View Full Version : Friend sent this :)

06-09-2012, 04:12 AM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hk-3MU-rc0M&feature=related Youtube video :) about solar flares and stuff

06-09-2012, 09:11 AM
I believe that all these videos are just fake. Otherwise this phenomenon would get much more attention. Even if anyone in this forum claimed that he heard something like this in real life, I would still have much doubts.

a few month ago I was also interested in such strange sounds videos, reports etc as well, but it's actually nonsense that this happens really IMHO :cuac:

06-09-2012, 09:39 AM
Immediately discounted simply by "2012" in the title.

As a certain egghead put it; "The universe is not only stranger than we imagine, it is stranger than we can imagine".
We shouldn't lose our heads over every inexplicable phenomenon.
It's hypothesized that eventually, after an indeterminably long period of time the sun will expand engulfing the nearest planets completely and rendering earth a burning spherical hell. This isn't something we can prevent, much less influence so why worry?

06-09-2012, 12:40 PM
I'd say what I think about this, but I don't wanna get banned on the forums ;)

06-09-2012, 01:58 PM
Related videos:

FAIL Compilation MARCH 2012
The Haunting Video Tape 31 (ghost caught on video)
Strange phenomenon occurred in Antarctica Apr 8, 2012
What NASA is hiding from the world!!! Real!!
Still Don't believe in UFO's? Watch this amazing UFO video.

Yeah, legit.

06-09-2012, 02:54 PM
really a fake IMHO, created by an organization which is interested in confusing and distracting people. Maybe the leader of a endtime sect is responsible for the first of these strange sound videos.

According to such videos quite a few happened in quite densely populated areas. How believable is it that this happens, and noone reports it to police, noone reports it to news and media publisher, etc.? And it seems really noone knows anyone trustful who heard something like that in real life.

06-09-2012, 05:20 PM
Omg, DMC's friends are as freaky as he is :P Kidding. Not many folks seem to know that Belgium had no government for nearly 2 years, the news services didn't comment on it. Wouldn't exactly call it a cover up but I would guess the powers that be didn't want the general public getting the idea that their own governments aren't quite as important as they make themselves out to be. Online credit fraud is running riot but we never hear much about it, that could cause trouble for the financial institutions.

In short news is BS, the accepted news services are there too keep us entertained and to make sure we're hearing the 'official' story, not to keep us up to date with what's going on in the world and certainly not to tell us the whole truth, the full truth and nothing but the truth.

As weird as it may seem the best news service we have these days is folks like DMC, it's up to us to make our own opinions and try to filter the truth from the lies because the accepted news channels are no longer trustworthy.

06-09-2012, 08:48 PM
/polite mode/

Well... you're very ... open minded?

But remember if you open your mind to much, your brain will fall out.

/End polite mode/

Video is BS.

06-09-2012, 10:46 PM
In short news is BS, the accepted news services are there too keep us entertained and to make sure we're hearing the 'official' story, not to keep us up to date with what's going on in the world and certainly not to tell us the whole truth, the full truth and nothing but the truth.

I completely agree with that. Western mainstream media alone is really not enough to be more than a little bit informed about certain world occurences. As addition to western news it's not bad to read www.rt.com for example IMHO.
Especially if it's news about topics like civil war in Syria, Lybia or the western conflict with Iran, or about the dept crisis (how Argentina or Iceland solved it for example) Russia Today is often more interesting to read or listen than western news media. Of course RT doesn't provide a full picture of the world occurrences either, just a bit more from another side.

06-09-2012, 11:26 PM
UFO's, rebels offering camels for capture of Obama and student's stripping off in protest, I like it!! :) Plenty of more serious news too, nice one, bookmarked.

06-10-2012, 06:44 PM
But remember if you open your mind to much, your brain will fall out.

Gotta remember that, lol!

06-13-2012, 08:46 PM
Remaining open minded, but i am fascinated. :p


So the next time when you pigs cry that we invade you we need to put this youtube link in the thread? Or what are you trying to say?

06-13-2012, 09:42 PM
So the next time when you pigs cry that we invade you we need to put this youtube link in the thread? Or what are you trying to say?

Please don't try to start a fight for no reason.

06-13-2012, 11:41 PM
Remaining open minded, but i am fascinated. :p


Wow, those are some pretty decent sound effects. Give me the shudders. If I ever hear something like that, I’ll be scared as hell. Mainly for what the fuck my neighbors are doing there. xD