04-03-2013, 12:14 PM
This was in an old thread but I run out of space to edit the post so here is my latest version instructions are in the comments of the script though I will explain it here anyway. Basically my DE does not like the way a lot of programs do fullscreen (including regnum), so I made this script:
1. Save the code in a file with your text editor of choice placing the script in the same directory as rolauncher. (eg
2. In the launcher set your resolution to match the screen you play regnum on (eg you have a 1024x768 monitor select that resolution in the launcher)
3. Unselect fullscreen (doesn't work for me anyway) in the launcher
4. From now on run the script and it will execute the launcher for you, do everything you normally would
Note: I've only tested this on my DE so I do not know how it will behave on other DEs it should work leave me a note if you need help with bugs.
Note: If you want the old versions for some reason PM me and I'll send them via PM I can't keep posting new threads and posts have a size limit.
# excutes rolauncher then waits for the right conditions to make Regnum
# fullscreen. Ideas from the orginal script I found at
# this scirpt is licensed under GPLv3
# set your resolution to the native res of your screen for best operation
# otherwise it'll probably be a stretched window (though some of you might
# like that)
# Please leave suggestions/problems to my forum account or in the thread at
# V1.7
# As long as there are no problems this will be the final version
# I feel I have worked out all the bugs
# V1.6
# Still trying to figure out problems this release is just something
# that will work most of the time for now (curse you kde) 1.5 was
# pretty broken too sorry all
# V1.5
# The annoying pain of a problem of fullscreen not working sometimes
# persists I've made it so the command will be done more than once
# if this doesn't work I give up ._.
# V1.4
# Make the wmctrl command only set the fullscreen attribute and do not
# touch the gravity position or size of the window, resolves issues
# in KDE please inform me if this causes issues for you
# V1.3
# Store the wmctrl result instead of getting it for each comparassion
# fixes script failing sometimes, I hope
# V1.2
# Spam the fullscreen setting a few times cause sometimes regnum just
# doesn't want to go fullscreen
# V1.1
# Remove the reliance on the python code to manage fullscreen
# Add support for "Champions of Regnum"
# V1.0
# Initial release
# Defaults #
script_name="$(basename "$0")"
script_path="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && pwd)"
if [ ! -d "$script_path" ]; then
exit "1"
if [ ! -d "$start_path" ]; then
exit "1"
# change to the script's directory
cd "$script_path"
# check for missing programs
if [ -z "$(command -v wmctrl)" ]; then
xmessage_responce="$(xmessage -print -buttons Okay "Regnum Fullscreen: \
You do not have wmctrl installed please install it")" && exit 1
if [ -z "$(command -v grep)" ]; then
xmessage_responce="$(xmessage -print -buttons Okay "Regnum Fullscreen: \
You do not have grep installed please install it")" && exit 1
if [ -z "$(command -v awk)" ]; then
xmessage_responce="$(xmessage -print -buttons Okay "Regnum Fullscreen: \
You do not have awk installed please install it")" && exit 1
# make sure rolauncher is in the same directory
if [ ! -e "$script_path/rolauncher" ]; then
xmessage_responce="$(xmessage -print -buttons Okay "Regnum Fullscreen: \
You don't seem to have me in the same directory as rolauncher, please put \
me there")" && exit 1
# launch the launcher to start the game
"$script_path/rolauncher" &>/dev/null &
# init counter
# grep string
win_title="N\/A Regnum Online|N\/A Realms Online|N\/A Champions of Regnum"
while [ "1" ]; do
# store the wmctrl result for multiple comparassions
wmctrl_string="$(wmctrl -l -G | grep -E "($win_title)" | head -n 1)"
if [ -n "$(echo "$wmctrl_string" | awk '{ print $5 }')" ] \
&& [ -n "$(echo "$wmctrl_string" | awk '{ print $6 }')" ]; then
# run the fullscreen python code after we make sure the regnum
# window is larger than 400 400 this works around a bug that
# makes the checking firewall dialog going full screen
# and then causing the whole game to have black graphics
if [ "$(echo "$wmctrl_string" | awk '{ print $5 }')" -gt "400" ] \
&& [ "$(echo "$wmctrl_string" | awk '{ print $6 }')" -gt "400" ]; then
# get window id
window_id="$(echo "$wmctrl_string" | awk '{ print $1 }')"
# full screen
wmctrl -i -r "$window_id" -b add,fullscreen
# get the window title
window_title="$(echo "$wmctrl_string" | awk '{out=$8; for(i=9;i<=NF;i++){out=out" "$i}; print out}')"
# change the title to stop further processing on the same window
wmctrl -i -r "$window_id" -T "Fullscreen - $window_title"
# exit after changing window
# set ternary values
if [ -n "$(pidof rolauncher)" ]; then
if [ -n "$(pidof game)" ]; then
# this increments a counter if either the launcher or the game is
# not currently running
if [[ "$rolauncher_ternary" == 0 ]] && [[ "$game_ternary" == 0 ]]; then
let "game_or_launcher_failed_count += 1"
# this will cause the script to exit after x amount checks
#for either the rolauncher or game fail
if [ "$game_or_launcher_failed_count" -eq "30" ]; then
# slow our loop
sleep 1
Hope this helps some peeps out.
1. Save the code in a file with your text editor of choice placing the script in the same directory as rolauncher. (eg
2. In the launcher set your resolution to match the screen you play regnum on (eg you have a 1024x768 monitor select that resolution in the launcher)
3. Unselect fullscreen (doesn't work for me anyway) in the launcher
4. From now on run the script and it will execute the launcher for you, do everything you normally would
Note: I've only tested this on my DE so I do not know how it will behave on other DEs it should work leave me a note if you need help with bugs.
Note: If you want the old versions for some reason PM me and I'll send them via PM I can't keep posting new threads and posts have a size limit.
# excutes rolauncher then waits for the right conditions to make Regnum
# fullscreen. Ideas from the orginal script I found at
# this scirpt is licensed under GPLv3
# set your resolution to the native res of your screen for best operation
# otherwise it'll probably be a stretched window (though some of you might
# like that)
# Please leave suggestions/problems to my forum account or in the thread at
# V1.7
# As long as there are no problems this will be the final version
# I feel I have worked out all the bugs
# V1.6
# Still trying to figure out problems this release is just something
# that will work most of the time for now (curse you kde) 1.5 was
# pretty broken too sorry all
# V1.5
# The annoying pain of a problem of fullscreen not working sometimes
# persists I've made it so the command will be done more than once
# if this doesn't work I give up ._.
# V1.4
# Make the wmctrl command only set the fullscreen attribute and do not
# touch the gravity position or size of the window, resolves issues
# in KDE please inform me if this causes issues for you
# V1.3
# Store the wmctrl result instead of getting it for each comparassion
# fixes script failing sometimes, I hope
# V1.2
# Spam the fullscreen setting a few times cause sometimes regnum just
# doesn't want to go fullscreen
# V1.1
# Remove the reliance on the python code to manage fullscreen
# Add support for "Champions of Regnum"
# V1.0
# Initial release
# Defaults #
script_name="$(basename "$0")"
script_path="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && pwd)"
if [ ! -d "$script_path" ]; then
exit "1"
if [ ! -d "$start_path" ]; then
exit "1"
# change to the script's directory
cd "$script_path"
# check for missing programs
if [ -z "$(command -v wmctrl)" ]; then
xmessage_responce="$(xmessage -print -buttons Okay "Regnum Fullscreen: \
You do not have wmctrl installed please install it")" && exit 1
if [ -z "$(command -v grep)" ]; then
xmessage_responce="$(xmessage -print -buttons Okay "Regnum Fullscreen: \
You do not have grep installed please install it")" && exit 1
if [ -z "$(command -v awk)" ]; then
xmessage_responce="$(xmessage -print -buttons Okay "Regnum Fullscreen: \
You do not have awk installed please install it")" && exit 1
# make sure rolauncher is in the same directory
if [ ! -e "$script_path/rolauncher" ]; then
xmessage_responce="$(xmessage -print -buttons Okay "Regnum Fullscreen: \
You don't seem to have me in the same directory as rolauncher, please put \
me there")" && exit 1
# launch the launcher to start the game
"$script_path/rolauncher" &>/dev/null &
# init counter
# grep string
win_title="N\/A Regnum Online|N\/A Realms Online|N\/A Champions of Regnum"
while [ "1" ]; do
# store the wmctrl result for multiple comparassions
wmctrl_string="$(wmctrl -l -G | grep -E "($win_title)" | head -n 1)"
if [ -n "$(echo "$wmctrl_string" | awk '{ print $5 }')" ] \
&& [ -n "$(echo "$wmctrl_string" | awk '{ print $6 }')" ]; then
# run the fullscreen python code after we make sure the regnum
# window is larger than 400 400 this works around a bug that
# makes the checking firewall dialog going full screen
# and then causing the whole game to have black graphics
if [ "$(echo "$wmctrl_string" | awk '{ print $5 }')" -gt "400" ] \
&& [ "$(echo "$wmctrl_string" | awk '{ print $6 }')" -gt "400" ]; then
# get window id
window_id="$(echo "$wmctrl_string" | awk '{ print $1 }')"
# full screen
wmctrl -i -r "$window_id" -b add,fullscreen
# get the window title
window_title="$(echo "$wmctrl_string" | awk '{out=$8; for(i=9;i<=NF;i++){out=out" "$i}; print out}')"
# change the title to stop further processing on the same window
wmctrl -i -r "$window_id" -T "Fullscreen - $window_title"
# exit after changing window
# set ternary values
if [ -n "$(pidof rolauncher)" ]; then
if [ -n "$(pidof game)" ]; then
# this increments a counter if either the launcher or the game is
# not currently running
if [[ "$rolauncher_ternary" == 0 ]] && [[ "$game_ternary" == 0 ]]; then
let "game_or_launcher_failed_count += 1"
# this will cause the script to exit after x amount checks
#for either the rolauncher or game fail
if [ "$game_or_launcher_failed_count" -eq "30" ]; then
# slow our loop
sleep 1
Hope this helps some peeps out.