View Full Version : Gfx driver stops responding

01-11-2013, 07:02 PM

I have an annyoing problem, my gfx driver stops responding on a regular
basis. I have tried to pinpoint when and how it happens but i cant see
any obvious pattern.

When it happens i get tabed out from the client to windows, can still hear
sound etc but i cant tab back in and I am forced to restart the client.

I have allso tried alot off different settings in nvidias control panel and in
game, currently running all on lowest with particels effects still on and
Vsync activated since the latter stabilized it some.

I have noticed that when it happens i get a quick fps dip down to 12 and
less if that info will help at all.

I have tried to monitor my gfx stats aswell but i cant seem to see any
obvious problems with the gfx card itself so im really out off ideas atm.

Comp spec:

Intel core dual 2.3
Nvidia 8600GT 512
4gb ram
Win7 64bit

Driver version: 310.90
Running in: Direct 3D

Anyone else having these problems and if any solution is out there i would really apreciate the help.

01-12-2013, 01:45 AM
Think i fixed the problem. had 3 hours straight gameplay and no crash.

Can close this thread now.