View Full Version : What is the thing other players of your realm do that you hate the most?
04-02-2012, 08:30 PM
For me - when I play a Warlock - it's when a Conjuror resurrects you after you've died directly in front of an enemy Barb - trying to use you as some sort of patsy to escape. No energy barrier (which was paper thin already), no arcane devotion to cast faster - you have to wait for both to cool down to cast again (and no form of sanctuary spell). You are also resurrected at less than full health. Anything worse? It's a cause for instant de-friending! The only time I ever want my Warlock resurrected is in a secure enemy fort or castle!
04-02-2012, 08:32 PM
Winter Stroke
04-02-2012, 08:32 PM
I dislike it when members of my realm log on. It often makes playing very frustrating.
04-03-2012, 12:45 AM
I dislike it when members of my realm log on. It often makes playing very frustrating.
I thought this was just me..
Bby we so mean't to be! <3
04-03-2012, 01:29 AM
I dislike it when members of my realm log on. It often makes playing very frustrating.
How are you so tolerant? o.o
04-03-2012, 05:49 AM
I dislike barbs that rush into the enemy zerg-die and come back to complain they
didnt get any heals.. lucky for alsius barbs, those are few, but still a pain
I dislike it, when we finally have a nice zerg, they always go samal! lol
But actually... I like it coz it gives me stuff to whine about :D
04-03-2012, 06:25 AM
I hate it when hunters sit inside forts...That certainly is not the best what we can do in rvr.
04-03-2012, 10:23 AM
Another hate is when you play Warlock and have expended a ton of mana on for example a Knight and you cast arcane devotion - so you have depleted your health a bit, so you can now cast vampirism and/or soulkeeper - since most of rest of spells are on cooldown, then one of your conjurors heals you. Or even worse you've cast soulkeeper and it is active, then Conj restores you to full health diminishing the health drained from an enemy by the D.O.T. spell. That to me is sacrilege. Conjurors should recognize soulkeeper spell as it is so distinctive.
04-03-2012, 10:26 AM
Winter Stroke
When you casted Fullminating:crying1:
04-03-2012, 10:44 AM
Another hate is in PvP when everyone goes for different target - a total lack of co-ordination - this is why I prefer hunting in small groups of up to about 8 - let the marks fire first and you then all go for the same target.
04-03-2012, 10:46 AM
This happened to me the other day. 2 vs 2 - the hunter cast enemy surveillance and didn't even engage in fight when I was playing my Knight.
04-03-2012, 11:32 AM
When you casted Fullminating:crying1:
I love that! xD
Worst thing for me is getting knocked down, and not able to get up the 2nd time to react.
04-03-2012, 11:42 AM
Complaining about freezing barb which was killing alied lock when i froze him xD
04-03-2012, 11:52 AM
allied barbs doing too much damage, so my character gets no credit for the kill... even though I cast 1 or more spells on the enemy.
04-03-2012, 11:59 AM
Another hate is in PvP when everyone goes for different target - a total lack of co-ordination - this is why I prefer hunting in small groups of up to about 8 - let the marks fire first and you then all go for the same target.
8 vs 2 or 3? dude you are one from alot of gankers :bangin:
04-03-2012, 12:03 PM
8 vs 2 or 3? dude you are one from alot of gankers :bangin:
on Ra grind parties are usually have 10+ players xD
04-03-2012, 12:47 PM
allied barbs doing too much damage, so my character gets no credit for the kill... even though I cast 1 or more spells on the enemy.
Let me guess... you are in Syrtis (Horus)? :)
04-03-2012, 12:55 PM
allied barbs doing too much damage, so my character gets no credit for the kill... even though I cast 1 or more spells on the enemy.
stop whining lol just make your own party and try another fort/castle, not just Spamal or Agge (Meni, Shaana, Imp, Trelle etc.) Dont play with zerg
onTopic: i like Ignis :) i like all what they doing or not
04-03-2012, 03:04 PM
when your realm is in danger and 10 people are afk at save...
04-03-2012, 03:38 PM
Let me guess... you are in Syrtis (Horus)? :)
Wrong, it's Alsius whre barbs > everything xD
04-03-2012, 06:01 PM
Winter Stroke
and all other freezing spells casts while the victim is certainly dead and manages to get away cus of the freezing!!, ngd pls make freezing a support spell cus it saves more ppl then it kills
I hate when marks do useless freezes and when they ask for help while they never help others
04-03-2012, 08:23 PM
When some hunters say every random track they get, such as "1a unchall E 450m" which makes 3/4 of the group split for it.
04-04-2012, 04:19 AM
when ppl touch the flag after busting the door down which takes an hour, and the enemy has still a bajillion people inside...xD
04-04-2012, 07:39 AM
I hate it when others bash and insult new players when they do something wrong, like thyself were "born" as RO "pros"...instead of explaining them nice and help them to improve..
04-04-2012, 08:44 AM
Seeing people of my realm hunting together with players of other realms.
Also requests like: "don't kill [...], he is a friend of mine"
Yessss, we can talk for hours about multirealming and ethics :-)
And i hate any kind of abusive bahavior, which doesn't happen often indeed, at least in the Syrtis realm, but it happens.
04-04-2012, 09:23 AM
"Do you want to change your char?" :dumbofme:
04-04-2012, 09:44 AM
I hate it when others bash and insult new players when they do something wrong, like thyself were "born" as RO "pros"...instead of explaining them nice and help them to improve..
And people who think you can cheat your armor/damage xD
04-04-2012, 10:11 AM
And people who think you can cheat your armor/damage xD
10chars xD
04-04-2012, 10:38 AM
I hate it when we are being invaded and warbanners start to pop up everywhere asking for a party to kill the realm dragon. Coincidence? I think not.
04-04-2012, 04:25 PM
The other day 1 WM Barb and two early 50' Marks (one myself) took Eferias.
I spent 200k gold upgrading castle, the WM Barb planted a Banner announcing it to the realm and it started the 30 min countdown for an invasion.
Then only 1 more player came - another Barb.
We killed 10 or so greens but lost the castle with 15 min to spare. Too many people bent on grinding and not looking at invade clocks. Wasted gold...
04-04-2012, 06:19 PM
The other day 1 WM Barb and two early 50' Marks (one myself) took Eferias.
I spent 200k gold upgrading castle, the WM Barb planted a Banner announcing it to the realm and it started the 30 min countdown for an invasion.
Then only 1 more player came - another Barb.
We killed 10 or so greens but lost the castle with 15 min to spare. Too many people bent on grinding and not looking at invade clocks. Wasted gold...
ehm who spends 200k gold on upgrading a castle when he captures it with only 3?
what i hate is that some apparently think they are ur master and can give u orders :S though, i usualy just rush into the zerg and die in 5 secs so i might need to listen to some orders more often :p
04-05-2012, 11:44 AM
Realm mates who wants a fort war with at least 15 guys at the secondary fort, oh not playing in alsius :wink:
04-05-2012, 04:27 PM
I find it difficult to hate something my fellow Ignean friends do.
I dislike when some multirealmer holds our gems so enemy can invade ^^.
And I dislike whining and accusing. From any realm.
Is my point prooved?
04-05-2012, 05:49 PM
this is why I prefer hunting in small groups of up to about 8 -
I Epic lol'd at this
04-05-2012, 08:36 PM
I Epic lol'd at this
Problem is that on Ra it's almost as small as 1 hunter on Horus vs 13 grinders -.-
04-09-2012, 08:31 AM
I hate it when i empty all my cc arsenal on an enemy and the barb attacks them, lets them get up and gets himself killed. :bangin:
04-09-2012, 10:45 AM
@relmmate" bosswhores ;)
and some of @realmmate# who trading conj stuff for barb epic stuff etc.
04-10-2012, 08:40 AM
Yesterday I chased a Marksman from the Alsius central save all the way back to the Ignis central save. The Ignian guy was solo - with 3 of us chasing - myself a Knight. I could not keep up - since Knight is unbearably slow, so I kept getting on horse and giving Onslaught 5 to one of our barbs. He never closed gap! Another low level archer couldn't catch up either. Hello Barb when I give Onslaught 5 - it's time for Spring/Unstoppable Maddness! What kind of barb doesn't use these spells? The irony was we got him to low health and then the guard at the Ignian central save killed me with circa 8500 damage. What makes this suck for me is that our guard did not reciprocate. :-( I had just resurrected and immediately came under attack!
04-11-2012, 08:02 AM
I dislike it when members of my realm log on. It often makes playing very frustrating.
+100, well +1000 even.
04-14-2012, 09:42 AM
When a noob seeing that Noble left 10% of life is trying to kill him when the other players kill enemies.
in the end he gets the quest, and the rest have to wait another 30 minutes until noble resurrected
04-15-2012, 12:04 AM
When you attack a small zerg with your party/clan, suddenly you realise they ran and you are alone.
04-15-2012, 09:13 PM
When you attack a small zerg with your party/clan, suddenly you realise they ran and you are alone.
+1 for this.
Ppl need to stop being so afraid to die in this game, some off the most fun
moments ive had in this game lately is when for example me and Irsh rush in
when Syrts and Iggies are fighting at samal and just try to kill as much as
possible before we get taken down. :viking:
04-15-2012, 10:41 PM
A suicidal front line :/
04-23-2012, 10:11 PM
Plant multiple beacons (inside the fort so enemies cant see), when syrtis out number the enemies 10 : 3 and then if it looks like the door might go down they tele away when they think no one there to see it ><
Seriously guys?
04-24-2012, 12:45 AM
That particular quality of some people to cry about an issue with more effort then to think about a way to circumvent it.
Then you give a hint and you get completely ignored as if showing a solution disturbs the whine session.
Or maybe theyre just so deep into it to not even look up to the chat to see what others have to say. :dumbofme:
04-24-2012, 01:43 AM
Knights created with the sole intention of boss camping.
Oh, and people assuming I'm not afk when I genuinely am.
04-29-2012, 07:35 PM
I hate myself, because I know that when I play this game, I play it so damn good the enemies must be shit scared of me. So I hate myself because of them. I hate being so damn good.
06-18-2012, 06:07 PM
Another hate is when you play Warlock and have expended a ton of mana on for example a Knight and you cast arcane devotion - so you have depleted your health a bit, so you can now cast vampirism and/or soulkeeper - since most of rest of spells are on cooldown, then one of your conjurors heals you. Or even worse you've cast soulkeeper and it is active, then Conj restores you to full health diminishing the health drained from an enemy by the D.O.T. spell. That to me is sacrilege. Conjurors should recognize soulkeeper spell as it is so distinctive.
even worse if enemy is frozen just before sk/vamp no hp no mana
06-19-2012, 04:52 PM
That particular quality of some people to cry about an issue with more effort then to think about a way to circumvent it.
Then you give a hint and you get completely ignored as if showing a solution disturbs the whine session.
Or maybe theyre just so deep into it to not even look up to the chat to see what others have to say. :dumbofme:
I'm guilty of this too sometimes, but I still hate it xD
06-19-2012, 05:28 PM
i hate ppl like psy that never help with invasions, but are always on time when it's time to kill boss's, and then post on forum about what they hate about players who grind knights for boss's only :bangin:
Knights created with the sole intention of boss camping.
Oh, and people assuming I'm not afk when I genuinely am.
and when we succeed in putting enemy gate in danger, he goes to noble and after killing him, he shouts to the zerg to camp the noble house till he spawns again just because he didnt get it, in an attempt to split zerg for self purposes, because ppl were going gate after noble like always
06-19-2012, 09:49 PM
telling realm A does all this while the own realm does just the same.
This doesnt only is directed at my own realm...
today 4 pigs teled away from efe, pig bravery to the max...
Also: killing me xD
06-26-2012, 08:13 AM
I dislike it when members of my realm log on. It often makes playing very frustrating.
Hey!! i wanted t say that!! should have got here earlier i
+100, well +1000 even.
We both know thats missing a few zeros Dupacabra... xD
Knights created with the sole intention of boss camping.
Drop Ho´s.... :tsk_tsk: ...aura :poster_spam: ftw?
when your realm is in danger and 10 people are afk at save...
Yup.. i dont play much now..but when i do... its always the usual suspects afk >.> ( you know who you are.... :fury: ) lol
A suicidal front line :/
I resemble that remark!!! LOL
Now for my own thought... the ton of useless spells all classes have...i understand that they need ´fillers´ ... but maybe something we can use please...
Dislike it when a realmmate warmaster spawns a teleport back to CS inside aggers, eventhough we have a chance of winning. ::alsius:
06-26-2012, 09:27 AM
and when we succeed in putting enemy gate in danger, he goes to noble and after killing him, he shouts to the zerg to camp the noble house till he spawns again just because he didnt get it, in an attempt to split zerg for self purposes, because ppl were going gate after noble like always
offtopic :hat:
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