View Full Version : new MMO about to relese

03-15-2013, 12:46 PM
is it just me or elder scrolls online logo and the champions of regnum logo isn't really that much different from each other?

03-15-2013, 12:58 PM
I just saw it and the first thing that came to my mind was 'HOUSE OF STARK'

Everything resembles something, somewhere.

03-15-2013, 02:11 PM
true that...!

03-15-2013, 05:26 PM
Never seen the work 'Stark' without the word Nekkid right after it.
And I resemble me Dad.

03-16-2013, 05:36 AM
I reminds me The Lord of the Rings... I donīt know why . . .

03-18-2013, 07:00 AM

The map kind of looks the same too, aside from there's an RvR zone in the center.

03-18-2013, 10:52 AM
sue them!!!!

03-18-2013, 01:07 PM

The map kind of looks the same too, aside from there's an RvR zone in the center.
well, thats Tamriel for you :D

I really hope they dont make the game P2P/B2P but F2P. Coz i would really like to try this out :D

03-18-2013, 05:59 PM
well, thats Tamriel for you :D

I really hope they dont make the game P2P/B2P but F2P. Coz i would really like to try this out :D
I don't. P2P means more polished content and better customer support. The map is interesting because it's more chaotic instead of the lame balanced "every side is equal" design.

The poor need not apply.

03-19-2013, 03:37 PM
I just saw it and the first thing that came to my mind was 'HOUSE OF STARK'

Everything resembles something, somewhere.

Long live House Stark. :)


03-20-2013, 01:59 AM
I don't. P2P means more polished content and better customer support. The map is interesting because it's more chaotic instead of the lame balanced "every side is equal" design.

The poor need not apply.
F2P does not necessarily mean its unpolished and bad. and also, im sure they would have enough income even if it was F2P.

and even if you dont mind paying for a game on a monthly subscription, there are people who need the money on other places than some stupid games.
personally, i dont mind paying some money - on the contrary. but i do like deciding myself just how much im gonna spend in the end.

"The poor need not apply." is evidence of really poor character, imo.

03-20-2013, 09:46 AM
and even if you dont mind paying for a game on a monthly subscription, there are people who need the money on other places than some stupid games.
personally, i dont mind paying some money - on the contrary. but i do like deciding myself just how much im gonna spend in the end.

Ironically I spend a hell of alot more money on Regnum than what I did on any P2P or B2P game.

The thing about well established devolopers such as Bethesda, ArenaNet or Blizzard etc. is that they can afford to release games at a free to play or buy to play option because they are so well funded by their previous titles. Diablo 3 is a good example of this. I would expect TESO to be a B2P game, but who knows how greedy Bethesda are. If the game is good I would definitely pay a monthly subscription. I love the Elder Scrolls series but who knows how well they would mold it into the MMORPG genre. Guess we'll have to wait for the end of the year to find out but I'll definitely be first in-line to buy this game.

03-20-2013, 01:35 PM
Ironically I spend a hell of alot more money on Regnum than what I did on any P2P or B2P game.
If the game is good I would definitely pay a monthly subscription.
haha, yes, i also did. but as i said - i dont mind paying. as long as i can pay as much as i want, and am not forced to pay subscription based, why not.

The thing about well established devolopers such as Bethesda, ArenaNet or Blizzard etc. is that they can afford to release games at a free to play or buy to play option because they are so well funded by their previous titles. Diablo 3 is a good example of this. I would expect TESO to be a B2P game, but who knows how greedy Bethesda are.
Exactly. thats why i said that F2P doesnt neccessarily means that a game is bad.

I love the Elder Scrolls series but who knows how well they would mold it into the MMORPG genre. Guess we'll have to wait for the end of the year to find out but I'll definitely be first in-line to buy this game.
Im not that much into ESO, really. well, more like i didnt really play any of the games. but the game i did play (Oblivion) was to my liking.

03-20-2013, 03:53 PM
F2P does not necessarily mean its unpolished and bad. and also, im sure they would have enough income even if it was F2P.

and even if you dont mind paying for a game on a monthly subscription, there are people who need the money on other places than some stupid games.
personally, i dont mind paying some money - on the contrary. but i do like deciding myself just how much im gonna spend in the end.

"The poor need not apply." is evidence of really poor character, imo.
When you compare the quality of a F2P game and a P2P game there is a lot of ground to make up in terms of the sheer amount of content and the quality as a whole. It has to do with the scale of what the developer is trying to convey to the target audience. No F2P game has the scale of a P2P game because you can't successfully transition from F2P to P2P. The latter always has the option, this is the difference.

TES:O will have content streamlined extensively after release (the full map won't be in the core release), and this is where you pay for what you get, no boundaries. If a game is "stupid" for you at first glance then you shouldn't be playing it to begin with. No one is forcing you to spend your money on a product that you have your doubts about. You decide how much you spend by extending or cutting your subscription, it isn't rocket science. I prefer funding an idea as opposed to cutting corners for a product that has it's limitations.

Ask NGD how many things they would love to add into their game but cannot because of funding and time constraints. They limit their production around what they can afford to do, as opposed to what they can risk to do. It has nothing to do with the poor mindset of developers being greedy, it's about success. You can complain all you want, but the fact of the matter at the end of the day is that money doesn't grow on trees, consumers fund games and everything that will follow in them after release. After the colossal failures of FFXIV and SW:TOR I don't think developers need any more clarification that a game can't be half polished with a subscription fee slapped on for what could very well be a F2P game in terms of quality.

[Good] P2P games grow progressively, [All] F2P games grow with a limp in their step. If people bought twice as much Ximerin in Regnum do you think the quality of the game would change?