View Full Version : Frosk
02-12-2012, 06:15 PM
I wanted to bring something to attention that involves our community more than our game.
As a salesman, I deal with lots of people on a regular basis. Let's just say this has caused me to feel jaded in my faith of humanity.
I'm willing to venture a guess that Frosk's job is even more stressful, as people can sling criticism and animosity around without having to look someone in the eye while saying it.
He's one guy people. Not just dealing with the English server community, but the Spanish as well.
We're not entitled to weekly EXP bonuses. While they are nice, it seems like he's doing it (was doing it) as a gesture of good will.
Let's take a step back and try to look at his job objectively. I seriously doubt it's a very fun job for him. Everyone seems so demanding of him. No, he's not perfect but none of us are.
Kailer, Wyatt, DkySven, Zombrex, etc. all had their forays into being community managers or counsellors of some sort. It's a highly stressful job. I don't blame any of them. I for one know I don't have the patience or fortitude to put up with an internet crowd.
I once was a moderator of an internet forum related to my field of work, and I didn't last long.
The reason I made this post is not to kiss Frosk's ass. I don't even know him and it's debatable whether he's a really cool guy or the complete opposite. But that's my point, without knowing him why be so critical?
In several places I've seen heavy criticism of him and his actions. Ok, that's to be expected but people...take a step back and look at the responsibilities he's required to do in order to perform his job.
This isn't GameSamba (thank god), the GM's/Devs here don't go Super-Saiajin Fascist on your ass the second you say a naughty word like "ass". This is supposed to be the international adult community.
If we're all expected to be adults here, or at least rise to the maturity level of an adult, why not be a little more patient?
In short: Give the man a f*cking break! He hasn't crossed the line (yet); if and when he does we'll have room to criticise.
I'm only 30 and I already pretty much hate everyone alive like a grumpy old man. This community needs to be closer and tighter knit (how it used to be). Not have a wedge driven between us.
No, we're never going to agree on everything. But we can have respectful discussion and discourse without intimidation, trolling or antagonising. Let's help make his job less stressful and stop bickering about the small stuff in a Game.
We're all in this game, let's have a sense of camaraderie and work together to try to make it better. All 3 realms have people in them. While our scheduling might differ we're still f*cking people and probably share a lot more in common with each other in one way or another than one might expect.
I'm sure we all like to unwind and try to have fun (or else why would we be investing so much time and effort into a game?). Well, let's stop treating this like a session of Congress or Parliament and casually have some fun.
And Frosk, kudos for your patience dude. I for one do not have what it takes to do your job.
02-12-2012, 06:24 PM
It's nice and cool that you respect Frosk's position but did you really write all this because 2 or 3 people seriously complained about no XP bonus last friday? Who cares. xD
02-12-2012, 06:29 PM
Only i really glad we didn't had this war killer this week? finaaalllly some action on Saturday <3
02-12-2012, 06:32 PM
I'm only 30 and I already pretty much hate everyone alive like a grumpy old man.
I share a similar attitude and am only 18, go figure.
OT: As far as community managers go, he's alright; there have been worse for sure.
My one criticism however is you're a total kill-joy sometimes, Frosk :play_ball:
02-12-2012, 06:45 PM
Dunno what happened or what kind of usual bashing is going on, but fully support this position.
The medium were using is prone for forgetting or ignoring the fact that its just people like you and me that you are facing, and nobody is perfect. You dont have to like anyone. You dont have to be close with anyone. You dont have to agree with anyone. Just treat eachother with some respect.
02-12-2012, 07:47 PM
It's nice and cool that you respect Frosk's position but did you really write all this because 2 or 3 people seriously complained about no XP bonus last friday? Who cares. xD
It's more than just in forum. It's people bitching in IRC and in game too. I'm just seeing a lot of that sort of thing lately...and it irks me.
02-12-2012, 08:12 PM
I've had numerous conversations with Frosk regarding many sorts of game related and forum related activities and I can honestly say without a doubt that he's doing an awesome job in the forums and managing the community as a whole.
No job is easy and I am sure being a Community Manager isn't as well, he is just following the tasks required by him as a Community Manager.
Kudos to Frosk and others that have done a great job and continue to do so. :)
Regards and enjoy your Sunday!
02-12-2012, 09:24 PM
I wanted to bring something to attention that involves our community more than our game.
As a salesman, I deal with lots of people on a regular basis. Let's just say this has caused me to feel jaded in my faith of humanity.
I'm willing to venture a guess that Frosk's job is even more stressful, as people can sling criticism and animosity around without having to look someone in the eye while saying it.
He's one guy people. Not just dealing with the English server community, but the Spanish as well.
We're not entitled to weekly EXP bonuses. While they are nice, it seems like he's doing it (was doing it) as a gesture of good will.
Let's take a step back and try to look at his job objectively. I seriously doubt it's a very fun job for him. Everyone seems so demanding of him. No, he's not perfect but none of us are.
Kailer, Wyatt, DkySven, Zombrex, etc. all had their forays into being community managers or counsellors of some sort. It's a highly stressful job. I don't blame any of them. I for one know I don't have the patience or fortitude to put up with an internet crowd.
I once was a moderator of an internet forum related to my field of work, and I didn't last long.
The reason I made this post is not to kiss Frosk's ass. I don't even know him and it's debatable whether he's a really cool guy or the complete opposite. But that's my point, without knowing him why be so critical?
In several places I've seen heavy criticism of him and his actions. Ok, that's to be expected but people...take a step back and look at the responsibilities he's required to do in order to perform his job.
This isn't GameSamba (thank god), the GM's/Devs here don't go Super-Saiajin Fascist on your ass the second you say a naughty word like "ass". This is supposed to be the international adult community.
If we're all expected to be adults here, or at least rise to the maturity level of an adult, why not be a little more patient?
In short: Give the man a f*cking break! He hasn't crossed the line (yet); if and when he does we'll have room to criticise.
I'm only 30 and I already pretty much hate everyone alive like a grumpy old man. This community needs to be closer and tighter knit (how it used to be). Not have a wedge driven between us.
No, we're never going to agree on everything. But we can have respectful discussion and discourse without intimidation, trolling or antagonising. Let's help make his job less stressful and stop bickering about the small stuff in a Game.
We're all in this game, let's have a sense of camaraderie and work together to try to make it better. All 3 realms have people in them. While our scheduling might differ we're still f*cking people and probably share a lot more in common with each other in one way or another than one might expect.
I'm sure we all like to unwind and try to have fun (or else why would we be investing so much time and effort into a game?). Well, let's stop treating this like a session of Congress or Parliament and casually have some fun.
And Frosk, kudos for your patience dude. I for one do not have what it takes to do your job.
First of all, thank you guys for your support.
Now, getting into what I've quoted and what Daar said: Those bonuses I sometimes give, have proven to be some sort of a double-edged weapon.
I mean, sure, it has an inmediate effect where everybody gets happy, they appreciate it as a gift (in fact, it is a gift) and an inmense amount of positive feedback gathers up instantly.
But what happens when people starts to take those bonuses as something they own, as something that belongs to them as a right, as something they get too used to and becomes a routine? what happens when people do not take bonuses as something that they should be grateful for?
Well, as soon as a bonus doesn't show up when they expected it, they complain for not receiving something they think that belongs to them. Well, this kind of attitude is quite normal for humans when you give someone a present.
You may take as an example the fact of a 14 years old kid that stops receiving Christmas presents because he grew up, after a whole life of expecting a "surprise" (it actually isn't a surprise since he knows he'll get a present) every Dec. 25th. and complains at his parents for this.
You also may take the example of a kid that receives something that he didn't want and starts crying, screaming and in some cases, telling their parents that the present sucks and that they don't love him or some sort of childish and stupid thing like that.
In that case they may ignore those demands from their child, or just tell him to f*** off. Eventually the kid will feel like crap for his attitude, going back to his mom/dad all by himself to say "hey, I'm sorry".
In my case, I take the first option, because I prefer the fact that users get to realize what they did wrong, whether they apologize later or not, and because it wouldn't be too nice to take a "f*** off!" from an admin xD
On a sidenote, when someone gets annoying, measures can be taken of course.
When it comes to this, or to senseless complains as "hey I got zerg'd 35 times in the same spot and I can't grind, NGD has to do something about it!" and similar, I just ignore them.
Basically because they're not adding something useful to the forum, and therefore, they're not being any helpful to me; they're just whining.
As I've said before, I appreciate your concern, but complaints and other pointless stuff I get to read sometimes are something I'm already mentally prepared for (since I got here as an admin/mod I've received a huge load of compliments on my patience, from both english and spanish communities :D Thanks everyone!) but that's just the way I am.
Anyway, just in case you notice an inmature behaviour in the forum, please proceed to use the Report tool and together we'll clean it up so those users that DO help us with their feedback have a place to post, report, and have a good time virtually together. These would be really helpful for me, and specially for you. Besides, add to this that I'm scaling up and I'm progressively taking more tasks for the company ^^
Regards! and thanks again! \o/
02-12-2012, 11:35 PM
In short, a bonus is no longer a bonus if it becomes routine.
02-12-2012, 11:39 PM
Plus it's not even seen as a bonus by everyone. :-)
In that case they may ignore those demands from their child, or just tell him to f*** off. Eventually the kid will feel like crap for his attitude, going back to his mom/dad all by himself to say "hey, I'm sorry".
Sorry to disappoint you, but the average child is way smarter than the average internet user. :P (Recalling how dumb some of them are actually helps dealing with them, hehe)
Anyway, you do look like you've got a rather thick skin, so I'm not worried at all there. I just wish you good luck that you don't wear down as time passes!
02-13-2012, 12:00 AM
Well I guess being a Forum Moderator for 8 hours a week is just as tough work LOL!
02-13-2012, 12:05 AM
... Besides, add to this that I'm scaling up and I'm progressively taking more tasks for the company ^^
Regards! and thanks again! \o/
Cool. And I sorta see the process of how this works. Everywhere when a new guy joins a company, he's label'd the FNG (F***ing New Guy). Usually they get stuck doing the least glamorous things like cleaning toilets and taking out the trash.
But as they slowly work hard, they prove themselves and work their way up to more responsibilities.
Fast Forward. One day Frosk will probably be a Dev and some new guy/girl will be here as Community Manager, putting up with all of us xD.
But yes, my father always told me there is a difference between a Hand Up and a Hand Out. If we get this sense of entitlement we'll no longer have any sense of pride for accomplishing something ourselves.
For example: I'm a veteran, and could easily get free food from a nearby Veteran's Pantry (food depot), but I don't, because I don't need it. To be taking something for free simply because I can, and not when I really need it, would dilute the effectiveness of this charity for those who do need it...because one day I might be in their shoes and I wouldn't want some free-loader doing the same.
Be grateful for any gestures of good will from anyone, but unless it's made as some official announcement within a schedule to be expected...don't expect it. Seems logical.
02-13-2012, 09:05 AM
YOU are rockstar frosky!!,no matter how much others(myself included) diss you for this and that,we ALL have respect for you and the work you do here.
Your job isnt easy and you raise a good point about it being "expected"...yes we did expect it.but that is your fault partly for being so regular and routine frosky.
Im not here to kiss your butt Frosky(heck i dun even know if you wipe it properly..jk)but i will say this,the game is alot better place with you in it doing what you do.
and i for one am glad we have you here!
now on an unrelated topic,sure to raise eyebrows and flame this thread.
a raven player,an ex senior player very high up in rp rankings comes to horus and says after a few minutes chatting.wanna hear something funny so i say sure.He says an NGD GC(what ever that is or maybe a typo) told one of game samba's staff,your only motive for this game,is to hook new players just long enough for them to pay money then leave.that you dont care about the cheating or abusive behaviour that happens.and he states the game samba staff told him this.
i find this hard to believe,i dont want to believe it either grrrrrr
id like an official statement NGD so i can direct others to it when they ask me.they surely will too :(
feel free to close this thread as im sure many low lifers will flame it soon.but please make a reply before you close it,so that i can make a link on clan website to prove to others this is false statement.
02-13-2012, 09:33 AM
btw,since when is 30 considered to be a veteran
have you been telling porkies kyro,or was that an oversight lolz
geesh if you a veteran at 30,ive got 9 years left until i retire!! yayz!!
02-13-2012, 09:33 AM
YOU are rockstar frosky!!,no matter how much others(myself included) diss you for this and that,we ALL have respect for you and the work you do here.
Your job isnt easy and you raise a good point about it being "expected"...yes we did expect it.but that is your fault partly for being so regular and routine frosky.
Im not here to kiss your butt Frosky(heck i dun even know if you wipe it properly..jk)but i will say this,the game is alot better place with you in it doing what you do.
and i for one am glad we have you here!
That's cute and stuff. Thumbs up for staying on topic. :thumb_up:
now on an unrelated topic
Oh shit.
,sure to raise eyebrows and flame this thread.
Exactly, we're all just trolls here, no opinions nor feedback on these forums.
a raven player,an ex senior player very high up in rp rankings comes to horus and says after a few minutes chatting.wanna hear something funny so i say sure.He says an NGD GC(what ever that is or maybe a typo) told one of game samba's staff,your only motive for this game,is to hook new players just long enough for them to pay money then leave.that you dont care about the cheating or abusive behaviour that happens.and he states the game samba staff told him this.
i find this hard to believe,i dont want to believe it either grrrrrr
id like an official statement NGD so i can direct others to it when they ask me.they surely will too :(
I'll quote The Frosk himself:
It's kinda strange the way that people actually believes "some rumour" from "some guy" without any official source at all.
Please don't believe anything that DOES NOT come from an official announcement by a member of NGD Studios (Surak, Ponter, Chilko, me, etc) to avoid a massive confusion in the whole community.
You're welcome.
feel free to close this thread as im sure many low lifers will flame it soon.
Thank you very much, you surely would have nothing to do with that, miss high life.
but please make a reply before you close it,so that i can make a link on clan website to prove to others this is false statement.
Anything for Tania. :)
02-13-2012, 09:35 AM
DaaR you are funny lolz
02-13-2012, 09:44 AM
btw daar,its actually a big deal to me.its why i posted it.
TAG get a few new members who ask us,should we buy xim or ask us many questions regarding this a clear conscience i want to be able to respond to TAG's 15 months history,we have had over 500 new members come and go.some have stayed,most have left the game totally.
i do not want to have it on my conscience that i advised them to spend thier limited income here,if rumours should prove to be true.i might come from a wealthy back ground,but i know the value of money and how to respect it.i also know not everyone else has money to waste.NGD know this too,thats why they limit the amount of times we can buy xim per month.its called being trying to be as well,that rumour really rocked me as it was from such a respected player of old(who shall remain nameless).
02-13-2012, 09:57 AM
People missinterpret jokes and sarcastic remarks all the time. No smart employees would tell community volunteers about their filthy strategy to get money. Besides, they really push XP bonuses a lot on Raven while boosters are supposedly the most bought premium items in the game. They're not following their scheme, if we look at this way.
And even if it's true what you heard, doesn't it look kind of obvious? Premium-only horses, XP boosts, etc. It's a person's decision if they want to buy them but there's obviously an incentive to do so. If somebody asks if they should buy Xim or not just let them decide by themselves if it's worth having a permanent horse all times, leveling much faster, getting the best gear, etc.
P.S. There's a PM system to clarify these kind of things.
02-13-2012, 10:10 AM
Just another one yet to learn fact from fiction.
I seem to have misplaced my lighter..
Off topic: You spend money to have an enhanced experience. That may mean getting levels quicker to get or the end game faster, move about more quickly or have enhanced equipment.
NGD makes money by selling these value added items. If you came here, spent money and were entertained, consider it money well spent.
Besides, if a person has no money to waste, do you really think they should be spending money on any online games at all? Just a little perspective for you. The idea that someone blows on games suggest that they have spare money . If they can't pay their rent and choose to pay for games then they are just idiots. In the end, whether you advise them or not, it is their choice. It's on them. Present the facts and leave it at that.
On Topic: Good job Frosk. Keep it up. This community isn't always the easiest to deal with.
02-13-2012, 05:50 PM
Fast Forward. One day Frosk will probably be a Dev and some new guy/girl will be here as Community Manager, putting up with all of us xD.
I hope we get a girl around here. I would be glad to assist her in her activities... :naughty:
Well, I'm thankful for what I've read in this thread. Don't derail it please.
Regards! :)
02-13-2012, 06:19 PM
btw,since when is 30 considered to be a veteran
have you been telling porkies kyro,or was that an oversight lolz
geesh if you a veteran at 30,ive got 9 years left until i retire!! yayz!!
I'm a veteran of the United States Air Force, 2001-2005.
[vet-er-uhn, ve-truhn]
a person who has served in a military force
I brought up that point of being a veteran because I was referring to the Veteran's Pantry as a free food charity.
Me being 30 has nothing to do with it. That statement was to show my age relative to my grumpiness and animosity towards humanity.
Back on Topic:
NGD does not have a huge group and I'm sure the few there have to wear many different hats in their average work-day. Not including the event hats that are considered freebies xD
02-13-2012, 07:38 PM
Well I guess being a Forum Moderator for 8 hours a week is just as tough work LOL!
8 hours a week? Nah, not really. Try doing it all day every day though, it's harder than you'd think. And by the way, forum mods get no weekends/vacations. Unless they explicitly say so. They also don't get paid, usually. Not a job I'd be easily convinced to do again. :D
02-13-2012, 08:38 PM
btw,since when is 30 considered to be a veteran
have you been telling porkies kyro,or was that an oversight lolz
geesh if you a veteran at 30,ive got 9 years left until i retire!! yayz!!
Tania have you ever been to some sort of school...?:facepalm3:
02-13-2012, 08:47 PM
Well I guess being a Forum Moderator for 8 hours a day is just as tough work LOL!
There. Fixed it for ya.
02-13-2012, 08:49 PM
Ain't it about time to move it to Inn :O? Just askin.
02-13-2012, 10:28 PM
We're not entitled to weekly EXP bonuses. While they are nice, it seems like he's doing it (was doing it) as a gesture of good will.
And Frosk, kudos for your patience dude. I for one do not have what it takes to do your job.
this is sooo true
02-13-2012, 11:03 PM
I hope we get a girl around here. I would be glad to assist her in her activities... :naughty:
I think we know just the girl you like frosk.
She can also assit in translating the site to dutch :D
02-14-2012, 01:11 AM
Frosk , just a small tip that would solve alot of problems.
In the future, make these boosts only last one hour at a time, 12 hours out of a 24 hour day, with a one hour break between. This way, the people who want war are satisfied (players will go to war every other hour), and the grinders are satisfied that they get boosts, too. This way you will get alot less negative feedback.
(Although if this is implemented it would be best if experience scrolls were redesigned to allow them to be disabled for war.)
I am neutral to boosts myself, I like them for grinding but I think they also harm traditional warfare. So I'm not really upset when they are absent.
02-14-2012, 10:39 AM
I am neutral to boosts myself, I like them for grinding but I think they also harm traditional warfare. So I'm not really upset when they are absent.
I have no idea why lots of people don't like boosts in war.
Getting around 1,5k xp for an enemy which gives 2 rp is a nice deal IMO.
I LOVE grinding in wars while boost is on.
sorry for being a bit off topic.
I think Frosk does a very good job here, wish we would have that kind of CoMa at our forum/server :angel2:
02-14-2012, 11:42 AM
I think we know just the girl you like frosk.
She can also assit in translating the site to dutch :D
haha :P lets give him our clan site :P
02-15-2012, 09:59 AM
haha :P lets give him our clan site :P
Hahaha, yes would be nice to give him our clan site, there are already some eyecandy photo about the girl Quinc mentioned!:)
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