View Full Version : HowTo: Put a nice launcher on your Fedora 17 Gnome3

06-01-2012, 04:15 PM
Ok, I like Regnum having a nice launcher; Fedora 17 GNOME3 style.

Here's how to do it:

# become root
su -

# go to /usr/share/applications
cd /usr/share/applications

# get the regnum-online.desktop file form my website (feel free to check it's contents)
wget http://downloads.woralelandia.com/games/regnum-online/regnum-online.desktop

# go to /usr/share/icons
cd /usr/share/icons

# get the regnum-online.png from my website (converted it from the one provided by RegnumOnline's live directory (the 64 x 64 icon) )
wget http://downloads.woralelandia.com/games/regnum-online/regnum-online.png

# look for it on gnome shell

I hope you like it