the "disconnected, sorry".. "accept" button wouldnt get me out of the program, so I had to just shut down my CPU, and re-boot, "cold"

i dont like doing that often, because, eventually, my windows will corrupt if I don't shut down from the start menu in WinXP

so, needless to say, I think i'll wait a while before trying to play Regnum again.
oh, yes, and I also un-installed Regnum, and then re-installed...
THEN, Ra, which worked with my level zero character... STUCK in a black screen instead of opening the game, and i the top left corner it said, in very small letters....

downloading... 0%

so, i have no idea what i doing wrong here, but i cant risk having my WinXP total burn out, sorry.

see ya soon, maybe,
Lorja, Horus (unattainable, in-loggable)
Loraj, Ra (seems lot forever now)
Larja, Ra (level one, wndering around the first town)
Lorja, Ra (archer level zero, sanding near the first goblins, helping the guard)

yep, thats what happened.
so, I like the game, from what I saw...
what i dont enjoy is getting frustrated, at myself.

03-04-2011, 06:45 AM
Could it be a firewall issue?
See this thread: http://regnumonline.com.ar/forum/showthread.php?t=24771

03-04-2011, 08:03 AM
Also you could try to disable the "download all resources" option...