View Full Version : Karma Effecting Gameplay

04-07-2011, 01:17 PM
Daily many of us are insulting each other. Later in combat situations we let each other die and brag about it. Healer let people stay dead and say let them learn a lesson about leaving fort. Small simple concepts that negativity is retained by players and hindering gameplay.

The game is not fun because the players are not positive.

Negative players push away potential new players. This was witnessed by some of us as we watched seasoned players giving false information to new players on purpose. Then these seasoned players laughed at the new players demise. The new players logged off.

Positive players (yes there are a few) attempt to retain the balance. Positive players give helpful truthful advice about the game and assist with quests. Positive players sacrifice themselves to keep others alive in war.

What are you?

04-07-2011, 02:06 PM
The game is not fun because the players are not positive.


04-07-2011, 06:26 PM
I'd like to think i'm a seasoned player (tho still play like a noob) but whenever i go into the realm i always respond to questions from new players and help people complete quests. a few weeks ago i even got talking to a really nice aussie guy called "Noonga" he was only lvl 20 and wanted to see the war zone so i took him for a run around to see all the good spots and hopefully get a few hits in on a kill or two.

Since then hes really levelled up fast and i've always helped him when he pm's me to ask for help with a quest hes doing, i've taken him on a couple of war zone tours now and hes grinding his ass off to go into the wz on his own.

I really feel its things like this that makes a realm grow stronger so i am more than happy to go out of my way to help a lower level guy/girl (new player) cos lets remember one thing.......one day they will be fighting alongside you and they may be the one that saves your ass!

04-07-2011, 06:38 PM
Healer let people stay dead and say let them learn a lesson about leaving fort.

If you die repeatedly because you chase enemies too far from the fort, and have been told not to, then why should a healer risk their neck to waste a rez on you?

04-07-2011, 06:43 PM
"If you die repeatedly because you chase enemies too far from the fort"

Agreed - ppl will give u a break for a bit, but if u play like a PT ppl arnt going to rez u...:play_ball: