View Full Version : Support Conjuror Video
11-02-2011, 03:40 AM
I realize that alot of Conjurors don't bother to make videos, so while the gameplay of Marksman, Hunters, etc. are well known, not many people really understand what the Conjuror has to do during a fight. So I made a short little video demonstrating the basic gameplay of a Conjuror (
This video isn't to show off, I know I am quite rubbish at the class as I only play it rarely, so its just to hopefully help some people understand some things about the Conjuror that different from other classes. I think that many things, like global cooldowns, can only be understood by seeing them in action.
I would also like to encourage other Conjs (not Warjus) to make more videos, as it is rare to see them for non-PvP classes.
Maybe we can encourage more understanding and less hate for our white mages. ^^
11-02-2011, 04:37 AM
Enjoyed the video very much, nice change for once and gj on the conjuring.
11-02-2011, 04:41 AM
i was actually planning to do one in the near future (though a follow type video,) so i guess i better get back on it.
Nice to see a conju video too. xD
I wander to make one too, but i have to play a little with GLC to see how things happen. I never worked with video editing tools too, so if anyone knows some good ones for linux please advise.
Strange to see that you was left unharmed whole battle - no focused fire on you at all. When i fight against Alsius or Ignis usually pressure against me is way bigger. I noticed you do not have Insightfull, so it takes longer for you to recast Devotion. Still very very strange, that noyone tries to kill you...
11-02-2011, 08:30 AM
Strange to see that you was left unharmed whole battle - no focused fire on you at all. Still very very strange, that noyone tries to kill you...
I was thinking the same )) Maybe was invisible for others? :)
When i fight against Alsius or Ignis usually pressure against me is way bigger.
We just love you, you're awesome enemy conj :D
As of hate and other stuff from others - there is easy, but rather painful cure. Stop caring for them. I do this sometimes when i'm pretty annoyed from someone who is pretty demanding or suicidal.
If other do not care for you - you stop to care for them. :devil:
11-02-2011, 02:07 PM
I wander to make one too, but i have to play a little with GLC to see how things happen. I never worked with video editing tools too, so if anyone knows some good ones for linux please advise.
You can use avidemux to edit and compress your videos. You can also use ffmpeg to record if GLC won't work properly.
Most soundcards don't do loopback in Linux though, so if you want audio you have to split the line out back into your line in and speakers.
11-02-2011, 02:23 PM
i was actually planning to do one in the near future (...)
I wander to make one too
I've been planning to make one with my level 30 conjurer too.
11-02-2011, 02:30 PM
Nice video for a change. Shows how stressful this class can be (and yet there wasn't so much pressure)
Most soundcards don't do loopback in Linux though, so if you want audio you have to split the line out back into your line in and speakers.
No need. GLC automatically grabs the audio output of the application you're recording (and only the app's stream, not the others apps).
If GLC doesn't work however, if you are using pulseaudio sound server it's very easy to pipe the app's sound stream to a file.
Else with plain ALSA just record the "Stereo Mix", but it'll record the desktop sounds too...
11-02-2011, 03:11 PM
Nice video for a change. Shows how stressful this class can be (and yet there wasn't so much pressure)
Snyder was eating all the pressure, but I had his back. :p
Else with plain ALSA just record the "Stereo Mix", but it'll record the desktop sounds too...
I've never had Stereo Mix available in ALSA mixers on any hardware over the years, only line in and mic.
I also use ffmpeg to capture since I don't like all the steps required to get a decent video out of GLC with its custom format. Most of the examples I've seen involve crosscoding directly to MPEG4 or some other format that introduces artifacts before you even begin editing it, and lossless conversions are too slow.
That's why I prefer something that outputs a lossless, editable, compatible source video to begin with.
ffmpeg -f x11grab -r 25 -s 1680x1050 -i :0.0+0,0 -vcodec libx264
-vpre lossless_ultrafast -threads 5 video.mkv
More information here:
I have a beastly machine though, it probably won't work so well on slower computers.
11-02-2011, 03:18 PM
I've never had Stereo Mix available in ALSA mixers on any hardware over the years, only line in and mic.
I also use ffmpeg to capture since I don't like all the steps required to get a decent video out of GLC with its custom format. Most of the examples I've seen involve crosscoding directly to MPEG4 or some other format that introduces artifacts before you even begin editing it, and lossless conversions are too slow.
That's why I prefer something that outputs a lossless, editable, compatible source video to begin with.
ffmpeg -f x11grab -r 25 -s 1680x1050 -i :0.0+0,0 -vcodec libx264 -vpre lossless_ultrafast -threads 5 video.mkv
More information here:
I have a beastly machine though, it probably won't work so well on slower computers.
fraps is good if u put the source clips into windows live movie maker for editing which shrink the sizes down by a lot
@Scias can you put a little more info on GLC and what params you pass to it. At least to get a starting point and not reinvent the hot water. :D
11-02-2011, 03:53 PM
Thank you for this vid, I really enjoyed it. :)
11-02-2011, 04:10 PM
Thank you for this vid, I really enjoyed it. :)
Kurac moj pedere jedan XD
Nice video Alicya! :D
11-02-2011, 04:14 PM
Kurac moj pedere jedan XD
Jebi se majmune :p
11-02-2011, 05:50 PM
I've never had Stereo Mix available in ALSA mixers on any hardware over the years, only line in and mic.
Weird, even in alsamixer ? Well must be because I have a Soundblaster then :D...
I have seen it's possible to create a sort of virtual input in .asoundrc that records all the sound from the computer (sort of virtual stereo mix), but can't get info about it atm.
That's why I prefer something that outputs a lossless, editable, compatible source video to begin with.
Well either you record to a raw format which is less stressful while recording (so more fps - glc approach) but it needs to encode it later or you directly encode which is technically slower (your ffmpeg line) - but since you have a beast as a computer you can afford it...
But what I don't like about ffmpeg is that it grabs the X11 output, which means any window or notification going over RO will be recorded. Also it's technically slower than grabbing the opengl output from the video framebuffer like glc does.
Whatever, both approaches work anyways. I just have a personal preference for GLC because it's as simple and powerful as fraps and isn't as stressful as ffmpeg while recording.
I convert the GLC videos with mencoder and the option "-oac copy" that makes a h264 avi file with the same lossless quality and no artifacts at all.
@Scias can you put a little more info on GLC and what params you pass to it. At least to get a starting point and not reinvent the hot water.
To record RO with GLC, you have to launch with glc-capture, for example
(from RO's directory)
$> glc-capture -o "outputfile.glc" ./rolauncher
This will launch RO, and whenever you want to record, press "shift+f9" in game, to stop recording, press shift+f9 again.
This is the simple way to record with it.
There's a lot of more or less useful parameters, like "-b back -i" that will draw an indicator when you are recording, "--disable-audio" to disable audio, etc rtfm...
Then once you recorded, you get a very heavy raw lossless yuv video file only playable with glc-play, so you have to encode it if you want to play it on other players or edit it. I have a script that does the job for me
for arg do FILE=$arg; done
if [ "$FILE" == "" ]; then
exit 1
glc-play "${FILE}" -o - -y 1 | mencoder -demuxer y4m - -oac copy -ovc x264 -of avi -o "${FILE}".avi
# glc-play "${FILE}" -a 1 -o -| lame -hV2 - tmp.mp3
# glc-play "${FILE}" -o - -y 1 | mencoder -demuxer y4m - -audiofile tmp.mp3 -oac copy -ovc x264 -of avi -o "${FILE}".avi
# rm -f tmp.mp3
The commented part is for encoding audio too.
So what I do is just ./ file.glc and I get a shiny lossless avi file.
Well if you need more info or help just pm me.
11-04-2011, 01:17 AM
I've been planning to make one with my level 30 conjurer too.
Before I had to reset my computer to factory condition (for the 3rd time)
I had 3 clips of my lvl 29 conj :(
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