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Old 01-31-2014, 07:28 PM   #1
Join Date: Aug 2011
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Frosk will become famous soon enough
Default Version 1.10.7 - Balance update (In progress)

Hey all!

In this thread we'll inform you guys about the changes that we add in the future version of the game.

This version will be exclusively dedicated to powers' balance, which is why, as time passes by, we'll update this thread with a list of powers being modified with all their changes included.

Aside from this, this thread will be open for everyone to submit a balance suggestion.
It's important to keep in mind that these suggestions MUST be brief but understandable at the same time, including the reasons behind the changes proposed.
This automatically discards any kind of suggestion based on a particular and subjective situation, suggestions regarding other aspects of the game and also links to other forum threads without any explanation about it.
What we try to achieve with this is to gather up ONLY the most important suggestions regarding powers, together with the list of powers being modified as mentioned above.

Also, please don't fall in debates with other users. If you think you have a better idea than someone else, just post it and we'll check it out.
This thread is not meant to hold up any debates or discussions, but to gather ideas and communicate the added changes.

Best regards!
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Old 01-31-2014, 08:21 PM   #2
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I will be quite brief with my suggestion, as I am sure many other will post about this in greater width.

My greatest concern with spells is the percentage success. I don't like it very much. I appreciate, that with some spells it is necessary, but generally I would like to see the luck factor decreased. The random resists/evades play an important role too.

To list some spells that I believe need a review:

  • Mind squasher.
  • Unstoppable Madness (this spell should have a 100% chance of resist cc)
  • Fulminating (To reduce barbarian dmg)
  • Defensive stance (too effective. Either it should be nerfed, or made a spell with constant effect, where duration<<cooldown)
  • Darkness (at least its duration should be greatly decreased)
  • Master of Doom (at least its duration should be decreased)
  • Wind Wall (this should get a slight boost imho)
  • Sultars terror (its variable duration is too dodgy to make it appealing..)
  • Mind Blank (mainly because of its unpredictable 'luck' nature)
  • Mass ressurection (again, percentage success problem)
  • DI (while it's a important spell for conjurers, a barb under DI is very difficult to stop. The underlying problem is conf and barbs dmg)
  • Confuse (while its a great strategic spell, in certain scenarios it is terribly OP)
  • Camouflage (although many might not agree with me, it is too easy to use it to escape)
  • Parabolic shot and/or Foresight. (Marksmen have too high range)
  • Strategic position (this spell is suited better for hunters than marksmen)
I realize, that my suggestions are a bit too vague, but they should be enough to grasp the concept of where I see the problems.

In general, it's the percentage success that I really dislike. Too many spells are based on luck, and resists amplify this problem even more.

I know, that there are many more spells that need a review, but in my opinion, those are the most suited to be part of a balance update.
Please, even if you don't agree with me, let the developers be the judges

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Last edited by _Kharbon_; 01-31-2014 at 08:40 PM.
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Old 01-31-2014, 08:37 PM   #3
Join Date: Apr 2010
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Remove Fulmination and Cold Blood because they ruin potential fun during wars with the mega splash damage they provide causing instant deaths.

As for poor hunter damage counter-argument, make Death Sentence +20% ranged received damage instead of melee with instant cast time.

For now this is all I'm going to post, let's see how quickly this thread evolves.

Last edited by Raindance; 02-01-2014 at 02:53 PM. Reason: added a reason.
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Old 01-31-2014, 08:47 PM   #4
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great to read

Have you thought of changing general stuff rather than particular spells?
If yes, please do consider ...
  • Decreasing resist rate
  • Decreasing stun times
  • Decreasing the damage of dual wielding (two-handed weapons unfortunately deal relatively little dps)
  • Adjusting warlocks' damage and conjurers' amount of healing to their intelligence / level / staff level (suggestion -> "Mages")
  • Decreasing the general amount of discipline and power points available (since the Warmasters' update, everybody can basically skill anything they want :/ )
  • Making more mage spells instant (suggestion by myself, I don't know if others think so, too)
  • (carefully) Changing armor calculation. Absolute armor calculation leads to inbalance since low-dmg players like lvl 45ers or poorly equipped lvl 60 hunters will do very little damage while highly equipped marksmen and barbarians are able to deal immense amounts of damage. I personally think, this will change quite a lot, and balancing might be easier then.
    (short example: attacker 1 does 1000 damage, attacker 2 does 180 damage. Defender is a mage with 250 armor points which absorbes 150 damage. attacker 1 will deal 850 damage, attacker 2 will deal 30 damage (!).
    Not let's say 250 armor points decrease the incoming damage by 15%: attacker 1 will still deal 850 damage while attacker 2 deals 144 damage. Wouldn't this be better?!)
I guess this stuff is more important than adjusting spells

Mind squasher (very good, short suggestion imo)
People also complain a lot about Son of the wind because it does not guarantee 100% resistance against everything, it is rather 70%. I don't know if it should be changed though.
As far as I know, barely anybody uses Mass ressurection - the resurrected players are very likely to be killed afterwards, especially since the animation is very obvious. The old mass rezz was pretty nice
Divine intervention is way too OP in combination with Unstoppable madness. I guess, UM should temporarily disable DI.
Mass pricking ivy is rather useless. Why not give it staff range or even range 40? This would be nice since its duration is so short.

List of rarely used spells (nicely moderated)

I guess most agree with this stuff, I tried to be objective (?)


Apart from that, other stuff to make Regnum community happy:
Finally, four things of which I think they could be done very fast and improve the gameplay very much for all servers:
- NO teleports inside a fort/castle
- NO use of trap door once the fort door is open
- Enabling relics in the night time, only disabling GEMS at night (still action, but no zerg invasions at 4.30 am)
- Disabling mounting with a relic


Originally Posted by Rising_Cold View Post
About the DI problem
I believe if buffs were visuall and you could know that certain players are under DI
it would already do much good.
out of visuall range -> enter visuall range -> no visuall buffs
DI needs to be visuall for whole duration

Last edited by schachteana; 02-12-2014 at 05:27 PM.
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Old 01-31-2014, 09:06 PM   #5
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Default i like turtle

can u make protect ally instant and make wm trees for knight instead of heal make them aura or something....#tycomeagain
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Old 01-31-2014, 09:42 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Raindance View Post
Remove Fulmination and Cold Blood.

As for poor hunter damage counter-argument, make Death Sentence +20% ranged received damage instead of melee with instant cast time.

For now this is all I'm going to post, let's see how quickly this thread evolves.
Yes that could get my support for sure.
But it make hunter incredibly weak in long range, so even more useless in war thus...

Devine Intervention

Issue makes hunter more or less useless in war and mages cant defend themselves from especially barbarians with UM and DI.

Make it reduce duration of non-damaging effect with up to 50%

And/or possibly make a full duration visual indication of who has DI.

Almost all effects can be dispelled anyway, DI has served its purpose.

Make its duration 5,10,15,20,25.


It a fun spells for sure, but reduce its range to 10 meters so its more risk vs reward involved when supporting allies.

Stars shield and Shield wall

Protecting allies is commendable, but far to easy and too much impact on war.

All focus of the knight is used protecting his allies AP is reduced with -200% for 10 sec.
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Old 01-31-2014, 09:42 PM   #7
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My signature's link includes a compilation of suggestions about the game which includes Balance and Class threads.
Still sticky I see.

Goodluck NGD...and community
Suggestion Compilation! |The Story of Regnum! | L2MassResurrect
Huntrare | Amelia Woodheart
To play or not to play...
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Old 01-31-2014, 09:56 PM   #8
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Protect Ally. I don't play Knight, but Protect Ally should be instant, or increase the range to 5-6 meters. Allies are trying to dispel me while I'm running around during a fight and it's near impossible.

Confuse. For a conjurer this sucks. I don't think it should be removed or nerfed too much, but I believe it could do with the duration being lowered. Especially with the state of peoples weapons these days being quite powerful.

Mind Squasher. This needs a serious nerf. Sure, it states 50% chance, but I've had it fail on me once in the past year. Once. The short cool down and effect of this spell makes it absolutely insane. Please revise it.

Darkness. This spell should only successfully land if your target has allies within a 30 meter proximity of them. Using it 1vs1 is just lame, and should be highly discouraged.

Master of Doom. Like above, this should only be allowed to cast if two or more enemies are nearby.

Camouflage: A lot of hunters pimp their equipment out with CS these days (not all, so don't flame me). Why? Because casting camo is quick. All they have to do is use their increase speed, sneak behind a rock and they are gone. Increase the casting time on this, please.

Stalker Surroundings: It is possible for a hunter to stay invisible 100% of the time pretty much. After Camouflage ends, stalker should have a cool down before it can be used, to prevent becoming a ghost. For example, you must wait 10-15 seconds before casting camo, or stalker one after the other.

Other comments:
Without originally knowing, you have actually created two unofficial subclasses. Warju (Offensive Conjurer, usually with summon), and Knarb (An offensive Knight with next to no auras and a focus on damage). You have the ability here to create some new subclasses to increase replay value of your game, and keep interest.

Just my two cents.
Memoize [Knight]
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Old 01-31-2014, 10:27 PM   #9
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relic lock. all else is extraneous, unnecessary detail.
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Old 01-31-2014, 11:37 PM   #10
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its nice to see this thread being created. ill toss the suggestions i have in mind:

1) (as many have already suggested) change Mind squasher effect, making it dispel/cancel all the positive powers just under the spell duration. Lets say 6 seconds in lvl 5. And of course, making this a normal spell, removing the 50% chance. And increase its cooldown to 60 seconds.

Reason: permanently dispeling all spells its a too-strong effect. All the time, mana and coordenation on casting self-buffs are completly wasted if a successful Mind squasher is landed, not mentioning that it makes the target fully unbuffed.

2) Decrease Winter stroke cast speed (lets say to .75 or to 1 second) and Increase its cooldown (lets say to 40-50 seconds).

Reason: Winter stroke is one of the most large-ranged Crowd Control spells that this game has. And, as being a damaging (cant be avoided by Confuse nor Divine Itervention) freeze, it cant dispelled by knights and mages. This spell if surely one of the most spamed spells in all game, and it is too powerful as it is at the moment. i think that increasing cooldown will make it less-spamed and increasing cast speed will make fights with obstacles against a marxman "less imposible"

3) Make spells as Recharded Arrows, Out of their Heads, Cold Blood, Dirty fighting, Bersek, Head of the pack, etc (all spells that increase Weapon Damage Bonus) dont use in its calculation the jewelry damage.

Reason: As an attempt of reducing the disbalance of Dragon Amulets and of Daen Rha, Evendim and Thorkul rings, making them imparcial in the calculation of weapon damage bonuses could make fights more balanced.

4) Make Thirst for Blood attack speed bonus only work for barbarians with two handed weapons. (this wold make the dual-weild barbarians have only the damage bonus)

Reason: this is an attempt of nerfing the Dual-wielded barbarians (which DPS is well known as too high) and increasing the usage of the two-handed weapons (which are mostly being ignored, at the moment, because of its lower DPS).

5) Make Recharded Arrows effect only work for ranges smaller then 30 (≤ 30).

Reason: The marxman class needs a motivation of fighting close and taking risks. As well needs a nerf, specialy in large ranges, where no class can reach them. This clas has the second higher damage per second (dps) and the 3rd biggest defense, and it needs to have disvantages, as any other class. The suggested disvantage would be that recharged arrows only works when then marxman takes risks, when he is in ranges ≤30.

6) Remove Mass pricking-ivy, (on the war master discipline) and replace it will a spell (lets call it "Direct Damaging") which makes the damage of DoT (damage over time) spells (as Lightning and Ice blast) become Direct, and not constant.

Direct Damaging

"the walock makes the target get damaged faster, but looses part of the damage"

Type: Constant
Duration: 12 seconds
Cost: 200 mana
Cooldown: 60 seconds
Global Cooldown: very short
Casting Time: 1 second

Spell total damage -25%

"All damage-over-time spells damage the target as if they were direct spells"

Observations: -considering this spell, any players who cast a DoT spell in a target under "Direct Damaging" have their damage direct-ed, and not only the warlock spells.
-this spell would 'solve' the problem with 2 or more warlock damages cancel each other and not stack.
-this spell would help the warlock, by avoiding that he looses part of hes damage, by having hes DoT dispelled, or if the enemy uses Retaliation.
-Example of working:
The warlock casts "Direct Damaging" on a hunter. Then he casts "lightning". Instead of the hunter taking 240 lightning damage over 5 seconds, he takes 900 damage (which is the total damage 1200 minus 25% of it) instantly.

7) Reduce the durations of the skills "Deafening Roar" to 4-5-6-7-8, Confuse to 7-8-9-10-11, Darkness to 9-10-11-12-13-14, Lighting arrow to 15, Caltrops Arrows to 15.

Reason: the suggested number could be others, because,quite obviously , those spells duration are too long and it is very over powered.The important is to have them reduced.

8) about War Master Teleports, make them imposible to be casted inside forts, castles and realm gates. And make their cast get canceled (as it happens with camouflage) if the mage is attacked, by any normal hit or spell.

9) Remove Strategic Position, or make it accessible to all archers, or even just make it work in ranges ≤ 30.

Reason: as the marxman is such an offensive subclass, it is specialy strong against any mages and archers, because of its range and damage. Having such a strong spell as strategic position, reducing all ranged damage, makes this subclas too overpowered, even more for an offensive class.

10) make pets become invisible automatically, when the hunter cast camouflage.

Reason: choosing to carry a pet costs too many points, to tame it, to revive it, to cast bestial wrath, skin of the beast,... having to put points on the passive is too much.

11) When a hunter jumps out of camouflage (but not because of reveal spell), make it imposible to cast any spell during 3 seconds.

Reason: this should avoid that hunters do the obvious combo "distraction shot -> rapid shot -> dirty fighting -> ambush -> cold blood", in a enemy who had absolutely no chance of getting prepaired to this, nor to fight back.

12) Change the description of Son of the Wind, Spell Elude, Protection Dome, and provide the probability % of resist success.

Reason: The current descriptions are useless, we actualy dont know what we are investing in.

13) decrease casting time of Life savior and Protect ally. Even Break Apart or dual shot could get a decrease on casting time too.

Reason: those spells (Life Savior and protect ally) are suposed to save an ally, however the knight have to come close to hes ally to cast PA, and this makes it hard to get in time to save the ally. Protect ally should be instant.
Life Savior is slow to cast and if the ally dies while the conjurer is casting, Life Savior goes to cooldown, even if it was never casted.

14) Put an animation for player under the spells Cold Blood and Divine Intervention.

Reason: As Cold Blood gives the hunter great damage, it would be nice if the enemy could know if the hunter has cold blood and could perhaps has a chance to react/get prepaired to deal with the iminent giant damage incoming.
About Divine Intervention, it needs an animation (which lasts during all the duration of divine intervention) because if a lower lvl of divine intervention is casted on a already-DI-ed character, it doesnt work, and just goes to cool down. The animation could help, because the conjurer could know what allies dont need DI. Example: If I am a conjurer (who has DI lvl 4), I cant know if my ally has or not a DI 5. if he has, whe i cast my DI 4 on him, it doesnt work, and my DI goes to cool down, even never getting hes effect working.

15) Give an use for the mana of hunters pets. I have suggested something here: http://www.championsofregnum.com/for...ad.php?t=93945

16) Reduce the cost of Skin of the Beast, Mana Pylon and Mana Comunion.

Reason: all too much expensive... i understand that they are all powerful spells but using one of them is, most of the times, the same of running out of mana.

I could suggest more but those are all about spells that i have in mind right now.
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