View Full Version : Your Favourite Version of RO
03-04-2012, 07:14 PM
Number? 10 chars
03-04-2012, 07:16 PM
Pre-warmaster ^^
03-04-2012, 07:27 PM
Pre-warmaster ^^
+1 to this :wish:
03-04-2012, 07:33 PM
1.6.2 ^^
ten chars
P. S. Watching 3 year old pvp vids.... I want those times nauw :(
03-04-2012, 08:11 PM
I'm growing to like the whole wm-update, but ofcourse pre-wm was baws.
1.6.2. also.
Pre 1.0 was best. It was alot more balanced and fun.
It all begin to disbalance with the "fix" of Protection Dome. Then Terror was OP, because there was no Dome...etc etc etc...
03-04-2012, 11:23 PM
1.0.6 and below, so before the new combat system and the stop-to-hit/cast for archers and mages.
03-04-2012, 11:25 PM
I'll say Pre-1.0 as well, but only for nostalgic reasons.
The game is (technically) far, far, far superior now then it was back then.
03-05-2012, 12:09 AM
Regnum invasions :eguitar: :bounce: :bangin: :bananajoy:
03-05-2012, 12:22 AM
Pre 1.0 here too.
Pre warmaster ofc.
After 1.0 the game become less balanced update after update.
Never understood if game-masters/developers play Regnum,but i think they don't.
They don't know how regnum online works in game-play terms.
Their actual balance version is the result.
The only good things they done,was nerf the "old" hunter,that was the way too OP.
All the rest,decreased the fun.
And ofc,even the hunter rebalance,was half-made.Hunter still have no role,no impact in the game-play except some random 1vs1.
No sense start to work on a class,if for 1 year and 9 months you are not able to fix it properly,and still say"we are working on pet AI" 1 year and 9 months...bleah.
NGD stile,leave part of the users unhappy for undefinited time,without care about the austerity they made.
Not professional.
03-05-2012, 01:00 AM
Never understood if game-masters/developers play Regnum,but i think they don't.
They don't know how regnum online works in game-play terms.
Their actual balance version is the result.
The only good things they done,was nerf the "old" hunter,that was the way too OP.
All the rest,decreased the fun.
And ofc,even the hunter rebalance,was half-made.Hunter still have no role,no impact in the game-play except some random 1vs1.
No sense start to work on a class,if for 1 year and 9 months you are not able to fix it properly,and still say"we are working on pet AI" 1 year and 9 months...bleah.
NGD stile,leave part of the users unhappy for undefinited time,without care about the austerity they made.
Not professional.
Without whining please.
03-05-2012, 01:41 AM
Without whining please.
too late. :¬¬:
03-05-2012, 08:34 AM
pre-WM's:thumb: when Horus rocks
03-05-2012, 11:18 AM
For me the low point is the troll tard era, this combined with phantom swings and position issues made me take a long break form RO.
It is challenged only by the current version. Im starting to doubt WM-spell will be revived soon enough.
So Im starting to see the end of road, since at the moment it stops me from enjoying 2/4 characters and one more that i dont play for other reasons, which leaves me with only one playable character now. So ultimately WM update can very well be what makes me quit.
03-05-2012, 01:12 PM
I'll say Pre-1.0 as well, but only for nostalgic reasons.
The game is (technically) far, far, far superior now then it was back then.
Oh yeah? What is so superior except graphics, cause I didn't notice.
03-06-2012, 01:40 PM
Pre-graphics reboot - Pre-RealmChatNotInWarzone - When all we did was hunt, invasions were so rare. When Syrtis zerged. When I got freaked out by a lone Alsius. When Ignis trolled a lot :) I WANT THOSE DAYS BACK. Nobody after these years could understand.
03-06-2012, 01:42 PM
too late. :¬¬:
You can edit your post via the edit button at the bottom of it and change it to make it more polite and grown-up. Happy editing. People after edit will be confused but... WTF that happens all the time :dance:
03-06-2012, 08:58 PM
1.6.2 was the best version i loved.
03-06-2012, 09:25 PM
Pre-Warmasters :¬¬:
03-06-2012, 09:46 PM
As Matt said, just for nostalgic reasons... and just because the game was even funnier... :/. Making wars just for fun and not for a gem.
I chose the era of 1.6.3 to 1.6.7.
I can't look back to the much older updates. Sure those times were very fun but once NGD started fixing the conceptual errors there was no turning back.
If my hand was forced , I would have to say 1.0.6 as a second option . If I remember correctly this was the last time the positioning code and game fluidity worked well before going south at 1.0.7 and getting even worse by 1.0.8. Yeah 1.0.8 was bad.
1.6.3 was one of the most comprehensive and best updates to date. I especially loved it because it finally brought Knight from a 5th wheel class to a class with lots of flexibility in builds, lots of newly functional spells and a defensive strategy that did not depend solely on the blessings of server RNG. Knights became viable and potent.
Besides that, they improved a lot of things along the way up till that point.
After that they kind of lost the script a bit starting with 1.7.0 Of course if the script we are talking about is trying to keep the unique flavour (that we all love) of the game intact. We lost that somewhat since Warmasters.
Honestly, we need another 1.6.3 type of update to draw things back. The interesting thing is that superb update was due to engaging the community and thorough testing on Amun. A shame that that very successful approach has since been dumped in favour of another less successful model. Seems we have gone back to the "secret squirrel" model xD
03-07-2012, 09:31 AM
The last version before warmasters was the best for me (I wasn't in WZ when invasions introduced though), balance was progressing nicely and it looked like it would improve further, then came warmasters...... :(
03-07-2012, 11:20 AM
Pre 1.0 was nice in some aspects, but you did have the old Evasion tree, which was plain frustrating for non-archers. I'd say the game was the msot fun for me back when the THuGsters were still an active clan and you did have confuse and old SotW but they were just rarely used :p. But that's just more of nostalgic reasons than of my opinon on how RO should be.
03-07-2012, 04:32 PM
Whichever version would leave me free of nostalgia junkies.
Whichever version would leave me free of nostalgia junkies.
Maybe you should consider version 0.0.0
03-07-2012, 09:39 PM
Mine we definitely pre-warmaster. I even prefered the time when hunters had O.P pets and pwned everyone at every opportunity than the way the game is now :eek24:
03-08-2012, 12:06 AM
Invasions of course, was the best version of regnum :D
03-08-2012, 12:28 AM
I think someone should post NGD's point of view too, while developers are busy with fixing 3 year old bugs.
And here is the NGD's choice: Shiny WarMasters expansion, with crappy OP spells, stupid big forts/castles that causes huge FPS drop and has no more fun compared to old ones, increased level cap 60 which causes players gain all "must have" spells...
Awwwww, there are so many "awesome" features that community cannot see, while NGD does it well even with a team of 20 developers.
03-08-2012, 01:53 AM
pre1.5: epic battles with hunters between Trelleborg save and Algaros and a powerful sultar's terror.
pre-lucky-boxes,-magic-gem-and-armor-enhancement: Regnum was the best balanced ever.
Now the Warmaster update and xim enhanced equipment (lucky boxes, magic-gem and armor enhancement) really rotten the balance. You have no chance against a player with xim enhanced equipment when you have the same skill, class and lvl than your enemy without help from others.
It's too much expensive to buy lucky boxes; I know that some guys spend money to lvl 50 or 60 equipment - enough money to buy a high class desktop PC.
PS: Current version is 1.9.1. Next Version 2.0 or 1.9.2?
My wish features of Regnum v2.0:
more detailed character models (the current character models are 2 years old) - some tunics, armors, hair styles and costumes are plain like paper or like a skin instead of volumetric
physical correct movement of clothing (please NO bouncing breasts aka breast morphing!)
better performance, especially with OpenGL and Linux
"droppable" armor enhancements or remove of armor enhancements
03-09-2012, 11:53 AM
My wishlist for a future version:
A new map, with better symmetry between realms. Currently, the war zone slices are of different sizes and the castles are placed wrong.
No teleports, neither fixed nor WM teles. (premium tele scrolls can stay) This to let the hunters actually do their job as scouts again.
Elemental damage reserved for mages, physical damage reserved for warriors and archers
Mage armor weak against physical damage. Archer armor weak against physical damage. Warrior armor weak against elemental damage.
Damage from spells proportional to character level.
No dispell magic on oneself. There is no justification for that 'feature' and it renders DoT's and debuffs useless on mages.
Points 3&4 to implement the combat triangle, the foundation of intra-class balance.
But it's not going to happen. NGD has no clue to what they are doing.
03-09-2012, 03:24 PM
Defenitely Pre-WM, the last update before the huge WM update. When hunters were still a nice playable class and Marksmen were not so OP. Knights were okay, barbs were okay, locks kina OP, conjus okay..
03-11-2012, 09:37 PM
Pre War Masters with old range 20m - 25m sb, 25m- 30m lb... 15% passive range BRING IT BACK
03-12-2012, 07:48 AM
I vote for RO 2.0.0!
03-12-2012, 09:05 AM
warmaster, where WM beacons didnt protect against immobilize. Unfortunately, this was changed later :(
03-12-2012, 10:37 AM
Useless whining:
The game is far too advanced now, and that's more bad than good. With power comes a price, and NGD doesn't understand how to properly manage the complex mechanics that they introduced. It could be awesome in its current incarnation. But its not, at least in my opinion.
People don't still play Starcraft in Korea after 13 years because it has "leet graphix". It was a simple game; and simple games are fun, easy to play, and easy to balance. You don't spend day to day worrying about when the next slip up, lack of communication, or bad group of players, or even people just logging off for sleep will result in your whole realm getting farmed for hours, or getting invaded, or losing your gems, or having wishes made against you that last for an entire week, or, or...
New players don't even know where to begin, no one talks to them, and old players keep having to re-learn the game, and get punished for any mistakes. The game has slowly become nothing more than a price above power ratio; players pay more for their characters, items, spells, combat, and everything, than they get out of it. An example of this is the new mage spellcasting that was introduced "cementing mages", that means a mage has to take great risks just to cast a spell.
From realm balance, to class balance, to grind balance, to premium balance; all of it is so rediculous now, and just plain makes playing the game frustrating.
My favorite version was just before WM update, when NGD finally reached a pinnacle in all areas, Since then, well, see above.
03-12-2012, 10:43 AM
I am a relative newbie having only played for nearly 1 year.
But pre halloween.
That release seemed to screw so many things up.
And I did prefer the game without the injury code.
Loved jumping off fort and time mastering conjurors or running thru river near cemetery. Would get my vote to remove again - I dont' care able the realism - just having more fun...
I don't like the UI inconsistencies - the way position of map on screen is always in centre of screen. It should remember position preference even after log off.
I don't like the spell bars - forever dragging buttons off spell bar.
Don't like clutter of so many panels open - latest version is a step backwards - have to drag merchant window to inventory - rather than other way round. Overlay issues too if you do things is certain order...
03-12-2012, 09:30 PM
I wouldn't pick a favourite version, partly due to the rose tinted specs effect, I could say when I had the most fun, but that was more due to the people I was playing with, than the game itself.
In recent memory, just pre-WM was the first time in a while I remember being "happy" with the game, there was great optimism in that time, I remember thinking that we were "this close" to proper balance and with many others, were hoping WM would provide the final piece, it didn't, if anything it threw back progress towards "ideal balance" by years. It was disappointing, and damaging, and the tree trunk that broke this patient camels back.
03-13-2012, 03:52 AM
The summer "community assisted" update immediately before warmasters (to get my hunter to 50 finally) was the first, and only time I have -ever- spent money for xim. Period.
03-13-2012, 05:42 AM
The one where they changed trip to kick.
03-13-2012, 09:37 AM
you guys have to remember.... they did manage to fix certain bugs, even if their newer updates added X2 the amount of bugs/glitches as before.. And they did reduce lag a tiny bit... so if not for lag/bugs, pre invasion time
03-13-2012, 11:13 AM
In terms of technical stuff, lag management, graphical quality, positioning and so forth, the game has clearly got better. But the best periods of gameplay are more like a scattergraph than anything.
03-14-2012, 01:38 PM
well, the actual game version is clearly the best.
I mean... central safe. <3 + new forts (they ARE better than the old ones) + daily warmaster quests (gingered up the wz) + well-balanced teleporters + good graphics...
If you ask me - Regnum just needs some minor things like...
- casting speed of the last game version, though it might have been bugged
- the possibility to switch back to the old interface (only) by the game.cfg with the new GUI being standard
- altars at every fort as it was back then (altough some ngd dev said that this would be difficult to program - I did not quite get it)
- magnanite trade reactivated
- sotw hunter-only spell. :thumb:
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