View Full Version : I remember when.... (complete the sentence)
05-03-2012, 01:58 PM
I remember when my buddies and I were deciding whether to play regnum or runescape. :thumb:
05-03-2012, 02:01 PM
I remember when Ra was the only server. :crying1:
05-03-2012, 02:20 PM
I remember when the last balance update was. 2010/9/21.
05-03-2012, 02:22 PM
I remember when the hunter's are gods =P
or zarkit-god
or the skill "temblor" (ni put# idea de como será en inglés jaja)
05-03-2012, 02:29 PM
I remember when most people used store-bought weapons and OP gear didn't make such a difference...
05-03-2012, 02:42 PM
I remember my lunch from yesterday. Mmm.
05-03-2012, 02:56 PM
i remember when umm.............:dumbofme::eguitar:
oh hell i forgot
05-03-2012, 03:22 PM
I remember when hunters were able to pet Ghosts :bangin:
05-03-2012, 03:46 PM
I remember when... Valorius Rageway.
05-03-2012, 03:57 PM
I remember when... Valorius Rageway.
Oh yes, that quiet guy, very modest chap he was xD
05-03-2012, 04:02 PM
I remember when NGD refered to us as friends instead of customers. :p
05-03-2012, 04:22 PM
I remember when....i was a zerg of holas speakers and i dont understand a word of it
05-03-2012, 04:27 PM
I remember when the gameplay was 20% slower.
:D (
I remember when the gameplay was 20% slower.
:D (
I remember when my FPS was higher with worse hardware than I have now.
05-03-2012, 06:04 PM
I remember when my FPS was higher with worse hardware than I have now.
I remember when I was in Artec's clan \o/
05-03-2012, 06:16 PM
I remember when I was in DB's 3rd clan when I first started on Horus. :rolleyes2: Anyone else remember Horus?
05-03-2012, 06:49 PM
I remember when NGD promised to make balance fixes almost every week... :crying1:
05-03-2012, 08:00 PM
I remember when horses were not allowed in the warzone!
I remember Van's yellow tunic !
I remember when we runned under the Protection Dome like into a turtle. I remember Oro, Efrendi and NightChill, Tsuku... i remember old G-spot at PB1. I remember great fights when Horus started.
I remember my first clan Terror & Hubris and how we played hide and seek in Fisgael as noobs.
I remember when conjus used normal fast staff and Devotion(1). I remember when conju can heal 10 ppl.
I remember when DB meet Galynn at limite and can not kill him under Steel Skin and raged in forums for that. :P
05-03-2012, 09:14 PM
I remember when.. (
05-03-2012, 09:16 PM
i remember this song!
05-03-2012, 10:09 PM
I remember when all the names were blue.
I remember buying horses with gold.
I remember the old Death Sentence.
05-03-2012, 10:49 PM
I remember Banana Van too. I gave him that ugly yellow tunic. XD
05-03-2012, 10:57 PM
I remember herb beach being lv 50 and 50 second ao1:p
I remember when giant shoulder pads didnt exist.
I remember trees moving in shader 2.
I remember the first time i saw 20 players together defending alsius gate and i was like "whoa... ima play this sh**!"
I remember Tyr's zorn. They was fearsome.
I remember old party hats. :bangin:
I remember old Party(protection), disco ball dome.
I remember the old "biwie" scans. 1a 100 - baaam zerg strike! Back to CS.
I remember crossing river on PP and near PB1 merchant and fun around this.
Yea Death Sentence was fun to see. You dispell in a sec or you die next 5.
I remember this awesome intro. NGD needs to make a remake of it definatelly. (
05-03-2012, 11:38 PM
I remember when I 1st met Platyna in wz...:)
05-04-2012, 12:34 AM
I remember this one
Rest in peace :'( (
05-04-2012, 12:35 AM
I remember ... when the game was actually fun for me. But not anymore.
05-04-2012, 12:55 AM
I remember the old blue & black loading screens
I remember old 3-save locations (not the fort-bound ones), without save guards
I remember fatigue
I remember when there was no dancing
05-04-2012, 01:02 AM
I remember Xymerald bows.
I remember when barbs were the "Knights" of a zerg, supporting allies with 40sec UM, and Knights were the damage dealers (with old 3-stack weapon magnis).
I remember when Arcane Missile was included in most mage setups because it was a decent spell.
I remember when armor didn't work at all, and was only worn for looks.
I remember chasing DMC all over the world.
I remember Alga->Trelle ping pong tnat required absolutely no brains to play in, but it was good for newer players. :p
I remember when castles had absolutely no purpose, and the guards on castle doors didn't even attack.
I remember when mobs were very big, with a level 30 giant beetle being the size of current level 60 mobs. Warzone was epic back then. "Giant Cyclops"!
I remember when the game developers played alongside us and made their own mistakes (save camping, tsk tsk :p).
I remember when Shaanarid and Imperia saves were in the mountains on the cliffs.
I remember all of the players from the CBA comic playing alongside me. Fluffy Muffin! :p
I remember when Adrian aka Kailer was just a player, not an NGD employee.
I remember fighting Compost & Wudy, back when Hunters were effective brawlers and neither weak nor OP.
I remember Inkster's smell.
I remember when Energy borrow claimed to drain health, and Ethereal arrow, Soulkeeper and Vampirism were blocked by Confuse.
I remember when... too many more to list.
I remember when the game was good, and wasn't just moving from one revenue trick to the next while stacking up half a decade of frustrating bugs.
05-04-2012, 02:16 AM
I remember the fatigue system.
05-04-2012, 03:50 AM
I remember the fatigue system.
I remember everyone complaining about the fatigue system, but never playing enough for it to actually affect me. :cuac:
I remember Fatigue - we grinded till we hit it and then went to war. No matter the level.
I remember the old Terror chains after Protection Dome was fked.
05-04-2012, 07:25 AM
I remember when hunters had taxi
05-04-2012, 08:18 AM
I remember the first ever map that a player received at the Initiation Zone which was just a piece of paper and you had to work your way through it by yourself.
I remember the shield visual bug.
I remember the save in the Southwest Desert Forest in Ignis War Zone (Shaan teleport area).
I remember seeing the first versions of the Pendant Holders and their altars, which was spooky. :D
I remember this one bug where the whole ground in front of you disappeared and everything was floating in midair.
05-04-2012, 09:45 AM
I remember when I started I had the whole 'world' to explore and looked forward, now I catch myself looking back.
05-04-2012, 10:07 AM
I remember Beijing's stupid sm setup :crying1:
05-04-2012, 11:03 AM
I remember when DB made epic threads.
I miss you :crying1:
05-04-2012, 11:56 AM
I remember knights blocking 20 - 30 hits in a row without precise block :D
05-04-2012, 12:25 PM
I remember when I was playing in Tyr everyone was walking around on a warjurer.
I remember that on Tyr everyone was afraid of the hunter ''Spawn'' (?) , because he was the only lvl 50 in the whole server and killed everyone.
I remember that I was the whole time in the warzone fighting against lvl 45-50s at my lvl 35 warju.
I remember when there were still awesome zarkit summons.
I remember when you could buy a horse for 1 day for 10k gold.
I remember when Sotw was +25% speed and +1500 resist at lvl 5
I remember that I came to this game, because of an advertisement in a magazine ^^
I remember when Xavion always protected us against all the guards in a castle, and we would die otherwise
And many more ^^^
~ Bloody General or Waffles
I remember before invasions.
I remember when Samal save was near Daen Rha canyon.
I remember when Samal save was aprox where it is now (prior to the move to Dean Rha)
I also remember being in DB's clan when I started . Which one was the dessert asasins ? (no misspell) Was that the second one ?
05-04-2012, 02:05 PM
I remember when hunter had a skill to make their pets run super fast.
I remeber when we all respected each other.
05-04-2012, 02:09 PM
i remember - you can buy for 500 magnanites boss weapon.
i remember - lvl 50 graduations
i remember - a lots of FUN.
05-04-2012, 02:19 PM
I remember when Kailer did community management. :rolleyes:
05-04-2012, 02:39 PM
I remember ragequitting RuneScape back in mid '06 and browsing about for another MMO when I stumbled upon a certain upcoming game that showed promise and playing it until the beta ended resulting in all characters being wiped. After which I consequently quit and returned to the aforementioned MMO until early '11 when I decided to see how things had changed.
I know I berate others for indulging in nostalgia fuelled day-dreams but I do like to reminisce once in a while myself.
05-04-2012, 05:51 PM
I remember logging in as as soon as Horus launched, and claiming what I still suspect was the first death on the server.
I remember the old dragon models.
I remember me and a friend going all the way to Samal as level 12s on RA to go to Anpus post-grad war fest. Then both getting 1-shot-killed. (frankly I'm amazed we got that far because...)
I remember when mobs were aggressive as fuck.
I remember chasing assorted hunters around Efe for hours on end.
I remember the first graduation I went to, Lunars on RA.
I remember when TRACKERs grad party crashed RA.
I remember when people would talk openly in general chat.
I remember when everyone knew everyone else. (English community/Ra)
I remember a game so imbalanced it was actually funny, and loving it.
I remember the original game engine.
I remember Fire/Air/Earth/Water "Liders"
I remember more Spanish from Ra than from High School.
I remember having shouting match with Valarious Rageway at CS about his attitude as a level 28 knight.
I remember climbing CS rock and sitting there chatting for hours.
I remember fighting SOL in the arena for friggin hours on end, and mostly kicking his ass.
I remember coming back from holiday a week later and repeatedly getting my ass kicked by SOL in the arena :p
I remember seeing "Eragon Shadeslayer" in Kor and calling him "Argetlam" not seeing him for ages, then him randomly showing up in Wz one day ages later, if you're reading this Hola, I bet you don't remember this! :p
05-04-2012, 09:04 PM
I remember seeing "Eragon Shadeslayer" in Kor and calling him "Argetlam" not seeing him for ages, then him randomly showing up in Wz one day ages later, if you're reading this Hola, I bet you don't remember this! :p
Wasn't that me..? Or was this on Ra?
I remember when people fighted for fun - not for RP, WMC or something else.
I remember times when we gived gear that we do not use.
I remember Lunar and all PPL who left to other realms or left game.
I remember Piz and his awesome comic. I still read it.
05-05-2012, 12:54 AM
I remember fighting SOL in the arena for friggin hours on end, and mostly kicking his ass.
I remember coming back from holiday a week later and repeatedly getting my ass kicked by SOL in the arena :p
Oh those were the good ole days! :)
Sir Mariusz lectured me and forced me to start using Thirst for Blood then i turned things around pretty well ;D
I remember pvping DB about 6-7 times and as soon as he won he left and made a forum thread about it ^^
I remember chasing Llayne/Kailek threw the wz for hours trying to kill him, One of us would try running across the water at pb1 and the other would try to roar in the water to kill
I remember the first time i went to the wz on SOL everyone was lecturing me about my level (lvl 16) and then I died then Isemon came and rezzed me, I decided to make sure no one would touch Ise by feinting people that got near him ^^
I remember when "Kick" was "Trip"
I remember my first clan in Horus was "Legion of Syrtis" everyone hated us because we were complete noobs xD
I remember when Kyro convinced me to join Alsius, I was drunk and misspelled "Ktulu" with "Klutu" :P
05-05-2012, 01:38 AM
I remember when Vinland forest in Alsius formed a newbie buffer beteen inner realm and WZ because it was packed with very aggressive Ghosts of the Slaughter and the first quest you got in Montosgnir after arriving there from the initiation area was bugged and required you to walk all the way to Vinland in between talking to two NPCs in Montsognir.
05-05-2012, 01:41 AM
Oh and I remember when the only map availiable was an clickable item in your invatory being a Spanish map of the initiation area.
05-05-2012, 02:06 AM
I remember when DkySven would be telling me not to double post =D
05-05-2012, 04:02 AM
I remember when Vinland forest in Alsius formed a newbie buffer beteen inner realm and WZ because it was packed with very aggressive Ghosts of the Slaughter and the first quest you got in Montosgnir after arriving there from the initiation area was bugged and required you to walk all the way to Vinland in between talking to two NPCs in Montsognir.
Oh, such quest iz still there lol.
I remember when i used to be human... Oh wait, it was before i started RO.
I remember, when i didn't know about reset_powers...
05-05-2012, 04:33 AM
I remember when this game was fun and unique... :rolleyes:
05-05-2012, 07:41 AM
I remember how (in Tyr) we tried Vesper in Syrtis with 30 lvl 20-30s -> We failed
I remember in Tyr how Alsius invaded us by bugging the Guards when no one was online
I remember how we tried to invade (Syrtis + Ignis) Alsius during day, but we couldn't get passed the damn guards before they killed us.
I remember how fun Tyr was with Herome, Time, Gizz & me.
05-05-2012, 07:57 AM
I remember when we invaded syrtis by bugging the guards in tyr
I remember when we lured guards to alsius realm wall because we couldnt do guard captains.
I remember when we had a 5vs3 fight at alga save and called it an epic fight that u had to be there.
I remember when we regrouped to kill aysor and we just had 2 people that accualy damaged him because the rest was under level 40.
I remember hitting level 20 and going to the Warzone and accualy doing good because everyone was around level 20.
I remember myself killing spawn ( the only level 50 hunter in tyr ) and running around so happy just like I catched a legendary pokemon!
R.I.P. Tyr, Gendor, R.I.P. Raven, Dr worsy (Brokenhorn)
I remember the first time i went to the wz on SOL everyone was lecturing me about my level (lvl 16) and then I died then Isemon came and rezzed me, I decided to make sure no one would touch Ise by feinting people that got near him ^^
I remember when "Kick" was "Trip"
I remember my first clan in Horus was "Legion of Syrtis" everyone hated us because we were complete noobs xD
Noyone hated "Legion of Syrtis" i'm sure. Well they needed too many resses i guess. :bangin:
I remember SoL and his noob barb in Syrtis. I came into WZ at 22 and started to go to fights. Enith, Ise and others was good and nice teachers.
I remember the epic DB talks in IRC. I remember when DB was in Syrtis. He managed to stay here for day or two. :tonguey:
05-05-2012, 08:35 AM
I remember how (in Tyr) we tried Vesper in Syrtis with 30 lvl 20-30s -> We failed
I remember in Tyr how Alsius invaded us by bugging the Guards when no one was online
I remember how we tried to invade (Syrtis + Ignis) Alsius during day, but we couldn't get passed the damn guards before they killed us.
I remember how fun Tyr was with Herome, Time, Gizz & me.
I remember this! <3
05-05-2012, 10:16 AM
I remember starting in Syrtis as a conju and finding out after 1,5 month that you can actually level up spells :o (Lot-Ionan, shame I deleted you)
I remember being told that Syrtis had the zerg and Alsius the tactics, so I moved to Alsius... WHAT TACTICS?!
I remember making Slayer of Night, just to bug SoL, never got past lvl 16...
I remember returning to RO after every time I quit
I remember Tankabon!
I also remember when I had my auras coming out my backside.
05-05-2012, 12:07 PM
I remember the old starting zone in Ignis. A bunch of rocks, a few NPCs and an altar.
<---------------- ( very related
05-05-2012, 12:28 PM
I remember the old starting zone in Ignis. A bunch of rocks, a few NPCs and an altar.
<---------------- ( very related
Ignis defnitely had the worst landscape prior to the overhauls, but their starting zone always had nice music, and is now probably the best (graphically) noob zone.
Though all of the green in Syrtis with the same music everywhere sure gets old despite that it looked better.
Alsius... I joined for the pine forests, which unfortunately are only in warzone. A sentiment I believe Znurre shared. :p
05-05-2012, 02:21 PM
I remember when TRACKERs grad party crashed RA.
yeah... :biggrin:
05-06-2012, 08:09 PM
I would like to just say I love this thread :p
And yes Psynocide, I believe that was you :)
05-07-2012, 12:51 AM
I remember when they first released MoD, all the mobs around aggroed to you.
I remember when you could dizzy people while they were knocked down.
I remember when Fire ball had no splash damage reduction.
I remember when Lucas still played.
I remember the last day of beta when Surak started spawning all dragons in the warzone.
I remember when Soul keeper took 1k hp even if your health bar was full.
I remember the old escapist.
05-07-2012, 08:00 PM
I remember when I saw players had capes...
I remember when I loved to play warlock...
I remember when I fell in love with hunters...
I remember when Character Models were boxy
05-08-2012, 12:18 PM
I also remember being in DB's clan when I started . Which one was the dessert asasins ? (no misspell) Was that the second one ?
lol I remember that. Best clan name ever.
I remember when you couldn't buy armor or weapons that were higher than level 37 and dropping a level 50 item made you the envy of the server. I scored a lion BP by drowning Kontaron. >.>
05-08-2012, 01:51 PM
I remember tapping "S" to get just out of the monster's attack range, and he wouldn't fight back.
I remember power levelling by drowning lizards on the beach. :hat:
05-08-2012, 02:17 PM
I remember tapping "S" to get just out of the monster's attack range, and he wouldn't fight back.
Yeah... back when mobs were REALLY dumb. (Not that they're smart now.)
I remember power levelling by drowning lizards on the beach. :hat:
You did this at Rasius Bay, with the old beach spiders, as well.
05-09-2012, 07:47 PM
I remember Night Twix......
05-09-2012, 08:47 PM
I remember when I was too into the game to use the forums, now I'm too into the forum to use the game... I remember, I remember, I remember - but now I forgot and I cannot end the
05-09-2012, 09:54 PM
I remember Night Twix......
I remember running away from Night Twix :P
05-10-2012, 07:06 AM
I remember first version of regnum which was horrible for me (huds, physics) :bangin:
05-10-2012, 08:52 AM
I remember first version of regnum which was horrible for me (huds, physics) :bangin:
The one with the purple user interface?
05-10-2012, 04:07 PM
lol, I don't remember it all well, but there was no info about quests, moving animations were funny and everything was cubed ... and was no item mall
After week of fun I deleted Regnum :s
05-11-2012, 10:44 AM
I remember the times when we had real hard and epic battles all evening and if one realm was outnumbered, some players just sat aside and watched so it was more fun to all. Every realm accepted that those players were not to be attacked.
I also remember sitting together with all the realms after an evening of fights, having duels, trying to do "most-damage-tests" (sometimes one hitting a poor enemy (due to barbs being able to buff all weapon-mags, having onslaught and owth working on himself and thirst for blood working on spells)) which could be ressurected safely by a conju.
Maybe I'm getting old but I get nostalgic feelings thinking about this times.
To summon it up, I remember times when regnum players were respectful to another and all of us wanted all others to have fun playing our game.
05-11-2012, 10:49 AM
I remember when i could play RO without epic lags, constant freezes and permanent crashes.
Hey, wait a sec, that was just a few weeks ago ... :/
05-11-2012, 11:40 AM
I remember when i could play RO without epic lags, constant freezes and permanent crashes.
Hey, wait a sec, that was just a few weeks ago ... :/
I rememeber when I could play on laptop with intel x3100 in 1280x800, fixed pipeline and getting ~30fps. After the UI update ~5-10fps and with new cities in alsius ~0-5fps.
And to all that, their OpenGL engine still randomly calls glDrawRangeElements with totaly made up start/end indexes ( causing glitches with mesa drivers, because they check those for validity and patching the driver is needed. But why care when nvidia cards render it correctly because they don't check them, right?
05-11-2012, 12:58 PM
But why care when nvidia cards render it correctly because they don't check them, right?
I think you meant to say:
But why care when they're making money for nothing? ( (Unless you count "content" updates and recycled events.)
I can't remember the last time any serious update occured to the core game, the engine, and the balance. Even alot of premium items are quite bugged.
05-11-2012, 06:48 PM
I can't remember the last time any serious update occured to the core game, the engine, and the balance. Even alot of premium items are quite bugged.
I think that would be warmasters, and that wasn't even a good update. But that was hmm what, a year ago? Longer? I can't remember, I stopped playing or checking the forum for quite some time after that update.
I remember the community wide hope for "that update"
05-11-2012, 10:11 PM
I remember the community wide hope for "that update"
I think the game was pretty good just before Warmasters. Not too buggy (compared to now, at least), and balance was pretty good.
05-12-2012, 04:47 PM
I think the game was pretty good just before Warmasters. Not too buggy (compared to now, at least), and balance was pretty good.
I agree, I was very optimistic pre-warmasters. The "update" I refer to is that illusive thing that we seemed to be grasping at that would allow Regnum to reach its potential. Arguably the game is better now, but rather than becoming special, it just ended up being generic.
I remember when Horus was OP
any1 remembers that? :)
I also remember when I chose Alsius instead of Syrtis
Still don't know if I was right :P
05-16-2012, 07:02 PM
I remember in the past when training in the WZ if you waved the enemy would stop attacking you.:thumb:
05-16-2012, 08:06 PM
I remember when I just started playing this game with a crappy computer.
I remember when friends helped me with grinding and making me better.
I remember when this game was about fun and respecting eachother, totally different on Haven nowadays
I remember when I started to play on Nemon, totally different people here than on Horus back then, and I'm still playing on this nice server, everyone is sharing stuff and being nice to eachother.
05-29-2012, 07:37 PM
I remember when I lost my left shoe over two years ago. It's still missing. If anyone finds it, please return it to the Alsius Lost-and-Found at the Winged Wolf Tavern in Montsognir.
Please leave it with Edwald Drybottom or speak to him about details. 20,000 Warmaster Coin reward.
05-30-2012, 12:04 AM
I remember hearing about how Alsius opened the Portal once....
05-30-2012, 06:53 AM
I remember hearing about how Alsius opened the Portal once....
I was there for that. :D
05-30-2012, 07:25 AM
I remember when confuse was an archer skill...
I remember being proud after escaping a war with my lv 31 hunter ;)
I remember looking forward to taming 'beastly dark wolf' for 3 lvls, it was only usable for 1 lvl :(
I remember coming online 10 min after the wish was made (during purple fever event)
09-09-2012, 08:36 PM
I remember when I 1st met Platyna in wz...:)
Hi. ;-)
09-10-2012, 02:52 PM
I was there for that. :D
That was the day Realm Chat was removed from the warzone. Most epic day in Alsius history.
Also I remember the days when I used to junk magnanites because I wasn't aware of what they did.
I remember when we didn't have these huge-ass shoulder pads.
I remember those awesome Halloween events where we had to kill people instead of collecting random stuff.
I remember that Rosette event too. Such a fail.
I remember that insane movement speed of SoTW+Escapist+Mobility+Wild Spirit.
I remember purposely drowning enemies in the water next to PP1.
09-10-2012, 03:39 PM
I remember when it was worth grinding to 50... =(
(all 6 classes to it's all for nothing)
I remember when only 1-3 ppl in each realm had a ammy and gear balance was decent =(
09-10-2012, 04:02 PM
I remember when it was worth grinding to 50... =(
(all 6 classes to it's all for nothing)
I remember when only 1-3 ppl in each realm had a ammy and gear balance was decent =(
I remember when all gear was obtained from shops or monsters and nothing was magical or epic.
I remember xymerald bows!
I remember when tactics were more important than items.
09-11-2012, 12:49 AM
I remember when I was an adventurer like you..... then I took:punk::punk: an arrow to the knee
09-11-2012, 01:54 AM
I remember When... Ohh Fucking Alzheimer :(
09-11-2012, 02:33 AM
I Remember the night invasions...hope they come back some day
09-11-2012, 08:19 AM
I remember When... Ohh Fucking Alzheimer :(
09-21-2012, 10:03 AM
I remember vital surrender and its awesomeness at forts/dragons.
I remember the clan The Ghosts . (how could i forget my old clan? :P )
I remember having only one place to camo at castles, the towers....
I remember when they removed the ledge from old Shaan ramp and everyone kept falling off... oh and that sweet spot on the ledge by the door where we could fight without being zerged too hard xD
I remember the old bridge fights :wub2:
I remember the times all 3 reals teamed up together to try kill the wz bosses when Horus was a baby.
I remember when Ignis towns and city had walls..... :dumbofme:
Tankabon :wub2:
09-21-2012, 11:02 AM
I remember when RO players were single
I remember when RO players weren't parents
09-24-2012, 01:50 PM
I remember when... I remember... when... I had no idea everyone else was saying in Ra :crying1:
09-24-2012, 01:53 PM
i remmember when i didnt play regnum
09-24-2012, 07:09 PM
I remember my friend telling me that there was (is) a better game than runescape
and than he made me write everything down (i still owe him for that ^^)
I remember coming online in the game,
being very proud to have figured out the 'horus' and 'alsius' parts in my writing :p
I remember when Galynn and Kaeleeya were dancing on a CS rock on Ra, and others trying to climb up too and failing (just like in comic).
09-25-2012, 02:47 PM
I remember when Galynn and Kaeleeya were dancing on a CS rock on Ra, and others trying to climb up too and failing (just like in comic).
I remember reading that part of the comic ^^
I also remember reading about the comic..
than finding the comic and finishing it in 2 days because it was/is so funny :D
speaking off
I remember reading the most epic story created about RO ;Exiles; (-->
09-26-2012, 05:59 PM
I remember my giant disney feet b4 the graphics update.
09-26-2012, 07:03 PM
I remember when I realized that a spear in my hands is useless against Znurre, Ironfoot and especially Beue.
I remember Terminator :D
09-26-2012, 09:23 PM
I remember Terminator :D
Termi!! We miss him too!!
09-27-2012, 02:09 AM
Termi was a true patriot. I was intimidated by his all-caps typing :P
09-27-2012, 07:12 AM
I remember grinding with Termi... on ruins beach, then i dragged him to Meni beach..then efe
09-27-2012, 11:56 AM
I remember grinding with Termi... on ruins beach, then i dragged him to Meni beach..then efe
You were his best buddy, weren't you? I remember when he said "F*CK YOU SYRTIS" in realm chat and later started to say "F*CK YOU (Insert random Ignis name here)". Then when you logged on and said hi he went "<3! Ori!" Or smth like that. :superpusso:
I remember Ratpool Pan, Scias, Tarek Star, Syrtisa, Milu, etc... and ours long walks around the map when bored during night time.
We did Syrtis CS -> Imperia walking....
09-28-2012, 02:17 PM
I remember when this game was really more fun.
I remember when we bought Gawyn to Central Island with Vital Surrender.
I remember when we bought Gawyn to Central Island with Vital Surrender.
I remember this, the power of magic !! It was a fun idea.
09-29-2012, 04:56 PM
I remember when i had a great grind buddy, Khollarg, in the beginning when i started to play RO :D
09-30-2012, 06:10 PM
I remember when the UK licencing laws meant that you couldn't buy beer from the shops before the pub opened.
Oh wait, i'm supposed to remember something in-game! I'm getting the hang of this now!
I remember when a hunter could run around in a tight circle and the pet would kill a mob (or a warrior) without getting a hit on the hunter.
10-01-2012, 04:24 PM
I remember when you could click the skills you wanted to execute one after the other without having to wait.
I remember when archers and mages could fire while stepping backwards.
Those were the days...
10-01-2012, 11:20 PM
I remember when Smurv accidentally the whole thing!
10-02-2012, 12:54 AM
I remember when all classes in regnum were evenly balanced.
..... wait, they never really were :drums::bangin:
I remember the time I found regnum on the CD of the Computer Bild Spiele (German computer games magazine) and thought "let's give it a try") :D i still own that CD from 2008(?)
what reminds me... that wasnt even the first time i played regnum.
i only started playing actively after that though
10-06-2012, 02:36 PM
i remmember when hunters could tame ghosts :eguitar:
10-09-2012, 10:32 AM
I remember "fatigue" (the saddest chapter in RO history)
I remember having to pay ~4 gold per each damn arrow
I remember how often I forgot to buy them :drums:
I remember when level 21 chars could stand a battle in the wz
I remember Demon! (ok that's an insider you won't understand ;) )
I remember when Evendim's name was "Y", residing on central island...
11-07-2012, 03:31 PM
I remember when all classes in regnum were evenly balanced.
..... wait, they never really were :drums::bangin:
I remember the time I found regnum on the CD of the Computer Bild Spiele (German computer games magazine) and thought "let's give it a try") :D i still own that CD from 2008(?)
what reminds me... that wasnt even the first time i played regnum.
i only started playing actively after that though
And I just so happen to have discovered Regnum the same way. The idea of conquering enemy territory has always been an interesting concept to me. I just couldn't play it because I didn't have internet connection and when I did get in middle of 2008, my old desktop wasn't powerful enough to run it(at least the system specs in the magazine told me so). I had the chance to play it once on my cousin's laptop. We had trouble finding Chest and had to ask an hola to help us out. Turns out Chest was actually a chest. :D
I then got to play the game on my own lapton in early 2009. I would play at least twice a month until summer started, that's when nightly invasions sucked me in. The first couple of invasions I partook were fun, I got to hold the gem a couple of times! I played during the era of Ignis' nightly invasions and I remember falling asleep in the middle of fights at 3am and waking up in a totally different area, with a message box saying I was disconnected from the server. :D After a while I started realizing how stupid the mechanics were. But it was fun while it lasted!
Anyway, I still have that magazine from November(yes) of 2007. Regnum came only in the Gold edition. Pity the gold cover looks not so precious digitalized. I had a hard time placing it on the scanner, because it is so huge.
I wonder how many people it brought to the RO community.
12-03-2012, 12:19 PM
I remember when a clan of 21 people held the RP leadership over the second place clan of 250 by about a million RP for many months.
12-03-2012, 12:51 PM
I remember origin (then called spiral) talking me into this game.
I remember picking marksman cause he said that class sucked but i still wanted to play it anyway.
i remember routing an entire goat zerg at alga because i killed a conjurer with barrier on (noone knew what ethereal arrow did xD)
I remember the bitch fights on realm chat between Yadi and everyone else, still don't know what was going on lol
I remember the endless pingpong between alga and trelle
I remember my first trip into the wz as a lvl 11 nuub
I miss tyr :(
But i also remember the merge with horus
I remember the first time i talked to a non-dutch person (yes you fere)
I remember thinking my bow was the best (had +40 dmg on it)
I remember smrda giving me one of the best bp's for marks in game back then (+105 hp +5 consti)
I remember killing dutch once after 4 pvp's using hawks gaze
I remember the times i killed hunters thinking I'M INVINCIBLE xD
I remember the tyr fury on horus xD
I remember when marks where going to get buffed we could shoot someone outside our field of view (on amun)
I remember good times on this game.
12-03-2012, 01:21 PM
I remember picking marksman cause he said that class sucked but i still wanted to play it anyway.
I remember quitting my hunter and re-rolling as a marksman because hunter's were just too overpowered. Funny how tables turn.
12-03-2012, 04:06 PM
I remember quitting my hunter and re-rolling as a marksman because hunter's were just too overpowered. Funny how tables turn.
Wouldnt it have been easier to just lose the pet?
12-03-2012, 09:34 PM
Wouldnt it have been easier to just lose the pet?
Lmao I guess some people enjoy spamming WS xD
12-03-2012, 09:38 PM
Wouldnt it have been easier to just lose the pet?
I dropped my pet the second I hit level 50 and never used it again until I ended up grinding another hunter in alsius.
12-03-2012, 10:01 PM
I remember when I had the time to play actively... :/ - I remember when I wasn't an IB student.
I remember when I had 20 (or even a bit more) fps
I remember joining my clan
I remember many great players who don't play no more
I remember ups and downs of many factors of the game
12-04-2012, 12:02 AM
Wouldnt it have been easier to just lose the pet?
Old Hunter was OP with or without pet.. I just wish NGD didn't destroy the old Escapist in an attempt to fix it. :)
12-04-2012, 06:10 AM
I remember being the only player with a rapier. :)
12-04-2012, 09:41 AM
I remember being the only player with a rapier. :)
Beardo. :sifflote:
12-04-2012, 11:48 AM
I remember when I lost my mind.
12-04-2012, 11:56 AM
I remember that time when a hunter dropped at vesper
12-04-2012, 11:57 AM
and where you could get a mount for in-game currency
12-04-2012, 12:40 PM
I remember those awkward moments when an enemy zerg is pushing your zerg back to the fort and you turn around to save one of your allies who got hit by a distracting shot by a hunter out of camouflage with your dispel(4) only to only to have it fail. Then you turn around and autorun while typing "sorry bro, cya later at cs".
I remember when Efe used to have glass doors
12-04-2012, 01:40 PM
I remember when I lost my mind.
I remember when I lost all my money.
12-04-2012, 04:45 PM
I remember being happy to reach level 50.
I remember old staff shooting animations (those tiny fireballs).
I remember so many things that are no more ( (this video is the reason I play Regnum Online).
12-20-2012, 03:02 AM
I remember war before global cooldown and the speed boost. That fatal update. ;_;
I remember buying horses daily with gold, and Onslaught taxis... Oh my poor mage feet...
I remember kiting mobs, and those poor melee classes. xD
I remember grinding in the nude with noob arrows.
I remember the old mage frocks before the new models and feminine animations were introduced.
I remember playing without leggings because it looked cute, and Klos telling me off because of the armor points reduction.
I remember being able to play hunter in forts with a nice magical long bow, before gem socket fever, old old death sentence, HOTP, and lots of tricks, and feeling both naughty and useful. ^O^
I remember when most conjurers were full support or amulet+AS gear+staff mastery+Zarkit warju. *pewpewpew* We were scared of Beijing and Fuerst... Killing machines.
I remember the sultar chains, scary cast speeds. Naomi and Plunder!
I remember Ignis dominating with their nightly invasions. And only five or so Alsians defending, but defending with pride.
I remember the stacked pylons and mana comm, greater healing, HP and mana bars were always full. Invincible mode!
I remember "glitching" Alsians, a real low point in the realm. The duping scandal and many players unfairly banned.
I remember a certain clan dripping in dragon armor, from glitching the dragon in secret.
I remember far too much clan politics.
I remember nice players who would go to the noob zone to help out new players.
I remember nice players would give away good drops to make the realm stronger. Not this capitalist "Ximerin boys" economy we have now.
I remember walking away from RP farms in disgust, feeling sorry for the few players being ganked over and over at their save, fighting like vultures amongst themselves for RP. No fun in farming the underdog, or being farmed.
I remember when the game wasn't about having the best gear. It wasn't about spending thousands of Xim on lucky boxes and buying amulets and rings for real money. I remember when shop bought stuff was good enough. When the game was about tactics and working together.
I remember when players would work as a team. Conju's DI-ing each other. Players watching each others backs. None of this DPS build nonsense and selfish area spamming for Warmaster coins.
12-21-2012, 08:04 AM
I remember when Ra was just the lone server..
11-11-2013, 06:17 AM
I remember the community hate for the warjurer.
I remember the exp/class narfs.
I remember when DemonMonger took me in and taught me the ways of the ninja.
11-11-2013, 08:27 AM
I remember when this game was worth playing.
11-11-2013, 08:51 AM
I remember when I thought my shop-bought weapons were bad-ass.
I remember when magnanite was not a primary currency in Commerce.
I rememver Pinos - Stone - Samal ping-pongs and awesome bridge fights.
I remember the awesome grind parties and fun we got there. I remember we shared items we drop and can not use.
I remember when game was way way more fun.
11-11-2013, 01:54 PM
i remember solo breaking shaanarids door with lvl 36 archer, and see enemy realms guards fighting each other once fort is captured
I remember when I tried to stop remembering so I could keep playing.
11-11-2013, 03:23 PM
I remember when it wasn't 95% bartering, 5% actual playing.
No kidding. I spent most of my time last night bartering. When I finally received the new items it was time for bed. There were times when shop bought equipment was enough so you just just go play with what you had.
11-11-2013, 06:10 PM
I remember no realm chat in WZ
I remember clanchat being spammed and me only reading it to pass time
I remember TAG sundays which usually resulted in a dead aysor
I remember the drama after horus and raven merged
I remember the xp boosts when horus and raven merged <3
I remember running into Monday and Matrim near agg and instantly calling Monday 'paddy' because of the story Matrim wrote :p
I remember the idiotic conversations with ultimate hero, sathius and killer dwarf
I remember the silly warju runs with ani (silly is the way to go :D)
11-11-2013, 07:06 PM
I remember my friend telling me to start Regnum Online.
I remember beginning in Ignis
I remember deleting and restarting over and over again because I just felt bored. (Applied to Syrtis as well)
I remember in late August 2011 when I re-discovered this game and decided to join Syrtis
I remember being recruited at level 21 on my marksman from Time-to-Die into 'The Last-Alliance'
I remember 'The Last-Alliance' being full of people and chat was never empty.
I, also remember when 'The Last-Alliance' ended up empty for around a year before it was time to disbanded. :crying1:
I remember starting my conjurer and somehow I ended making friends with the best and most caring people I've met in Syrtis.(Awrath, ieti, Aari, Dresdon, Pnarpa, Azkareth, Zodar, Scias and I definetly missed somebody else)
I remember being with those people and my clan was the most fun thing I ever experienced no matter what the state of the server was.
I remember when everybody told me Mass Resurrection was useless but I kept skilling it no matter what :p (Beat my score! I dare you!) - (Note to this I always tried to prove Scias, Aari, Awrath and most importantly Pnarpa and Dresdon that Mass Resurrection rocked! :D )
11-11-2013, 08:14 PM
I remember the community hate for the warjurer.
I remember the exp/class narfs.
I remember when DemonMonger took me in and taught me the ways of the ninja.
I remember Hell_Bound.
11-11-2013, 08:24 PM
I remember Matt on Ra.....
I remember the community hate for the warjurer.
I remember the exp/class narfs.
I remember when DemonMonger took me in and taught me the ways of the ninja.
I remember Dual Shot
11-11-2013, 08:54 PM
I remember when I started playing with lightningg and fearion on Tyr....
I remember when this game was fun and I used to play.
11-11-2013, 10:04 PM
I remember when Marksman had more defense than Hunters even though the latter were supposed to be the defensive class
Oh wait...
11-12-2013, 02:24 AM
I remember when syrtis was afraid of being invaded when efrendi was on
11-12-2013, 05:12 AM
I remember when fuckings marks was godmode
I remember when i reinstalled RO , i've to change the Vg_fov *
haha ^^
11-12-2013, 06:17 AM
Angel_de_Combate, Mattdoesrock and mower - i do remember...
i remember -
the community being strong
there was love, there was hate
ideas and conversations flowed like wine
hunting in mass, so did the exp ^^
we were at the start, or very close to it...
i will never forget it
the time i spent here, and in game, with you...
11-12-2013, 06:47 AM
I remember this guy
I remember when a Syrtis zerg was something...
11-12-2013, 11:33 AM
- I remember when people used to play for fun, weren't rude to enemies or when losing, didn't care about invasions/bosses/relics/...
- I remember when every hunter had goddamn annoyingly OP Giant Trolls
- I remember this epic 'peace' walk party across the map with people from all realms
11-12-2013, 12:16 PM
I remember back when we had those character models.
I remember when Barbarians had two instant knocks (
11-13-2013, 08:01 PM
:warning:WARNING: TOTAL-:poster_spam:-ALERT:warning:
I REMEMBER WHEN .... this game was really fun & the english-speaking-forums here once contained alot more substantial & worthwhile new content, game-ideas & contributors; it's almost dead now compared to it's heyday way back then. Ya' know, back when enough still cared to put all those great ideas into print & thought they might have some real chance to actually go active, make a real difference & this game's future would then begin to match the very best of it's potential? You remember, right, back years ago, before so very many of our best-&-brightest team-players left due to feeling disdained, neglected, deceived, even cheated & then, also feeling the inevitably concluded, hopeless realization that CoR is definitely going nowhere (but down-&-out) fast? .... Well, I do .... & those were the days .... indeed, far better days .... then, at least, we actually had some small, slim hope .... now, nothing .... it all is what it is.
Maybe,:imstupid:for sayin' so, but far worse, I truly know:imstupid:for stayin' so....
11-13-2013, 09:11 PM
I remember when you could run around trolling with relics during the early hours
I remember when people played for more than PvE xD
11-18-2013, 07:51 PM
:warning:WARNING: TOTAL-:poster_spam:-ALERT:warning:
I REMEMBER WHEN .... this game was really fun & the english-speaking-forums here once contained alot more substantial & worthwhile new content, game-ideas & contributors; it's almost dead now compared to it's heyday way back then. Ya' know, back when enough still cared to put all those great ideas into print & thought they might have some real chance to actually go active, make a real difference & this game's future would then begin to match the very best of it's potential? You remember, right, back years ago, before so very many of our best-&-brightest team-players left due to feeling disdained, neglected, deceived, even cheated & then, also feeling the inevitably concluded, hopeless realization that CoR is definitely going nowhere (but down-&-out) fast? .... Well, I do .... & those were the days .... indeed, far better days .... then, at least, we actually had some small, slim hope .... now, nothing .... it all is what it is.
Maybe,:imstupid:for sayin' so, but far worse, I truly know:imstupid:for stayin' so....
NGD will(maybe)realise when it falls dead on its arse.
11-18-2013, 08:36 PM
I remember when "Angel de Combate" was in Ra :o
Salud! ;)
11-18-2013, 10:22 PM
I remember when "Angel de Combate" was in Ra :o
Salud! ;)
I remember when you were in Raven <3
11-19-2013, 08:29 AM
I remember when "Angel de Combate" was in Ra :o
Salud! ;)
Long time ago Kath, nice you remember me. :D
I remember when you were in Raven <3
I didn't play Raven. :p
11-19-2013, 09:48 AM
I didn't play Raven. :p
There was someone running around Raven with the same name as yours.
11-19-2013, 12:29 PM
There was someone running around Raven with the same name as yours.
Ahh I had a few char names but not that one. ^^
11-19-2013, 03:43 PM
i remember when knight had spell passive block ( i am not sure but lvl 5 - 30 % more )
ahh and knight wasn't only " auraboy "
11-19-2013, 04:19 PM
I remember when Kellindil helped me grind my barb & i had lot of fun in my first clan "Last Alliance"
11-19-2013, 06:54 PM
I didn't play Raven. :p
Kath did :p
11-19-2013, 08:18 PM
I remember when i met TrissTesi ingame.....last week :wub2:
11-19-2013, 11:07 PM
I remember when The Sweetness was a bad ass hunter, and hated dying by his hand.
I remember when Prometheus Wolfhair played.
I remember when myself and a group of other players camo'ed to Syrtis CS to level all of our Characters to 50 by killing Rios, And loved it.
I remember when I first came toe to toe with Klutu.
I remember when I first met P o D, and Ozman, both of whom I hold in extremely high regard.
I remember when Immune the Blue killed me for the first time, and I wished I was that good a hunter.
I remember when I dueled against Hutch and Azule, and lost to both.
I remember when playing the game was much simpler, and I miss it, but its just not the same anymore.
11-21-2013, 09:30 PM
I remember when some aggro-range was badly chosen :P
11-21-2013, 10:42 PM
I remember when some aggro-range was badly chosen :P
Picture made me lol
11-28-2013, 02:14 PM
i remember /_users command
12-05-2013, 01:26 AM
i did remeber the tyr server the only netherlands server :jacky_chun:
12-30-2013, 02:13 AM
I remember 3 goats in one tree
12-30-2013, 11:39 AM
I remember Legolas lvl 30 archer trying to make invasion by hitting samal guards alone.
I remember when you needed to pass all building not closer than 10m to do not stuck in air.
I remember Zordak, Triss, Mow and my biggest mistake... quiting Ra Ignis... I am sorry Legends
12-30-2013, 02:18 PM
I remember my very first Dark Elf Barbarian, back in 07, I think. Regnum felt less like a marketplace and more like an actual game. I was happily performing quests for gold to purchase new weapons, where I went for damage instead of speed.
Regnum, unfortunately, no longer feels like a game, but a blackhole for money to upgrade to the finest equipment so you can last longer than 10 seconds in the warzone.
C'est la vie..
12-30-2013, 06:22 PM
I remember Zordak, Triss, Mow and my biggest mistake... quiting Ra Ignis... I am sorry Legends
Don´t worry my Friend. You are always welcome.
I really hope to see you back in our pt-Realm:punk:
all the best to you
12-30-2013, 09:01 PM
I remember when we (party) would capture meni with the sole purpose of getting Recon 'his' meni relic
I remember respawning and my dear pet took off, chased him all the way across oc w/o getting killed ^.^
I remember the IRC channels and nightly Ignis invasion drama.
I remember the old South Cross.
I remember the long period of no moderation on this forum that allowed the shenanigans involving Hell_Bound and Valorius Rageway to get to the extent they did.
I remember the chilko's rage-ban victims: Triss, Irae, Edge.
I remember Spanish: PP/PB/PN, Limite, cupola, muralla...
01-07-2014, 10:37 AM
I remember when a bunch of us would randomly walk through wz just because we felt like that and even a funny zerg walk from our cs to agg :superpusso:
01-07-2014, 04:27 PM
I remember when hunting was possible with every class.
I remember when NGD didn't give a sh*t on balance.
I remember when people loved playin' warlocks.
I remember the day for the new levelcap --> love it.
01-08-2014, 08:19 PM
I remember Spanish: PP/PB/PN, Limite, cupola, muralla...
Merca. :)
01-09-2014, 01:56 AM
I remember the IRC channels and nightly Ignis invasion drama.
I remember the old South Cross.
I remember the long period of no moderation on this forum that allowed the shenanigans involving Hell_Bound and Valorius Rageway to get to the extent they did.
I remember the chilko's rage-ban victims: Triss, Irae, Edge.
I remember Spanish: PP/PB/PN, Limite, cupola, muralla...
Forgot EMBES and VIDA there. :harhar:
01-09-2014, 07:34 AM
I remember Crystal Guard Zero getting too high being scared to be killed by newbies :)
Ah yes... he also was a leader.
01-09-2014, 08:38 AM
Forgot EMBES and VIDA there. :harhar:
Atras and rejunte too!
01-09-2014, 01:20 PM
Atras and rejunte too!
Never 4get "Aca!"
Salud! ;)
01-09-2014, 04:26 PM
Never 4get "Aca!"
Salud! ;)
I doubt you would have to *remember* "iAca!". People still say it. They also still often do not know what they are saying. The first time I was explained it, I was assured it would mean "Syrtian ahead". =D
Oh, right, topic.
I remember clans being renowned. =)
01-09-2014, 05:08 PM
"aca" means "here" and should be written "acá" :hat:
I remember newbies being called "pt", well, some still do
01-10-2014, 05:31 PM
I remember when NGD did not discourage warring because relics werent blocked all day.
01-10-2014, 08:58 PM
"aca" means "here" and should be written "acá" :hat:
¡Aquí! ¡Aquí!
01-10-2014, 11:07 PM
I remember times when I could play without having my ping shown since logging in :warning:
01-11-2014, 07:34 AM
I remember when Arcane Devotion had casting animation.
01-11-2014, 01:27 PM
I remember when Arcane Devotion had casting animation.
When the doors of forts/castle were destroyed with spells :p
Salud! ;)
01-11-2014, 10:17 PM
I remember playing in the warzone for a week and than the fort/castle updates hit,
I will never forget old efe door, actually loved fighting at efe because of that door :p
01-11-2014, 11:01 PM
I remember when invasions used to require the whole realm to coordinate instead of now zerging everything in your path.
I remember when we don't have as many trolls as today.
I remember i used to enjoy playing conj and ppl want to play support conjs, unlike now although you see ppl in conj tunic but no heals for u:punk: .
01-14-2014, 09:18 PM
I will never forget old efe door, actually loved fighting at efe because of that door :p
I remember being able to meaningfully heal people from the old forts' walls, and thus often being able to convince them to stay at the gates.
[Seriously, ngd, give our heals and our Dispels +5 range each, please, and I will be the happiest conjurer ever. I do not see how that would destroy balance in any way, given that every realm would profit of it, and it would make being a conjurer an enjoyable job again, rather than a task. It would make conjurers more dependable!]
I remember i used to enjoy playing conj and ppl want to play support conjs, unlike now although you see ppl in conj tunic but no heals for u :punk:.
See above.
I really think this is *very* dependant on realm, server, and time of day!
01-18-2014, 01:05 PM
I remember..
.. Version 1.0.8: The end of the Blue-Font-Player Era.
.. Version 1.6.4: The end of the Warlock Era.
.. my first fort-battle beeing at samal and my first castle-battle beeing at imperia. And also beeing there a near-useless ~Lv22 throwing lv1 synergy bond.
.. my first Tenax-drop being gloves.
.. wild Goblins.
.. when battles consisted of silly-hooded low-lvl mages.
.. when everyone were just searching for magnanite after a server reboot.
.. the old forts and their old ways of fighting on the door.
.. attacking bossmobs once they started running and returning (managed to even kill Krontaron by myself once :biggrin: ).
.. when my friends and I searched for clues on how krontarons ring works. :bounce5425:
.. when the realm cared when being invaded.
.. lewd archers dancing without their pants.. :huh: Wait they still exist? :dance:
.. when constitution-shields were traded at above 4 ingots.
.. when Utghars couldn't wear helmets.
.. when Vesper was stuck near shaanarid save and beeing killed by ignis.
.. Alias Pendant being used as a secret tip amoung archers.
.. Light Gear being a decent option for Mages and Barbs.
.. reminding myself for being an idiot: Boosting my lock to 14million Xp to be prepared for Lv60, just to be resetted to 3.3million.
Invasions was a fat und ugly child, but I loved it with all my hearth. :(
01-18-2014, 01:42 PM
I remember when people wouldnt romanticize the past.
01-18-2014, 01:48 PM
I remember when I believed that NGD will fix mage classes:
01-18-2014, 02:10 PM
I remember when I believed that NGD will fix mage classes:
That was a very well written post with some great ideas. It's a shame it fell on deaf ears.
01-18-2014, 04:33 PM
I remember when people wouldnt romanticize the past.
I remember a time when people contributed more than just cynical comments.
I remember old mummies casting beetle swarm (5).
01-18-2014, 07:27 PM
I remember when every class could kill every class in less than 5 seconds whether in 1v1 or small fights. Big damage, less nerfs, less armor improvements
01-19-2014, 08:12 AM
I remember when every class could kill every class in less than 5 seconds whether in 1v1 or small fights. Big damage, less nerfs, less armor improvements
What game?
01-19-2014, 06:19 PM
What game?
This game, of course.
You have to understand I saw a barb SC hit for over 4k, killing instantly, conjs had insanely damaging zarkits, and marksman had DS, also locks could less than 5 second combo anything and skilled golems fist. Yeah..
01-19-2014, 07:38 PM
This game, of course.
You have to understand I saw a barb SC hit for over 4k, killing instantly
Lucky us, today they need 3 or 4 hits to kill kicked wm lock with excellent armor.
01-20-2014, 12:33 AM
Lucky us, today they need 3 or 4 hits to kill kicked wm lock with excellent armor.
well they hit twise as fast now and mehram is very very wrong.
4k hits was not self buffed, onslaught was bugged and stacked +150 bonuses on overbuffed barbs which resulted in that.
unbuffed players went down rather quickly, but it was much easier to fight outnumbered in the past if you just keept your buffs up etc.
01-20-2014, 02:50 AM
well they hit twise as fast now and mehram is very very wrong.
4k hits was not self buffed, onslaught was bugged and stacked +150 bonuses on overbuffed barbs which resulted in that.
unbuffed players went down rather quickly, but it was much easier to fight outnumbered in the past if you just keept your buffs up etc.
Im very very wrong? Excuse me?? I saw someone self buffed hit a 4k SC on a hunter buffed (at least acrobatic) and he even told me he can crit +4.5k with self buffs. I have names and im sure they would vouch for it, and not even boss items. So please, stop assuming people are wrong because you didnt see it. How about marksman hitting +4k lethal strikes, am I wrong about that too?
01-22-2014, 09:22 PM
I remember when....
I killed DMC on RA in the Arena without Dual shot :harhar:
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