View Full Version : Any new about the next update??

07-13-2013, 04:05 PM
This (http://www.championsofregnum.com/index.php?l=1&sec=27&subsec=4&cl=132)was your last "bigger" patch dear NGD and since then, almost SEVEN MONTHS (half year and a month) have passed and nothing new has happened!!!

I don't mean to hurt your little souls, but don't you think that it IS a bit too much?!
It would really be mostly appreciated if you would start to communicate at last and try to reveal news about your current work in progress, when we can expect the changes, new updates, bug fixes or ANYTHING that is related to CoR!!


The English part of the forum is dead, I see the same threads for weeks, the game itself is plain boring, no one ever using your instances (instances lol..)
Can we get a hint on the upcoming update after seven months of waiting at last?
When will it happen?

IF any player knows more about it, please say something if you know, anything, cuz I'm really starting to give it up on this game.... :(

Might have sounded as a complain, so forgive me, but honestly, ugh.... I just got tired of waiting, tired of playing this game... sorry :P

Don't you all want a new update that shakes up the game?
What would you like to be changed /added to it?

Questions we have heard many times already, the answers we all know, the solutions have been suggested, we are waiting only for you NGD..... only for you, but not for long...

Communicate more with us please NGD!