View Full Version : Graphics Options Inaccessible

03-20-2012, 10:45 AM
I have 2 graphics cards. Intel Crap and AMD Awesomeness (Basically that's what they are). My AMD kind of works in the background, so many programs detect only the Intel Crap card. I've had this problem before in a few programs like systemrequirementslab. My problem is that I can only go up to Shader Model 2.0. I should be able to play on Shader Model 4.0, because I can play really High Definition games like Modern Warfare 3, Skyrim, and Battlefield 3 on full graphics.

The box at the options section says that my hardware is not recognized and that I do not have enough video card RAM (512 MB) to play the game. I have 8GB of video card RAM. It's okay if there's no fix for this, but I would really like to play the game on fancy graphics. Doesn't matter so much. Just shouting this out so NGD will know there's a little 'bug' here.

Note: I've tried disabling the Intel Graphics Card and only have the AMD enabled, but the game shoots me straight down to fixed pipeline. This has happened on other games I've played. It seems like the AMD piggy-backs on the Intel card and actually does all the firepower.

03-20-2012, 06:16 PM
take a look in the amd catalyst control center, in order to find a way to put the regnum online as an exception. I mean create a profile or something else telling to your computer "don't use the crap with regnum online, use the radeon one"

03-21-2012, 02:09 AM
I thought I should be telling Intel Card to make an exception, not the AMD card to make an exception?

03-21-2012, 02:06 PM
I thought I should be telling Intel Card to make an exception, not the AMD card to make an exception?

I guess you're wrong. let me explain the situation:

your system always use the intel card just for save energy (as you know the intel card, consumes less power than the AMD one). AMD as Nvidia optimuz, has a list for some aplications where is needed 3d performance (usually games). you need to add the exe file in this list.
