View Full Version : New video

10-26-2011, 02:02 AM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOlIhnkS-WI&feature=youtube_gdata new solo hunting video hope you like it now..

10-26-2011, 02:54 AM
My Clan.......must be avenged.... YOU SHALL DIE:viking:

Anyway, not bad, u dirty lock. I look forward to killing u.

10-26-2011, 04:21 AM
Love to see how marksmans fail in PvP :D

10-26-2011, 05:31 AM

10-26-2011, 06:12 AM
You so far from the camera, I did not see or understand any of the video. so I did not like

My greetings

10-26-2011, 07:05 AM
Love to see how marksmans fail in PvP :D

Well he killed me alot. But i killed also him alot. He is a good warl. Anyway this is now ur best vid :)

10-26-2011, 07:48 AM
Ye he is good, lol, but, he edited out the 3 times he ran away and the 1 where he died, edit function is uber eh, lmao

10-26-2011, 08:09 AM
Ye he is good, lol, but, he edited out the 3 times he ran away and the 1 where he died, edit function is uber eh, lmao

Mass media makes things worse than he does ;)

10-26-2011, 08:32 AM
I R Hax was that mighty guy named TheMessenger right? --> whuahahaha

Nice vid, didnt look it all though too long :P

10-26-2011, 08:44 AM
Ye he is good, lol, but, he edited out the 3 times he ran away and the 1 where he died, edit function is uber eh, lmao

Who is youre character?

10-26-2011, 08:52 AM
I R Hax was that mighty guy named TheMessenger right? --> whuahahaha

Nice vid, didnt look it all though too long :P

Erm... i think that you're wrong :)

10-26-2011, 08:53 AM
No no Im quite sure, TheMessenger (Here I cum) Bought that acc Im sure! He pmd me to duel.

10-26-2011, 08:56 AM
Bonus for not actually fighting any grinders but at least half those featured aren't known for being particularly adept at playing.

10-26-2011, 08:56 AM
You so far from the camera, I did not see or understand any of the video. so I did not like

My greetings

Hey, you should make the screen bigger or watch in full screen


10-26-2011, 09:11 AM
Pretty good.
See, ppl go emo about locks who "can't kill a marks", well they sure can kill everything else, if not for marks lock would rule this middle earth, i mean wz.
Btw, i see u have sadistic servants but u hardly use it, it's good in combo with soul keeper and freeze, great agains barbs and other mana-eaters. (imo).

Poor guess :(

10-26-2011, 10:14 AM
Pretty good.
See, ppl go emo about locks who "can't kill a marks", well they sure can kill everything else, if not for marks lock would rule this middle earth, i mean wz.
Btw, i see u have sadistic servants but u hardly use it, it's good in combo with soul keeper and freeze, great agains barbs and other mana-eaters. (imo).

Poor guess :(

But I use SS quite often to be honest :O

10-26-2011, 10:15 AM
you ask who my chars are.
I ask where are the vids of you running away and of dying, oh thats right, it wouldnt look good for you would it, as for pvp, meh, i play for rvr, is that not what this game is about, and if you want to jerk off over your keyboard, dont log a secondary account to do it in syrtis, but ye you are uber, im a noob, who cares, certainly not me, oh and if you noticed, i gave up during the fight, again you are awesome, NOT :facepalm:

10-26-2011, 01:10 PM
No no Im quite sure, TheMessenger (Here I cum) Bought that acc Im sure! He pmd me to duel.

I had/have the account but I never play it. Alturian Marksman's cousin or something asked me if he could play it and I told him he could since I don't.

Sorry for tearing down your hopes that I would be on a video getting owned...

10-26-2011, 01:13 PM
Being Honest I dislike how you play dude, you are good skilled okay, but you show off too much sometimes and when you hunt with immortal fag it's quite unfair : Dist shot, you come from faraway, confuse 5, will domain, etc etc... I think there are better players around... at least that's my opinion, I guess u are one of the best if u play alone and fair... but till you keep kill grinders and mounted ppl with that other hunter, you are just like other players...

10-26-2011, 02:47 PM
you ask who my chars are.
I ask where are the vids of you running away and of dying, oh thats right, it wouldnt look good for you would it, as for pvp, meh, i play for rvr, is that not what this game is about, and if you want to jerk off over your keyboard, dont log a secondary account to do it in syrtis, but ye you are uber, im a noob, who cares, certainly not me, oh and if you noticed, i gave up during the fight, again you are awesome, NOT :facepalm:

Meh First I wanted to make a long comment where I would have burned you down to the ground but im not going to do, let me just say if you don't shut up Ill simply post 4 other fights where I own you... ( 2 of them knock of horse) So yeah..

10-26-2011, 02:58 PM
Being Honest I dislike how you play dude, you are good skilled okay, but you show off too much sometimes and when you hunt with immortal fag it's quite unfair : Dist shot, you come from faraway, confuse 5, will domain, etc etc... I think there are better players around... at least that's my opinion, I guess u are one of the best if u play alone and fair... but till you keep kill grinders and mounted ppl with that other hunter, you are just like other players...

+1 tenchars

10-26-2011, 05:36 PM
you ask who my chars are.
I ask where are the vids of you running away and of dying, oh thats right, it wouldnt look good for you would it, as for pvp, meh, i play for rvr, is that not what this game is about, and if you want to jerk off over your keyboard, dont log a secondary account to do it in syrtis, but ye you are uber, im a noob, who cares, certainly not me, oh and if you noticed, i gave up during the fight, again you are awesome, NOT :facepalm:

kick 5 monkeys can stfu ^^

10-26-2011, 08:05 PM
kick 5 monkeys can stfu ^^

Guess has a barb? He appearently does have 2 youtube accounts lol

10-26-2011, 08:05 PM
Guess has a barb? He appearently does have 2 youtube accounts lol

Who is Guess on forum?

He sucks in game

10-26-2011, 08:10 PM
Guess has a barb? He appearently does have 2 youtube accounts lol

nop it was to dip stick :D did u killed polamau in vid? then i understand Dip's frustration :D

10-26-2011, 08:12 PM
Oh and if you noticed, i gave up during the fight, again you are awesome, NOT :facepalm:

I think here he was reffering to the fight, (with Guess at arround 10.40 minutes) So to answer your question Messenger I think dipstick=Guess

10-26-2011, 08:17 PM
nop it was to dip stick :D did u killed polamau in vid? then i understand Dip's frustration :D

so wait dipstick is not Guess? Hmm why does he still hate on me then? =/

10-26-2011, 08:22 PM
Hmm why does he still hate on me then? =/
'cos everyone hates you :P Joking... kind of. Seems anyone that openly admits to enjoying pvp in ro gets baited by the trolls, loads of red karma and maybe even banned.

10-27-2011, 05:06 AM
Hey Lightning, what timezone u play, I cant find u vry often and thus i have hard time getting revenge lol. U a sneaky lockxD

10-27-2011, 06:31 AM
Threads always tend to go in this direction which is why I don't post videos.

In any case, #1, there is nothing wrong with someone running away, though if they do it too much it becomes kind of lame, as I don't respect people who don't take risks sometimes for the sake of a thrill on both sides. Playing it safe is not my recommended playing style, as it just turns the game into a frustrating chase/kite fest. But saying that someone sucks just because they left the playing field to regain their advantage is just nonsense.

#2, everyone dies sometimes, even in PvP, there is no one who wins every single time. Even if you win 90% of the time when alone, eventually you will run into a group that is too much, or get the wrong spell resisted, or have all of your mana drained at a bad time, or get a lag spike from your ISP, or a million other events and eventually you will lose, so don't say that someone sucks just because they died a few times, **it happens.

Lightning, honestly I think you had some good spell selection, and you've done really well at mastering your casting while turning and moving. But as I said the most interesting thing I found about the video was spell selection. unlike most warlocks, you don't rely entirely on dizzies and freezes to win, you still rely on them some but there are times when you are taking risks and using other spells and I think that is an interesting way to fight.

I find most PvP videos boring because they are either grinder killing, or people keeping huge range or always running away and coming back. While I do thing there is a time and place for that kind of thing, someone who does it all of the time is just a lamer who doesn't know the true meaning of battle. This video is not that - this video is a real example of someone "mixing it up". A good mix of kiting and standing your ground. If more people would play like this, they would have alot more fun.

10-27-2011, 11:13 AM
oh so thats the person i always see around cs. didnt know the forum name and char name (as i didnt bother reading it heh), nice vids btw, and as for some unfair fights around cs, i have to go help even if i don't feel like it, cuz you never seemed to bother anyone lol. least he never showed any fear about coming right back, and depsite pitiful mb on, he always dizzied of foze me, pretty sure the fights would have gone different if it was 1v1 though, as i notice sometime allies make some mistakes that could have cost them if not dispelled, or wasting a knock on me and such. they seem like a pretty good player, from a support conj point of view :P since i dont fight, i just watch them.

what recording prog u using..and what graphic settings?

as for themessenger = I R HAX, i dont think so, they talk totally different in my opinion, and like people said, they traded accounts.

Guess=Dispstick, IDK, i remember having fun pissing Guess off though. Boredom. They have no sense of humor.

10-27-2011, 11:35 AM
Who is Guess on forum?

He sucks in game

I suck, how do I suck, oh because I don't pvp, Well it is rvr after all

I take part in group fights, open field, fort, bridge, do I suck there?, maybe I do maybe I don't.

To put it plainly your opinions about my skill or lack of counts for nothing.

Guess has a barb? He appearently does have 2 youtube accounts lol

What, are you stalking me?

And for your info, 1 youtube account

oh so thats the person i always see around cs. didnt know the forum name and char name (as i didnt bother reading it heh), nice vids btw, and as for some unfair fights around cs, i have to go help even if i don't feel like it, cuz you never seemed to bother anyone lol. least he never showed any fear about coming right back, and depsite pitiful mb on, he always dizzied of foze me, pretty sure the fights would have gone different if it was 1v1 though, as i notice sometime allies make some mistakes that could have cost them if not dispelled, or wasting a knock on me and such. they seem like a pretty good player, from a support conj point of view :P since i dont fight, i just watch them.

what recording prog u using..and what graphic settings?

as for themessenger = I R HAX, i dont think so, they talk totally different in my opinion, and like people said, they traded accounts.

Guess=Dispstick, IDK, i remember having fun pissing Guess off though. Boredom. They have no sense of humor.

Win, She/He got it right.

so wait dipstick is not Guess? Hmm why does he still hate on me then? =/

Don't feel singled out, I hate everyone equally.

10-27-2011, 11:43 AM
Hey Lightning, what timezone u play, I cant find u vry often and thus i have hard time getting revenge lol. U a sneaky lockxD

Dutch timezone I think it is GMT +1 :P

what recording prog u using..and what graphic settings?

Fraps (hack) I could send it to you if you want and my graphics are all on lowest tough it is in shader model 3.0 I could run it on the highest settings possible but then i would have like 25-30 fps which isn't enough for me.

And bytheway Ty for all the positive feedback you guys! I appreciate it, Tough everyone except for Dipstick seemed to like it the video still has 4 thumbs down dip made 4 different youtube accounts? lol XD

10-27-2011, 11:57 AM
Seeing as you have said I gave you 4 thumbs down, you now have 5,:clapclap: wouldn't have bothered but, well, remember there are others who think your an @%*hole, so maybe it could have been them, and about making accounts to add thumbs down, wouldn't waste my time, and again I have only one youtube account, so, you have more vid of me, then go post it, what pissed me off, as I have said, is, you came to syrtis to gloat:facepalm3:, and you got a mouth full, whaa whaa whaa:rale:

10-27-2011, 12:27 PM
, you came to syrtis to gloat:facepalm3:,

I have friends there...

10-27-2011, 12:45 PM
I have friends there...

sure you do:D

10-27-2011, 12:59 PM
Nice vid light, I'm impressed!

10-27-2011, 01:49 PM
Although I like the movie I have 1 minor for you Lightning :P

-You should learn to respect and handle critisism

When someone says something bad in your eyes you immidiately turn into defense, just relax for a moment we dont all want you dead :D.

10-27-2011, 08:35 PM
-You should learn to respect and handle critisism

When someone says something bad in your eyes you immidiately turn into defense, just relax for a moment we dont all want you dead :D.

Yeah but you know what the thing is, He is hating on me constantly thats the problem. I mean the way Ironskin criticized me a little bit, I got absolutely no problems with that but the way he (dipstick) does it, it is just annoying XD

Nice vid light, I'm impressed!

Thank you :)

10-27-2011, 09:26 PM
I suck, how do I suck, oh because I don't pvp, Well it is rvr after all

I take part in group fights, open field, fort, bridge, do I suck there?, maybe I do maybe I don't.

To put it plainly your opinions about my skill or lack of counts for nothing.

That's the same thing that all the people that I know who suck at pvp say, oh, and btw, they also suck at RvR.

You're good Light.

10-27-2011, 09:47 PM
Dont think sucking at pvp means sucking at rvr, lot of players just dont do pvp, some folks just support.

Sorry for quoting myself
...openly admits to enjoying pvp in ro gets baited by the trolls

10-27-2011, 09:52 PM
Dont think sucking at pvp means sucking at rvr, lot of players just dont do pvp, some folks just support.

He didn't say that

He said the people he knows that say the game isn't about PvP say that because they suck at PvP and they also suck at RvR

10-27-2011, 09:56 PM
I suck, how do I suck, oh because I don't pvp, Well it is rvr after all

I take part in group fights, open field, fort, bridge, do I suck there?, maybe I do maybe I don't.

To put it plainly your opinions about my skill or lack of counts for nothing.

You suck because you don't know how to play your class and take no risks.

Yes, you do suck there

Also, if my opinion(s) doesn't mean anything then why are you defending yourself against my opinion(s)?

10-27-2011, 10:02 PM
He said the people he knows that say the game isn't about PvP say that because they suck at PvP and they also suck at RvR
My bad, do see that a lot.

10-28-2011, 01:38 PM
Funny to see how Lightning hunt threads always lead to --> YOU SUCK thread.

10-29-2011, 04:14 AM

texto texto

10-29-2011, 04:20 AM

wrong thread :p


10-29-2011, 04:26 AM
wrong thread :p


jajajajaj thanks :p

10-31-2011, 01:00 AM
Being Honest I dislike how you play dude, you are good skilled okay, but you show off too much sometimes and when you hunt with immortal fag it's quite unfair : Dist shot, you come from faraway, confuse 5, will domain, etc etc...

It was fun xD we killed you like 10 times like this in same day :clapclap: Well crying about 2 vs 1 is not really cool when you play in syrtis and zerg 1 grinding person at oc xD

10-31-2011, 01:13 AM
It was fun xD we killed you like 10 times like this in same day :clapclap: Well crying about 2 vs 1 is not really cool when you play in syrtis and zerg 1 grinding person at oc xD

Ah let's not talk about zerging grinders. It's all too common nowadays thanks to the WM quests, pretty much all realms do it. Just today my marksman got zerged by ignis (well 9 ignis, not much of a zerg). This being said, I didn't have any goats zerging me today, but probably because I chose to grind at SH rather than OC.