View Full Version : info to Goats and Gelfs

07-20-2011, 01:58 AM

On this map i have marked out some stuff for both Goats and Gelfs.

The yellow arrows are pointing towards bridges, if you are using these you will get to eachothers lands. Thats right you dont have to run over to Ignis forts all the time!

After a long search i have located the forts of the opposite realm for ya guys. Green colour are for Gelfs and blue for Goats, the realms does have two forts and one castle each, belive it or not but these buildings can be capped too?!

If you press the letter M on your keyboard ingame you will see the locations of these buildings, would be cool if you guys paid them a visit once in awhile.

07-20-2011, 02:10 AM
we just opened the portal, invading alsius and taking both gems.
Relax we chose more xp so you will level better in your wz ^^

07-20-2011, 04:10 AM
stupid discussion
you are happy now?we opened the portal xD xD xD sux

07-20-2011, 04:57 AM
stupid discussion

Nope, the most stupid thing is, 95% of time Goats and Gelfs attack and keeping under pressure only Ignis forts. Why there is 3 realms, when the game goes 2 vs 1? Thanks a lot to SirHiss, maybe now Goats and Gelfs will try to play against each other.

But what i'm thinking... you'll never try to challenge each other, because Alsius and Syrtis players see Regnum Map like this:


07-20-2011, 05:07 AM
ignis wanting to be the best, you guys made ​​the game so invading Every night, then play all against ignis

still a stupid discussion

07-20-2011, 05:09 AM
aaaaaah and alsius was devastated xD

07-20-2011, 05:44 AM
Dont forget one thing ... ignis is underpopulated and still 2 most populated realms NEED to play together to do something ... how to find word for that .... mybe Pathetic will be ... desperate ..

07-20-2011, 05:51 AM
ignis is underpopulated? stop lying _|_

07-20-2011, 05:56 AM
Nope, the most stupid thing is, 95% of time Goats and Gelfs attack and keeping under pressure only Ignis forts. Why there is 3 realms, when the game goes 2 vs 1? Thanks a lot to SirHiss, maybe now Goats and Gelfs will try to play against each other.

But what i'm thinking... you'll never try to challenge each other, because Alsius and Syrtis players see Regnum Map like this:


west vs east like always :D

07-20-2011, 07:14 AM
Cant wait for Ignis to be devastated. :)

07-20-2011, 07:57 AM
This often happens, it wasn't long ago that Ignis and Syrtis were constantly sitting in Alsius forts all day.

07-20-2011, 10:46 AM
The goats have good alcohol on offer and I prefer my holidays some where warm.

07-20-2011, 07:14 PM
You cant really call Ignis underpopulated, but now we do have the least amount of players. I remember the time when Ignis and Syrtis did the same thing to Alsius BUT we did not team up(ofc a few will always do)

during the last invasion on ignis we had goats/gelfs openly teaming up against us at gate, and not 3-4, we had groups of maybe 10-12 goats/gelfs fighting side by side while the 40 goats inside gate were playing around with our gems. Its only 2 realms out there fighting against eachother, not 3.

07-20-2011, 08:26 PM
Its only 2 realms out there fighting against eachother, not 3.

Right up until the moment those two realms each have something the other wants.

99% of the time if you see realms working together to take a realms gate down, you'll see them killing each other 10 mins later when people are trying to capture the gems.

Its an 'alliance' of convenience, not a conspiracy to get back at Ignis for whatever injustice whatever player feels they're been dealt in the past.

07-20-2011, 08:33 PM
I see nothing wrong in this. It is war game, so rules agree with it. 1v1, 2v1 it is still ok. Drama, drama, drama...

07-20-2011, 10:10 PM
Dont forget one thing ... ignis is underpopulated and still 2 most populated realms NEED to play together to do something ... how to find word for that .... mybe Pathetic will be ... desperate ..

Errrmm..we talk about Horus...in pretty damn sure you are not!

07-22-2011, 06:21 AM
Errrmm..we talk about Horus...in pretty damn sure you are not!

O yes I am talking about horus ... i da za torcidu ... jesli ti to popusi damipl ? izgledalo je tako .. tj vecina ljudi tako rekla

07-22-2011, 08:22 AM
And ignis never work 2 getter with a other realm ofc not.....

07-22-2011, 09:18 AM
Another useless discussion :D, Alsius was devestated what must we do? Kill Goats --> Useless. Kill Pigs --> Yep, so what choice do we have uhm wait let's see, ah... None, NGD made it useless for us to take over Forts of an Devestated Realm. That makes people need to go 2v1, and Ignis isn't underpopulated, I've seen fair fights with Ignis a lot, Alsius is the underdog, so don't try to pretend you're so damn underpopulated and you can't fight us because it's 2 vs 1 players at fort wars!


07-22-2011, 06:13 PM
Fighting Alsius isn't pointless, it just won't give you Rps and Quests... The game isn't just about that, right ? Too bad, many ppl don't fight just for fun in Regnum...

About being underpopulated, when I log on, we're often few, and even when we have lots on, most of the time half don't come to help us... But it may depends of time zones, i can't really tell. Yes, we're not really uderpopulated, but we're less than others realms, at least during the day.

Actually, i see Alsius and Syrtis always on us, but i'm not really complaining about that, because, as said Umaril, we did the same when Alsius was really underpopulated.
Farming weak realms is popular because it's easy, fun for those who do it (not for all, but for most of them), and it gives you lots of rps...

07-22-2011, 06:37 PM
I'm not fighting for rps or whatever other case than fun, but if the rest doesn't want to fight, I can't fight at forts as well. It's simple as that.

07-26-2011, 11:17 AM

On this map i have marked out some stuff for both Goats and Gelfs.

You got it all wrong. Menirah is Alsirian turf. You can tell from the rich grass growing around it that the area is meant to be grazed by goats.
It's not sand, duh!

Now go away! Shoo! Shoo!

07-26-2011, 01:38 PM
You got it all wrong. Menirah is Alsirian turf. You can tell from the rich grass growing around it that the area is meant to be grazed by goats.
It's not sand, duh!

Now go away! Shoo! Shoo!

^ Its true, too bad they haven't figured they can go to a fort other than Menirah, I mean, the Syrtis ones have some grass...

07-27-2011, 09:10 PM
Girls girls girls. We all know that on all servers, alsius is allied with syrtis, and syrtis is allied with ignis, and ignis is allied with alsius.
Why deny the fact.

Another fact is that on horus only 3 people is playing alsius. 1 of them is gallus, dont know the other 2 but everyone else are alts from another realm.

But the thread was funny. I really liked the map Hiss made.

07-28-2011, 06:14 AM
You got it all wrong. Menirah is Alsirian turf. You can tell from the rich grass growing around it that the area is meant to be grazed by goats.
It's not sand, duh!

Now go away! Shoo! Shoo!

This may be true..but did you know that one day the Gelfs took Meni and hell froze over, litteraly, at Imperia..under all that snow is sand... IGNIS SAND!! Mwahahahahha