View Full Version : Hey there :)
07-24-2011, 07:23 PM
As a lot of you may know, I haven't played the game in over 2 years so I'm interested if someone (or more of you) can sum up most notable changes and if the game is worth playing again from level 1. :P
I'd really appreciate it because from tomorrow I'm done with college until September and I've nothing else to do so I remembered Regnum and fun times I spent here. :)
Edit: I'm also interested in who's still playing the game of old Horus (any realm) people (like biwie, anpu, healer, gay greek duo, bulgarians, etc).
07-24-2011, 07:39 PM
Well, there are new saves, and here ( you can see how much we like them. And there are warmasters, still crappy balance, but maybe Regnum will be worth playing again after a balance update + old saves. Welcome back anyway :P
Ps: lol @ gay greek duo xD
07-24-2011, 07:41 PM
Well, there are new saves, and here ( you can see how much we like them. And there are warmasters, still crappy balance, but maybe Regnum will be worth playing again after a balance update + old saves. Welcome back anyway :P
Ps: lol @ gay greek duo xD
Thanks ;P & when's the balance update + old saves scheduled for? :)
07-24-2011, 07:46 PM
Old saves aren't scheduled at all -.-' But there has never been a change in the history of Regnum that was wanted by so many players. I've still got some hope left. :P
And for the balance update... Well, we just had stage 1. Kind of. I expect Chilkos next thread by the end of the week, but there are many stages, could even be more than 2 months.
07-24-2011, 07:55 PM
Old saves aren't scheduled at all -.-' But there has never been a change in the history of Regnum that was wanted by so many players. I've still got some hope left. :P
And for the balance update... Well, we just had stage 1. Kind of. I expect Chilkos next thread by the end of the week, but there are many stages, could even be more than 2 months.
hmmpf ok :S how about servers? did regnum finally grow over these two years or is it still same old small community? i've seen ngd add raven and that brasilian server so i'm guessin it's gettin crowded on ra & horus (at least I hope so)
07-24-2011, 08:03 PM
Raven is very new, but seems to be doing well so far.
The Brasil server isn't live yet, though I think Nemon (French) was released after you left.
Ra I can't comment.
Horus was doing pretty well, not as much growth as you'd hope for in two years though, and the current save system was basically put fort war into a coma 23 hours a day.
By the time you grind to a war like level I'd hope things have improved, but that's your gamble :)
07-24-2011, 08:42 PM
But there has never been a change in the history of Regnum that was wanted by so many players.
Agree. Even fatigue was far better than those new saves.
if the game is worth playing again from level 1. :P
No. Even from level 50, it's not worth to play it anymore, unless an unexpected and not too late fix about saves.
Edit: I'm also interested in who's still playing the game of old Horus (any realm) people (like biwie (no), anpu (yes), healer, gay greek duo (yes), bulgarians, etc).
Those in (yes), only from time to time. But you have to be logged on 24/7 to get few hopes to meet them IG. Even ieti has quit cause of saves and I haven't seen stooge for a long time.
07-24-2011, 08:45 PM
mmmh nice, so no one to play with :D and as it seems so far no incentive to even level all over again :D
07-24-2011, 08:47 PM
I haven't seen stooge for a long time.
He quit and sold his account. True story. Really. No, Really. Really really. No joke.
07-24-2011, 09:03 PM
Arg. Even our first warmaster, winner of Alienware tournament ( (only available for the most addictive players who play 24/7) went away.
Bad story for Regnum.
NC <3
I m still around, like 1-3 times a week. Game (@Horus) became much boring than earlier, thanks to the couple of factors like lame playing styles, WM change and new save system.
But since you re starting from level 1, till you reach high enough level for war zone, stuff might change (or to be precise, some good update might kick in).
Poke me on IRC if you need support
07-25-2011, 07:48 AM
oh shit u are back? wb bro. like Nel said - i dont play that much anymore. since i became WM more and more ppl leavin.. CONSPIRACY(like they were waiting for me to reach wm meh).
still thinking of buying a some acc for Korean OB of Tera oO (if u know any chinese guy with a vaild chinese social id, let me know) release will be end of 2011 (i hope)
cant wait for gw2 either hehe - RO just became too boring for me lately :/
hope to see u at irc some time! gimme a call there. take care
p.s irc-nick still Heal (online) heal (bnc-offline)
07-25-2011, 12:12 PM
NC - just scroll a marx (lvl 45) run around and kill everything in site... That should be fun for a bit then sell ur account again :play_ball:
07-25-2011, 01:50 PM
NC <3
I m still around, like 1-3 times a week. Game (@Horus) became much boring than earlier, thanks to the couple of factors like lame playing styles, WM change and new save system.
D'oh... you really want people to come back D:
If Noobchill is coming back, I'll do so aswell :clapclap: (my last exam is tomorrow, yey).
07-25-2011, 02:13 PM
ye ill grind from lvl1 probably since i lost my acc password (and pass to mail which has recovery for nc) so... :D
07-25-2011, 02:28 PM
3-4 (maybe more?) of the best players going to play regularly again? :o
maybe you can take your respective realms to arena and teach them how to play, including taking some risks sometimes ^^
Marks won't ever go near a barb humping a tree cause its a high risk of losing the fight (can't have that)
Barb, knight and lock won't fight a marks without being able to hump a tree cause its a high risk of losing the fight if they can't (can't have that)
I could keep going on about how people play nowadays and how it ruins the game >.<
07-25-2011, 02:35 PM
"Barb, knight and lock won't fight a marks without being able to hump a tree cause its a high risk of losing the fight if they can't (can't have that)"
High risk? LOL nobody wants to look stupid on one of ur vids!!! :play_ball:
07-25-2011, 03:15 PM
3-4 (maybe more?) of the best players going to play regularly again? :o
maybe you can take your respective realms to arena and teach them how to play, including taking some risks sometimes ^^
Marks won't ever go near a barb humping a tree cause its a high risk of losing the fight (can't have that)
Barb, knight and lock won't fight a marks without being able to hump a tree cause its a high risk of losing the fight if they can't (can't have that)
I could keep going on about how people play nowadays and how it ruins the game >.<
Agreed on all, except knights, you know just aswell knights will just die by any non retarded marks xD
07-25-2011, 04:00 PM
I'm afraid this has become the official suck up thread.
07-25-2011, 04:03 PM
hmmpf.. btw is syrtis still the best realm? :)
Pfff nice to see you njubaro! xD
hmmpf.. btw is syrtis still the best realm? :)
Yup we re still the best.. in splitting.
Yup we re still the best.. in splitting.
NO Ignis beats syrtis in splitiing forces xD
07-25-2011, 05:45 PM
3-4 (maybe more?) of the best players going to play regularly again? :o
maybe you can take your respective realms to arena and teach them how to play, including taking some risks sometimes ^^
Marks won't ever go near a barb humping a tree cause its a high risk of losing the fight (can't have that)
Barb, knight and lock won't fight a marks without being able to hump a tree cause its a high risk of losing the fight if they can't (can't have that)
I could keep going on about how people play nowadays and how it ruins the game >.<
Well with the current ''balance'' there is simply NO WAY a lock can beat a skilled marks in open field so we kinda are forced to use trees for our own safety :)
07-25-2011, 05:47 PM
hmmpf.. btw is syrtis still the best realm? :)
No ATM there are simply to few players on Horus to have a ''best realm'' XD yeah its so bad no joke..
07-25-2011, 05:49 PM
Well with the current ''balance'' there is simply NO WAY a lock can beat a skilled marks in open field so we kinda are forced to use trees for our own safety :)
lololol skilled marks xD
There are probably ~20 skilled marks on horus.
07-25-2011, 05:50 PM
Agreed on all, except knights, you know just aswell knights will just die by any non retarded marks xD
Very few non retarded marks that even play horus.
07-25-2011, 05:50 PM
"Barb, knight and lock won't fight a marks without being able to hump a tree cause its a high risk of losing the fight if they can't (can't have that)"
High risk? LOL nobody wants to look stupid on one of ur vids!!! :play_ball:
I rarely ever play/record horus. When I do play I am either on a knight or lvl 29 conj.
07-25-2011, 09:09 PM
Pfff nice to see you njubaro! xD
ojo team njubari :D
@anpu haha some things never change :D
well dno.. need to find stooge to level my char in few days to 60 :DDDDDD dont wanna wait before i can jump into action :D
edit: btw znurre is being very mean telling me i shouldn't bother with ro :/
07-25-2011, 10:13 PM
I'll be blunt.
I have no idea who you are but I'm assuming you're one of the oh so revered veterans of RO, so welcome back either way.
*rubs brow*
You ask about the community in RO - Horus to be pedantic - I don't quite know where to begin.
I've only played approximately five months, having played previously during the beta until level 21, then moved on.
I may be fairly fresh to the game but I can say having six years of prior experience in other MMO communities that to ask if a community has "Improved" is a naive question (No offense intended).
A community in short, does not improve.
I cannot say beforehand how it may have been but these days, we have the expected levels of varying negative and positive personalities amongst this community.
You will find a myriad of people that collectively form this community, you cannot judge it in its entirety as with any community - as doing so is unfair and often ignorant.
There are clans of willing and helpful players just looking for a good way to entertain themselves, those who cooperate and plan, those who sit about and chat with others, those who just grind repeatedly day in day out and those who horde items to sell to others in exchange for other items willingly.
Then of course you will find the trolls, the pessimists, the ones who complain and scorn others because they find it easier to fault others than themselves, those who are of short temper, the ones that disgrace our realm and make us look bad, and of course the plain old noobs.
I find that the key to thriving in a community and enjoying yourself is to make sure you're with the right people.
I touch only lightly upon the subject of RO and its current state.
RO is a game, games are not perfect nor should we expect them to be.
I myself find enjoyment in the game still no matter its faults, what else can I say?
To list the negatives and the positives of RO in depth would fill a book and I'm trying to keep this as concise as possible for you.
Yes, RO is still lots of fun if you are a reasonable sort of person and know where to look and yes it still has its flaws - new and old.
As for the community, it is no different than any other - the community is a community.
I hope this has cleared a few things up for you and once again - Welcome back. :hat:
07-25-2011, 10:37 PM
07-25-2011, 10:56 PM
lololol skilled marks xD
There are probably ~20 skilled marks on horus.
20 people? Dude thats like the entire Horus community xD
07-26-2011, 03:31 PM
@isaacrulzrs2 basically, what im interested in - did the community grow bigger finally or still same 50 players playin day and night.
07-27-2011, 09:45 AM
well, positive thing: found pass for nightchill, bad thing: whole friend list in red :/
edit, another bad thing, just spent quite some time in the wz, saw ~4 ssyrtis players, ~2 ignis players and ~4alsius :D kinda disappointing... not to mention the alsisus warlock canine (challenging rating) that needed 3 more realm mates to take me out.
anyway... around what time is there actually people on horus, if ever? i dont feel like wasting my time running around the wz alone hoping to find someone to fight against... and even when i do find someone like that, it's usually 3 of their friends invited to the fight as well.
07-27-2011, 12:04 PM
Eh yeah, that's what everyone was trying to tell you. :P
07-27-2011, 12:44 PM
well, positive thing: found pass for nightchill, bad thing: whole friend list in red :/
edit, another bad thing, just spent quite some time in the wz, saw ~4 ssyrtis players, ~2 ignis players and ~4alsius :D kinda disappointing... not to mention the alsisus warlock canine (challenging rating) that needed 3 more realm mates to take me out.
anyway... around what time is there actually people on horus, if ever? i dont feel like wasting my time running around the wz alone hoping to find someone to fight against... and even when i do find someone like that, it's usually 3 of their friends invited to the fight as well.
12pmish east coast (U.S.) time is when more action starts
07-27-2011, 06:35 PM
12pmish east coast (U.S.) time is when more action starts
gawd... ok i'll pop up then.
07-28-2011, 06:28 AM
well, positive thing: found pass for nightchill, bad thing: whole friend list in red :/
edit, another bad thing, just spent quite some time in the wz, saw ~4 ssyrtis players, ~2 ignis players and ~4alsius :D kinda disappointing... not to mention the alsisus warlock canine (challenging rating) that needed 3 more realm mates to take me out.
Were we those Two Ignis? XD
Nice to see you back man!
And the others said, come on a bit later and you will still see this...
Gelf zerg to kill 2 ignis :P
Anyway, welcome back !
07-28-2011, 02:05 PM
Were we those Two Ignis? XD
Nice to see you back man!
And the others said, come on a bit later and you will still see this...
Gelf zerg to kill 2 ignis :P
Anyway, welcome back !
ye u were, i was kinda afkish in wz, dyin of boredom and before i realised it i was attacked :/ but mmm, i like the new forts, just have no idea why they have to be so huge...
07-28-2011, 02:25 PM
ye u were, i was kinda afkish in wz, dyin of boredom and before i realised it i was attacked :/ but mmm, i like the new forts, just have no idea why they have to be so huge...
Because of the huge popul...... oh wait, that's Horus!
Seriously, it kinda saddens me that the server is kinda empty :(
07-28-2011, 02:41 PM
Because of the huge popul...... oh wait, that's Horus!
Seriously, it kinda saddens me that the server is kinda empty :(
Only thing that saddens me is 2-3 years of Horus and nothing has been done to populate it. It's actually completely opposite, the addition of local servers, like French or American ones are just taking away from Horus, and neither server is nowhere near full. I've no idea what genius is behind these decisions, but they're completely awful.
07-29-2011, 09:30 PM
Only thing that saddens me is 2-3 years of Horus and nothing has been done to populate it. It's actually completely opposite, the addition of local servers, like French or American ones are just taking away from Horus, and neither server is nowhere near full. I've no idea what genius is behind these decisions, but they're completely awful.
It's not just that, NGD implemented alot of terrible, terrible changes to the game in the last year or so and along with that, the were many severe bugs (such as having your forts stuck under enemy control for an entire week) which all adds up. Little by little, players were bombarded with one thing after another until Horus eventually dried up. Raven was certainly a harsh blow, especially how they hid it from us, but I would say that severe game bugs and issues contributed more.
I don't know about other players but my personal opinion isn't that I wanted to leave, but I was forced to leave, because I can tell you right now that if I logged in, I would spend 4-5 hours running around, doing absolutely nothing, and maybe get 10 RPs from some lowbie who hasn't learned the state of the game yet and thus hasn't memorized the location of his log off button. That's the "gameplay" from my point of view, and why almost everyone else that I ever knew in the game, moved on to other games. But you can decide for yourself whether to continue to playing or not, you'll have plenty of time to think about it in that +8 million XP you have to grind to go from 50 to 60. :p
There are many good things, such as an easier early levelling curve, expanded content, etc. But all of it came as part of a mixed package.
07-30-2011, 01:03 PM
I don't know about other players but my personal opinion isn't that I wanted to leave, but I was forced to leave
And this
I do not care anymore. Got really tired of waiting to see "that" update which will make RO fun again.
I do not care anymore. Got really tired of waiting to see "that" update which will make RO fun again.
I'm still waiting for it. :/
Same here
same ... sigh.
I do not care anymore. Got really tired of waiting to see "that" update which will make RO fun again.
I don't care anymore. Got really tired of waiting to see "that" update which will make RO fun again.
This sums up everything.
I have no idea how you can make so many bad moves one after another. I'm kinda still holding out to see if THIS next balance update will be the one, if its not, I'm not waiting a year for the next one.
08-04-2011, 09:24 PM
horus fails.. 15 syrtis chasin around groups of 2-3 ignis max. rinse, repeat - for over an hour.
08-04-2011, 09:38 PM
no in fact it's sad. :ohill:
And still not a single reply on any thread about saves.
08-10-2011, 08:13 PM
savecamping is fun again, need to contact biwie haha :D
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