View Full Version : Xim for Bitcoin

02-17-2013, 01:00 AM
Will anyone send me xim in exchange for bitcoin?

02-17-2013, 11:50 AM
Bump. Wordpress, Reddit and Mega are accepting it, I can't be the only one here who's using it.

02-17-2013, 09:31 PM

03-02-2013, 10:29 PM
Bump, still looking for someone I'd trust to do the paypal part. Also, this would be so simple to do with an in-game QR code, just scan it with a phone, send the coins and the xim arrives after the first confirmation.

03-13-2013, 03:55 PM
Hey sandistortion. My domain registrar just started accepting bitcoin. I can do this on the 27th of this month if you are still searching!

03-13-2013, 03:59 PM
Nice one, thanks :)

03-27-2013, 09:46 AM
It's the 27th! Let me know how you want to do this sand. I can transfer Ximerin to character(s) of your choice, provided your currency is Euro. Let me know how much you want and name one char in the account(s) which you want it in! Perhaps in PM if not here, then I can send you a bitcoin address.

03-27-2013, 10:01 AM
and then your acc will be hacked :))

03-27-2013, 08:55 PM
Sry, back later than I expected. You need them for your domain registration? Anything between 5 and 60 is ok for me but if you need a certain amount then the nearest 5 euro below it is fine. Post the address here or PM it to me if you want to keep it private, "Iron Goat" probably my easiest toon name to remember ("Eskarina" is main).

EDIT: There's a bitcoin users meetup in Buenos Aires 17th of April in case anyone there's interested in this stuff.

03-28-2013, 04:16 AM
Well yes :p never used bitcoin before, but I did receive an email from my domain registrar saying they accept bitcoin, so I will attempt it the next time I am due for renewals.

Anyway, sent the 40EUR package, let me know if you receive it.

BTC address: 19BdrULPwLCzWLRbFTgLXriQLzNE8X2W7U

03-28-2013, 08:36 AM
Nice one, thanks a lot :) The price is going crazy atm and I just got out of bed so working out what 40 euros equals as of 4.16 am hurts. Sent you 1 BTC, I'm still getting a bargain at that and I appreciate the help with it.

Transaction can be verified here:

Think we're both fairly trusted members of the forum so it was safe enough this time but if anyone wants to do the same and isn't so sure I'll offer to do escrow on transactions or you could use bitmit (similar to ebay for bitcoin).

03-28-2013, 09:41 AM
Hey, glad you received it, but isn't 1 BTC a bit much? Based on the website I used to convert anyway! As I say I am completely new to this bitcoin business.

Let me know if you would like more Ximerin later on to compensate, or I could send some BTC back in your direction.

While on the topic, is there any advantage to using a web-based wallet or a software solution? What happens if my hard drive dies, i.e. can the wallet be backed up? I suppose I need to do some googling when I get home!

03-28-2013, 11:02 AM
Atm 1btc is about 75 euro so its nearly double, when I made this thread 1btc was about 20 euro so that's half. I got most of mine when they where around 10 so we're both getting a good deal :)

Web wallets are useful, I'd recommend the ones on blockchain.info as they have a good reputation and they have an android app that links directly to them plus the site is a great service but there are plenty of others available. Online wallets are convenient but they're also a vulnerability as the site could be hacked or the owner run off with all the coins so it's safer not to trust them with large amounts.

There isn't really much need for a desktop client but most folks use one anyway, its much like using a desktop email client instead of going to the website. The default client (bitcoind/bitcoin-qt) needs the entire blockchain and that can take days to get up to date and it's a lacking in features compared to other clients but running it adds to network security. Armory is a good toughened client with plenty of extras and multibit is a nice lightweight clients with good features. The android client (bitcoin-wallet) uses the same system as multibit and is very useful. Desktop clients leave your funds vulnerable to hacks and malicious software so shouldn't be trusted with large amounts without proper security measures.

Offline wallets are the safe option for storage. The easy way to set these up is to install a client on a spare PC and permanently disconnect it from all networks. If your using a client like Armory offline any number of wallets can be managed and coins sent to those wallets are safe. I usually write down the private key from those wallets (paper wallet) when I make them and use them with the online desktop client (or burn the wallet file onto a CD) to get funds out and transfer the remainder to a new offline wallet. Some use USB keys but there's a slight security risk in doing that and a bit of paranoia's not a bad thing when the savings are worth a lot more than the PC they're stored on.

Sorry if that's a bit hard to understand, I've been learning about this for months and its still hard to define what bitcoin actually is (payment system, currency, commodity, protocol??). The bitcointalk forum has answers to just about any question imaginable but the search function sucks (including "bitcointalk" in a google search works much better) and its full of trolls and drama queens. No problem if you've more questions, I'll try and answer anything I can or point to some accurate info.

03-28-2013, 03:25 PM

Thanks, that answers some of my questions! I'll definitely do some more research on it once I get home, might take a while to get my head around it.

03-28-2013, 04:54 PM
Good luck with it :) I remember when I first looked into it and saw all the evangelists and folks who'd started to dedicate their lives to it and thought "omg, freaky people, its only a bit of software" and then I saw the implications...

Its a fascinating system that could revolutionize online trade and its incredibly tough but it also steps hard on the toes of some of the worlds most powerful people and organizations and its unlikely that will go unchallenged. As the saying goes, "don't invest more than you can afford to lose" ;)

04-18-2013, 08:55 PM
Sorry for mentioning Bitcoin so much, I'd guess its getting close to spam at this stage so np with removal.

Nothing about xim but a short video on Argentina and Bitcoin, fairly boring but the makers are looking for feedback so posted it just in case:

09-23-2013, 07:22 PM
Game developer Bigpoint accepting bitcoin, I've no idea who bigpoint are but the article claims they have 330 million users:

09-24-2013, 08:29 AM
Sorry for mentioning Bitcoin so much, I'd guess its getting close to spam at this stage so np with removal.

Nothing about xim but a short video on Argentina and Bitcoin, fairly boring but the makers are looking for feedback so posted it just in case:

Yeah, our currency is weak due to a foreign currency called dollar and the people's belief in its security more than our own currency. That caused problems? Well, let's solve it by praising another new foreign currency!

Argentina doesn't need a new currency (and specially not one that can't be controlled by the locals) but belief in its own currency. Yeah, Bitcoin is not State-controlled and that's why it's dangerous. States can block it, can do whatever they want to avoid its use. Why? Because they need to control the currency. Look at what happens in Europe: The Euro is controlled by the big economies and small economies such as Greece, Portugal and Spain suffer because they can't control their currency. We can always see the good part of a "new system" but we tend to fail at remembering which parts of the "old system" are the ones we like and live with peacefully. Do we check if we can lose them in the long term with the changes we want to make?

Of course, Bitcoin is an anarchist and individual empowerment currency, but we will always be human beings. There will always be greed and speculation. And of course, power. In this case, Bitcoin relies a lot in knowledge and technical expertise.

But going back to the video: the only alternative, if you live in a country and you're willing to continue living in it with its customs, its way of life, is to focus on the root of the problem. Macro-economical problems are mostly originated from the disbelief of the people. We should all work on that and governments should focus on making us not only believe, but understand it is sure to do so.

Bitcoin is not for this era of the human nature.

09-24-2013, 08:34 AM
Game developer Bigpoint accepting bitcoin, I've no idea who bigpoint are but the article claims they have 330 million users:

Money needs to be used. Do you think that we could become, given our time and manpower restrictions, experts in its handling just to receive a minimum amount of payments? I think you know the answer :)

09-24-2013, 10:31 AM
Accepting bitcoin has caused a lot of problems for some companies from both hackers, bots etc. and parts of the conventional financial infrastructure. There's plenty of payment processors to make accepting bitcoin simple but those unforeseen hazards add a lot of risk. It's fairly obvious just from the few threads I've put up that there isn't a whole lot of interest in bitcoin here, thanks for replying though :)

Your first point is an interesting view. Here in europe confidence in both banking and government spending is very low and its easy to forget that economics are a powerful tool to guide states for everyone benefit. That seems to have gone wrong here though, central banks are working in their own interest often with the states they're supposed to serve as the victim.

Most folks are unaware that almost all the worlds central banks are private companies, they aren't owned by the state but are instead controlled by a small number of private investors. A very small number of countries have sovereign (state owned) central banks, Syria has, Libya had until rebels removed it.

That's getting close to conspiracy theory type stuff but its my main reason for supporting Bitcoin. Sovereign central banks will work for the benefit of their countries but they're being removed and replaced with central banks controlled by the same small group worldwide. Bitcoin isn't a solution to that problem, greed will still dominate and history makes it clear that a fixed amount of currency will end up in the hands of a very small number leaving the rest of the population with almost nothing, but it has the potential to break the strangle hold of the current system.

Going to stop before I get into a rant on interest rates and dollar dominance, one last point though: Bitcoin also gives a kick up the arse to the antiquated money system. We live in a world of instant and efficient global communications but banking hasn't kept up, money transfers can take days and can cost anything up to 10-15%. Bitcoin and systems like it make sending funds as quick and cheap as sending emails and allow full integration between economics and networks and if banking (private or sovereign) wants to survive it will be forced to keep up.

Sorry for the long post, tried to keep it brief but its an almost endless subject. Thanks for replying and best wishes to Argentina.

09-24-2013, 01:12 PM
... Look at what happens in Europe: The Euro is controlled by the big economies and small economies such as Greece, Portugal and Spain suffer because they can't control their currency...

We are all suffering, Adrian, the Northern and the Southern Euroepan countries. The Northern countries due to their stronger economies can delay a bit the economical crisis but at the end if nothing changes all of them will collapse.

The EU and the Euro instead of bringing prosperity, as they claim, have only brought misery and powerty to the European population but.... enormous wealth to the big industrials.

The Euro is not controlled by the big economies but by an undemocratic monster called European Union, located in Brussels. Behind this EU, and thus the Euro, there is a powerfull group called The Bilderberg Group who are the ones who really pull the strings of their EU-marionets like Mr. Barroso and many other influencial politicians.


10-15-2013, 06:16 PM
Not sure if this is worth making a new thread for. Its a service for steam games to compete for bitcoin, its mainly aimed at first person shooters but they've suggested they'll try and get it working for any steam game if there's interest.


01-04-2015, 11:59 AM
Back and need Xim again, anything between 10 and 100 euro (last post deleted by me btw, it was out of date).

On a side note, 3 days playing and 3 times heard folks having issues with the unlock code system when changing PCs, authentication tokens on the blockchain may be an alternative solution plus the press is wetting its self over "blockchain technology" but doesn't have many examples so there could be some publicity in it.

01-06-2015, 09:51 AM
Bitcoin is not for this era of the human nature.

Interesting. Do you have a blog or something, Adrian, where you share your ideas?:smile:

01-08-2015, 12:03 PM
Interesting. Do you have a blog or something, Adrian, where you share your ideas?:smile:

I'd be interested too, Europe will likely be in a similar situation to Argentina before too long and forewarned is forearmed.

Bitcoin has blown my mind for many reasons, simple asking "what is money?" wakes up a realisation that almost no one understands something that is almost as essential as food and water to life in the modern world, its value is entirely based on trust and that trust is blind and that leads to a trip down the rabbit hole of central banking that is truly terrifying.

Resilience to change was another wake up call that's relevant to Adrians point. Its said that if you build a better mouse trap the world will beat a path to your door, the truth is only a very small number will, the rest of the world will show anything from disinterest to outright hate. Our inherent resilience to change is truly amazing as is the lack of rational in opposing it, the average from a new and revolutionary idea being introduced to mainstream adoption is around 10 years but its showing a trend of getting shorter (probably due to access to info and ease of discussion).

Beyond that it will be a long time before sovereign states can transform into a global state and economics practically define those state borders, an unregulated and frictionless global economy can revolutionise the world by removing the huge inefficiencies of todays monopolistic economy but it would throw many states into chaos and millions into poverty.

Hopefully states can learn from cryptocurrencies and reap the benefits by cutting out the middleman and implementing their own systems (reverse the whole damn thing, pay for state costs in scrip and require that same scrip back as taxes, an independent and fast moving tax economy).

01-18-2015, 12:23 AM
Sweet :)

03-05-2015, 11:40 PM
Nowdays Bitcoins is very usefull for small payment, it wil be very easy to buy Ximerin, all arround the globe , with no troubles with sms, paypal , or whatever .
In Argentina there are 2 declarations made on Agust 2014 , that say cryptocurrencies (bitcoin also ) must be declare if used in big operationes (cars, houses, ...etc ).....given it a legal situation that is holding is allow.
Also the last year some exchange had come arround, where we can exchange argentine pesos for bitcoins in established companys.

03-06-2015, 05:14 AM
If not bitcoins then at least a method such as surveys or some other tasks should be there to exchange for Xims. That's the only way people who can't spend in game will stay. Then the population issue could be a bit balanced than what it is now.

Or, a quest or NPC that trades mount for mags?
Mount that are bought from NPC can be made a bit slower than premium ones or can have something less than premium ones. That way more players will remain in game. When They get attracted to the game they will eventually spend money on it