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Old 08-03-2007, 10:14 AM   #1
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Default Win98 don't supported?

Why Win98 is not supported by Regnum Online? Only NT systems, but why ?
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Old 08-03-2007, 03:11 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by lashus
Why Win98 is not supported by Regnum Online? Only NT systems, but why ?
i suposed because is really out of date, please, update your OS.
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Old 08-03-2007, 09:51 PM   #3
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Why is OS/2, windows 3.11, NEXT, and DOS not supported? Thank about it
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Old 08-03-2007, 09:55 PM   #4
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One good reason is: not even Microsoft support Win98 anymore.

If you have a machine with enough capabilities to run Regnum (or similar games) and you run Win98 on it, it's a waste of resources, don't you think?
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Old 08-03-2007, 10:00 PM   #5
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I doubt you can run Regnum on a Win98 because you would be running something more up-to-date with that hardware. In other words, I suppose you don't have the hardware needed to run Regnum if you're still using win98.

Try switching to Linux, maybe Debian, Ubuntu or Slackware. Think about it, Win98 is almost 8~9 years old if my memory serves me well (remember that Microsoft never delivers software on time).
I don't have a solution, but I admire the problem.
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Old 08-04-2007, 12:29 AM   #6
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One good point though, at least he is using a OS from Windows that is better than Vista
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Old 08-04-2007, 09:36 AM   #7
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1. Win98 is faster than any newer.
2. Win98 is up to date, i know but for newest Xorg Ati don't have drivers.
3. If Win98 is up to date, buy me new os ^-^ i will be happy. :P

Surak it's not wasting resources if you don't have newest PC. Games and other things run faster on it, because NT/XP is slower 2x. Just check for minimal requirements.


Windows 98
66mhz 80486DX Processor
16MB of RAM
Typical installation requires 170MB - 225MB of disk space.
MUST BE EQUIPPED with a 16 color VGA compatible monitor.

233MHZ processor
64MB of RAM (on support microsoft it write 128MB of RAM, strange)
HDD with 1.5GB of freespace
SVGA Monitor with 800x600 resolution.

When you have winXP you are wasting your resources, you are wrong surak. WinXP doubling PC requirements.
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Old 08-04-2007, 11:32 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by lashus
1. Win98 is faster than any newer.
2. Win98 is up to date, i know but for newest Xorg Ati don't have drivers.
3. If Win98 is up to date, buy me new os ^-^ i will be happy. :P

Surak it's not wasting resources if you don't have newest PC. Games and other things run faster on it, because NT/XP is slower 2x. Just check for minimal requirements.


Windows 98
66mhz 80486DX Processor
16MB of RAM
Typical installation requires 170MB - 225MB of disk space.
MUST BE EQUIPPED with a 16 color VGA compatible monitor.

233MHZ processor
64MB of RAM (on support microsoft it write 128MB of RAM, strange)
HDD with 1.5GB of freespace
SVGA Monitor with 800x600 resolution.

When you have winXP you are wasting your resources, you are wrong surak. WinXP doubling PC requirements.
is more faster because is more "light" for the system. the windows vista need more than the windows xp, and whats better? win98 or vista?

try with a linux distribution, is already more faster than all windows.
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"uno empieza a darse cuenta que eso de no hacer ejercicio, comer y beber como si fuese la ultima cena y mantener la figura ya no existe...". Maryan
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Old 08-04-2007, 02:49 PM   #9
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The gritty details of why we don't support win98 are outdated drivers, unicode support out-of-the-box (in some cases, you have to get a couple of dll's) and some other compatibility issues.

Honestly, with some things taken care of, Regnum could potentially work on Win98, but we don't have the resources to support most platforms out there.
Not only win98 has been asked for, but Apple Macintosh, FreeBSD and some others.

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Old 08-04-2007, 07:32 PM   #10
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Regnum OnLine runs on most of the linux distros out there, it's fully supported, crashes less times, (I doubt it will run on a coyotelinux), and most of the distros are easier to learn that windows xp or the others.

You can try linux without installing it, just running a "live-cd", without even using the hard drives... So it's safe for you.

Here you have a list of some good distros (like "versions"):

http://www.ubuntu.com/ <--- One of the most used distros (I'm using it right now)
http://www.opensuse.org/ <--- Personally, I don't like it, but's that's just matter of being used to debian-based distros
http://fedoraproject.org/ <--- Former RedHat sourcecode...
http://www.debian.org/ <--- Debian!
http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/ <--- Runs on a 486 66MHz with 6mb ram, I tested it.
http://www.slackware.com/ <--- One of the most important distros out there, if not the most.
http://www.gentoo.org/ <--- Use this one if you think you can learn fast...
I don't have a solution, but I admire the problem.
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