07-13-2012, 09:51 PM
Lately i migrated to debian, inspired by the oracle java7 installer package, i've decided to install my favourite game the debian way. :P
The package:
How to install:
-Download the package.
-Open the terminal.
# cd /path/to/download/directory
# sudo dpkg -i regnum-online-installer_1.7.5_all.deb
dpkg doesn't handle dependencies, so if it complains that you miss some package install it with:
# sudo apt-get install -f package
then reissue the dpkg command.
If you have gdebi installed, you just need to double click the package.
One way or the other, regnum will be installed on /opt/regnum-online
To play you need to add your user to the games group:
# sudo gpasswd -a username games
Other notes:
Version: i've used the one setted in the RO installer: 1.7.5
Architecture: it should work on i686 and x86_64. I've tested only amd64.
if you want, you can grab the source here:
This package does not contain any software from NGD Studios.
This package does however contain a script to download and install Regnum Online.
The package:
How to install:
-Download the package.
-Open the terminal.
# cd /path/to/download/directory
# sudo dpkg -i regnum-online-installer_1.7.5_all.deb
dpkg doesn't handle dependencies, so if it complains that you miss some package install it with:
# sudo apt-get install -f package
then reissue the dpkg command.
If you have gdebi installed, you just need to double click the package.
One way or the other, regnum will be installed on /opt/regnum-online
To play you need to add your user to the games group:
# sudo gpasswd -a username games
Other notes:
Version: i've used the one setted in the RO installer: 1.7.5
Architecture: it should work on i686 and x86_64. I've tested only amd64.
if you want, you can grab the source here:
This package does not contain any software from NGD Studios.
This package does however contain a script to download and install Regnum Online.