10-07-2012, 04:00 PM
I guess some players saw it coming, but Im gonna take a break for a while
unfortunatly university isnt all that easy and Im slowly losing the will to play,
but I dont want to quit yet coz half of my friends are still there
the other half quit last week >.<
So Im gonna take a break and hope that Ill want to play again someday.
Ill check the forums and log in to chat from time to time (promise is a promise ;) )
but I dont think you'll see me in wars for a while.
Best of luck to all realms,
alsius and ignus keep playing! you're keeping RO alive, Id hate to come back to a dead server
And when I come back realm balance will be achieved, the game will look awesome,
NGD will be working on fixing minor bugs because they fixed the big ones,
my friends are still playing or even coming back and alsius is just getting the last gem to make a wish ;)
(Im allowed to dream ^^)
unfortunatly university isnt all that easy and Im slowly losing the will to play,
but I dont want to quit yet coz half of my friends are still there
the other half quit last week >.<
So Im gonna take a break and hope that Ill want to play again someday.
Ill check the forums and log in to chat from time to time (promise is a promise ;) )
but I dont think you'll see me in wars for a while.
Best of luck to all realms,
alsius and ignus keep playing! you're keeping RO alive, Id hate to come back to a dead server
And when I come back realm balance will be achieved, the game will look awesome,
NGD will be working on fixing minor bugs because they fixed the big ones,
my friends are still playing or even coming back and alsius is just getting the last gem to make a wish ;)
(Im allowed to dream ^^)