View Full Version : 2 Regnums one computer
03-21-2011, 11:56 PM
Anyone got this to work in Linux? I have Gentoo and thought about doing this instead of having to log out and in all the time on different accounts.
03-22-2011, 12:24 AM
A very misleading title, my friend.
03-22-2011, 06:22 AM
You need to have 2 installations in 2 different folders.
That way it seems as if the client cannot sense the other process.
03-22-2011, 11:07 AM
You need to have 2 installations in 2 different folders.
That way it seems as if the client cannot sense the other process.
it doesn't work for me.
Long time ago I run second process using wine+windows version.
Make new user. Copy RO in its homefolder. Start it from there. Start your own from your folder.
03-22-2011, 06:44 PM
You are not supposed to do this.
But anyway, does it work using different users? I never tried. It shouldn't work, due to UDP port conflicts.
03-22-2011, 07:07 PM
You are not supposed to do this.
But anyway, does it work using different users? I never tried. It shouldn't work, due to UDP port conflicts.
Sample it's works..but you need lots of RAM memory to run smooth and good VGA card.Maybe a last generation with 1 GHz gpu and A i3 or i7 with gpu includet.
Install in 2 diferent folders x 2 times Regnum.
In second one rename rolauncher executable for exmple as rolauncher2.
And for sure will run.
But as surak told is forbiden to use 2 clients to connected in same time.
03-22-2011, 07:14 PM
if all fails you can always run one from VM.
@surak: allow more than 6 characters per account + give a way to make 3 old accounts into a single one so you can use account stash instead of painfully logging 2 clients since new restrictions.
03-22-2011, 07:21 PM
@surak: allow more than 6 characters per account + give a way to make 3 old accounts into a single one so you can use account stash instead of painfully logging 2 clients since new restrictions.
+1, the only reason anyone would run multiple sessions of RO at once would be probably only because of storage space.
03-22-2011, 11:39 PM
There are programs that can do that :play_ball:
You are not supposed to do this.
But anyway, does it work using different users? I never tried. It shouldn't work, due to UDP port conflicts.
With described above, here it is:
Same you can do on Windows.
03-23-2011, 11:40 AM
Oh well.
As usual there's nothing we can do to prevent users to find a way to do whatever they want with the client :P
03-23-2011, 03:20 PM
well, client modifications should not harm your server/db, if it does theres some conceptual problems with data validation checks, but i guess you deal with that enough to get bad dreams of xD
However, theres lots of well documented and reported very annoying bugs still unfixed since min 6 months, they should be higher priority then preventing dual log which you could easily do with 2 pcs anyways!
03-23-2011, 04:22 PM
However, theres lots of well documented and reported very annoying bugs still unfixed since min 6 months, they should be higher priority then preventing dual log which you could easily do with 2 pcs anyways!
Totaly agree, there are much more important things to fix.
03-23-2011, 04:48 PM
well, client modifications should not harm your server/db, if it does theres some conceptual problems with data validation checks, but i guess you deal with that enough to get bad dreams of xD
However, theres lots of well documented and reported very annoying bugs still unfixed since min 6 months, they should be higher priority then preventing dual log which you could easily do with 2 pcs anyways!
I don't plan on fixing this... can't I come here to gently talk without being bashed about our long TODO list?
03-23-2011, 04:51 PM
I don't plan on fixing this... can't I come here to gently talk without being bashed about our long TODO list?
You should make a secondary forum account and troll your own forum. It would be awesome.
03-23-2011, 05:07 PM
I don't plan on fixing this... can't I come here to gently talk without being bashed about our long TODO list?
Sooorrryy, its hard to resist when theres a dev actually reading and responding to things. I doubt its easy for you guys especially since your todo list seems to become longer every update. Its just, your users build up lots of frustration when they dont know whats going on.
Ill shut up, luv ya, dont flee <3
We could talk about girls from argentina instead? Hows it goin? XD
03-23-2011, 07:46 PM
As a lil programmer I am, I think it's not difficult to check current process running and in this case, don't starts this one when already running. If you want some C/C++ codelines I can give you it, but give me some boosters to level up my chars ok ? :p
Anyway, google is a good friend too =)
03-23-2011, 09:53 PM
you cant so easily get into another users personal data, at least not on a serious os.
03-24-2011, 09:21 AM
There is a easy way,but this is kinda unfair,put the server to cheack if there are two connection from same IP,unfortunaly if there are hight networks like students campus will ban maybe 10 of ppl that play from same network.Maybe when RO will have enaught players....Another issue of this idea ,this will load server a bit...and wee have enaught isue with bad ping lag :)
Also this can be done from IPtables.If i am not wrong your server running on Debian so can be done :)
In Iptables will be something like this:
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport (your port here) -m connlimit --connlimit-above 3 -j REJECT --reject-with tcp-reset
I don't tested ... cose i use servers ISP so i accept all connections.
Dual login is disabled from one user, and that can be found in one of the changelogs in past (and it really works!). So Surak did there what he could. This is an another matter, 2 users running two own game processes. Almost like having two PCs. Or combo with vmware.
This isn't big problem at all IMO. First, it is hard playing dual logged. Second, RO is memory hungry sometimes, so even if you re fine with 1 client, 2 will make your playing bit unpleasant (or you decrease gfx settings or its slower).
1. I d love to see TODO list!
2. Recently servers aren't as "stable" as they were in the past (after patching). "Bigger" example is Ra & WM manual restart every 12h. I also noticed last night tons of resources are older bla bla. Anything drastically changed regarding servers?
03-24-2011, 11:53 AM
Dual logins works for me on the same user, just need to launch from a different folder...
But well like surak said, it's not supposed to be allowed (and implies multi-accounting which is supposed to be forbidden)...
03-24-2011, 02:08 PM
Dual logins works for me on the same user, just need to launch from a different folder...
Iirc on linux that works, on windows it wont.
03-24-2011, 02:39 PM
2. Recently servers aren't as "stable" as they were in the past (after patching). "Bigger" example is Ra & WM manual restart every 12h. I also noticed last night tons of resources are older bla bla. Anything drastically changed regarding servers?
This was fixed a week ago. How come nobody notices stuff like this :'(
As always people remember and notice bad and disturbing things. Good things are left unnoticed sadly. Keep site more active maybe, so users will notice things are moving and will be more calm. They will maybe not understand what "fixing a couple of memory leaks" means, but if it is writed as - "server stability improved" will make them happy.
Keep us informed we will always appreciate. :clapping5365:
This was fixed a week ago. How come nobody notices stuff like this :'(
Aww, no sad!
I noticed that it was fixed right after your return from USA (or somewhere around it-couldnt find the date of announcement). For that Ra case, it was probably that someone made a mess in your absence. :rale:
Till you re around, I think we (players and servers) are safe. From the all devs on that big credits list, I find only you friendly enough with community, helpful and really dedicated in fixing stuff (just a few examples: Linux client bug, fast fix of corrupted hat(...)).
So, here s a :drinks: for you! Thanks for the all work. :thumb:
See? We players might are annoying sometimes, but we :wub2: you (even if we hijack thread while doing so; pardon to thread starter).
Keep communicating with us!
As i stay at both sides of the barricade i know how it feels. At work Soft Developer / Oracle DBA, here player. Keep up the great work Surak, we are maybe a "little" whiny, but we are really really happy with things you do.
If you come to Bulgaria or Eastern Europe we will get you drunk for sure. xD
03-24-2011, 06:43 PM
If you come to Bulgaria or Eastern Europe we will get you drunk for sure. xD
hopefully he will talk about the TODO list then :P
(and implies multi-accounting which is supposed to be forbidden)
this! i dont think its right to write "every person is only allowed to have one account" bs in the terms of use if not even the company in question cares about the TOU and actually helps multi-accounting players. but well, what do i know. :P
03-25-2011, 02:20 PM
You are not supposed to do this.
But anyway, does it work using different users? I never tried. It shouldn't work, due to UDP port conflicts.
Unfortunately it works.
Just run Regnum, and with a 2nd acc (oO), right click the same RO-symbol and choose "run as a different user".
But there is little sense in it ;D
P.S. surak <3
04-06-2011, 03:42 PM
Why Isn't supposed we can log into two characters at the same time in the same computer? An example is Lineage. When you level up there, you can log on into your Conjurer or Buffer (I don't really remember the name of the Subclass) and You can buff yourself and Level the other in Very-High Level areas.
An example I saw: When I got to enter a really god Clan in l2, The founder teleport us (only max lvl and certain ppl could do that) to out of boundaries part's of map to level in +8 party's - When 8+ people, buffers could give more buff and stuff like it. So, we were 3-4 leveling, and 5 afk's in one part of the map only giving more strength to the buff's.
I understand Surakor here in Regnum there's no advantage using more than 1 PJ, in other games there is, and there's no penalty for it. But you can add it to your TODO list expansions, or anyways only for leveling you can at least permit +2 accounts in one computer. Cause as you should know, anyway a person who doesn't know how to enter to the game with two clients, can do it with two computers.
And as you also should know, Is that mostly ALL people have 2 or more accounts.
It's an advice, and Regnum has a great way on to go. Great future, and is a great game.
We love ya' Surakor <3
Keep it on :) - And as you said: user always find it's way to do what they wan't to do.
On pc everything is possible. Theres a hack for everything, there's always a way to break firewalls ;)
04-11-2011, 02:16 PM
06-14-2011, 08:38 AM
don't think that would be possible for me, would help a lot to get to 60 tough.
but my pc is kinda old and i'm even lagging on safe mode, i don't want to know what would happen if i play 2 Ro's at once.
06-15-2011, 08:32 AM
You are not supposed to do this.
Can someone direct me to a page or document where it states as a user agreement that making a copy of the game folder is not allowed?
I can not see how this can be an issue since NGD will make more income since most users who might run multiple ROs do buy XIM for each account.
And if it is not allowed for someone to run multiple ROs on the same machine then how come people who have multiple computers can run multiple accounts and there is no way to trace it to one user.
06-23-2011, 10:53 PM
Can someone direct me to a page or document where it states as a user agreement that making a copy of the game folder is not allowed?
I can not see how this can be an issue since NGD will make more income since most users who might run multiple ROs do buy XIM for each account.
And if it is not allowed for someone to run multiple ROs on the same machine then how come people who have multiple computers can run multiple accounts and there is no way to trace it to one user.
I didn't see this as an issue either. The only reason I do it is to buff and heal myself while grinding. Sometimes I just like to be alone and other times I like a group.
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