View Full Version : Anti-ACTA in Poland
01-22-2012, 11:37 AM
Well, since yesterday in polish Internet we have action. Most sites of polish government and people / organisations which agree to sign ACTA ( ) were down, by people using DDoS attacks to protect us from this censorship. Anonymous started it.
First target has been achieved, people know what our government tried to sign.
Till 26th January there will be action (they when they would sign it). I don't know what foreign mainstream media tell about it, maybe they are silent or change meaning of this what happen.
If they sign it there will be nothing, you may be able to block every site you want if you find illegal files / links on it. There will be no medicines which are substitute of original ones. Forget about substitute parts to your cars, they will be only original and obviously expensive. Want to find a rare book? Forget. No copies allowed. Say good bye to Wikipedia, Google, Youtube as you know. Internet providers will control what you upload and download, privacy? Never.
I made this tread to let you know about it. Greetings. :cuac:
01-22-2012, 12:04 PM
Ehem. 2012 year can be called years of copyright and it's fails indeed xD
01-23-2012, 09:09 PM
ACTA? Is that like SOPA or PIPA?
..Fucking acronyms man.
01-24-2012, 11:54 PM
Just finished reading the wiki page. In some ways I think it sounds worse than SOPA/PIPA. >_<
ACTA anti-counterfeiting trade agreement
PIPA Protect IP Act
SOPA Stop Online Piracy Act
Problem is these bills/agreements/acts/whatever so sooooo broad in scope that they really hinder the advancement of tech, free speech/expression, and ACTA would probably seriously hinder the free and open-source software concept with being unable to run paid-for DRM based media on free players/etc.
"The FSF also argues that ACTA will make it harder for users of free operating systems to play non-free media because DRM protected media would not be legally playable with free software."
It's a real mess. I joined the SOPA/PIPA protest and set my site to go dark back on the 18th. (I don't get many visitors, but I do get a few hits/day) I would encourage anyone who is a proponent of open source and the advancement and innovation of technology to do the same. Fight/protest against these bills. They're no good for anyone except the media lobbyists like the MPAA/RIAA.
Online piracy, counterfeit, copyright infringements, etc. need to be fought and need a solution (hey, I don't like to see music software costing $500+ USD anymore than another musician), but this is not the way to go. These bills are too much of a broad, blanketing, heavy-handed/draconian way of managing the problem.
Also, while ACTA is bad, look at the TPP. It's practially ACTA on steroids.
Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement (TPP)
01-27-2012, 10:19 PM
So the ACTA treaty is signed, and the EU parliament didn't even discuss it :¬¬:
The rapporteur of the EU parliament Kader Arif resigned, because of the undemocratic process how the treaty was signed. It's sad that all or almost the whole mainstream media doesn't mention this resign of Kader Arif and his reasons. It would be worth reporting...
European Parliament Official In Charge Of ACTA Quits, And Denounces The 'Masquerade' Behind ACTA (
(french source: ACTA : démissionnaire, Kader Arif dénonce "une mascarade" (
oh and here is a avaaz petition (
01-28-2012, 12:48 AM
Media reporting starts, slowly. Some German magazines had articles about it today, some even polemic and quite funny to read. No major shit storm yet though, I hope there's more about to happen.
I like Poland, by the way.
The awesomeness in those images is incredible, we need that in Germany. (Sadly never gonna happen)
01-28-2012, 01:41 AM
Yeah, the potential damage by these Acts and trade agreements, SOPA/PIPA/ACTA/TPP, well, it's just mind blowing. These acronym-ridden policies are an affront to peoples' basic rights, the free internet, freedom of speech and expression, open source technology, and they are trying to pass them under the visage of anti-piracy and anti-counterfeit when there is sooooo much more to them that is outright harmful.
ACTA is worse than SOPA/PIPA, and the TPP is like ACTA on steroids. Imagine no Doujinshi, or other spinoff manga, no licensed anime, or other foreign media, no VLC/winamp/xmplay/favorite free media player, linux libraries and repositories being censored right off the net.
Even now, the big media corporations are trying to get the copyright office here in the states to undermine/dispose of "fair use", which would outlaw the use of covers/remixes/etc. as well as snippets of videos/etc. for use in education/demonstration/presenting/creative purposes, etc. Imagine bars without cover bands, no overclocked remixes, etc. etc. you get the picture.
Seriously, check out the EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation) if you have not, and keep yourselves informed.
01-28-2012, 04:57 AM
its sad but most people don't react until it's too late.
i bet you 70% of people did not even know what was happening.
i bet you that same 70% of people know about top singers / sports superstars.
Why not let the people vote on the acta...
Government is for the people by the people right?
How can the governors vote for something when most of the people say NO in a democratic society?
Bad politics?
Something has to change....
Father forgive me - I am about to sin and I know I will enjoy it.
01-29-2012, 08:33 PM
Wow. :looking:
01-29-2012, 09:11 PM
I was on one of these demonstrations, in Wrocław (I'm one of the organizers). The biggest problem is that, the media call us as criminals, so we don't have support of older ppl. I hate that media manipulation...
01-29-2012, 11:06 PM
ACTA is signed by the EU, but that just means there is an intention to implement it. It has yet to be ratified by the European Parliament in June and then it might be put in place.
There's still a chance. If you're European, contact your MEP and make them vote against!
By the way, while the White House was publicly against SOPA, they did sign ACTA. However, the US (disrespecting international treaties as always :D) has said it only views ACTA as a guideline, which is in this case lucky for us, but pissing off the EU of course, because when they sign something they mean to follow it. This does show us the EU knows ACTA brings commercial disadvantages to the party following the treaty.
In any case, for the EU, we still have until June to stop it.
02-03-2012, 07:05 PM
the Slovenian ambassador who signed the ACTA for her country, tells in her blog ( she regrets it now.
I signed ACTA out of civic carelessness, because I did not pay enough attention. Quite simply, I did not clearly connect the agreement I had been instructed to sign with the agreement that, according to my own civic conviction, limits and withholds the freedom of engagement on the largest and most significant network in human history, and thus limits particularly the future of our children.
And I read a German article ( that the signature of the Polish government is either canceled or at least delayed. Congrats Poland for a first success :clapclap:
02-03-2012, 07:20 PM
the Slovenian ambassador who signed the ACTA for her country, tells in her blog ( she regrets it now.
And I read something that the signature of the Polish government is either canceled or at least delayed. Congrats Poland for a first success :clapclap:
Kekeke, I have read on Habr, that Poland was actually the only country to show their anticipation of ACTA.
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