View Full Version : Class Roles??

04-28-2012, 05:06 AM
Hello everyone. Quick question to the community to get my "groove back." Which class do you prefer to play and why? Positives, negatives, all that good stuff. Personally I find liking damage classes, but the game does get tedious at times (at least for me, you know, doing horribly all the time. :D), i find myself playing support, until I get tired of that too. So what class makes you feel most important? Thank yee.

04-28-2012, 06:04 AM
Dunno, i find hunter to be most entartaining. Well, i don't liek deathball(srsly, modern RO zerg is typical deathball) wars.

04-28-2012, 06:30 AM
Despite what everyone thinks hunters are still the sexiest class, b***es!!!
Hunters are scouts. You have to track down enemies and let everyone be aware of their presence. Aside that, hunters cannot kill enemies on their own, unless they have some sort of advantage (ex, the enemy is grinding and you attack while they still have the mob on them) They can turn invisible so its easier to find advantageous situations but most of the time they re weak.
In group fights their role is to assist other classes with whatever cc spells you have, stun, debuffs, extra damage. They have an anti-healer spell that prevents the casting of non-damaging powers and everyone hates them for it and keeps crying they re op.
Also, hunters are able to capture a fort on their own if they manage to hide inside and cap the flag (before the enemy realises), making it all easier for their realm mates.
If that matters to you, hunters can tame most mobs of the game as pets and have them deal extra damage for them.

Yeah, in short we re forced to be a supportive class because even healers stand better than us on their own, even have better armors and damage. Some hunters are able to deal dmg through epic equips and the such but they are a small elite in the game.

Why are we so sexy then? Well, its because hunters can be played in any way you can imagine. You might get frustrated playing hunter but you won't get bored. You can always sneak in the enemy lines, risk your head to kill their healer or steal a fort, or hide and cripple the barbarian that is charging on their front line. Slow them down while they are trying to run away, turn a group of allies invisible to make the enemy fall into a trap, stun the enemies that run away till our barbarians reach them, and so on.

Since you like damage classes maybe hunters are not for you, you might enjoy a barbarian or a marksman more, they both nuke ppl from up close or far far away. Though i seriously hope i won't see any more marks.

04-28-2012, 10:55 AM
Hunter, because it is the most challenging class to play (FU marksman)

04-28-2012, 11:31 AM
If you want a challenge go Hunter or Conjurer :D
If you like offensive and support at the same time, you should go Knight.
I think supportive classes in all are more challenging but Knight can be both :P

04-28-2012, 12:54 PM
Despite what everyone thinks hunters are still the sexiest class, b***es!!!
Hunters are scouts. You have to track down enemies and let everyone be aware of their presence. Aside that, hunters cannot kill enemies on their own, unless they have some sort of advantage (ex, the enemy is grinding and you attack while they still have the mob on them) They can turn invisible so its easier to find advantageous situations but most of the time they re weak.
Cant kill enemies on their own unless they are grinding? Lol xD

04-28-2012, 01:34 PM
Well, that’s how it is. You can disagree with this vision of balance though.

Meanwhile at NGD…

Character rolls? U want a roll to change ur class?

04-28-2012, 03:44 PM
Well, that’s how it is. You can disagree with this vision of balance though.

Meanwhile at NGD…

Character rolls? U want a roll to change ur class?

Setting all negatives and trolling aside... (yes i did quit trolling, make those faces! \o/) .... Whaaaat?? Rolls? I would love a loaf of bread, but I'm talking about class roles. Like sometimes I would play a marksman, and get kills and be like, "is this how you're suppose to play? This seems boring, compared to old RO." And I would then play my hunter, die, and find the game "fun" again going all, "OHHH I GOT THAT KNIGHT TO 99% HP! WOOT!" so yeah, what exactly do you mean balance? I'm just getting other's opinions.

To all those others, I will probably be playing my raven conj for now, kind of grew up in the whole Ieti/Sytrisa's foot-steps. :D

04-28-2012, 04:11 PM
I might have meant rolz and scrollz. :3

/e: Why am I even here? First warm day of the year.

04-28-2012, 07:23 PM
They're awesome, simply put.

04-28-2012, 08:52 PM
I love conju, I got everyones life in my hands (conju is pure evil, no1 notices it..)
and its not just support, warju feels so good to play, only good for even number fights tho..

my second favorite is knight, call me crazy, but grinding a knight is relaxing
and it doesnt matter how much you lag in wars, you wont die after 1 hit :D

but im a team player, supportive is my way to go :)

04-28-2012, 09:53 PM


there we are

04-29-2012, 01:14 AM


there we are

I saw this a while ago blood :P and I know the roles, I guess I was just looking for some community motivational words. :P but thanks anyways guys, I was supporting people today and wow. Conjs are more fun than pew-pew kiting :D