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Old 02-23-2014, 01:49 AM   #1
leafdale's Avatar
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Default If you had to pick one: Pick less zergyness or realm loyalty?

If you HAD to pick only one, which would you pick :-

1) Less zergyness and more balanced and more continuous wars; OR

2) Realm loyalty and "friends" (although your "friends" all still multirealm without telling you the truth).

Which ONE would you pick and why?

Option 1 means for example NGD can implement some sort of system where players on overpopulated realms are randomly and automatically moved to lesser populated realms upon login or upon death.

Option 2 means the present state of realm numbers imbalance persists but players are allowed to log into whatever realm they like and zerg all they like.
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Old 02-23-2014, 01:58 AM   #2
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Your suggestion isn't going to happen, stop suggesting it.

This game is too easy
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Old 02-23-2014, 03:10 AM   #3
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Adrian already ruled out random log ins to different realms. No point getting the hopes up of players
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Old 02-23-2014, 11:34 AM   #4
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as much as the current situation sucks this game is still alive because of the 'realm loyalty and friends'
ofcourse there are x amount of people who dont have this realm loyalty, move around as they please
and because of that every1 is calling multie BS making it extremely difficult to just have fun

as said before this kind of 'suggestion' wont happen, it would disrupt the core essence of the game
well next to the RvR battles
Winter Wolf (hunt) Winter Mage (conju) Winter Strike (knight) Winter's Big Bro (barb)
I used Mind Blank too much, now I'm too dumb to resist anything.
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Old 02-23-2014, 12:50 PM   #5
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2, also my friends don't multirealm without them telling me.
Winning a fight is not what makes you a good player, it's how you do it.
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Old 02-24-2014, 06:52 PM   #6
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>realm loyalty

Pick one
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Old 02-24-2014, 07:21 PM   #7
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I will pick none.

People and fun are what keeps this game alive. Zergs, intrigues and so on more or less destroy smaller servers.

Call me a multirealmer, but i have more fun where i'm now.
RA | Ignis | Lilla My | Conjurer | EVIL IGNIS ROCK
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Old 02-27-2014, 12:00 PM   #8
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Realm attachment is of course something natural, intended, which fuels the war. As time went on, we've seen that this started to become a double-edged sword. There's a lot of hatred generated to the other realm players, and they are just the same kind of people than you. Of course, it's useful to provoke conflict and feed the gameplay but it ends on something unhealthy. This happens in every game with a similar setting than Regnum, but here it becomes more personal, more frustrating because of the frequency you get to meet those enemies and the simple way of Regnum to communicate with each other (even if not being able to chat with the enemy, I think you know what I mean).

So, with realm attachment on the table, I asked myself a lot of times why multirealming annoys us so much. When I was only a player, a long time ago, this also happened and I was furious. With the passage of time a lot of questions in my head got their answers and found out an important fact never changes: the amount of "loyal" people to the realm doesn't change.

Even if some multirealm, the only change is that the zerg (where most multirealmers come from, zerges) loses a bit of numbers, which are players that feel the need of a change and instead of changing games, they change realm. This is good to the game, because with the need of change satisfied they wont leave the game. And the realms that have less population and get multirealmers, the base of loyal players is not changed at all, so there would be nothing to worry about even if they logout and go back to their realms.

Yes, you may take that amount of players into account because you've seen them and they suddenly logoff. You go mad, but it's worse not to have those numbers anyway and they're never a significant quantity, this is why I got to the answer that it's the realm attachment which makes the problem bigger than it is, morphing the real problem (low population, strategic grouping among trusted players) into another different problem (multirealmers) just to find something to complain about for it to grow the visibility of the main problem.

Why did I mention trusted players? Simply because as a multirealmer can switch to another realm and abandon you or just ruin gameplay somehow, a co-realmer can do the same. We can all relate to the cases when one of our group got to ruin the whole attack because of rushing in, etc.

Multirealming becomes a psychological issue among loyal players, which doesn't relate that much to the real problems of the realm. And also, as I said a lot of times before, this can't be solved. Blocking gameplay in any kind of way (IP, computer ID, etc) is never a good solution (for a simple and more tangible example relate to relic blocking).
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Old 02-27-2014, 02:54 PM   #9
Join Date: Dec 2011
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Why would we ever hate someone?

Bitches that always play zerg to win, solo gankers or knights "trolling" around with bullshit defense?

Well, NGD have created this lovely atmosphere for war.

Now that almost anyone can win with a little stroke of luck, a single CC can get you ganked in 3 hits by some random barb comming from max veiw range.

I dont know, all that seem to count is numbers preferably warriors and conjurers, zerg, win gems, relics and noble quests. Something is clearly lost in the soul of the game with invasions, item upgrades, increased base movment speed etc.

In the past most classes could be somewhat respected, with exception of "troll tards" maybe.
Now you can pretty much add idiot, tard or fucker after any class name.

Everyone is just a different kind of bitch, some worse than others of course.

But Im impressed, NGD actually managed to create "balance" here.
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Old 02-27-2014, 03:30 PM   #10
Join Date: Oct 2009
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Originally Posted by pieceofmeat View Post
Why would we ever hate someone?

Bitches that always play zerg to win, solo gankers or knights "trolling" around with bullshit defense?

Well, NGD have created this lovely atmosphere for war.

Now that almost anyone can win with a little stroke of luck, a single CC can get you ganked in 3 hits by some random barb comming from max veiw range.

I dont know, all that seem to count is numbers preferably warriors and conjurers, zerg, win gems, relics and noble quests. Something is clearly lost in the soul of the game with invasions, item upgrades, increased base movment speed etc.

In the past most classes could be somewhat respected, with exception of "troll tards" maybe.
Now you can pretty much add idiot, tard or fucker after any class name.

Everyone is just a different kind of bitch, some worse than others of course.

But Im impressed, NGD actually managed to create "balance" here.
If you have so much hatred and rage on your mind, turn off the computer and enjoy life for a little. This is the 2nd time.
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