View Full Version : NGD's Premium Content

12-23-2011, 12:13 PM
Dear RO Community,

Would you like NGD to stop selling Premium Items that affect character stats and gives gear advantage in war (items like Armor Enhancements, Lucky Boxes, Gem Boxes)?

12-23-2011, 12:38 PM
Dear RO Community,

Would you like NGD to stop selling Premium Items that affect character stats and gives gear advantage in war (items like Armor Enhancements, Lucky Boxes, Gem Boxes)?

No. My 72 bonus damage SM staff is boxed, engraved and socketed wit boxed gem.

12-23-2011, 08:24 PM
Other. I don't care about Premium stuff as long as you can get it within a reasonable amount of time without xim. But items in general are too strong. They need to be nerfed! They destroy the competitive character Regnum once had.

12-23-2011, 09:52 PM
Yes but only items that have a direct influence on performance and cannot be obtained via menial means (Enhancements).

01-01-2012, 11:55 PM
get rid of them, and speaking as someone who hordes op stuff so no one else can have them. Tbh it was alot more fun when it was a level playing field, everyone had the same chance to get gear if they were either a good trader/player/nice/a douche/or grinded at times.
I don't suggest making everyone grind again, so either drop rate needs to be adjusted, or more means for drops (say epic/legend bosses drop a single epic for ALL, and of course 1 player gets the unique drop, just no players are left out of a chance to get gear instead of not bothering because of their .oo1 drop chance and unfair as hell/abusable system that dramatically inscreases rates :thumb:.
or possibly players having a chance to drop an item (random) of their class when they are killed in pvp/rvr..so class fights might actually happen now..instead of barbs/marks vs ----> other classes. (something like kill a barb if you want a barb drop possibly..)

so i don't know..but as it stands now it is just killing regnum in another way, sure ngd makes revenue, they deserve to, but they should think of the long term imbalancing effects it could have when the game becomes obviously another free2win game. Just for a single example, NGD kept in OP sm staffs from xim boxes that had bonuses that were insanely high (and now unavailable to be randomized with such high stats again due to an update) which i still have some with 50-70 dmg plus socket engraved for another gem, and ive recirculated a few simply cuz i dont use sm, but is it fair for players to have items you cant get in game anymore but still in live servers?)

they should have been REMOVED or toned down to a max of 15 dmg bonus not 25 etc, or something.. (you did for boss weaps! why isnt it ok..oh wait cuz they paid you and you dont want to piss off the customer..even for balance sake..)

I still think its a fun game, but less focus on gear would be a nice change. I'd suck even more but, i still would have FUN, and can stop this unhealthy obsession ;) you underestimate a players need even for VISUAL customizations (look at how many people bought klitties to ride on?? they costed so much at first, as all 'new' mounts do, and all are the same in game function/speed, its the look they liked. Outfits, custom armors, more paints, designs, logos, etc etc etc, custom weapon templates (NOT weapons, just skins or models so to speak) players would still pour money into, as we all wanna be unique, and you dont end up with barbs doing 5k criticals someday and taking 1 damage due to being walking tanks. (sarcasm, but more damage wins, more mana wins, more cast speed, larger wallet wins, usually. granted there are players with average gear and great reflexes or skills, its those ones I envy, not the tard with the super epic op leet dmg bow/axe whatever.

01-02-2012, 01:03 AM
Other. I don't mind the current premium items so long as you have an equitable chance to acquire such game altering items in the wild.

In short, every premium item available that alters /enhances character abilities for the game core should be available, with effort, for free via the drop system or some other system (achievements, etc.) Non eventful (cosmetic) items can stay only premium. NGD should even consider giving out very difficult achievements with a tiny Xim reward. Many games with item malls do it and it will not hurt income.

Drop rate should be adjusted according to risk. I wrote about this elsewhere.
Base drop rate is simply too low and especially at the sub 40 level. How is drastically raising the drop rate for special, magical gear and epics at say level 5- 25 going to negatively impact the game? I am sure NGD's income for lucky boxes at that stage is miniscule. Free it up and encourage players to stay on. Feel free to keep the gems and enhancements scarce. In any case you can sell gem removal, enhancement removal scrolls.
I am sure such encouragements will help player retention and even encourage sales. A player hooked on epic gear from early stage will become like crack addicts for it later on. Sorry to use that analogy.

At those lower levels ( 5- 30) you can introduce non reparable gear that degrades over time and/or use. This way, items will constantly enter and exit the environment.
Heck, at higher levels you can do this too and as such marginally increase the drop rate. Reason is that they will also degrade and exit the system preventing a glut of gear and reduction in NGD's income. The premium equivalent can then be repairable.

Since the game maximum level rose the applicable drop rate curve has not been appropriately adjusted (in my opinion of course). Fix it.


01-02-2012, 01:28 AM
Your writing never ceases to amaze me bois, just sayin' as I can't give anymore rep today. Intelligent and well thought out posts without resorting to the usual WTF?! NgD?!! posts common (probably like stuff i posted in the past lol)

Hopefully NGD will someday take player suggestions like these more seriously instead of probably dreading reading the forums because of all the complaints. I guess its just cause players can be loyal to a game they like and feel is going in a wrong direction, or becoming a one trick pony etc. I'm just grateful that for every poorly constructed/flame/rat/complaint, there are players who do take the time to explain and suggest changes or their viewpoints without bringing in the drama too, hopefully those players can be the voices of the community that do get heard by the devs and staff at NGD.

Anyways, nice post and I've always liked reading many of your others.