View Full Version : Overbright bloom

01-01-2013, 08:29 PM
As much as I like the 'bloom' effect, especially on weapons and the sun, it's quite making a lot of spell animations and some reflections so ridiculously overshiny that it becomes impossible to distinguish players :



It's a very old issue (since NG3D 2.0 iirc) and seems specific to the OpenGL backend, but the last Engine update (months ago) made it way worse.


Archlinux x64 - 8GB RAM
NVIDIA GTX550Ti - Latest blob
Highest quality besides trails and Weather FX

01-01-2013, 08:38 PM
firstly, gimme ur computer D:
secondly, i wouldnt know, all my details are at the lowest...

01-04-2013, 08:58 PM
Disable bloom and no problem.


I think all not use idiots special effects. After each update of the game engine, more and more people away always from the game. Users need somethin more... Regnum online occupies a self near, users which effects are not needed. But the developers do not understand it, or do not want understand it, but they want to make money and this is a very stupid. Update and update game engine - people gone and gone. I think the next update of the game engine, will lead to the bankruptcy of the company and project closure.

01-04-2013, 10:42 PM
Nerf bloom please. I have to keep it off because while it normally looks pretty, someone casts one spell and then this happens (http://www.vgcats.com/comics/?strip_id=222).