View Full Version : Sound crashing the game

06-08-2007, 11:55 PM
I started a new thread since the problem changed and with the hopes of someone helping me ;)

If sound/music are turned on, the game crashes just after I click "Play". If I try to turn the sound on inside the game, it will crash to desktop also. No message is given, though I've submitted the crash log though the client interface etc. I can play now, but without sound :mad:

From log.txt
[ResourceManager][resource_manager.cpp(278)] memory retriever is ready
[ResourceManager][resource_manager.cpp(278)] disk retriever is ready
[ResourceManager][resource_manager.cpp(278)] http retriever is ready
[ResourceListManager][resource_list_manager.cpp(311)] Got resource list: 10687 resources available

As far as I see in other threads, the next line should be OpenAL initializing, but it crashes in that very moment. I checked my OpenAL and it's the one that Regnum installed. I tried with a newer version also, from openal.org website, with same results.

System is Win2000 Pro Sp4 with SB Live! (also tried to set my onboard nVidia sound as default but the effect was the same).

06-09-2007, 01:37 AM
Ok so I helped myself again. If anyone encounters anything like this, here's what I did after reading about how OpenAL works on their website:

installed the new Win32 OpenAL from openal.org
inside \winnt\system32 I deleted OpenAL32.dll
then I renamed wrap_oal.dll to OpenAL32.dll

I have no idea what I did exactly and why, but it works :rolleyes2:
this is rather weird though

06-12-2007, 12:18 PM
i had the same problem (http://www.regnumonline.com.ar/forum/showthread.php?t=7462) and installing the openAL from openal.org (instead of RO's one) solved the problem.

it's weird but i have a SB live 5.1 too (and switching to on board audio didn't work either)...

06-12-2007, 12:21 PM
That's odd. Regnum installs the same OpenAL from openal.org :S Maybe it's outdated. I'll check it.
