View Full Version : New ro mechanics
12-04-2012, 07:31 PM
Holy ****, NGD, you guys stepping up your game!!!!!!! I can't wait for this expansion.
-Relics in forts and castles + 1
-New Dragons + 1
-Summonable dragons!!!!!!!!!!!!!! +100
-Capturable gates +1000000000
/me drools
i know it's just on paper now but, ugh, sounds soo damn wicked.
12-04-2012, 08:13 PM
Holy ****, NGD, you guys stepping up your game!!!!!!! I can't wait for this expansion.
-Relics in forts and castles + 1
-New Dragons + 1
-Summonable dragons!!!!!!!!!!!!!! +100
-Capturable gates +1000000000
/me drools
i know it's just on paper now but, ugh, sounds soo damn wicked.
Indeed, i imagine gelfs summoning Vesper every evening for the lulz.
12-04-2012, 08:14 PM
Yup, sounds great, although the information is yet too vague to be able to comment on it. I can't wait for the testing round :) and the whole thing going back
With a bit of luck, I'll be able to play on a bit better ntb than I had, so I might return to the game full-time :D
12-04-2012, 08:14 PM
i know it's just on paper now but, ugh, sounds soo damn wicked.
haha :D well it sounds cool. But i will just wait and see how it is ingame ;)
12-04-2012, 08:18 PM
yeah cant wait +1 for this NGD, maybe make thorkul, daen and evendim run around too :D
12-04-2012, 08:21 PM
yeah cant wait +1 for this NGD, maybe make thorkul, daen and evendim run around too :D
And those balls that were pwning everyone on Amun some time ago.
I don't get it, We kill Vesper every 2days and steal his gear.
Yet he is still willing to help us :'(
What a kind soul.
12-04-2012, 08:43 PM
They seem they're putting their back into it. :) +1 NGD :D
It really really looks good on paper, I hope it turns out well too. I'm a little concerned with the FPS. My FPS drops alot at Vesper and Evendim because of the constant buffing from the bosswhores.
Anyway it seems to be a good excuse to buy a new PC!
So far seems really cool. I' not sure I've understood everything but I hope the attacked realm can summon their dragon to fight back(which should be stronger imo :D)
2 Dragons fighting each other? That's something too drool over with Ulti :D
12-04-2012, 08:48 PM
Wait what.... so we dont only need to fend off the enemie, we will havto kill
a dragon in the process aswell when defending the gate?
A bit confused but if this is the case i sure hope they make the gates alot
tougher then they are now...
12-04-2012, 09:18 PM
Althrough it's too early to make a judgement, it seems there's details about new offensive invasion mechanics but none about new defensive ones.
I hardly see how it can be more balanced if now a Dragon helps an invading realm, which already means in most of cases that the attackers greatly outnumber the defenders...I just hope there will be more opportunities for the defenders besides waiting for the armageddon...
12-04-2012, 09:54 PM
Finally, we are happy to reveal that Champions of Regnum expansion will be ready to play as a VIP Preview later this month! This VIP Preview will reward current and former players for their loyalty over the years by allowing access the expansion early. There’s no cost involved, but we hope you will provide feedback necessary to optimize the content prior to the official launch.
More details on this please :C
and as for the dragon summoning, one can only speculate that it will go his own way to the ignis gate(inner side) and attack the defensive realm while the offensive realm attacks gate, but will it also attack the offensive realm when they cross the gate? and will it drop anything for the defensive realm that kills the dragon? if so it would drop a different realm boss item, or no haha lemme guess you got new items for the new summonable dragons, a new set perhaps? :D i bet im right
the relics, is there a place to hold them at or do players keep it on their inventory(doubt it), i would guess it is holded in any fort? can you hold more than one relic in one fort? so many unanswered questions :C
My first impression is that this will be awessome, but not completely balanced, every realm will be able to invade easily but the dragon drops, its still the same bullsh*t, only low lvl knights with triple drop boost get the drops @.@ i dream of the day that every class will have same chance of dropping
12-04-2012, 10:17 PM
yeah cant wait +1 for this NGD, maybe make thorkul, daen and evendim run around too :D
I want to see Daen summon up an army and take a fort or castle, then pwn anyone that tries to take it back from him.
12-04-2012, 10:37 PM
Got to say, this looks really nice and the champions site.... professional... updated regularly... informative... ok, who the hell are you and what have you done with the real NGD?
12-04-2012, 10:51 PM
nice news!!
i didnt understand, maybe some information is missing (?) but
if getting the relics is a thing to do B4 invading, will the invasions just seek the nobles?
Too early, too sketchy and any commentary will be wild speculation. On that basis I can't give out random +1 for "cat in bag" either.
However, I do have 6 parameters that I will be looking closely at to decide in my own mind if this will succeed or fail.
1. Dragon as a siege weapon. Using it another way is going to require NGD to be cautious . Imagine you are an under-gunned defensive force facing a large troop build up plus a dragon. It is a MoB and if NGD doest modify things, if it kills you with a dragon stomp or something, consider you might pick up necrostacy.
2. Where will relics be stored and relic control in general. War Zone or Inner Realm of raider. Either way, if done a certain way, could be successful.
3. Impact on forts and levelling of them. The fact that a singular undetected hunter can solo capture a fort and bolt with a relic should be unnerving to some.
4. Impact on open field war and obsessive camping of Forts and Castles.
5. Dynamism of invasions. Will there be timers ? Well there be cooling off periods for sacked reams to recoup? Will there be a reduction of feedback loops. These are thing that I am going to observe as time rolls along.
6. Mechanics to invade aside, I am quite interested to know about gems, noble, wishes and other parts that come with invasions. If they are going to be more regular, there will be certain modifications of rewards and malus that will be necessary to reduce feedback loops.
12-04-2012, 11:00 PM
I want to see Daen summon up an army and take a fort or castle, then pwn anyone that tries to take it back from him.
yeah, if he summons those igneos and takes forts by himself, then magma rain 65835826852 gelfs and still keep the fort :D
12-04-2012, 11:11 PM
2. Where will relics be stored and relic control in general. War Zone or Inner Realm of raider. Either way, if done a certain way, could be successful.
3. Impact on forts and levelling of them. The fact that a singular undetected hunter can solo capture a fort and bolt with a relic should be unnerving to some.
4. Impact on open field war and obsessive camping of Forts and Castles.
6. Mechanics to invade aside, I am quite interested to know about gems, noble, wishes and other parts that come with invasions. If they are going to be more regular, there will be certain modifications of rewards and malus that will be necessary to reduce feedback loops.
What if the relics had weight? Just a thought, perhaps it could be harder for an archer to carry a 75kg relic, but very easy for a knight :p, but still the hunter could stalk the knight and horn him away...
And what about what happens to people who carry the relics, they gotta drop it somewhere but what if they dont? Will the relics return to the initial fort after a while?
Babbling some thoughts >.< gotta wait to see :C
That's why I wrote what I wrote in such a guarded way. Any one who has read my posts over the years will probably realise I have already run many scenarios based on the available information.That includes what could go wrong and what could go right. I have also formed some broad opinions which remains open to revision and as such, will remain with me.
There is simply not enough to go on to write anything concrete. So I just put those broad topics out there so the community can quietly contemplate them as more is revealed. I prefer not to speculate at this stage. When it goes on Amun , let's see what they got.
12-04-2012, 11:36 PM
I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt until it's up in amun or more is disclosed about the expansion simply because there's been so much balance complaining and problems that they must have tried hard to do something about it. I hope:p
But from what I read this seriously sounds epic, to me at least. But then again so did the warmaster update, so I certainly hope they don't rush for some deadline and send in an unfinished and unbalanced version, that would be a killer to the game. But seeing as how big the changes are hopefully they're taking the balance way more into account with many scenarios this time.
12-04-2012, 11:44 PM
It is a great news.. but... there is needed much more info to take some conclusions..
Let's hope this won't be causing even more unbalance than the one that already exists in Haven.
Or just a way for a realm to kill other's dragon...
Let's wait and take conclusions when there is more info! :)
12-05-2012, 12:09 AM
Too early, too sketchy and any commentary will be wild speculation. On that basis I can't give out random +1 for "cat in bag" either.
The concept itself is sketchy, and that’s positive. There are numerous ways to adjust that system. It took me quite some thinking and discussions to come up with one (and most likely the best one, as there aren’t many others) plan to make the current invasions system somewhat usable, while I’ve already got numerous ideas for this one just from reading the announcement.
I’m rather convinced that it will suck in the beginning, and that some updates will just worsen the situation instead of improving it, but it can be improved. The current one not so much …
Still depends on what the dragons will actually do, though. How scripted they are, etc. I can easily see this system work without them, but I somehow doubt NGD would want to roll this part of the update back. :P
But, unless the dragons are a major screw up, this is going to be great. Long term wise.
12-05-2012, 06:28 AM
The idea looks great in theory.
One thing mentioned in the passage was that invasions no longer requires the attacking realm to capture all of the enemy forts and castles to render their targets gate vulnerable. Will there be any incentive to capture forts now aside from creating action when nothing else is happening?
Anyway, as mentioned, its way too early and not enough information to pass judgement. Either way I'm glad NGD is taking steps forward. Be it good or bad, I'm still looking forward to playing it.
Also NGD needs to work harder on publicity. The online gaming community who do not play this game regularly needs to know that this update is coming.
12-05-2012, 07:09 AM
Relic, forts etc remind me my favourite days in DoAC, also the battleground feature.
It also reminds me a neat feature which action area shows a mark on the map, not necessary to be at a fort or castle. And the size of the mark represent the size of action. Since we dont have channel in WZ except the WM one, this may help more players to locate and look for actions from map. Nowadays, players may have difficult to see where the action is except one is in clan or as a WM.
I am not recommending DAoC here and i like RO very much except some minor parts. (anyway, DAoC is not very active atm, well thats is another part of the story).
Anyway, I got very excited with the relic part etc. I like RvR alot. I do wish this new expansion will bring the game to a very unquie RvR (not just PvP) online game which is lack in the market these days.
12-05-2012, 01:37 PM
The idea looks great in theory.
One thing mentioned in the passage was that invasions no longer requires the attacking realm to capture all of the enemy forts and castles to render their targets gate vulnerable. Will there be any incentive to capture forts now aside from creating action when nothing else is happening?
Since the relics are inside forts or castles, I'm assuming capturing is required in order to obtain it, at least I hope it is! I could be wrong though, not enough information regarding the mechanics behind these relics whether they can return to a fort, whether they can be taken off the enemy by the defending realm, etc etc.
I agree with Shwish and everyone else who mentioned previously that there is not yet enough information to draw conclusions about the upcoming changes to invasion mechanics. For now, most of our thoughts are speculative at best. Let's hope the "VIP Preview" will be an opportunity to test and squash out any bugs and concerns regarding the update before it goes live.
12-05-2012, 02:00 PM
Let's hope the "VIP Preview" will be an opportunity to test and squash out any bugs and concerns regarding the update before it goes live.
I'm curious about the selection of vips.
A vip-badge available in the Item Mall for ??? k xim?
Do you remember the carnival island for "paying vips" only?
12-05-2012, 02:35 PM
I'm curious about the selection of vips.
A vip-badge available in the Item Mall for ??? k xim?
Do you remember the carnival island for "paying vips" only?
Seems like VIP means old loyal players
Like TDL of players from beta :D
12-05-2012, 02:40 PM
Seems like VIP means old loyal players
Like TDL of players from beta :D
As far as I read it will be free and for everyone.
12-05-2012, 02:45 PM
As far as I read it will be free and for everyone.
Then they would get overly massive lag on server, cuz Ra, Valhalla and %whatever server NGD has in user base% are going to be in the deal too.
12-05-2012, 02:56 PM
Then they would get overly massive lag on server, cuz Ra, Valhalla and %whatever server NGD has in user base% are going to be in the deal too.
That's what it says here :p
Says current, idk now...
Finally, we are happy to reveal that Champions of Regnum expansion will be ready to play as a VIP Preview later this month! This VIP Preview will reward current and former players for their loyalty over the years by allowing access the expansion early. There’s no cost involved, but we hope you will provide feedback necessary to optimize the content prior to the official launch.
12-05-2012, 03:02 PM
That's what it says here :p
Says current, idk now...
U did not notice words "Over the Years"?
12-05-2012, 03:10 PM
U did not notice words "Over the Years"?
U did not notice "current"?
12-05-2012, 03:12 PM
U did not notice "current"?
Current means that they still play, eh :D?
Also combined with fellow that makes it just pointless expression.
12-05-2012, 03:32 PM
Current means that they still play, eh :D?
Also combined with fellow that makes it just pointless expression.
Whatever I just made an assumption on what I've understood.
12-05-2012, 03:37 PM
what i understood was that they will open amun for us (as a reward) to preview it b4 they put it on the live servers, but then again it's just a speculation, that is why i said in my previous reply that need more information :p
12-05-2012, 03:56 PM
what i understood was that they will open amun for us (as a reward) to preview it b4 they put it on the live servers, but then again it's just a speculation, that is why i said in my previous reply that need more information :p
Actually if they would open amun for all we would end up with infinite queue on Amun.
12-05-2012, 05:09 PM
Looks promising, IMO I don't think these summoned dragons would be as strong as the inner realm ones. More like a distraction or something. I don't know how I feel really. I'm up for new ideas to enjoy this game again.
The fort system looks nice, but I really wish they made bridges more useful. Make a mini gate at bridges, that alerts realm when it's down, something that can draw more open field wars. With bridges being more of a factor I feel as if it could keep flow in war, keeping a "ping pong" affect.
This isn't a suggestion thread though, I'm curious to see the expansion live. :bounce:
VIP = NGD will place the latest patch on Amun so everyone can log on and experience (test) the release candidate build before it goes on production servers. Hopefully bugs will be discovered and reported to the Dev team.
In other words, marketing spin on what should happen normally anyway.
Frosk is good. He may actually be able to sell ice to Eskimos.
12-05-2012, 05:41 PM
In other words, marketing spin on what should happen normally anyway.
Frosk is good. He may actually be able to sell ice to Eskimos.
I lol'ed :D
12-05-2012, 07:40 PM
VIP = NGD will place the latest patch on Amun so everyone can log on and experience (test) the release candidate build before it goes on production servers. Hopefully bugs will be discovered and reported to the Dev team.
In other words, marketing spin on what should happen normally anyway.
Frosk is good. He may actually be able to sell ice to Eskimos.
Yeah same thing I thought too... just a fancy way of saying "same thing as always".
The whole concept does look... interesting, to say the least. Not sure if that's in a "good way" or a "bad way" yet though. The relics idea seems cool, but not sure about those dragons...
12-05-2012, 08:22 PM
Looks promising, IMO I don't think these summoned dragons would be as strong as the inner realm ones. More like a distraction or something. I don't know how I feel really. I'm up for new ideas to enjoy this game again.
The fort system looks nice, but I really wish they made bridges more useful. Make a mini gate at bridges, that alerts realm when it's down, something that can draw more open field wars. With bridges being more of a factor I feel as if it could keep flow in war, keeping a "ping pong" affect.
This isn't a suggestion thread though, I'm curious to see the expansion live. :bounce:
Exactly, the bridges should have a mini fortress on them, maybe a keep tower.
12-06-2012, 06:48 AM
As far as I read it will be free and for everyone.
The term "VIP" usually does not mean for everyone. My guess is that they will select a handful of players, old and new, and grant them access to Amun for testing. If it was open for everyone, why would they label it as VIP?
Gamesamba characters will most likely be left out of this selection so I'm not getting my hopes up.
Cheaper, faster, simpler and with less perception of bias if they just put it on Amun and let the queue do its job. Besides , if there are trolls on the Devs can simply kick them and they send them to the back of the queue.
For a company that is always "under pressure for time" it would be interesting if they could find the time to hand pick ViPs (Beta test team).
12-06-2012, 02:34 PM
The idea looks great in theory.
One thing mentioned in the passage was that invasions no longer requires the attacking realm to capture all of the enemy forts and castles to render their targets gate vulnerable. Will there be any incentive to capture forts now aside from creating action when nothing else is happening?
Anyway, as mentioned, its way too early and not enough information to pass judgement. Either way I'm glad NGD is taking steps forward. Be it good or bad, I'm still looking forward to playing it.
Also NGD needs to work harder on publicity. The online gaming community who do not play this game regularly needs to know that this update is coming.
Hi there, Shwish!
Taking over forts and castles is a fundamental step to complete an invasion. The fact that changes now is that it won't be necessary to capture them and hold them at the same time.
In order to retrieve a fort's unique relic, capturing and holding the building for a certain time as if it were a Survival mode, in terms of gameplay, will be needed. When the timer reaches zero, the relic will be retrievable, and it will have to be set in an altar located at your realm's castle. However, it won't be that easy since the Relic holder will be highlighted with a visual effect and you'll have to protect him/her.
Once all relics from a same Realm are gathered, your Dragon shows up and it will fly all the way to the Realm's gate you stole the relics from. As a sidenote, this means that you could be hunting or grinding around the world and a Dragon may fly over you, heading towards a Realm Gate. :)
More details coming up pretty soon! Hang in there! :D
12-06-2012, 03:03 PM
Hi there, Shwish!
Taking over forts and castles is a fundamental step to complete an invasion. The fact that changes now is that it won't be necessary to capture them and hold them at the same time.
In order to retrieve a fort's unique relic, capturing and holding the building for a certain time as if it were a Survival mode, in terms of gameplay, will be needed. When the timer reaches zero, the relic will be retrievable, and it will have to be set in an altar located at your realm's castle. However, it won't be that easy since the Relic holder will be highlighted with a visual effect and you'll have to protect him/her.
Once all relics from a same Realm are gathered, your Dragon shows up and it will fly all the way to the Realm's gate you stole the relics from. As a sidenote, this means that you could be hunting or grinding around the world and a Dragon may fly over you, heading towards a Realm Gate. :)
More details coming up pretty soon! Hang in there! :D
Maybe it's too early for questions, but these seem to important for me.
Overall your further explanation of what was posted on the official website is quite awesome and exciting, however I'd like to know does this mean that killing the dragons in their respective areas (boss camping) will cease to exist? (finally...) Will drops from them be removed, or will we be able to get them when we kill an enemy dragon at the gate, if so how will it look like with drops from other realms (besides the amulet). If dragon camping stays, will the dragons be able to spawn from the relics if it's already been killed and the realm will be forced to wait till its next spawn time?
Dunno if this sounds logical, but first questions that came to my mind. Is such information even allowed to be given at this point?
I'll comment on things as they are released.
So my first comment is that keeping the relics in the warzone is a design win.
This leaves the door open to not only recovery while the enemy tries to get it to their castle but the possibility of NGD designing a mechanic that allows the other armies storming that same castle to try and "steal" back the same relics that have been just stolen.
I am not saying that is the way it would go but it leaves the door open to design like that. This allows the game to allow players the thought , that "they could still do something to save themselves". You can do this even with a small tactical force.
The idea that a third realm can be an opportunist spoiler should even things out a bit.
If I read it right you could also be made vulnerable without a dragon spawn. That is, all your relics are gone but one opponent has 2 and the other has one. I could be wrong on that. Did I write I was not going to speculate? I guess I lied.
In order to retrieve a fort's unique relic, capturing and holding the building for a certain time as if it were a Survival mode, in terms of gameplay, will be needed.
Making a early suposition ....
From what you say there a overpopulated realm will be in advantage they will camp forever as usual samal or aggers....maybe even more than ever if they will summon every day that dragon.
So ,5 people will be able to summon a dragon ?...sounds nice in theory ,but the true is that 10 people will cap always they fort vs 5.
From what you say there lets say a new way more iteractive for overpopulated realms to invade daily.
12-06-2012, 04:24 PM
Can't wait, seems pretty kewl atm. But knowing NGD something will go wrong lmfao xD
12-06-2012, 05:13 PM
Making a early suposition ....
From what you say there a overpopulated realm will be in advantage they will camp forever as usual samal or aggers....maybe even more than ever if they will summon every day that dragon.
So ,5 people will be able to summon a dragon ?...sounds nice in theory ,but the true is that 10 people will cap always they fort vs 5.
From what you say there lets say a new way more iteractive for overpopulated realms to invade daily.
true, but im seeing a small oppertunity here for the underpopulated realm, which wasnt here before
they could still cap all fortifications at once, making the timer on all fortifications go down
the bigger realm will have to move fast or split up, and we all know that when you have to work together, things go horribly wrong
In terms of defence.. well we havnt heard a single thing about defending fort/gate
and whats new there yet.. (im hoping there is something new xD )
anyway, highly speculations, because we dont even know the amount of time on timer yet
Im not sure about the dragons, Im just hoping they wont mess things up
still, its a step forward, an interesting step :)
Making a early suposition ....
From what you say there a overpopulated realm will be in advantage they will camp forever as usual samal or aggers....maybe even more than ever if they will summon every day that dragon.
So ,5 people will be able to summon a dragon ?...sounds nice in theory ,but the true is that 10 people will cap always they fort vs 5.
From what you say there lets say a new way more iteractive for overpopulated realms to invade daily.
Actually, this would only be true if the weaker opposing realms didn't use their heads.
An overpopulated realm attacks an underpopulated one. The underpopulated one has the timer before the relic goes so they could strategically take the furthest fort or castle to force the campers to split. Split they must else they risk losing their own relic. Added to this, the third realm (spoiler) can now attack the overpopulated realm while they are trying to farm and gain an opportunity to steal a relic right out under them. they will not be able to ignore this attempt for long. Of course the opposite could be true and both more populated realm gang up on the weakest one. Once their 2 relics are gone though, The underpopulated one will have to pool force to defend the last one. Similar to the old Shanna camping days (or Imp camping). If you have even 5 to spare to send on the offensive, it may be enough to counterbalance things, for the enemy must retake their structure and may not know how many you sent.
Hunter and Warmaster chat will be a most valuable asset now. At last the game will move to how and where you deploy rather than throw numbers of troops.
Its pretty interesting stuff. At least the way I read how it could be.
On a positive note, the system (as I read it) leaves a lot more room for adjustment than the current one. The taking of every structure will be an action event.
As such the potential for a more balanced system is far greater than what we have now even with uneven numbers. Simply because , the capture of a structure simply cannot be ignored now. Instead of one timer, there could be potentially 9 ticking off at the same time.
Of course to harness such a system will require intelligence rather than the mindless hordes we tend to have nowadays.
Imagine a scenario where a strong Syrtis force takes Ignis relic only to be faced that Alsius has just taken their Eferias. No respite, Syrtis must retake Eferias, kill the trailing Ignis yet keep the relic out of the hands of a surging Alsius while having no cover of a fort or Castle. I relish such combat.
12-06-2012, 06:57 PM
So after all the Relics and Dragons.. Will there still be gems you have to capture? Or will they be removed?
12-07-2012, 08:17 PM
So after all the Relics and Dragons.. Will there still be gems you have to capture? Or will they be removed?
It does not seem to me that gems will be removed as they didn't mention any changes as far as opening the portal is concerned, merely putting a gate in danger in a new method of invading.
12-08-2012, 06:25 AM
As far as I understand it (so far with all the vague details), nothing has changed as to how you put a gate in danger and invade. We just have a new option now to capture the relics from the forts once the gate goes vulnerable and take it to our castle to summon a dragon to aid at gate.
The summoning of the dragon can be completely skipped and the invasion can be done like the old fashioned way. (perhaps?)
I could be wrong. Just adding more fuel to the fire.
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