View Full Version : Remembering Influential Players in your RO Career
10-15-2012, 10:22 AM
This is not a thread about pr0 players, nor is it about popularity. This is meant for you to share the names of people you've met in the game who you'd PERSONALLY just like to reminisce about. It doesn't matter how long they played for or when they quit or if they still play, it doesn't matter your reasoning for mentioning them either. Any server and any realm goes. You can name 1 person or 20, even entire clans. Share stories if you like, or just make a short comment about whoever you list... whatever strikes your fancy. I've never seen a topic like this, so I decided "why not?" (The Hall of Fame seemed sort of similar, but it was too easy to get back into the "best players" mindset.... none of that here please.)
That all said, I'll start.
Ignis Hunter + Rage Hunter: Some of the first english players I met on Ra (we were all n00bs), we founded my/our first clan together (called Ignis Fighters... creative, I know.)
Battle Angel Alita, Boukarou, The Hunter is Here: Difficult for me to mention 1 of them without the others. This was my inner circle before Ra started dying for me. Us 4 would wreak so much havoc together... I still miss these guys.
Hephaestus: I believe he was with us in the group above, but I think he came along later. Anyways, we were always pushing each other once I switched to Alsius, and we were nigh unstoppable when we worked together (before WM anyway...)
Warpath: We were friends, not great ones, but we talked. But ultimately he is the one who got me into the hunter class (inadvertently though it was.)
Lexen: He had another name on Ra, but I forgot what it was; Anyways, we started up on Horus together, and we founded Apocalypse together (I actually suggested the name idea; I left for Alsius soon after though).
Jacque: One of my first friends I met on Alsius/Horus. A lot of people didn't like her, and I understood why, but I always got along with her.
Compost: Fought him plenty on Ra, but never spoke to him until Horus. I was in his clan(s) for awhile, he's a cool guy. He sure knew how to stroke my ego, telling me how my warju was intimidating. (I understand now though that all warjus were intimidating, lol.)
Alsirian Legion (Clan): Simply put, this clan got me through the early parts of Horus. A lot of awesome (and crazy) people here. Klutu, Kyrottimus, Anyriand, Ultimate, Enio, Jippy, etc. etc. Good times.
Aarisewan (or whatever his freaking name is/was): I never told a lot of people, but I gave syrtis a real (though short) run. During my time there I met Aari, who coincidentally found me in the starter zone and welcomed me to TWC. I still only made it to 36 there though, lol.
Tristan + Sinister Evil: Knew them both on Horus (iirc), and just kind of got drawn together when we moved to Raven. Both really good-natured and friendly. We had one of the most "family-esque" clans I've ever been in.
Squi: One of the people who welcomed me when I switched back to Ignis on Raven. He waved to me a lot even when I was still a goat, but I never understood why, haha. I stopped trying to speak french because of him though, because he makes me realize just how little I actually know.
Replica (aka Kate): Seriously, everyone calls her Kate. We met on the forum when she was still a gelf (Sonnet). I made a gelf toon just to say hi to her in game and eventually that just led to me convincing her to leave Syrtis lol. We were bestest friends FOR LYFE, and I taught her (as best I could >.>) to play hunter.
Bois: Rarely if ever spoke to him in game, but he sure knows how to debate on the forum. I used to post in the suggestion section a lot, and I'd always know it must be a good (or at least interesting) idea if Bois posted.
Probably missed a few (if not several) people, but, that's it for now. I kind of wrote a lot, but you don't have to do that if you don't want. Have fun posting :)
10-15-2012, 10:29 AM
King of Flow.
10-15-2012, 11:56 AM
Vernus Pl - Showed me a glitch in PP or PP2 (forgot which) where you could run through a block in the bridge and hide. It's fixed now, but that was pretty memorable. He called it the train to Hogwarts.
Efrendi - I looked up to him in game, and he didn't treat me like a dirt bag even though I was level 29. Introduced me to the concept of trolling gelfs.
Hephaestus - I feel quite safe with him, because he's a pretty capable lock.
10-15-2012, 11:58 AM
Ah, Aarisewan :D was also the first person I met in Syrtis and was promptly recruited to TWC. An awesome player and a great guy too, used to take my newbie butt (along with others from TWC) to forts and explain how they worked! I do think my first trip to the war zone was with Aari.
I didn't stay in TWC since they seemed to make a big deal out of multi-realmers joining the clan, and I play for fun and prefer not to take thing so seriously. But, in a way that was good as I ended up in Reclamation, and I had so much fun in that clan! Missing players such as Bamaboi, Arwen, Lussiel Rilme, Haranaka, Aphro, Alty, Wire, Saralanna... the list is endless! Reclamation helped me get more enjoyment out of the game, and I learned a lot more about the game mechanics whilst in this clan.
Kornelius, a Syrtian knight was the first player in Syrtis who gave me some nice epic knight gear. Bamaboi also was with him, and provided me with some nice gear too!
Jakob is a brilliant knight in PvP and I remember him taking me to pp, when I was level 30ish, having PvP matches with goats at pp, shame those don't happen any more!
Mr Egg - taught me to sync dance!
Prettykitty! How could I forget her. Thanks Angel_de_Combate. Prettykitty helped a lot of people out including myself, by handing out free items and expecting nothing in return. I learned this trait from her and even today pretty much everything I gave to people is free of charge (which makes me a bit broke in terms of gold, but not a big deal!).
Pnarpa and Ratpool Pan! Two of the most hilarious people I ever had the pleasure of playing with, both awesome players too!
Scias, Selian, Rathaloz, Detalhez, Meleager, Narzoul, Beeker, Tapantaola, Von, Shadowtale, Vitez, Repoorteht, Pauluzz, Jesus, ieti, Medichick/Xaro, Minamoto, Anpu, Annavilya, Ereinion, maciamd, renger, Nel, Salvia, Wolfhound Strider, Silent Shadow <3, Ricksa Arcus, Eragon Shadeslayer - All people who I had quite literally hours of fun with and would instantly /party when they came online.
The list really is endless! I'm sure I forgot plenty of people, but for the most part, I had a lot of fun with most of Syrtis Horus. I never really got to know most of raven that joined after the merge, as soon after that I got bored of playing in Syrtis and mostly played hunter.
As for players from other realms, I can't really speak about them as I haven't played alongside them. I am playing in Ignis at the moment, but will take some time to get to know them :D so far been (mostly) a warm welcome. Based on forum presence however I respect the opinions of many! Artec, Immune, Ulti, Kitsune, JainFarstrider, standistortion, Kharb, Shwish. I'm sure I missed some out, but I basically value well thought out comments and people who look at the bigger picture rather than their own individual class, and people who keep their cool and explain their concerns without raging!
Ah, you make me reminisce!
All of the above (and more I am sure) have had some sort of influence in my style of thinking and game play on RO.
10-15-2012, 12:41 PM
Nice thread! :thumb:
These are some of the people who made an impact on my RO experience; both the social and combat aspects. I'm only mentioning some of the people I met in my first year of RO, or this post will turn into a book.
Twiztid/Sicker (Ra) - Didn't actually meet him in RO, he got me into this game. Gave me heaps of advice about the game and recommended that I be an Alsius hunter in RA. I ignored him and became a Syrtis barbarian in Horus, but I still appreciate his help.
Wood - Friendly Syrtis conjurer who got me into his clan, where I met a lot of nice and helpful players, and he grinded with me all the way to L50. If not for him and the clan, I would've given up.
Serjio/Suok - L35ish Syrtis marks I used to hunt with all the time, as my PC was shit so I couldn't do fort wars. I would have been very bored of RO if not for him. He also moved to Alsius with me (we were both hunters) and was one of the few hunt partners I'd have.
Ice Cube and No To Studies - Two great friends and hunt partners. Playing besides a warju/healer/tank and that suicidal barb was the best fun.
Rios - He's always had the ability to make me amused or extremely annoyed, in all three of the realms, whether it be in the chat tab or in combat. He's a stupid, arrogant, overconfident, annoying troll, and I've never met a player I like more.
Aarisewan/Aasiora - When I met him, he was a friendly, L45ish player who recruited me to The White Company Dragoons. I remember thinking "lol this pt will never reach 50 or be any good". Shows how much I know. He really earned my respect in the time I knew him, and I don't think I ever told him what a good player and good person I thought he was. ...That sounds lame, I hope he doesn't read this.
Some other mentions:
Lumi, Solomon Dean, Vultureman - Thank you for every LOL your words and actions gave me. It made Alsius a truly unique realm. People should strive to be as awesome as you three.
Lil Hathy - Why couldn't you let players grind at Trelleborg beach peacefully? Why did you have to make life so difficult? Why would you go all the way back there after you were killed numerous times? Thanks a fuckload for making the grind from 35-40 longer and harder than 45-50 :razz:
Yasur - If not for you, I wouldn't have an Ignis character above L10. You were, without a doubt, the coolest noob in Horus.
10-15-2012, 01:09 PM
Blusi, Nini and pogranichnik - My first friends in this game. I used to speak very bad english, was always asking pogranichnik "how to say this and that in english" when tried to talk with Blusi or Nini... Pogra was my real life friend but he passed away some time ago. Nini gave me her 50mil gold when she quited RO.
Sheena - When I was very low lvl, still in initiation zone she came and gave me 10k gold and told me to buy mount with it. She also gave me some low lvl equipment. I don't know who she exactly was or does she still play, but I remember this little thing still after years.
Louvina - Alsius warju. She really was always camping in the forest around syrtis gate with her OP zarkit... And most of the times with friends of course. Made grinding as noob very hard.
Terminator - would be so epic to get you back, even for one day xD
Compost - I was still quite noob and used to play my hunter a lot. Always got pwned by you :( Sometimes Biwie raged because I played too bad. Good times anyway.
Bamaboy - One of my favorite persons on RO. Hope you come back some day!!
Medichick - I won't forget it how you have helped me.
Orava, Carawen - ...and some other finnish players. Liked to speak my native language with someone in-game. Sadly you all quited :/
Kilero - Old friend, I wish I could see you more on!
Lussiel - You were good conju. Come back!!
Tirsla - goofy goofy goofy goofy goofy goofy goofy goofy goofy goofy. Such epic troll(?), paid like 100euros for warbanners so he could spam syrtis with them. Reported talking alone to NPCs. Had some funny chats with you even though most of people had you on ignore XD
I am not listing active players on this.
10-15-2012, 01:41 PM
Last and not least U, i owe him too much to game and out. :wub2:
Tell him to get his ass back online. I miss that guy.
I am gonna post here so it must be good (or at least interesting) .... haha.
It is a very good thread. Hope it stays so. One that I can really post in.
Now my list is going to be a lil interesting.
Dark Barbarian : I met this guy when I entered the game. I joined his clan and eventually formed Mirage with the defectors from that failed clan. DB helped me a lot. At times when grinding was a nightmare (any old skool knight remembers that horror) DB would keep me on with those monologues in Realm chat. Seriously, that guy got me to 50!
Gummybears : One of those not so active players but really nice, we would chat for hours about all kinds of stuff. Only Starshine beats her in the sweetness scale.
Orimae Fionn : One of my best friends in the game. A lil crazy , always fun always let me laugh and relax. A really nice person once you get to know her.
Wes the wise : my mentor for learning how to play knight. I followed that guy around and learned the trade from how he played. And he was good. No doubt.
Smurv : a bit of a troll and sometimes tough but I learned a lot about knight from him.
Maltazar : (hope I spelled right) This player kept me laughing all the time. It is quite possible that this player has slept with every NPC and MoB in this game XD.
Jakob : good knight and we spoke several times during Christmas event. Cool dude.
Rulez and Panoramix : lol . These players ruled the bridges and taught me how to fear trolls. They always kept things interesting.
Sorry Alsius, back in the early days I hardly went to Alsius lands and stayed home and defended.
However I would like to give a shout -out to that entire realm in those days. The fights were almost always epic and the fighting always had that feel good way about it. When you died and went back to the save you would always be refreshed and thought that the battle was great. You always wanted more. Kudos to all the heroes in Alsius and thanks for all the epic fights in old aggy with the door down and Pn/pn2 . I am nostalgic but pre wm spells were the greatest.
Thanks to everyone for the fun for all these years.
10-15-2012, 05:07 PM
The nostalgia.... This is going to be a very long and embarrassing thread.
Immune: I knew you probably wouldn't stay long, but it was great talking to you (and reading your amazing rants about resists and evades). You're a great player and I always expected you to be somewhat of a douche because of how well you played your hunter... but I was wrong (Especially when I saw your Syrtis character name which proved you had great taste in music). You were actually the first high level active player I spoke to come to think of it O.o
Awrath: Honestly, I didn't think you were going to continue playing RO and that feeling was doubled when you told me how much fps you played with. Glad you stuck around because not only are you great friend, but you also were a genuinely kind person.
Tenel Ka: My turn to make some "lame" comments then. I actually really admired you and still do actually (Yep, I said it). Not only are you a fun person who a long time ago tolerated my noob behavior, but you also are one of the best players in my book. I've gone out of my way and done some very embarrassing things trying to either get RP from your characters or simply annoy you (on both Horus and Raven) and it has never worked.... ever.... not once. You were another great player (and person) to have met. And honestly, hopefully I'll get to play with you again, only this time I won't be a low level. /lame comment.
Scias: One of the greatest people I've met in this game. I could write an entire post alone as to why he is, but I'd rather not give him the satisfaction of doing so. The time spent in his clan was my favorite period in this game. Thus, despite the fact that he disbanded "unchallenging", I'll never remove it (or my old conju name) from my signature.
Arwen: A remarkably kind person who not only unknowingly taught me a lot about the game, but also accepted me into Reclamation during a time when I seriously started to hate the idea of a "clan" in general. Not only that, but this girl was a genius and did a lot for Syrtis as a whole.
Shrikant: I don't know this player and I've probably said 10 words in total to him. When I first started playing my conju in the warzone, in anger he said "We need a better conju. It's like we don't even have one" (or something similar). Those words are the reason why I played my conju so much (in an attempt to get better) and so in a way... I thank him? It's weird.
Pnarpa: nvm.
I could write a lot more about each friend I've had but that would be a novel. I'd list everyone in my old clans as well as the people on Raven who were great to play with and talk to. However, that's not what this thread is about, and the above 6 are probably the most influential players in my RO career. Hope I'm not missing anyone.
10-15-2012, 08:59 PM
I've been waiting all day to reply to get home and reply to this thread hah
I'll do it by class cause it helps me remember and since I have a lot I'll do 3 classes now, and 3 classes later.
Plunder - In my opinion the greatest lock to ever play the game (all servers included). He is good at RvR and in pvp and lolz@people who whine about locks using MoD in pvp. He made me want to play lock and he is a cool person to talk to in mumble. I've never seen someone that has been able to play the class like him.
Tsuku - My 2nd favorite lock and def. one of the best. He was able to do very good in pvp (even though he never bragged) and he was amazing at RvR too. Another person who I look up to when I think of locks
Mj...Scias' lock - Another amazing lock. In my opinion he wasn't that good when he first started, but definitely became one of the best I have seen play the class. He is also a cool asshole. And even though he doesn't love me, I love him.
Capslock - The love of my life, my forever, my everything, [insert more gay comments here] <3 <3. My favorite lock to play with (arguably because I never really got to play with plunder :p). He is also one of my favorite marks and hunters to hunt with. And I love him more than anyone else in this game that doesn't have tits.
Ieti - She is, in my opinion, the best conj to ever play haven/horus/raven and one of the best, if not the best, to play the game. I've always looked up to her, not only because of how well she plays conj, but also because of the things she says on the forum.
Healerous - A very close 2nd to Ieti as best conj to play haven/horus/raven. He might be on her level, I didn't play alsius that much, but I recall him being an amazing conj (and lock from what Ive heard) when I played there.
Darksel - The 3rd best conj I have ever had the honor to play with. He recently got b& from facebook and (hopefully) v& by the Scotland Yard lulz. But man, I love this guy. I remember when he was just a noob lock, then he switched to conj and went all hammertime and shit :D
Erika - because she has tits and I love her.
Clings - The marks that everybody once feared before she quit. She knew how to play marks and was deadly. Shee, along with Fonzy/Dimera, were the two people that made me want to play marks.
Fonzy/Dimera - As stated above, one of the two people that made me want to play marks. I want him to have my babies
Dimanche - My favorite marks hunting partner. Me and him think alike so the coordination we have, even without speaking, is pretty amazing. Im sad that he quit for school (lol lozer), but I had an amazing time playing with him. He is also one of the very few marks who I think is better than me at pvp :p
Emino - This fag <3 I love you. You are the only marks, besides NS, that I have never beat in pvp. You are another one of the very few that I consider better than me at pvp, and probably better than me at RvR, haven't seen enough footage of that to properly judge though :p
Linerex - Back when I was "hurr durr i r da gretest pvp max", I pvped him and he kicked my ass whilst only losing 1/3 or 1/4 hp. Was a real ego bruiser xD but it helped me realize I wasn't as good as I thought and made me want to become better and improve myself :)
Penguin/Matrim Cauthom - My two favorite alsius marks. I loved fighting with and against yall. I miss Raven and the fun times pre-WM ruining the server. I wish peng had stayed in Ignis, which, lets be honest, he should have. Yall kept the game fun for me as a marks because there were, and are, very few who ever even gave/give me a challenge. And peng have become such a better troll. And chris you will always be the brother of the guy that played in 30minutes or less. Plus, y'all are bother doing better IRL, kudos to yall <3
Dutcheh - Another great alsius marks. One of the few that were able to beat me in pvp consistently. Hit hard af too :D. Ximboy jajajajajajajaja
Ludavik(sp) - I think I may have talked to him once, not even too sure about that. But damn. Talk about an amazing marks xD. From his videos, in my opinion, he is the best marks I have seen in pvp. His gameplay is so smooth and all that other good stuff. Would love to see him and Emin pvp. That would be an amazing fight I think.
Ratpool Pan - Argued by many to be the best marks to play Horus, one of the best to play the game, one of the coolest people to play the game, and I miss him. Come back plz <3
edit: I think my reply is more along the lines of a dream team type reply, o well jaja
10-15-2012, 09:03 PM
Lumi, Solomon Dean, Vultureman
I miss Lumi and Eloot :(
RO career...well it is no such thing.
I remember my first clan Terror & Hubris formed by Fonzy and Fiddican and Ina. We was low level grinding till fatigue hits and then we was doing everything on our mind - playing hide & seek in Fisgael, going in war zone at level around 20. This clan got me so good memories. Then it merged to Inquisition and i met new and nice ppl. Sadly i'm the last from T&H which still plays...
Enitharmon, Alvan, Isemon and Arwen. They told me alot then i was still low level conju in WZ. Always supportive and nice even i was squishy and nooby. The awesome leaders of Syrtis...
Zodar, Mele, Tervel, Bulgaro, Umaril and all on my level when we grinded in PB1 g-spot. This place was so awesome with the perfect spawn, Ignis constantly coming there to get a fight. Awesome parties and laughs when someone agroed so many mobs and died with o-shi, o-shi, o-shi...
Tsuku, Nighchill this guys was pr0 really pro. Tsuku get your ass sometimes and see us again please...
Biwie scans... 1a ne....POW zerg strike from the opposite direction....
Then i met Galynn and Jeka old conjus and read some stuff from kim about conjuring. This was people which told me about heal priorities and survival.
Syrtisa, Gandalf, Shroud, Healer and Asdaf. Always fun to play with and against them. I try to look them closely and catch what they use and how they play. I can always learn from them.
Not to mention Enio, Hepha, Donato, raely, smurv. This guys are "annoying" and if i stay alive after their attacks i feel like lol it is so fun.
Ulti and SoL. Sorry to bug you guys i love when you are around. SoL was the worst grinder ever landed in Syrtis. It was really sad then you went to alsius. Always funny with you around.
Tyr's Zorn. They was the glory of the goats. Feared and proud. I still hope their spirit to return again in goats and you PWN everyone and everywhere once again. They pwned us even we outnumbered them alot. Real war machine. I can not remember the nick of a tyr huntress which organized the awesome inter-realm WZ bosskills.
Hmm prettykitty was the nicest and caring person ever. Giving items helping grinders and always happy to talk. I loved to talk with her when i was not in a mood to war.
Hmm can not remember all. Alot people came and go. Everyone was unique and gave something of his own. Even Tirsla. I love Syrtis not for the zergs meaning the mass of people, but for the anarchy, for the gelfnes and goofiness in everyone.
A bit of nostalgia for the old days and a bit of hope for better in the new ones.
Best video from Scias.
10-16-2012, 07:15 AM
This is gonna be a long and nostalgic listxD
Plunder!! I'll never forget when Ignis invaded Syrtis and we both winded up being at the southern gem at the same time. We duked it out to see who would leave with it, and it was an epic fight. You've also given me many awesome pvp's.
Feurst, I swear this guy had a machine gun for a staff back in the day. I'll never forget getting hit so fast by this one.
Lly - She was a super nice and great conju. Anytime you needed help, she was there.
Bifrost - I still say he was the nicest person ever in RO. One of the first players I met.
Enio, Rhanya. We used to hang out all the time, in mumble listening to music and hearing Enio pour his coffee xD Two awesome people with mad skills.
Compost, i remember going hunting with you, Klutu, Kang, Arcan, back in the day. we would go near syrtis market and see how long we would last there. Awesome guy with an awesome pornstache.
VV - We had epic fights on Imp beach and in general back in the day, you're a good hunter.
Alsirian Legion - This clan was epic, as friendly as my current Samsara, but i miss all the old players that used to be there. Arcan, Klutu, Kyro, Anyriand, Immune. i remember when Ignis used to invade nightly, we'd wait in snow banks and jump em on their way to Imp. And always awesoem humor.
JakOP. You're the only knight, and it's not to disrespect other knights or anything, but you're the only one I second guess how I will fight with in pvp. With everyone else that I fight I never think so much as when i fight you. I know you can beat me if I make any small mistake and that's why fighting you is just epic. Since our fights when we were noobs till now, the matches always entertain me like hell.
So many old syrtis players - Not to say the new ones are bad or anything, but I used to go to the Syrtis cs eachight and pvp you guys 1 by 1 depending who was there when we were lv 50's years ago. Everyone was awesome, no one ganked and we had tons of matches. Those times are really what helped me to be a good 1 on 1 player.
The old Ignis night crew - Efrendi etc, it was super fun to defend the gates back then imo, anbd we did that eachnight cause of you guys xD
Ieti because you're awesome and you never leave my mana alone or stay down.
Heph - I don't have a chance against you in open field unless God gives me a miracle and I resist everything for 30 seconds.. Good lock.
Awrath is a super nice guy.
Gawyn - Back in your syrtis days we had nice fights, later when you joined alsius you became an awesome ally.
Sir Mariusz - Old school, and Jaud, we had some nice pvp's early on when I started this game.
Klutu's old SoL, loved when i went to syrtis market to gank you afk one night as a complete noob, only to get two shotted by you like 5 mins into me hitting you.
Nami-Swan - I'd always hunt with you long ago, super cool person. Dunno what ever happened to her.
DB - You're an icon of Ro in my opinion haha. The legendary DB. I loved drawing that comic about your adventures:p
Terminator - Nuff said.
Trsitaan - It was epic rushing herb alone with you and watching you sultar the crap out of everybody on the door :p
Veer Gupt - I always liked this guy, met him early on and he helped me and was super friendly.
Kyro - Grinding all those countless hours with you man, one of the first people I met in gam, one of the coolest.
Klos - The first guy I talked to! A super cool guy, miss your dwarf.
Po and Asdaf - Epic, epic healing powers... so epic it's creepy.
Bois - Always like reading your posts on the forums, always level headed.
Rohan Knight - This guy was super cool, it's a shame he stopped playing.
Faith - Always fun seeing you in wars, too bad you're gone.
Beardo - I fkn love fighting alongside you, sw and pa for the win, we will never die xD
Syd vicious - You hit hard, you chose a good name bro :p Awesome person.
Healerous - Another awesome guy with mad skills imo.
Dutcheh - Always thought of you as an awesome knight. We had good fights.
Melany - A really cool player.
Franky Boy - you had a super welcome for me when I joined Samsara, wicked guy and it's always super fun talking to you.
Arrowless :p
so many people missing, this community has a rather unique feel to it compared to other mmo's in my opinion. I'm glad i found this game, wicked times.
Enio: because this guy is very nice, and know how to play this game as no one, i learn a lot looking at him and he gave me some advice when i was low level, too bad after years i'm still very far from what he was able to do.
Ratpool Pan: because he was so funny, we had so much laughs while playing together. I miss you Rat.
Scias: because he's an excellent team mate. You can rely on him in any situation.
Tarek Star: he left the game just before his country had major chaos (Egypt), and it was a true friend and really nice team mate, hunting with this marx was always a pleasure.
Pandrador/I love NGD/Kruczycho: wonderful player, teaming with this guy is a real pleasure, and we made tons of epic fights together
Syrtisa: very nice player, and efficient conjurer, teaming with her was always a good experience.
Ieti: you know why !
Ultimate: this guy plays for fun, one of the rare characters i don't bother too much when he is grinding, i don't always have hours for fighting him.
VV and Truby: Uncatchable Hunters of Ignis Inc., respect ;)
Gandalf Le Blanc (Horus): because he joined the game after i invited him, and was so hungry to learn, he is now on the best conjurers we have in Syrtis (and he is good with his other characters). Very nice guy in real life.
Dresdon: because i remember him when we were level 19, grinding together, i even have screenshots of this somewhere, and his sense of humor is absolutly fantastic.
Gondu: this venitian guy is really cool and we did so many great fights together, he is now concentrating on studies, which isn't a bad thing imho, let's hope he will be back during holidays at least.
Awrath/Partisan: Ignis have won Someone, he is a great realm mate, wise and always nice, he knows what a knight is.
Surfacing & Nepa: fighting those warlocks was always challenging, too bad we don't see them anymore.
And many others !!
10-16-2012, 03:18 PM
I rlly loved reading this thread so here is my list :)
The first person that comes to mind: The Fallen Shadow - the guy who made me play Regnum
Who made me want to join T-A-G, which was, imo, the best thing that happend to me in RO
He thought me how to play, which keys to use and he made me want to grind to catch up to him
Nyxx - a conjurer from alsius, i think she was still low lvl but she was helping
me in inner with my 1001 questions (before I joined TAG) and showing me around monts
(such a confusing town when you first enter it :s)
Nexiom - for being my friend and grindpartner, and our struggle to reach lv50 before the other
even though i won that time he kept going and made lv60 way before me :)
Ruthless Beast - he is funny, supportive and he doesnt know what sound a chicken makes ^^
He thought me that friends are the most important thing in the game
Femhero - a dutchie with awesome humor who knows tons of stuff about other players
Snyder (Gurgel) - for teaching me the basics of conjuring
Crystallshow & Sathius - they always look after me when RL gets tough
or RO is a mess and I take it way to serious. They must have pulled me up tons of times :)
Tania - passivly teaching me so much about all the other classes
always ready to help when a pendy needed to get killed or when you needed a great grind setup
Beralor - he saved me from lonelyness more than once :p
always eager to give a hand and a great guy to talk to
Red & Aniara - Red tought me the basics of warju and ani went with me
on many funny hunts, where we both ended up dead more than planned
still the warju hunts are the best yet :D
Gioakkin, Fry (purple), Seth & Ultimate Hero - awesome friends who are always up
for a hunt, a joke or two and who are pretty crazy when you think about it
Yuul (ifail) - coz he is crazy ^^
And last but not least, everyone from T-A-G and FIST, because they are awesome,
always friendly (to me) and thought me many things
A bit of nostalgia for the old days and a bit of hope for better in the new ones.
Best video from Scias.
It hurts to see this again, game was much funnier, with old forts, and so many people i see in this video left, what a pity.
Nowadays there are no such fights :(
And yes videos from Scias were always great.
10-16-2012, 06:06 PM
Icestone - Good luck with the family, would be great to see you in game again sometime.
Huntshot - For reminding me what it was like at that age and being a good bloke.
Whisper Q - You've got your quirks but your a good bloke and a great alsian.
Souls reaper - Always a pleasure to chat with you.
Heph - Learned so much from you, wish you got more of the fights your looking for.
Jacop - For not letting it go to your head.
Tiger - Your a pain in the ass but things are never boring when your around.
Anna - Just when you least expect it...
Ani - Thank you.
Ultimate - Consistency in a world gone mad, a good bloke and a great alsian.
Pew pew - Great player and a great sport, wish there where more like you.
Shadowsong - Love playing conj beside you.
Ribelia - Love playing lock beside you.
Medico - I.O.U.
Irsh - Great bloke.
Frankie - Another great bloke and our hero.
Ranwald - Miss those times in Alsius Empire.
Arial - You know your backs covered.
Winter - Great player. Thanks for your dedication, you kept me going so many times.
Ieti - Great conj and a voice of reason here on the forum.
Bois - Don't know how you keep those ideas coming, good job.
Slarti - Suicide commando.
Jan - I'll try my best to keep you alive because you get the others moving.
Point n shoot - Miss you in game, good luck IRL.
All those groups that will take on twice their number and show them how its done.
All those that know what a good time is.
All those names lost is memory, so many of them.
10-16-2012, 06:40 PM
I'd like to add my first clan to the list I joined to, MoN (Master of Noobs), was really really long ago and I think its already disbanded, but i still can remember Yawney, Kianoni, Jenda, Saint Saryad.....Rhany ofc. Fury is still playing I think, cant tell tho, since I didnt log in for about two weeks now hehe. I miss them all and so do I miss those old times, PRE-invasions was Ro's most fun part for me...:)
Also would like to mention Mya, I didnt play much with her but it seemed to me she was a nice person, just like Resett (tho i think he was a multirealmer, damn i hate ya!! xD, j/k), then there was La Druga, the original one (that was her clan rank lol, coz there was a gelf/red with an alike name i think, i use to laugh every time Ive read it :D), And also would like to mention Ares, he was a great barb, too bad I didnt see neither of these guys (girls) around ( cept maybe Fury ), but they'll stay with us in our memories.. :)
I might edit this post once I log in again and checked my Friends list, or just gonna make a new one.
10-16-2012, 06:58 PM
Mage pegusas - this lad can play any class and well too, Dunmer -bit of a clown but lovely guy and The hunter is here -lovely lovely guy, loved playing on Ra and Horus with him. These are the first people i got to know on RA i spent more time talking then leveling Meconopsis, brilliant! Special mention for DMC very knowlegable guy, he was out there theories and strategies but damn do they work. MattDoesRock, Envy, Valour, Net el Brujo, Aarlick, Vincent Vega, Surakor(when you used to watch me level haha), Silverhawk, Battle Angel Alita, Boukarou argh too many to mention! Old RA was the best!
This brought back so many good memories from when I was like 15/16 :$ I was gonna make a list to include all these people and you, but now I don't need to. Thanks for the fun, Em. :)
Penguin/Matrim Cauthom - My two favorite alsius marks. I loved fighting with and against yall. I miss Raven and the fun times pre-WM ruining the server. I wish peng had stayed in Ignis, which, lets be honest, he should have. Yall kept the game fun for me as a marks because there were, and are, very few who ever even gave/give me a challenge. And peng have become such a better troll. And chris you will always be the brother of the guy that played in 30minutes or less. Plus, y'all are bother doing better IRL, kudos to yall <3
Mad love, Oreo. My brother from another mother. Add in Matrim (Chris, baby) and all of PoB/Sex Machine and we have a hell of a list. :) \, Shaia, Hoti, Bright, Karma, Rumple, Poptart, Jobu, Chaz, holy shit Chaz. Where are all the fkrs at?
Oh, and Dutch. Back in the one man clan times, we rocked shit together man.
10-16-2012, 08:17 PM
i would like to mention:
plantex, excellent barb and conju, he have been teaching me about all classes and all kind of fights in all my 9 months of RO.
bocinha, aswell learning things from planetx, made me know alot of locks and barbs
hephaestus: with his amount of videos and game coments, u can learn alot about everything with rapid observation of his game behavior
king alexander (dont know his name after the server merge): this guy killing me millions of times on horus made me learn a bit of how to gank ppl and lot of hunter gameplay, hes seems dont be afraid of hunting alone, what is imo a very good thing.
mitsaras: dont know him well, but u can see big changes on realm behaviour when his around. hes, also, always patient to talk to noobs like me and boci
ignis have alot of remarkable ppl, but my memory goes bad and i wont mention any1 more here xD
10-16-2012, 09:49 PM
Alsius --
The Sweetness (Between he and Immune, best hunters in the game).
Immune the Blue (See The Sweetness)
Ultimate (Best knight in the game , period. Nuff said)
Dutch Wannabe Tank (in his early days),
Compost (Followed Klutu)
Klutu (Followed Compost)
Passiv(despite his odd petnames)
Brutal Beast(and all his iterations)
Jansuekim (I dont care what they say about you, Jan, I keep you living, and thats all I care about)
Rumple Foreskin
Solomon Dean
Slartibartfast/Exorcist (Best lock, even beats heph)
Frankie (Good knight, despite her opinions about herself)
Tormo,Tormod,Tormodius (Sorely missed, wish he was back in play).
Ignis --
Efrendi(First and foremost, and really any member of The Ghosts for that matter)
Lexen (Clan Apocalypse founder, something to be proud of)
Fein (she was so nice)
DB(yes, I said DB)
Rhodas (Never forget the Ignis Mafia)
Raoh the Conqueror (bar none the worst conj is all of Ignis)
Artap (One heck of an archer)
Taion (Best hunter in Ignis)
Meatwad(mouthy as he was)
Desert Destiny(as silly as she was)
Azule (the Gem carrier.....many crosshairs upon his head)
Plunder (An excellent leader, and spoke kindly)
CapsLock the great
Vincent Valentine (even though you wont that ring from DB fairly, at least I thought you did)
Syrtis --
Wyna Wynn (that fool used to hole is clan up in Algaros and level it to 4, and wait)
Oak (The oldest syrtis player that I can remember, hes long since gone)
Camo (A memorable hunter, who got ticked off when the nerfed the hunter the first hard time)
Prometheus Wolfhair (True founder of the TWC clan)
Sap(yes, even sap)
Arwen (True Leader of Reclamation, even if -SoL- claimed it)
Awrath (Best Syrtis knight ever)
Jaud (2nd Best Syrtis Knight, never talked much)
Aasiora (Excellent Conj)
Anagail (Even more Excellent Conj)
Silly Filly (She was ok)
Estamar (His clan founder forced him to charge Trelleborg fort , at level 21, to teach him a lesson, what that is I dont know)
Rios (Mouthiness defined)
P o D (Lock, crapzor)
Ozman Cometh (John Osbourne, worst thing ever to come out of Birmingham)
Barroomhero (Liberace)
Aristotle (One hell of a knight)
Cannas(much early on in his RO career)
Night (The First ever Hunter WM?)
Silent Shadow (Forever 48)
Lord Raiden
Titanium Axle
Sojorn (aka Lisa)
Lotr-gek (and really anyone with the (tyr) tag in their name)
PrettyKitty (just for her longevity)
10-16-2012, 10:01 PM
We're Estamar and Wyna Wynn in the same clan? I remember me, U, bobo and Bidi used to all pick one of the clan then all hit ethereal arrow at the same time to kill him/her. God they loved to camp Alga and we loved to take it, specially for the level 4 gold. :D
Also I can't for the life of me remember what the name of SoL's clan was before he went to Reclamation...I can't think back that far.
I can confirm that indeed, Estamar, Wyna Wynn (aka NyWynn aka Hwee Wynn), were indeed in the same clan. Along with Anagail, Noaxz, Patience, Elenstar (after the FG fell apart), Sorcha, and a few others.
Worst lock in Ignis...pfft. I scoff at that.
10-16-2012, 10:12 PM
I can confirm that indeed, Estamar, Wyna Wynn (aka NyWynn aka Hwee Wynn), were indeed in the same clan. Along with Anagail, Noaxz, and a few others.
Worst lock in Ignis...pfft. I scoff at that.
Who was clan leader because I remember talking to him on mumble lol! :p
Wyna Wynn (that fool used to hole is clan up in Algaros and level it to 4, and wait)
See above. ^^^^^^^
10-16-2012, 10:18 PM
See above. ^^^^^^^
Hahaha excellent. Well I thought your clan were brilliant and we had fun fighting you. :D
Twas not me. However, I know Wyna Wynn EXTREMELY well.
10-16-2012, 10:23 PM
Twas not me. However, I know Wyna Wynn EXTREMELY well.
Bugger, my bad. Shame he doesn't play anymore. :(
10-17-2012, 06:40 AM
Ignis Ra: The whole Immortal Legends clan, such a good group to fight along side of. So much memories, I would mention more but it wouldn't be fair, I forgot a lot of names.
Alsius Raven: The whole PoB clan, welcomed me to their clan when I went to play for Alsius on the new server. Such a good group of people.
Syrtis Ra: David Coperfield my favorite Warlock. :>
10-17-2012, 08:21 AM
Syrtis Ra: David Coperfield my favorite Warlock. :>
He mass recruited lowbies as cannon fodder in inner realm to raid "pozo". Thats what made me leave syrtis for alsius during beta and never look back, forever grateful.
10-17-2012, 03:40 PM
He mass recruited lowbies as cannon fodder in inner realm to raid "pozo". Thats what made me leave syrtis for alsius during beta and never look back, forever grateful.
That sounds vaguely in memory of Titanium Axle and a good much of SWS, in that they recruited players right off newb island. Im not sure it was even about building such a good team, but more about just having the most numbers.
Never understood it then, dont now.
But then of course I think Lord Raiden did the same thing before his clan fell apart.
But then isnt Lady of Light with the most numbers clan wise, doesnt GotLight have some insane number of people?
Im not sure.
10-17-2012, 06:33 PM
But then isnt Lady of Light with the most numbers clan wise, doesnt GotLight have some insane number of people?
Im not sure.
888 members to date. Syrtis was the only realm where I saw clans recruiting on the first island, both on Horus and Ra.
888 members to date. Syrtis was the only realm where I saw clans recruiting on the first island, both on Horus and Ra.
thats just, wow.
Like wow wow.
10-17-2012, 06:51 PM
Ignis Ra: The whole Immortal Legends clan, such a good group to fight along side of.
We should all meet up for a hunt or something, for old times sake. I am actually in contact with most of the players still.
Only problem is Valour transfered all of his characters to Horus, I think.
10-17-2012, 10:03 PM
We should all meet up for a hunt or something, for old times sake. I am actually in contact with most of the players still.
Only problem is Valour transfered all of his characters to Horus, I think.
He did, I play with him in a party daily... A few of us are in Haven atm...
10-17-2012, 11:40 PM
888 members to date. Syrtis was the only realm where I saw clans recruiting on the first island, both on Horus and Ra.
Dang, i thought we stopped growing after around 550. Oh wellXD.
On Topic:
Ultimate, Drago(I think his name in game is satan now), Heph, JakOP, bec i always enjoy a fight against them,and the old Indignation Clan bec they were the ones that helped me out and kept me in the game when i first started out. Good times in that clan.
Heph -- Best lock in the game. Well better than me at least.
10-20-2012, 02:11 PM
There are too many guys to remember in the game who were awesome, most of whom probably know what I think of them because I've told them.
I am still around playing in Ignis Haven :p
10-21-2012, 10:00 PM
Well this thread brings so many memories back, so I will try to give it a small contribution.
My list would be too long aswell, so I will try to sum it up and avoid redundancies with what's already been posted here. So sorry for the people that I didn't list here.
Ratpool Pan : An entire book wouldn't be enough to pay a tribute to his awesome and unique personality. He was one of these (rare) players that were actually playing only for the sake of the fun and who were never serious nor caring of their own ego. His only presence in the game or in a party would mean countless hours of fun and laughs.
Ferente : Another great marks with a great spirit and personality.
Arwen : a.k.a Queen Cheesemungus. Leader of Reclamation and natural leader of Syrtis who was never loosing her calm despite Syrtis' constant stupidness and misorganisation. She was also a very good player and playing almost all classes when needed.
Beijing : The original SM 'machinegun' mage. He was a dreadful threat in WZ due to his insane gear allowing him to kill almost everything in a few seconds just with insanely damaging and fast normal hits.
Efrendi : The former symbol of the Ignis leadership (at least from Syrtis' point of view). When he was online, we knew that shit was going to be real and that suddently Ignis would transform into an unstoppable perfectly organised war-machine.
Surfacing & rhanya : One of these few locks that would just make you shit your pants. They were/are formidable threats in RvR and one of the rare being able to turn the tide of entire battles while being the hardest to kill.
The Frenchies (Anna, Gandalf, Jaud, Nel...) : I would have never thought that in this absolutely unknown game in France (even before Gamigo) there would be so many French speaking people around. So thanks for all the fun and making me feel at home in this game.
Aari, Narzoul, Awrath, Xaro, Selian, Salvia, Zodar, Ptitours, Beeker... : This game wouldn't have been the same without you all. Thanks for all the great moments of fun and laughs you brought. I enjoyed every moment of gameplay in your company.
10-21-2012, 11:58 PM
Ratpool Pan : An entire book wouldn't be enough to pay a tribute to his awesome and unique personality. He was one of these (rare) players that were actually playing only for the sake of the fun and who were never serious nor caring of their own ego. His only presence in the game or in a party would mean countless hours of fun and laughs.
This guy was fun to play against too. Running up to our saves and "kneeling" so it looked like he had bound there, you could tell he had a good sense of humor without even talking to him. Good marksman also. Definitely a player I think of when I think of good RO times.
10-22-2012, 10:50 PM
Silent Shadow (Forever 48)
Hey! I eventually made it to 50 and then 54...or is it 52...
Ahh well, I'll be getting on again soon and maybe I'll attempt to level...
Here's a list of some of the people I miss, there are a bunch more but can't put on everyone.
Ratpool Pan
SoL(aka Klutu)
The Sweetness
The Silent
Gawyn(aka Samhael or Sammael, however it's spelled)
Angel De Combate
10-22-2012, 11:05 PM
Hey! I eventually made it to 50 and then 54...or is it 52...
Ahh well, I'll be getting on again soon and maybe I'll attempt to level...
Here's a list of some of the people I miss, there are a bunch more but can't put on everyone.
Ratpool Pan
SoL(aka Klutu)
The Sweetness
The Silent
Gawyn(aka Samhael or Sammael, however it's spelled)
Angel De Combate
SS <3 <3 <3
Come back to ignis plz
And tell Zel I said hi
10-22-2012, 11:21 PM
Hey! I eventually made it to 50 and then 54...or is it 52...
Ahh well, I'll be getting on again soon and maybe I'll attempt to level...
Here's a list of some of the people I miss, there are a bunch more but can't put on everyone.
Ratpool Pan
SoL(aka Klutu)
The Sweetness
The Silent
Gawyn(aka Samhael or Sammael, however it's spelled)
Angel De Combate
I remember you! Get back in game!!! :p
10-22-2012, 11:23 PM
Hey! I eventually made it to 50 and then 54...or is it 52...
Ahh well, I'll be getting on again soon and maybe I'll attempt to level...
Here's a list of some of the people I miss, there are a bunch more but can't put on everyone.
Ratpool Pan
SoL(aka Klutu)
The Sweetness
The Silent
Gawyn(aka Samhael or Sammael, however it's spelled)
Angel De Combate
While your at it Get Scorcha aka Elenstar to come back too. :)
10-23-2012, 12:46 AM
the names here - only the name who played/playing/play often. It's not the skill - it's just the name/nickname.
for me Ignis - DB, you never know DB? oh.. you bad - legend of RO. Azule, Mits, Ori + Sali (kor), Bloody, Don, VV, Vernus... lots of name WHO MAKE THIS GAME MORE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!! but who cares.... the game still here but FUN goes some where...
all other realms - Ulti, jakob, Pew Pew, Tigerius, Ieti .... etc etc etc... it's all the names what i sow often ..
not the skill.
10-23-2012, 06:08 AM
Hey! I eventually made it to 50 and then 54...or is it 52...
Ahh well, I'll be getting on again soon and maybe I'll attempt to level...
Here's a list of some of the people I miss, there are a bunch more but can't put on everyone.
Ratpool Pan
SoL(aka Klutu)
The Sweetness
The Silent
Gawyn(aka Samhael or Sammael, however it's spelled)
Angel De Combate
I remember you grinding on efe beach with Elen and to be fair you were a faster a grinder. :D I did the same on Ra I got to level 48 and stayed there for like a year lol. Grinding is shite specially now there's 10 more levels to grind. :/
10-23-2012, 11:28 AM
SS <3 <3 <3
Come back to ignis plz
And tell Zel I said hi
Silent Shadow!! Yes come back to Ignis (I have moved there!).
10-23-2012, 11:32 AM
If she comes back to Syrtis, will you come back as well?
10-23-2012, 11:37 AM
If she comes back to Syrtis, will you come back as well?
Lol :D. If ALL the old members of Reclamation returned, I might consider it!
10-23-2012, 11:41 AM
I have to make some calls.
10-23-2012, 12:32 PM
Yes come back to Ignis (I have moved there!).
WHAT D:, can't blame you. One less reason to play again.
10-23-2012, 01:41 PM
WHAT D:, can't blame you. One less reason to play again.
Or come to ignis too :D
10-23-2012, 02:00 PM
Going to Ignis means one less Syrtis. That cant be bad. :)
10-23-2012, 02:14 PM
Awrath gone from Syrtis = minus 50.
10-23-2012, 03:45 PM
Or come to ignis too
If NGD made realm change scrolls, I'd consider it.
Too lazy to grind again.
Waaw , guess i wasn't loved at all.
10-23-2012, 06:22 PM
Ignis Ra: The whole Immortal Legends clan, such a good group to fight along side of. So much memories, I would mention more but it wouldn't be fair, I forgot a lot of names.
by the way.......
Arkenion and TrissTesi are back on the Playground :punk:
Dr. Zord is still playing, Gymer is playing and i saw Boukarou failing at Pinos. :drums:
10-23-2012, 08:32 PM
If NGD made realm change scrolls, I'd consider it.
Too lazy to grind again.
I can just give you a decent lvl acc :p
10-24-2012, 12:24 AM
Pretty sure that's not THE Boukarou, sorry :D
Had my hopes up too :( Was thinking about making an Ra toon again just to play with him and see who else was still around/came back.
10-24-2012, 02:22 AM
I can just give you a decent lvl acc :p
Really appreciate that, but I'm weird in that I'd rather have an account that was created by me if I ever permanently changed realms. In any case, if I decide to, I'll just buy a couple of level 60 scrolls and some plat boxes. For now it seems like there are still a handful of good people in this zergy realm so I'm not jumping ship just yet.
Besides, I've never gotten rp once from your marksman and I'm not leaving until that happens at least once.... even if it's just 1 rp :P
and NO, I will not pvp you like the best warlock
10-24-2012, 01:19 PM
Besides, I've never gotten rp once from your marksman and I'm not leaving until that happens at least once.... even if it's just 1 rp :P
You could still get rp from him if you were in Alsius *hint hint*
10-24-2012, 02:13 PM
Really appreciate that, but I'm weird in that I'd rather have an account that was created by me if I ever permanently changed realms. In any case, if I decide to, I'll just buy a couple of level 60 scrolls and some plat boxes. For now it seems like there are still a handful of good people in this zergy realm so I'm not jumping ship just yet.
Besides, I've never gotten rp once from your marksman and I'm not leaving until that happens at least once.... even if it's just 1 rp :P
and NO, I will not pvp you like the best warlock
Bring those players with you. (ieti, annavilya, ptitours, gondu, and gandalf especially)
Are you sure you havent? xD
What class are you? Your name reminds me of this really good low lvl knight that played raven, but not sure
10-24-2012, 05:22 PM
What class are you? Your name reminds me of this really good low lvl knight that played raven, but not sure
Stop trolling. You know i was the best barb on Raven.
Bring those players with you. (ieti, annavilya, ptitours, gondu, and gandalf especially)
Give me 3 boss items for each first.
10-24-2012, 05:45 PM
Give me 3 boss items for each first.
I think we could manage that. Hope you like Tenax gauntlets =D
10-24-2012, 05:53 PM
I think we could manage that. Hope you like Tenax gauntlets =D
gloves* :D
Only 3?!? O.o Ask at least for Dragon ammu! :bangin:
I demand same gear as i have and lama 60 conju :P
10-30-2012, 10:26 PM
Only 3?!? O.o Ask at least for Dragon ammu! :bangin:
I demand same gear as i have and lama 60 conju :P
Even without the gear, I've had it. Grinding an Ignis conju just to try it out. Haven't decided if the move is perma.
You could still get rp from him if you were in Alsius *hint hint*
That would mean I can't kill Tania anymore. Her solo attempts on my character are the best part of my game time....
Which says a lot.
10-30-2012, 11:10 PM
That would mean I can't kill Tania anymore. Her solo attempts on my character are the best part of my game time....
Which says a lot.
Thats only because Tania, like me, has an obsession with Lamai characters. All of mine are lamai. :) Im a long sought after target by more than a few, for that very reason. :)
11-02-2012, 03:19 AM
start with other realms (Syrtis,Alsius)
Rules and Pan ofcourse
Scias (both mages)
Van , what a beast, just because he plays smarter than just about anybody
BPR , fun to hunt with, always with the lulz
Ori & Oppeh , <3
Hath, for workin so hard to help me get my first 50
FI , for puttin up with my noobish questions
ViperDH , for teaching me conj stuff
Plunder , mumble will never be the same without you
Abundy, just for bein a friend
Spicysugar, she knows why
many others that deserve mention but I'm too drunk to think of at the moment
11-04-2012, 12:04 AM
FI , for puttin up with my noobish questions
More like asking :p
Plunder , mumble will never be the same without you
He still uses mumble, infact a lot of us do :)
11-07-2012, 02:48 PM
Anyone who has ever talked to me, whether in game or out (IRC, facebook, forums, you name it), has been an influence on my behavior and personality in one way or another.
I really cannot pick a selected few because it would be unfair. I spent half of my last night retrospecting EVERY moment I had gone through with this game. I could write paragraph after paragraph about every person, including GameSamba and NGD personnel, but I don't have to. You know who you are and what you did and every tiny move counts to me.
Kudos to players that say hi to me on general chat for no real reason. :)
11-09-2012, 02:01 AM
I name...mmmh:
PT_DaAr_PT (because no one named him !!!! ) ;
Of the Old dead Italian first clan.. Repoorteht ;Ferente ;Outlander,Cris,G-Paggi.They recruited me near trelle i was lvl 20 (first time in wz,still know nothing about RO and generally about MMo),and Alsius zerg got me in the forest while they were recruiting :D ..i will never forget this moment .
Ice/cube>i made my warlock just to steal his summons >D
Fayablasta...nothing make me laugh more than this guy at syrtis merchant zone,with repo and outlander writing in clan chat absurd funny things...
Terminator was a god for usual with Repo and Outlander,was impossible remain serius during the Terminator s rush.
Raptolpan will never forget the fun this guys was providing to my evenings,with his funny comments,and his presence as a whole.
Zas..i remember first time i see him in usual repo and outlander writing funny things about his look(we called him since the first time "the treewoman" ,for his green hair + brown armour) . One of the best and helpfull person i ever meet in this game,to don't mention that he was the unique (and the best! ) alternative to play without follow the syrtis zerg.
Awrath : as Zas,one of the most loyal,nice,helpfull,mature ppls in the game to spend some time with.
Compost and Enio the biggest trauma while i was levelling at the beginning of my game .
Arwen...the best experience in my RO game.Once i left my Italian clan,she recruited me in reclamation..what a family it was...Even not speaking english(i-m able to understand what i read,but i m in trouble with grammar and terms-words knowledge to answer),was the first time i felt home in the game,there was a sorta of fantastic armony in that clan and in all his member.
Once the whole reclamation clan left the game,my RO experience was destroyed...apart Zas and Awra,due to my lack of english skill , and generally due to my lazyness in game,was really hard to me make other friends.Also,my temper,was not the best to make friends sometime >D .
Zas..i remember first time i see him in usual repo and outlander writing funny things about his look(we called him since the first time "the treewoman" ,for his green hair + brown armour) . One of the best and helpfull person i ever meet in this game,to don't mention that he was the unique (and the best! ) alternative to play without follow the syrtis zerg.
Ahahaha ;)
Yes, i'm a tree !
This is perhaps why barbarians with HUGE axes are always after me....
Too many nice words, you embarass me :)
Outlander, Taras, Ferente, Repo, etc..., italian clan was always a pleasure to play with. Nostalgia.
11-09-2012, 02:03 PM
Well noone mentioned me either ;_:
Apart from the crapp.
I'd like to mention:
pnarpa/origin= got me in the game and allthough i think he hates me now and then he's a cool guy to hang out with both in game and in rl.
Margioglio/cross: we're both insane xD
Fireborn the greek: great guy, loved to chat with him in my ignis fase and one of the few ppl i really miss now i'm in syrtis again :(
Fritsosss, william shakespeare, herome, honore, tjan and all the old tyr crew, best people ever.
Ieti: cool guy really tough we chat less nowadays
Jaknoob: we had major lols
11-09-2012, 02:11 PM
pnarpa/origin= got me in the game and allthough i think he hates me now and then he's a cool guy to hang out with both in game and in rl.
I still hate you.
11-09-2012, 02:19 PM
I still hate you.
you got mentioned like 4 times nuub
11-09-2012, 06:24 PM
Tarek star.
11-09-2012, 10:24 PM
mhmhm my bffs<3 on ro are:
bloodraven: a great teammate
tjanexmun: i know him since the first week when i started with ro.
1 of the few who does understand my jokes :D and is a great player! and
herome: pom pom
kellindil: kellindil well he sucks with hunting. we are always making jokes about eachouter. Also if i got a prob with somethings hes always there for me to talk about it. he is just like a second dad for me ;)
huntrare: great teammate and clanbuddy
quince: always want to help some 1 who is in problems 1 of the kindest player who i know.
Then we also got those peopel:
ptitours, margi, quince, maci, judit, chumpy, smrda, mordick, WELL THEY are just great! <3
well and orgi but idk what is wrong with him sometimes he gives me a special feeling and then POEF WILLIAM!!!! YOU GONNA DIEE!!!!!
I'm sure i forgot allot of peeps im sorry that i forgot you <3 ;(
11-10-2012, 10:23 AM
quince: always want to help some 1 who is in problems 1 of the kindest player who i know.
You are still a noob....:bounce:
My list:
Bulgaro (He teached me how to play my barb a lot, though i suck at barb, he was really helpfull to me.)
Stooge aka Night (RO addict, but such an honest and friendly guy.)
Smrda (total moron, but a nice guy)
Scias (Very talented conju and lock, were not so friendly towards each other all the time, but you are a good player)
Arc (Miss syrtis:)...always had good chats with you about RL and stuff, very friendly and honest)
Jesus (great hunter and always says what he wants to say...but a good lad.)
Ferente (Awesome italian spaghetti whore ^^)
Eyfura (Always active, and always helping the realm in good and bad times)
Cannas (Though we rarely chat, a good guy and a great player for syrtis)
Anpu (Though i left inq, i respect you for leading a clan like inq, always felt warm when i was in inq)
Jakob (Best knight imo and honest guy)
Last but tnot least, my clanmates from Last Alliance.
William Shakespeare, Kellindil, Huntrare, Tjan, Xia, illona and Herome.
When i left my old clan, i wanted to quit playing RO, but i felt welcome in a total morons clan like LA.
You are the reason i havent quiited yet, thank you for that.
11-10-2012, 11:42 AM
Skit; I will just quote jesus.
Skit:This guy might be the best knight/tank in regnum this moment (as for the skills part
My best pal on RO and wingman. :D
He's also far from a gear whore, cant imagine what he would be able to do in OP gear.
11-10-2012, 12:11 PM
As for barb gameplay Donato the rukker is the best out there (and no im not kidding), this guy was one of the best even when he didnt have OP gear like now.(Best after Bulgaro ofc.) :)
11-10-2012, 03:04 PM
/thread derailed :P ^^
I'd nominate Syd Vicious. He wasn't the "best barb" out there, but I've loved to play alongside him. Also would like mention Eric Onteron a great conju, Zylra the hunter, NIls Dacke the marks, Archangel, Baa, Capo and Fredu'ardo. All of them is a nice guy and I miss them :(.
PS: Please remember, this is NOT a who is the best in whatever he may be, but about " Remembering Influential Players in your RO Career" :)
11-10-2012, 03:47 PM
/thread derailed :P ^^
I'd nominate Syd Vicious. He wasn't the "best barb" out there, but I've loved to play alongside him. Also would like mention Eric Onteron a great conju, Zylra the hunter, NIls Dacke the marks, Archangel, Baa, Capo and Fredu'ardo. All of them is a nice guy and I miss them :(.
PS: Please remember, this is NOT a who is the best in whatever he may be, but about " Remembering Influential Players in your RO Career" :)
Baa seems to be playing again, at least quite a bit in last week...
11-10-2012, 04:24 PM
i wanted to quit playing RO, but i felt welcome in a total morons clan like LA.
You are the reason i havent quiited yet, thank you for that.
thankyou <3 we are one xxxxxx
11-11-2012, 05:49 PM
Influental players... well, i'll interpret that as all those nice & memorable ppl that made playing this game worthwhile!
First ones i met on Ra(Syrtis): Zaul (who we unfortunately left behind for Horus, sorry! :(), expand, Angelwinged Devil, GIGO (Still remember him chasing me on horse trying to teach me the "art of warjuring" - unfortunately I strayed from that path... lol), Backe & T R A C K E R.
Onwards to Horus(Syrtis): Lan & Tynan, Edean, Nytefyre, Roofus the Stuntbum, ieti, Arwen, Slayer of Light, Moo & Lunar, Isemon, Sir Mariusz. and Biwie ofc!
on Horus/Haven(Alsius): Healerous! Rhanya (first thing she said to me were "YOU? I HATE YOU! >.>"), Kianoni, Beardo, Soul Reaver, Lust, Mattdoesrock, Asdaf, Eric Onteron, Po, Sydonay, Wodin, Fredu'ardo, Tyrian, Kyrottimus & Anyriand, Kinsa (who organised the first inter realm boss-kills), Kazan, Faine/Meconopsis, Gawyn, River's Wind, Dessertpanther & Tokarukora, larsen & Paradosa, Avazyn, Fcelka, frankyboy, Anestesia, Lilitha, Linkiostro, Knightingale, Klos.
(wheh) as for the ones i inevitably forgot... you know who you are (even if I don't remember your nick...)!
Ty for all the good times! :drunk:
(Attached some nostalgia from the opening days of Horus, when we toured the WZ with a party of ~lvl 20s... great memories!)
11-11-2012, 11:43 PM
was lvl 30 the highest back then?!
11-12-2012, 01:14 AM
Influental players... well, i'll interpret that as all those nice & memorable ppl that made playing this game worthwhile!
First ones i met on Ra(Syrtis): Zaul (who we unfortunately left behind for Horus, sorry! :(), expand, Angelwinged Devil, GIGO (Still remember him chasing me on horse trying to teach me the "art of warjuring" - unfortunately I strayed from that path... lol), Backe & T R A C K E R.
Onwards to Horus(Syrtis): Lan & Tynan, Edean, Nytefyre, Roofus the Stuntbum, ieti, Arwen, Slayer of Light, Moo & Lunar, Isemon, Sir Mariusz. and Biwie ofc!
on Horus/Haven(Alsius): Healerous! Rhanya (first thing she said to me were "YOU? I HATE YOU! >.>"), Kianoni, Beardo, Soul Reaver, Lust, Mattdoesrock, Asdaf, Eric Onteron, Po, Sydonay, Wodin, Fredu'ardo, Tyrian, Kyrottimus & Anyriand, Kinsa (who organised the first inter realm boss-kills), Kazan, Faine/Meconopsis, Gawyn, River's Wind, Dessertpanther & Tokarukora, larsen & Paradosa, Avazyn, Fcelka, frankyboy, Anestesia, Lilitha, Linkiostro, Knightingale, Klos.
(wheh) as for the ones i inevitably forgot... you know who you are (even if I don't remember your nick...)!
Ty for all the good times! :drunk:
(Attached some nostalgia from the opening days of Horus, when we toured the WZ with a party of ~lvl 20s... great memories!)
I didn't know that you were still around. Its good to see you playing on Los these last few weeks.
Thanks for reminding me of old Syrtis/RA days. Hopefully we can play some more together like it was back then, years ago.
Too bad I missed the start of Horus as depicted in your screenshot...
11-12-2012, 01:44 AM
was lvl 30 the highest back then?!
nope - 50 was. Just the start of Horus as typical other servers, people started going in WZ around lvl.10+ to get a few rps to be on rankings. x)
I still remember when the highest on Horus after a week was about 26 rps or so :p
11-12-2012, 01:01 PM
No, we didn't go for the RP's but for the fun! :thumb:
(For the most part we fought, and died at the hands of, NPC guards... Which were hard, though not as bad as they are these days. IIRC we suffered a humiliating defeat from the guards at Imperia a while after this screenshot was taken)
And as you see from the red XP bar, we had something called "fatigue" back then which meant you got vastly reduced XP after some hours of playing.
So unless you were willing to cash out for an +XP boost scroll, you might as well go war.
Those lvl 30's were our "high levels" who spent a "Scroll of Mastery" to get to 30 instantly.
There were a german ignis clan called "Wüstenfalken" who were our nemesis and scourge those first days (they were all lvl30!), but then they vanished, never to be seen again...
After a week or so, all the smart guys from Alsius who had been grinding on boost scrolls all the while we goofed around in the WZ, started popping up as lvl50's, and then ruled the server up until about the time regnum 1.0 (invasions) was released.
I didn't know that you were still around. Its good to see you playing on Los these last few weeks.
Thanks for reminding me of old Syrtis/RA days. Hopefully we can play some more together like it was back then, years ago.
Too bad I missed the start of Horus as depicted in your screenshot...
Speaking of names I can't remember... I remember you of course, but not your nicks back then (was one a hunter named Sara -something? and another Nessa? (nvm, google says yes :wink:)). And Domino Harvey, Athena Stillwater (dracus) & LenaRosemberg, jeka the mage (Minamoto) should also be mentioned... But hard to remember after so many years, I had such a hard time just remembering the nicks from early Horus. Nice trip down memory lane though!
11-12-2012, 04:03 PM
No one mentioned Beij or Fue? Or I just missed em? xD
Anyway damn they were OP with SM! xD
11-13-2012, 09:24 AM
No one mentioned Beij or Fue? Or I just missed em? xD
Anyway damn they were OP with SM! xD
Oh Beijing....that guy was annoying with SM!!
And he was always online!!
11-13-2012, 09:57 AM
No one mentioned Beij or Fue? Or I just missed em? xD
Anyway damn they were OP with SM! xD
Don't forget Surfacing
To me, Fuerst was like one of those agents on the Matrix. If you see him, just run away and don't look back.
Fuerst, Beijing and even Sufacing. They influenced me with nothing. And i do not want to remember them with nothing. I do not want SM OP mages to return ever.
Sure they was fun to survive, but that's it. I'm just glad they are gone.
11-13-2012, 08:17 PM
Fuerst, Beijing and even Sufacing. They influenced me with nothing. And i do not want to remember them with nothing. I do not want SM OP mages to return ever.
Sure they was fun to survive, but that's it. I'm just glad they are gone.
really? I kind of wish I got to saw them again, they were fun to practice against
11-13-2012, 10:25 PM
really? I kind of wish I got to saw them again, they were fun to practice against
550 double shots so nice.
11-13-2012, 10:27 PM
550 double shots so nice.
they taught me how to think fast and depend on every spell :P
11-13-2012, 10:30 PM
they taught me how to think fast and depend on every spell :P
i remember u killing me in my grinding times xD
u nice player, influenced me on my (fail, so far) "RO career" xD
11-13-2012, 10:46 PM
More like asking :p
He still uses mumble, infact a lot of us do :)
I don't even know where to connect anymore, I hear some are on TS and Xfire also. (lolz , and thanks for everything over the years, I may start playing again someday soon)
11-13-2012, 11:23 PM
i remember u killing me in my grinding times xD
u nice player, influenced me on my (fail, so far) "RO career" xD
yeah i know :p i still have your msn xD
11-15-2012, 11:36 PM
BEIIIJINGGG, made all u gelfs and goats shit your pants :D
11-15-2012, 11:55 PM
And this guy also cheated too... but people forgot about this
11-16-2012, 12:04 AM
And this guy also cheated too... but people forgot about this
yeah but u shit ur pants.
11-16-2012, 12:14 AM
And this guy also cheated too... but people forgot about this
I didn't realize we were allowed to accuse players of cheating on the forums. Since it seems we are though, Beijing isn't the only one... I recall Tigerious being banned for abuse at least once =D
11-16-2012, 01:56 AM
I didn't realize we were allowed to accuse players of cheating on the forums. Since it seems we are though, Beijing isn't the only one... I recall Tigerious being banned for abuse at least once =D
11-16-2012, 06:31 AM
Here's to the people who years ago took a hapless noob under wing, were engaging, friendly, generous, encouraging & helpful at every turn, my RO mentors: S'alt, Gawyn Trakand, Bidinger, Kyrottimus, Anyriand, etc., who all were part of the short-lived, most talented & greatest 'Whoreus' clan ever: Ascendancy { why Morgan Le Fay (Faine Ceridwen) recruited my clumsy, disagreeable, still hapless, sorry ass will ever remain a mystery 8}. /me raises glass in toast...
11-16-2012, 08:43 PM
Here's to the people who..
/me raises glass in toast...
To helpfull, friendly and plain awesome people!
Now bring out those virtuall beers and lets remember some more awesome players!
11-16-2012, 09:41 PM
That cant be good.
Certainly not good for new players.
11-17-2012, 08:11 AM
That cant be good.
Certainly not good for new players.
You also forgot to mention that ban for "rock" abuse... This one was the funniest one ever, hiding behind a rock and banned for it, this was absolutely good for new players like I was. I still got nothing from this, look at XP ranking and see how much this guy have, this means drops that he probably shared with the realm. This is also fun to see obsessed people that go back years ago to find this.
11-17-2012, 08:41 AM
Way to ruin a thread, way to go...
Back to topic;
Players who influenced me in my 1yr of playing would be similar to my Hall of Fame post.
Beginning from the first person I've met; Jebuus, we like did a couple of levels together and remember when he needed to kill the 5/5 realm enemies and me and 5 others lvl20s pitched in to help xD
Then of course, I don't think I could have played long if it wasn't for my clan.
William Shakespeare, Tjanexmun, Xia, Emi, Iza, Kellindil, Herome, Quincebo, and probably the most person I've talked to; Forfeit. All pitched in the help me level and I did of course back(except for Will, he's too lazy to grind another char :D ). They also taught me a lot about this game, so a huge thanks to them.
Apart from my clan, there are some awesome players such as ieti, Gandalf, Awrath, Iladil Noridun, and there are probably some more players I haven't mentioned.
11-17-2012, 07:56 PM
Hmmmm, did anyone Mention P o D and Ozman yet?
11-18-2012, 01:23 PM
Gonna leave this here:
11-18-2012, 06:27 PM
You won with the Night Twix pic.... :dumbofme:
05-06-2013, 04:04 PM
Influental players... well, i'll interpret that as all those nice & memorable ppl that made playing this game worthwhile!
First ones i met on Ra(Syrtis): Zaul (who we unfortunately left behind for Horus, sorry! :(), expand, Angelwinged Devil, GIGO (Still remember him chasing me on horse trying to teach me the "art of warjuring" - unfortunately I strayed from that path... lol), Backe & T R A C K E R.
Onwards to Horus(Syrtis): Lan & Tynan, Edean, Nytefyre, Roofus the Stuntbum, ieti, Arwen, Slayer of Light, Moo & Lunar, Isemon, Sir Mariusz. and Biwie ofc!
on Horus/Haven(Alsius): Healerous! Rhanya (first thing she said to me were "YOU? I HATE YOU! >.>"), Kianoni, Beardo, Soul Reaver, Lust, Mattdoesrock, Asdaf, Eric Onteron, Po, Sydonay, Wodin, Fredu'ardo, Tyrian, Kyrottimus & Anyriand, Kinsa (who organised the first inter realm boss-kills), Kazan, Faine/Meconopsis, Gawyn, River's Wind, Dessertpanther & Tokarukora, larsen & Paradosa, Avazyn, Fcelka, frankyboy, Anestesia, Lilitha, Linkiostro, Knightingale, Klos.
(wheh) as for the ones i inevitably forgot... you know who you are (even if I don't remember your nick...)!
Ty for all the good times! :drunk:
(Attached some nostalgia from the opening days of Horus, when we toured the WZ with a party of ~lvl 20s... great memories!)
wow i am greatly flattered you mentioned my name : P
yeah, it was good times, I absolutely miss them on RA
I still play on RA just so you know : )!
05-06-2013, 08:31 PM
wow i am greatly flattered you mentioned my name : P
yeah, it was good times, I absolutely miss them on RA
I still play on RA just so you know : )!
Expand :o
I didnt know you still played. You remember me? I am Rest in Peace. We use to be lovers :D
05-07-2013, 08:24 PM
Expand :o
I didnt know you still played. You remember me? I am Rest in Peace. We use to be lovers :D
Yes I of course I do! How can I ever forget : ))
Yup, still do play every now and then, RA is pretty dead (of English speaking players I mean). Well in Syrtis at least lol.
Where have you been?
05-07-2013, 09:08 PM
Yes I of course I do! How can I ever forget : ))
Yup, still do play every now and then, RA is pretty dead (of English speaking players I mean). Well in Syrtis at least lol.
Where have you been?
Tne English community in RA-Syrtis was already dead when I left that server four years ago... :/ In fact I think I'm one of the ones who hung on the longest... xD
I am purely amazed that you still play there even after all of this time, that's some real dedication (or boredom :p). And even still the same clan. xD
But, come to Haven already!
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