View Full Version : Sorry Shokey

03-16-2012, 02:46 PM
I really do my best not to post anything here but i just have to tell you about what happened to me this morning.
I was on Lil Hathy at falls near algaros and saw shokey so i knocked him off his horse, he obviously couldnt figure out where i was (stood right next to a tree) so he tried to hide behind a tree but sadly for him it was the wrong side of the tree....I'm still laughing about it now. Sorry i'm not boasting or anything at all cos usually its me that cocks up, i just felt the need to tell people cos it was so funny :)
I'm sure we've all made monumental screw ups before so lets hear them :)

03-16-2012, 03:48 PM
havent played against him that much, but from a distance, he looks like he has the makings of a great lock.

03-16-2012, 03:51 PM
it can be hard to see where the attack comes from if you play on low graphics and don't have arrow animations.

03-16-2012, 04:19 PM
My most noobish moments come from pressing wrong buttons. Because on warlock and conjurer i have dispell on diferent slots, i usualy end up going into sanctuary instead of dispelling someone. On hunter I like to use low profile instead of track sometimes xD
I can just hear the enemies rofling when i succeed in canceling all the defensive buffs on me for no reason :D

03-16-2012, 06:12 PM
-Placed beacons by accident when i was alone.
-Blew kisses by accident instead of casting kick.
-Learning that you can keep weapons in quick slots like 3 months after starting ro.
-Putting my weapon away instead of switching it and thinking i'm attacking.
lot's of noob moments :D

03-16-2012, 06:27 PM
I once knocked a mob instead of the opponent lol sometimes the selection is bugged and you have to double click the enemy just to make sure ur on the right target

03-16-2012, 06:40 PM
it can be hard to see where the attack comes from if you play on low graphics and don't have arrow animations.

Not able to see the arrow beam in war and RvR is a real disadvantage but when u have a crappy computer what can you do...combat performance is often limited by the hardware. I have got bunch of problems like high network ping, low fps, fixedpipeline graphics (to alleviate low fps) and constant screen freeze due to crappy ram and graphic card and the worse of all high temperature of cpu which give me 1-5fps super freeze everytime an ememy pops up on the horizon. I'm planning to get a new desktop next year to solve all these but til then ;)

03-16-2012, 08:16 PM
Personally the only one that comes to mind was the time I withdrew to Herbred in order to escape an advancing zerg, only to find it wasn't actually held by my realm.

However the most hilarious cock up I witnessed does not belong to myself sad to say.
I happened to be killing a few mobs in the Golden Falls one night near the Kelontes on the beach when - as often happens - a hunter popped up and consequently started harassing me.
I did the usual Knight's tactic when ambushed; Defensive Stance > Move to tree. The tree I chose happened to be the one near the cliff face and after a good old game of ring-around-the-tree, the hunter - in an attempt to outmanoeuvre myself - chose to run around the opposite way.
Unfortunately for him, this meant running backwards and he promptly fell off the cliff-face and drowned.

A beautiful moment, again, a pity it was not my own.

03-16-2012, 09:22 PM
I end up resting in the middle of the fight.. I can just imagine what people must be thinking..

but I like being noob and be saved by some amazing goats tyvm ^^

03-16-2012, 10:33 PM
using dis shot on someone then resting too long and getting murdered... :dumbofme:

03-17-2012, 05:35 AM
i cast a port to our cs while AT the cs--im a noob wm:dumbofme:

03-17-2012, 09:10 AM
I like this thread its a way of us all admitting when we screw up :punk: If i had a dollar for everytime i fell off a fort wall and died i'd be a millionaire

03-17-2012, 09:37 AM
-finding out you can put weapons and gear in quickbar 18-24 months after starting RO
-double click my wep on quickbar and trying to kill some-one without a wep
-beacons (i rarely use them because i always screw the timing)
-mounting on conju instead of mind blank
-trying to dispel myself for 30 secs till i realize i still have enemy selected
-dismissing pet instead of letting it attack
-chatting myself into water and drown
-and ofcourse the occasional mess up with off stance

03-17-2012, 12:49 PM
-finding out you can put weapons and gear in quickbar 18-24 months after starting RO

Hah I'm not alone :D.
Well I realised it was possible to put spells in the quickbar at level 49. I was only using the spellbook before xD.

03-17-2012, 01:56 PM
Hah I'm not alone :D.
Well I realised it was possible to put spells in the quickbar at level 49. I was only using the spellbook before xD.

No i can't belive it!!

03-17-2012, 02:03 PM
As many of us i done the same things,like:
-attack without weapon
-cast low profile instead of sotw or anyother skill in the middle of a combat ruining my chain
-feel like a boss,go camo follow enemy,start attack him and get resisted ambush,distract and go in the panic looking for a tree,and get assassinated while reaching it
-start attack someone thinking "oh he is only unchallange,i can kill him without use any buff" and get brutally pwned bya newby,more skilled than me with his lvl 30

-chatting in party/general,and tell to a person " ....yes this my clan mate ___name___ is really a noob i hate him,holy s**t ,etc etc bla bla bla" and then see your words in clan chat because of the "..." at the beginning of the sentence :D trololed.

03-17-2012, 03:49 PM
-chatting in party/general,and tell to a person " ....yes this my clan mate ___name___ is really a noob i hate him,holy s**t ,etc etc bla bla bla" and then see your words in clan chat because of the "..." at the beginning of the sentence :D trololed.

me too.. (tho I dont tell ppl I dislike clannies.. I would be lying :D )

and the partys Im in usually involve cafar, viena, gioakkin and sathius..
{any1 who knows them knows how awkward it is when your post for party ends up in clan..}

03-18-2012, 11:12 PM
-wait till youre almost dead till and wonder why your char is not attacking, till you realize your weapon is broken
-cast dist shot on someone and forget to tell your pet to not attack... and get ganked XD (happens to me quite often atm... damn pet)

03-19-2012, 05:03 PM
- spam click sc with out realizing you still have defensive stance on
- chasing aca with an ally archer, archer distracting shots aca, i accidentally un-stun the aca cause of spamming intimidate -.-
-trying to run near cliff to hopefully get aca to fall off, but then i fall down myself
-thinking your armor pwns, i start showing it off, then i realize knights dont want dex xD
- ally gets stunned, i try to click on him to cast pa, but click on aca, so i stand there for 5 secs spamming the pa button when im locked onto aca -.-
-try to cast belestia while having axe equipped
-not knowing anything about dragon, but wanting to show off, i try and solo it (happened when i was lvl 20)
