View Full Version : Good Bye Everyone !

07-22-2013, 03:03 PM
Well its been 9 months, i was trying very hard to get some money for a good internet connection, but i have been failing. Its very hard when you at an early age of 17 are made to live you life on your own & you have no one to support. I love this game like hell but on seeing the ongoing conditions i think its the time to say good bye for (forever or maybe for sometimes)

*Syrtis forever !
I just wanna say sorry to all my realm mates if i did or said anything wrong to them. I agree i did many mistakes which i shouldnt have done like fightning with ppl or over pricing stuffs at commerce coz i never knew what were right prices for amy item. I just hope you all will forgive me.

*Alsius & Ignis @ Grinders
Sorry if i ganked you out of camo a lot with my hunter (Anuj Singh I )

*No Offence with anyone !
There are many people in game that play game in a way whick makes me sad so i carry out with the way i found game to be fun. Many people multirealm.

*What affected syrtis the most ?
People from syrtis left cos of some bad people in the realm & now they play as Alsius (goats). I wont blame them at all as they have the right to play for the fun !

*The class i will miss :-(
Barbarian was my first class.
I wanna give special thanks to Last Alliance ( Rest in peace ) & someone very special players like - Kellindil , Sentri , Jarne , Delozi , Site / Mite, with whom my addiction towards game started !

*Sorry Syrtis !
Due to my 15k - 70k ping i couldnt help ya in fortwars, if i return back to RO ( fingers crossed ) , i promise you that my barb will be there for help all the time.

*Request to NGD
I hope the new dragon update come with fixed buggs & more cool features with dragons dropping better amu than vesper , tenax amu so that we all can have 1 amu :-P & make sure classes of all lvl have equal chance of dropping items...

*COR is a game close to my heart, Syrtis i know you will rise & i just wanna say goodluck & goodbye to everyone !

Thanks for the great play !

07-22-2013, 03:38 PM
awhhh commerce chat will be dead :( special players kellendil rofl you gottta be kidding me. Owh and i voted no because i liek to fight with my realm (mates) OH MY GOSH!

Anyway goodluck irl ;)

07-22-2013, 04:07 PM
Voted No.

All the best!

07-23-2013, 06:01 AM
You know that people can see you voted Yes, right?

07-23-2013, 08:19 AM
ah mate u leaving me now. will miss all fun we have done.. wish u all th best in real li.fe

07-23-2013, 10:54 AM
Well i m not leaving.the game now, i will wait till aug..

07-23-2013, 11:02 AM
Well i m not leaving.the game now, i will wait till aug..

So what was the point of making a goodbye thread if you aren't leaving? Also what was the point of the poll?

Is attention really that hard to find?

07-23-2013, 11:23 AM
So what was the point of making a goodbye thread if you aren't leaving? Also what was the point of the poll?

Is attention really that hard to find?


Off: I haven't seen you on for a while.Is your staff still ugly? :o

07-23-2013, 11:59 AM
I dont know anything about this post. Some maybe hacked my acc & did it..

07-23-2013, 01:57 PM
Be careful with saying that you were "hacked". It shouldn't be used as an excuse. A lot of people use this to cover their problems and causes the idea that there are a lot of victims when it's not like that. Most of the account problems are just users not being careful with their information.

In this case, there is no change in accesses to your account, so please don't raise panic about "hacks" that don't exist. Thank you for understanding!

About the post and some replies, even if it is to cause attention, no one is free from having tried to do it. Sometimes we need to learn and for that, we must make mistakes. Please don't be harsh between you, that there must be a reason why you all get together in this game. Focus on that :)

07-23-2013, 02:17 PM
Hmm..ok...any way to delete the thread ?

07-23-2013, 02:22 PM
Hah, now this is fucking funny.

07-23-2013, 03:37 PM
Lol anuj someone hacked you then why does the haxer know all your friendnames and your old clan name oh my gosh :D

07-23-2013, 04:20 PM
Well i think i m first guy in whole game who is this much confused

07-23-2013, 04:29 PM
It's probably best to stop posting because every time you do, you make yourself look worse.

Though who knows, maybe there is in fact a "hacker" out there who's so diabolical and horrible that he posted a good bye thread typing the exact way you do grammatically, while listing your closest friends and clan, among other things. The other possibility is that you have Alzheimers in which case I recommend you go to a doctor immediately.

Anyway, was having a bad day until I read this so thanks :D

(voted "yes" for lols)

07-23-2013, 04:46 PM
The other possibility is that you have Alzheimers in which case I recommend you go to a doctor immediately.

I think schizophrenia might be another strong possibility, but we're getting enough of that from fotomay already.

07-23-2013, 07:36 PM
So, what now? you leave the game? or you wait till aug?

07-23-2013, 07:46 PM
Don't stop now! keep going!

07-23-2013, 08:23 PM
Be nice guys. I want to see the "I'm Back" thread in august.

07-23-2013, 08:27 PM
hmm? now important confuse.. leaving game or he got hacked?

07-23-2013, 08:48 PM
hmm? now important confuse.. leaving game or he got hacked?

No one got "hacked".

07-24-2013, 08:31 AM
No one got "hacked".

Lol.. WHO hacks forum acc :facepalm3:

07-24-2013, 02:54 PM
Sorry for this thread really lol..
Best for me is that -

1) Wait till august
2) Stop selling items
3) Help in fort wars as soon as i get my internet

well i was able to take alsius gem succesfully to our realm with 10k ping. ( Thanks to teamwork & the abuses i heard in general..lol)

But still it is great if you work with team & listen to each other ^^

"Syrtis Will Rise & Is Rising"

07-24-2013, 03:11 PM
I'll close this.
