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Old 11-06-2006, 04:06 PM   #1
tipper's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2006
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tipper is on a distinguished road
Unhappy Admins pls help me

Admins pls help,it lagged really bad lastnight and so bad that it started freezing,so i clicked to log off it took what seems like forever to log off,than i try to log back on and the server mustve crashed because it was down all night,well anyways i just logged on and my lvl 11 and all my euipment is now lvl 1 and i have nothing,started all over again from lvl 1,can you pls fix this or something,i only earned 1 lvl yesterday,if the game crashed while i was logging off and i lost all yesterdays stuff i did,i should be lvl 10 not lvl 1,ive been playing for 3-4 days and i earned all that stuff/lvls and such,pls fix this so i have my lvls back. everything i had is gone.
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Old 11-07-2006, 09:11 PM   #2
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 69
ML42 is on a distinguished road
Default Equipped stuff gone

I just had a similar problem.

I logged in and while all the stats, xp, lvl and my inventory were fine, the things I had equipped had gone.

I believe I was wearing that special tunic which was a reward from that quest where you have to talk to Thalos.
Also I lost my best staff - lucky I had one that was level 17 so I can use that now (being newly lvled up), but I would still like the old back because it's worth money! I'm pretty sure it was one of the carved staves.
In addition, I had that amulet from either a Fisgael quest or a monster, the one that gives you +9 critical hit chance.

btw, this is a good-a time as any to mention that the Amulet of Hardness does not show any bonuses - what's it good for?

So, my character is 'Mufasa The Great', would it be possible to have my stuff back pretty please?
Thanks a lot!
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