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Old 10-19-2007, 12:01 AM   #1
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Question I'm at the crodsing

So I have a dilemm.I'm at the crossing.I have a level 8 mage and soon I will have to chose between a conjurer and a warlock.
So if anybody would like to help me chose please replay and say why you think so.

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Old 10-19-2007, 01:07 AM   #2
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Eh, it depends on how you like to play. When you get to class change, the two sub-classes are opposites. For Mages, do you prefer to kill things or heal things? That's what it mainly comes down to.

Sure a Conjurer has some damage skills, such as the Summon and Mental; however, you're not gonna focus on those lines when you have better defensive lines such as Life.

Same for Warlocks. Sure a Warlock has access to Staff Mastery for Mana Communion and Enchantments; however, what Warlock will waste points on them when they can go with their damage disciplines?

We're all limited by our discipline and power points.

So, do you prefer defensive or offensive play? If you prefer Defensive, go Conjurer. If you prefer Offensive, go Warlock.

The nice thing about Regnum is that the game is quite balanced, so all classes / sub-classes can be useful =)
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Old 10-19-2007, 06:24 AM   #3
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I have a level 50 conjurer and a level 35 warlock. Both are fun to play, but they are played completely differently.

The warlock dishes out large amounts of damage, and can do lots of offensive stuff like area-of-effect damage/knockdown/freeze and such. If you like doing lots of damage and fighting near the front, warlock is for you.

Conjurers can't do nearly as much damage as warlocks (and shouldn't even try), however they are the only class that can heal other people and resurrect their friends, and they have some of the best buffs for their teammates. My conjurer is set up at the extreme for healing, buffing, mana creation/sharing and defending my teammates. If you like helping others, and staying mostly in the back lines, then conjurer could be for you.

Your own personality should be the deciding factor. If you are interested more in individual glory, you will probably prefer being a warlock. If you are more interested in bringing glory to your team, then you might prefer being a conjurer.
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Old 10-19-2007, 08:39 AM   #4
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to quote Octopus

Conjurers can't do nearly as much damage as warlocks (and shouldn't even try), however they are the only class that can heal other people and resurrect their friends, and they have some of the best buffs for their teammates. My conjurer is set up at the extreme for healing, buffing, mana creation/sharing and defending my teammates. If you like helping others, and staying mostly in the back lines, then conjurer could be for you.

This is extremely good advice. A lot of people pick conjor as a class and try to use it and an offensive class especially in for fights, this simply does not work.

If anyone picks conjor as a class they could do a lot worse, than following the advice given by octopus or even asking the characters, niola, mehgan and a few other well experienced conjors, they all do a great job if you are in alsius ask around

Last edited by Inkster; 10-19-2007 at 06:23 PM.
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Old 10-19-2007, 09:09 AM   #5
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Yep, it's a matter of style.

Ask yourself if you would prefer getting your points by staying back and healing.

Or being near the front of a fight, killing.
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Old 10-19-2007, 12:00 PM   #6
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This has mostly been said before, but a warlock and a conjurer are opposites in almost every way: A warlock is a very efficient killing machine. Perhaps it doesn't do as much damage as a barb, but they have longer range. They have very good Area of Effect skills such as Sultars' Terror as well as damage over time skills like lightning. 1 lvl 2 or above lightning +1 or 2 staff attacks should be enough to finish a monster 1 lvl higher then you.

A conjurer is absolutely useless in war for dealing damage. However, they're known for being very good at lvling - they can lvl non stop without having to rest. Their summons do good damage on monsters and can act as tanks while they heal their summons when needed. I've killed impossible rated monsters using my summon as a knight and only healing it. In the war zone, it takes as much skill to heal and res as a conj as it takes to target strategically and do high damage as a warlock. You can heal, regen, res, mass heal, buff, become invincible for limited time and several other very useful skills.
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Old 10-19-2007, 09:28 PM   #7
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