View Full Version : Problem!!!! help please!!

04-30-2012, 11:28 PM
Hi! I used to play this game like 2-3 years ago, now I have a new laptop so I downloaded it to pay again, everything went great, I opened the laucher and when I select the world and click "enter" it says like "checking with your firewall or something, which its normal I think. Later the sound starts as if the game its ready but the image does not change, even the mouse changes to the "regnum" mouse...
PS: if I minimize the game when I try to open it back it just wont, the music continues but there's no image...

my PC:
win 7
ram: 8gb
nvidia GFORCE GTX 560 * 2gb
intel core i7

internet speed 1.5 mbps

05-01-2012, 01:01 AM
I suspect you've chosen an incompatible resolution but I can't say that for sure with so little information.
Before entering a world, go to the options section and play around with the settings, at least try to disable Full screen if it's on. Report back if anything interesting happens.


05-02-2012, 08:00 AM
If daar's solution doesn't work, try launching the game as administrator:thumb: