View Full Version : 9/11

09-11-2012, 08:31 AM
This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave.* ~Elmer Davis

R.I.P to the people who lost their lives 11 years ago today.

Twitter #911NeverForget

09-11-2012, 08:48 AM
http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/c0.0.403.403/p403x403/549677_357196997687975_1369131246_n.jpg :drums:

09-11-2012, 11:01 AM
May you all rest in peace

Every reason to hurt someone is questionable

09-11-2012, 11:07 AM
9/11 Jokes aren't funny. They're just plane wrong.

09-11-2012, 11:35 AM
9/11 Jokes aren't funny. They're just plane wrong.

you mean their plane flew wrong?

Well i never see something in tv, this forums or anywhere about hiroshima on 6th august.
But yea i once heard americans are more worth then other people, why would we care about the japanese.

09-11-2012, 11:59 AM
Well i never see something in tv, this forums or anywhere about hiroshima on 6th august.
But yea i once heard americans are more worth then other people, why would we care about the japanese.

Americans are funny. First they destroyed WTC cause they needed an excuse to bomb Afghanistan. Then they want the whole world to celebrate 9-11 till the end of time.

This was posted already on this forum, but for the ones who don't know it:

09-11-2012, 12:04 PM
Then they want the whole world to celebrate 9-11 till the end of time.

Yay, let's celebrate! :drunk::bananajoy::dance::happybday:

09-11-2012, 12:31 PM
Yay, let's celebrate! :drunk::bananajoy::dance::happybday:

Ofc it is a sad thing, people died there. No matter who did it.

But America is acting like that is the worst thing that ever happened in history,
while in reality even worse things happened because of them, for reasons which are barbarous (like hiroshima).

09-11-2012, 12:41 PM
I just made a small thread about 9/11, no need for anybody to get their knickers in a twist about it. :)

09-11-2012, 01:02 PM
Ofc it is a sad thing, people died there. No matter who did it.

But America is acting like that is the worst thing that ever happened in history,
while in reality even worse things happened because of them, for reasons which are barbarous (like hiroshima).

I agree with you, but in 60-70 years not many may commemorate 9/11 just like not many commemorate Hiroshima nowadays.

09-11-2012, 02:01 PM
Please somebody translate this text to english:

La verdad que el 9-11 es uan fecha de mierda, mucha gente murio ese dia, en el mundo mueren aproximadamente 25.000 niños por dia por causas evitables. Por que dedicar un dia a conmemorar a los muertos de un pais victimario, asesino e ignorante cuando mueren inocentes en todo el mundo y naciones "poderosas" como los EEUU no hacen nada para evitarlo? Luego del 9-11 EEUU aumento dramaticamente su presupuesto en defenza, que supera por mucho el PBI de muchos paises donde el hambre es rey.
El 9-11 cambio el mundo, si, lo cambio y mucho, EEUU se quiere imponer como oacificador y como controlador del mundo cuando fueron los unicos salvajes que utilizaron bombas atomicas contra ciudades enteras, cuabndo diezman la poblacion de paises para conseguir el producto de la putrefaccion de animales muertos hace 35 millones de años.
Por que tanto odio a EEUU? Realmente te parece que es injustificado? Debe ser porque te falta educacion

09-11-2012, 02:13 PM
Ofc it is a sad thing, people died there. No matter who did it.

But America is acting like that is the worst thing that ever happened in history,
while in reality even worse things happened because of them, for reasons which are barbarous (like hiroshima).

Agree'd +1

09-11-2012, 02:17 PM
9/11 Jokes aren't funny. They're just plane wrong.

But that was funny!!

09-11-2012, 02:25 PM
Please somebody translate this text to english:

La verdad que el 9-11 es uan fecha de mierda, mucha gente murio ese dia, en el mundo mueren aproximadamente 25.000 niños por dia por causas evitables. Por que dedicar un dia a conmemorar a los muertos de un pais victimario, asesino e ignorante cuando mueren inocentes en todo el mundo y naciones "poderosas" como los EEUU no hacen nada para evitarlo? Luego del 9-11 EEUU aumento dramaticamente su presupuesto en defenza, que supera por mucho el PBI de muchos paises donde el hambre es rey.
El 9-11 cambio el mundo, si, lo cambio y mucho, EEUU se quiere imponer como oacificador y como controlador del mundo cuando fueron los unicos salvajes que utilizaron bombas atomicas contra ciudades enteras, cuabndo diezman la poblacion de paises para conseguir el producto de la putrefaccion de animales muertos hace 35 millones de años.
Por que tanto odio a EEUU? Realmente te parece que es injustificado? Debe ser porque te falta educacion
Hey i didnt find english i found swahili though.

Ukweli kuwa tarehe uan 9-11 ni crap, watu wengi walikufa siku katika dunia kuhusu 25,000 watoto kufa kwa siku kutokana na sababu kuzuilika. Kwa nini kujitolea siku ya kuadhimisha maiti ya mkosaji nchi, muuaji na wajinga wakati innocents kufa duniani kote na mataifa "nguvu" kama Marekani hakufanya chochote kuhusu hilo? Baada ya 9-11 Marekani kasi iliongezeka bajeti yake defenza, ambayo mbali unazidi GDP ya nchi nyingi ambapo njaa ni mfalme.
9-11 mabadiliko ya dunia, ikiwa mabadiliko mengi, Marekani anataka kulazimisha kama oacificador na mtawala wa ulimwengu wakati wao walikuwa tu mwitu kutumika atomic mabomu dhidi ya miji yote, cuabndo decimate idadi ya wakazi wa nchi ya kupata bidhaa ubovu wa wanyama waliokufa milioni 35 iliyopita.
Mbona sana chuki ya Marekani? Wewe kweli nadhani ni haki? Lazima kuwa kwa sababu wewe kukosa elimu

09-11-2012, 02:43 PM
Hey i didnt find english i found swahili though.

Ukweli kuwa tarehe uan 9-11 ni crap, watu wengi walikufa siku katika dunia kuhusu 25,000 watoto kufa kwa siku kutokana na sababu kuzuilika. Kwa nini kujitolea siku ya kuadhimisha maiti ya mkosaji nchi, muuaji na wajinga wakati innocents kufa duniani kote na mataifa "nguvu" kama Marekani hakufanya chochote kuhusu hilo? Baada ya 9-11 Marekani kasi iliongezeka bajeti yake defenza, ambayo mbali unazidi GDP ya nchi nyingi ambapo njaa ni mfalme.
9-11 mabadiliko ya dunia, ikiwa mabadiliko mengi, Marekani anataka kulazimisha kama oacificador na mtawala wa ulimwengu wakati wao walikuwa tu mwitu kutumika atomic mabomu dhidi ya miji yote, cuabndo decimate idadi ya wakazi wa nchi ya kupata bidhaa ubovu wa wanyama waliokufa milioni 35 iliyopita.
Mbona sana chuki ya Marekani? Wewe kweli nadhani ni haki? Lazima kuwa kwa sababu wewe kukosa elimu

Google translate:
The fact that the 9-11 is a fucking date, many people died that day in the world about 25,000 children die per day from preventable causes. Why dedicate a day to commemorate the dead of a country offender, murderer and ignorant when innocents die worldwide and powerful nations like the U.S. do not do anything about it? After 9-11 U.S. dramatically increased its defense budget, which far exceeds the GDP of many countries where hunger is king.
The 9-11 change the world, the U.S. wants to impose as a peacemaker and as a driver in the world when they were the only wild used atomic bombs against whole cities when decimate the population of countries to get the product of the putrefaction of dead animals for 35 million years.
Why so much hate the U.S.? You really think it's unfair? Must be because you lack education

09-11-2012, 02:49 PM
Give it a break people....
Wake up and smell the coffee...
We do not celebrate every other terrorist attack around the world...
Why are we constantly celebrating this one?

It's not a celebration, it's to commemorate the dead. Nearly 3 thousand people died unnecessarily. I made the post for that reason and that reason only.

09-11-2012, 02:52 PM

Google translate:
The fact that the 9-11 is a fucking date, many people died that day in the world about 25,000 children die per day from preventable causes. Why dedicate a day to commemorate the dead of a country offender, murderer and ignorant when innocents die worldwide and powerful nations like the U.S. do not do anything about it? After 9-11 U.S. dramatically increased its defense budget, which far exceeds the GDP of many countries where hunger is king.
The 9-11 change the world, the U.S. wants to impose as a peacemaker and as a driver in the world when they were the only wild used atomic bombs against whole cities when decimate the population of countries to get the product of the putrefaction of dead animals for 35 million years.
Why so much hate the U.S.? You really think it's unfair? Must be because you lack education

Touché. Tis true hunger and poverty are the bigger evils for most.

09-11-2012, 04:53 PM
No post is needed.

Commemorate the UK events, and leave the US events alone.

I for 1 am tired of people talking about it every year.

You didn't have to read the post or comment but you did.
I know that the US is bombarded with news broadcasts and articles about 9/11 and your sick to death of hearing it. It wasn't my intention to annoy anyone.
My post was small, just a small nod to those people who needlessly lost their lives. Same as the people who lost their lives in 7/7 and when I was in London a couple of months back I did spare a thought for those too.

09-11-2012, 06:13 PM
I think it's not bad to remain in silence for a moment for those people who died at that day.

But in my opinion it is recommended to never forget those brave heroes of UA Flight No.93 which gave thier lives to protect other peoples lives!

09-11-2012, 08:14 PM
Rest in peace all of these people who were murdered by USA in 9/11.

USA goverment known about it that there will be attack to WTC, but they DIDN'T wanted to stop it. Pentagon "attack" is one of the examples of the biggest lie in this century. "Terrorists" never existed, they were created to have permission to attack other nations what is get fossil fuels and money.

What plane would make hole in solid wall of Pentagon , how the almost whole plane evaporated or how two towers fall down like a demolished buildings...

Now they try to punish Iran who want to have nuclear missle or just simple nuclear power plant, when both Israel and USA have lots of them. Where is fairness ?

09-11-2012, 08:30 PM

09-11-2012, 08:54 PM

jajajajaja xd

09-11-2012, 08:56 PM
Remember 9/11 Really?

The UN estimates that between 500.000/1.000.000 PEOPLE DIED IN IRAQ because of what? Weapons of Mass Destruction?

And what about Afghanistan?

God you fucking ignorant Americans!

9/11 Now available in Gaza every single day!

09-11-2012, 10:50 PM
Israel is "friendly" for everyone around them. Who cares that civils dies everyday from rockets and there is 'small' wall between Israel and Palestine...
All human rights here :dumbofme:

This emote doesn't fit it well...


09-11-2012, 11:15 PM
How about instead of raging at the americans for remembering the dead of 9/11, u make ur own post to commemorate the deceased from another tragedy. Imo it's offensive to those other people who have died in say Hiroshima,>insert war her<, etc, when you only bring up their deaths in an attack/insult on the USA.

On another note, lets all take a moment of silence for all the people whose lives were lost for no good reason.......

09-12-2012, 12:16 AM
milions of ipigs and goats r murdered with no mercy 24/7 by gelfs zergs! lets "celebrate" the loses too!1!!

09-12-2012, 01:03 AM
milions of ipigs and goats r murdered with no mercy 24/7 by gelfs zergs! lets "celebrate" the loses too!1!!

They aren't murdered. They are merely forcfully sent back to whichever altar they last saved at was:hat:

09-12-2012, 04:52 AM
How about instead of raging at the americans for remembering the dead of 9/11, u make ur own post to commemorate the deceased from another tragedy. Imo it's offensive to those other people who have died in say Hiroshima,>insert war her<, etc, when you only bring up their deaths in an attack/insult on the USA.

On another note, lets all take a moment of silence for all the people whose lives were lost for no good reason.......

+1 Here here.

09-12-2012, 05:27 AM
Some of you remind me day and day how fucked up humanity is...

09-12-2012, 05:44 AM
Some of you remind me day and day how fucked up humanity is...

That's why you just choose your own path and keep going.

To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting. ~ e.e. cummings, 1955

09-12-2012, 04:33 PM
I think this thread better be closed, even if its in ''The Inn''

09-12-2012, 04:41 PM
Thanks Angel_De_Combate for the thread. Sadly this world is full of people with different opinions and may not see eye to eye on a lot of things. But that's how humanity is, everyone is different.

While I appreciate you making the thread and probably others do as well, I have to close it to avoid problems between users.

This thread was made with the sole purpose of honoring in some way the people that died on 9/11, not to start a debate or an arguement about politics or war. If you got nothing nice to say (like share your sympathy is acceptable) don't say it at all and keep it reserved for yourself or discuss it through the private messaging system or forums dedicated for your "conspiracy theories".

Respect the dead.
