View Full Version : 2012 disasters....

01-01-2012, 02:57 PM
Japan had 3 large earthquakes today...
7.9 7.2 and 7.0

Argentina had a 5.+ quake

animals dropping dead....
so much more..


01-01-2012, 03:05 PM
Japan had 3 large earthquakes today...
7.9 7.2 and 7.0

I think you mean last year right? 7,9 7,2 and 7.0 on the scale of Richter is pretty hard to believe...

01-01-2012, 03:13 PM
I think you mean last year right? 7,9 7,2 and 7.0 on the scale of Richter is pretty hard to believe...

I mean within the last few hours. It was 2012 for them...

01-01-2012, 03:15 PM
Too bad we live in a world where these kinds of events (can) happen every day since thousands of years...

01-01-2012, 04:09 PM
You have earthquakes in Japan every day just some of them are dangerous

01-01-2012, 04:16 PM
You have earthquakes in Japan every day just some of them are dangerous

Yes but 7,8 on the scale of Richter? 3 Of them in 1 day? Seems quiet impossible to me..

01-01-2012, 04:58 PM
Yes but 7,8 on the scale of Richter? 3 Of them in 1 day? Seems quiet impossible to me..

It is possible really

2012 end of the world is bullshit anyway demonmonger simply is a true american he believes in everything what is being told to him.. Occupy movement some controversial bills..

01-01-2012, 05:27 PM
Let's panic and all suicide!

No need to believe in this end of world crap. If it happen ok - you can not do anything against it. Live your life, have fun.

01-01-2012, 05:35 PM
Must be the damn Eyeracks again with their WMD's we know they have, or maybe those damn red commie Chinese threatening lovers of freedom and democracy with their red commie camel loving earthquakes of mass destruction. Its them, no denying it, we have the invoices for the earthquake machines we sold them... oops :P

01-01-2012, 05:37 PM
Torcida is right. Japan is seismically very active with on average of over 1500 earthquakes per year.

Added to that, when a fault line shifts or eases, it is quite often to have a singular shift of one earthquake and several high magnitude aftershocks soon after. This is not uncommon.

The Haiti eathquake was like that and Places like Iran, New Zealand and such have similar outcomes. It simply depends on the amount of built up energy in the fault line affected.

Argentina and South America have earthquakes regularly too. Of course what is important to note is the depth of these quakes. 20KM and less tend to have much more effect.
The latest one in Japan was at 6.8 magnitude at a depth of 348.5KM. This one is not going to have much effect.

As for the rest, it's a dynamic world, shit happens. Humans cause some, some are just natural phenomenon. It is not how you die but how you live.

End of world 2012? I live till I die. That is all. If I last only till end 2012 so be it.

01-01-2012, 06:30 PM
Of course the world will end, but likely we're gonna be long since dust (or zombies) when our sun turns into a red giant and turns earth into a piece of charcoal. Unless we learn how to live for a few billion years I guess.
if i'm wrong, you can laugh before we both die :cuac:

Nah..bet we blow it up ourselves tbh.

01-01-2012, 07:27 PM
The kind of events that you mentioned are literally occuring all the time.

Remember that the Earth is very big, with hundreds of thousands of towns and cities. I'd say ten bad events per day is pretty small...

01-01-2012, 07:49 PM
Were they using that damn Harp machine again ><

01-01-2012, 08:37 PM
I wouldn't worry about earthquakes, remember we don't take fall damage at the moment.

01-01-2012, 09:45 PM
End of world 2012? I live till I die. That is all. If I last only till end 2012 so be it.

Exactly! I don't care at all. Get some good beer (Augustiner!) or mead, feel like a real goat and enjoy your life. :cuac:

01-04-2012, 09:02 AM
I wouldn't worry about earthquakes, remember we don't take fall damage at the moment.

Am I glitched then?xD

01-05-2012, 04:54 AM
Japan had 3 large earthquakes today...
7.9 7.2 and 7.0

Argentina had a 5.+ quake

animals dropping dead....
so much more..


Demon! How are you? I'm here, again. Please delete MP in your INBOX i want to tell you one thing!

01-05-2012, 08:08 AM
Demon! How are you? I'm here, again. Please delete MP in your INBOX i want to tell you one thing!

Hi Ornu :) - deleting messages