View Full Version : SDB fragmentation

06-27-2012, 09:53 AM
I ve a 2 questions regarding it:
1) till which percent is it ok to have a fragmentation?
2) what if the fragmentation percent is negative? (here I had -537.99% (sometimes even more) http://i.imgur.com/PJSdU.png )

06-27-2012, 01:19 PM

That's the problem with really OLD code -.-

My suggestion: change res_disk_retriever = sdb to res_disk_retriever = sqlite in game.cfg and be happy.

07-03-2012, 04:21 AM
I did this and it rebuilt the files. Now it is extremely slow loading. Buyer beware.

07-03-2012, 07:00 AM
Yup i can second that. Sqlite DB loads very very slow. In fact it is 2-3 times and more slower. Sometimes i get weird freezes for 1-2s in fights too. Not sure if it is connected to this.

07-03-2012, 02:25 PM
I tried it too and didn't notice much difference in loading speed. If any, it's slightly faster. But then I'm loading off an SSD.