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Old 02-17-2008, 11:33 AM   #1
NightTwix's Avatar
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Default instant crash on experimental

i tried to login to the experimental with the linuxclient and i instantly crash, even before the char selection menu appears.

I tried MALLOC_CHECK_=2 and MALLOC_CHECK_=0 with no difference.
It keeps crashing at the same point.

here are the backtraces:
$ Saving backtrace to crash_backtrace_28359.log
Got SIGSEGV (segmentation fault)
cat incoming/regnum/test/crash_backtrace_28359.log
libs/libcore_client.so(_ZN10ClientBase14save_backtraceEv+0x7e) [0xa7d76afe]
libs/libcore_client.so(_ZN10ClientBase12client_crashEi+0x17) [0xa7d76e87]
/lib/libc.so.6(__uflow+0x6a) [0xa6fa662a]
/lib/libc.so.6(getc+0xbc) [0xa6fa01dc]
libs/liblua51.so(luaL_loadfile+0x2c3) [0xa71d2ce3]
libs/libresource_system_extension.so(_ZN13ScriptManager10lua_dofileEP9lua_State+0x33) [0xa76e3723]
libs/liblua51.so [0xa71ba73e]
libs/liblua51.so [0xa71bb016]
libs/liblua51.so [0xa71b41a5]
libs/liblua51.so [0xa71b9b50]
libs/liblua51.so [0xa71bb7a5]
libs/liblua51.so(lua_cpcall+0x4c) [0xa71b420c]
libs/libresource_system_extension.so(_ZN13ScriptManager10run_scriptEP9lua_StatePKc+0xf0) [0xa76e5f90]
libs/libresource_system_extension.so(_ZN13ScriptManager6dofileEP9lua_State+0x3d) [0xa76e6f5d]
libs/liblua51.so [0xa71ba73e]
libs/liblua51.so [0xa71bb016]
libs/liblua51.so [0xa71b3fc1]
libs/liblua51.so [0xa71b9b50]
libs/liblua51.so [0xa71bb7a5]
libs/liblua51.so(lua_pcall+0x69) [0xa71b4039]
libs/libentity_system.so(_ZN9LuaEntity4callEii+0xac) [0xa74de0fc]
libs/libentity_system.so(_ZN9LuaEntity6dofileEPKc+0x70) [0xa74deeb0]
libs/libentity_system.so(_ZN9LuaEntity10run_scriptEPKc+0x39) [0xa74e7459]
libs/libconsole.so(_ZN7Console15creation_notifyEP7Message+0x160) [0xa7519bf0]
libs/libentity_system.so(_ZN13EntityManager32initialize_entity_as_custom_typeEPKciS1_P7MessageP6Entity+0x66f) [0xa74bdcff]
libs/libentity_system.so(_ZN13EntityManager27register_initialized_entityEPKciP6EntityP7Message+0x43) [0xa74be7e3]
libs/libcommon_entities.so(_ZN24ApplicationManagerEntity34start_application_entity_with_infoEPN17ApplicationEntity4DataEP7MessageP10EntityInfo+0xa7) [0xa7b60ac7]
libs/libcommon_entities.so(_ZN24ApplicationManagerEntity18launch_applicationEP7Message+0xb8a) [0xa7b622fa]
libs/libentity_system.so(_ZN6Entity22input_message_internalEP7Message+0xc3a) [0xa74b2a5a]
libs/libentity_system.so(_ZN6Entity13input_messageEP7Message+0x22) [0xa74b0c82]
libs/libentity_system.so(_ZN6Entity13input_messageEPKcP7Message+0x45) [0xa74b0ef5]
libs/libregnum_client.so(_ZN10GameClient19initialize_entitiesEv+0x1cf2) [0xa7f449a2]
libs/libregnum_client.so(_ZN10GameClient4initEiPPc+0x92c) [0xa7f463cc]
libs/libregnum_client.so(_ZN10GameClientC1EiPPc+0xc1) [0xa7f47a51]
./game(main+0x37) [0x8048a87]
/lib/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xdc) [0xa6f57fdc]
./game(__gxx_personality_v0+0x65) [0x80489b1]

$ Saving backtrace to crash_backtrace_28381.log
Got SIGSEGV (segmentation fault)
cat incoming/regnum/test/crash_backtrace_28381.log
libs/libcore_client.so(_ZN10ClientBase14save_backtraceEv+0x7e) [0xa7d95afe]
libs/libcore_client.so(_ZN10ClientBase12client_crashEi+0x17) [0xa7d95e87]
/lib/libc.so.6(__uflow+0x6a) [0xa6fc562a]
/lib/libc.so.6(getc+0xbc) [0xa6fbf1dc]
libs/liblua51.so(luaL_loadfile+0x2c3) [0xa71f1ce3]
libs/libresource_system_extension.so(_ZN13ScriptManager10lua_dofileEP9lua_State+0x33) [0xa7702723]
libs/liblua51.so [0xa71d973e]
libs/liblua51.so [0xa71da016]
libs/liblua51.so [0xa71d31a5]
libs/liblua51.so [0xa71d8b50]
libs/liblua51.so [0xa71da7a5]
libs/liblua51.so(lua_cpcall+0x4c) [0xa71d320c]
libs/libresource_system_extension.so(_ZN13ScriptManager10run_scriptEP9lua_StatePKc+0xf0) [0xa7704f90]
libs/libresource_system_extension.so(_ZN13ScriptManager6dofileEP9lua_State+0x3d) [0xa7705f5d]
libs/liblua51.so [0xa71d973e]
libs/liblua51.so [0xa71da016]
libs/liblua51.so [0xa71d2fc1]
libs/liblua51.so [0xa71d8b50]
libs/liblua51.so [0xa71da7a5]
libs/liblua51.so(lua_pcall+0x69) [0xa71d3039]
libs/libentity_system.so(_ZN9LuaEntity4callEii+0xac) [0xa74fd0fc]
libs/libentity_system.so(_ZN9LuaEntity6dofileEPKc+0x70) [0xa74fdeb0]
libs/libentity_system.so(_ZN9LuaEntity10run_scriptEPKc+0x39) [0xa7506459]
libs/libconsole.so(_ZN7Console15creation_notifyEP7Message+0x160) [0xa7538bf0]
libs/libentity_system.so(_ZN13EntityManager32initialize_entity_as_custom_typeEPKciS1_P7MessageP6Entity+0x66f) [0xa74dccff]
libs/libentity_system.so(_ZN13EntityManager27register_initialized_entityEPKciP6EntityP7Message+0x43) [0xa74dd7e3]
libs/libcommon_entities.so(_ZN24ApplicationManagerEntity34start_application_entity_with_infoEPN17ApplicationEntity4DataEP7MessageP10EntityInfo+0xa7) [0xa7b7fac7]
libs/libcommon_entities.so(_ZN24ApplicationManagerEntity18launch_applicationEP7Message+0xb8a) [0xa7b812fa]
libs/libentity_system.so(_ZN6Entity22input_message_internalEP7Message+0xc3a) [0xa74d1a5a]
libs/libentity_system.so(_ZN6Entity13input_messageEP7Message+0x22) [0xa74cfc82]
libs/libentity_system.so(_ZN6Entity13input_messageEPKcP7Message+0x45) [0xa74cfef5]
libs/libregnum_client.so(_ZN10GameClient19initialize_entitiesEv+0x1cf2) [0xa7f639a2]
libs/libregnum_client.so(_ZN10GameClient4initEiPPc+0x92c) [0xa7f653cc]
libs/libregnum_client.so(_ZN10GameClientC1EiPPc+0xc1) [0xa7f66a51]
./game(main+0x37) [0x8048a87]
/lib/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xdc) [0xa6f76fdc]
./game(__gxx_personality_v0+0x65) [0x80489b1]
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Old 02-17-2008, 05:33 PM   #2
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What about MALLOC_CHECK=0 (that's withouth the last dash)?

This part of the error backtrace is interesting:

/lib/libc.so.6(__uflow+0x6a) [0xa6fc562a]
/lib/libc.so.6(getc+0xbc) [0xa6fbf1dc]
libs/liblua51.so(luaL_loadfile+0x2c3) [0xa71f1ce3]
libs/libresource_system_extension.so(_ZN13ScriptManager10lua_dofileEP9lua_State+0x33) [0xa7702723]
libs/liblua51.so [0xa71d973e]
Maybe there's a problem with libc.so.6, that used to happen on Ubuntu some time ago, AFAIK.

Which distro are you running?

BTW, here is a line that will get a lot of information about your machine. It bay be useful in the future when reporting:

 clear && echo "Gathering information" && echo "++++++CPU+++++" > pp && cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep model >> pp && cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 'cpu MHz' >> pp && cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 'cache size' >> pp && echo "++++++DISTRO+++++" >> pp && uname -a >> pp && cat /etc/`ls /etc/ | grep version` >> pp && ls /etc/ | grep version >> pp && cat /etc/issue | grep -m1 "" | cut -d\\ -f1 >> pp && uptime >> pp && echo "++++++VGA+++++" >> pp && `locate lspci | grep -m1 'n/lspci'` | grep VGA >> pp && glxinfo | grep direct >> pp && glxinfo | grep OpenGL >> pp && glxinfo | grep s3tc >> pp && echo "++++++MODULES++++++" >> pp && cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep Load >> pp && echo "++++++RAM+++++" >> pp && cat /proc/meminfo | grep MemTotal >> pp && echo "++++++SENSORS+++++" >> pp && sensors >> pp || echo "No sensors detected" >> pp && mv pp $HOME/Desktop/diag.txt && echo "information available in ~/Desktop/diag.txt " && echo "Detailing information " && echo "" && echo "" && echo "" && cat $HOME/Desktop/diag.txt
Run it as a normal user
I don't have a solution, but I admire the problem.
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Old 02-18-2008, 09:10 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Xephandor
What about MALLOC_CHECK=0 (that's withouth the last dash)?

This part of the error backtrace is interesting:

/lib/libc.so.6(__uflow+0x6a) [0xa6fc562a]
/lib/libc.so.6(getc+0xbc) [0xa6fbf1dc]
libs/liblua51.so(luaL_loadfile+0x2c3) [0xa71f1ce3]
libs/libresource_system_extension.so(_ZN13ScriptManager10lua_dofileEP9lua_State+0x33) [0xa7702723]
libs/liblua51.so [0xa71d973e]
Maybe there's a problem with libc.so.6, that used to happen on Ubuntu some time ago, AFAIK.

Which distro are you running?

BTW, here is a line that will get a lot of information about your machine. It bay be useful in the future when reporting:

 clear && echo "Gathering information" && echo "++++++CPU+++++" > pp && cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep model >> pp && cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 'cpu MHz' >> pp && cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 'cache size' >> pp && echo "++++++DISTRO+++++" >> pp && uname -a >> pp && cat /etc/`ls /etc/ | grep version` >> pp && ls /etc/ | grep version >> pp && cat /etc/issue | grep -m1 "" | cut -d\\ -f1 >> pp && uptime >> pp && echo "++++++VGA+++++" >> pp && `locate lspci | grep -m1 'n/lspci'` | grep VGA >> pp && glxinfo | grep direct >> pp && glxinfo | grep OpenGL >> pp && glxinfo | grep s3tc >> pp && echo "++++++MODULES++++++" >> pp && cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep Load >> pp && echo "++++++RAM+++++" >> pp && cat /proc/meminfo | grep MemTotal >> pp && echo "++++++SENSORS+++++" >> pp && sensors >> pp || echo "No sensors detected" >> pp && mv pp $HOME/Desktop/diag.txt && echo "information available in ~/Desktop/diag.txt " && echo "Detailing information " && echo "" && echo "" && echo "" && cat $HOME/Desktop/diag.txt
Run it as a normal user
this script can use some improvements (aka worst script ever )

This part is highly distro dependend for debian/ubuntu (and ugly)
cat /etc/`ls /etc/ | grep version` && ls /etc/ | grep version
why this? lspci is a sbin and i dont have locate installed
`locate lspci | grep -m1 'n/lspci'` | grep VGA
i dont have a Desktop folder either
mv pp $HOME/Desktop/diag.txt
ok enough of whining here it goes:
Gathering information
bash: sensors: command not found
information available in ~/diag.txt
Detailing information

model           : 15
model name      : Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU         T5600  @ 1.83GHz
model           : 15
model name      : Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU         T5600  @ 1.83GHz
cpu MHz         : 1833.000
cpu MHz         : 1833.000
cache size      : 2048 KB
cache size      : 2048 KB
Linux dull 2.6.18-gentoo-r3 #4 SMP Tue Feb 6 19:14:45 CET 2007 i686 Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU T5600 @ 1.83GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux

 21:00:47 up  2:12,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.02, 0.08
direct rendering: Yes
OpenGL vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation
OpenGL renderer string: GeForce Go 7900 GS/PCI/SSE2
OpenGL version string: 2.1.1 NVIDIA 100.14.19
OpenGL extensions:
    GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once, GL_S3_s3tc, GL_EXT_texture_env_add,
    GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc, GL_EXT_texture_cube_map,
    Load        "dbe"
    Load        "freetype"
    Load       "glx"
    Load       "dri"
MemTotal:      1032816 kB
No sensors detected
and this was the command i dared to run in the end
clear && echo "Gathering information" && echo "++++++CPU+++++" > pp && cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep model >> pp && cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 'cpu MHz' >> pp && cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 'cache size' >> pp && echo "++++++DISTRO+++++" >> pp && uname -a >> pp  && cat /etc/issue | grep -m1 "" | cut -d\\ -f1 >> pp && uptime >> pp && echo "++++++VGA+++++" >> pp  && glxinfo | grep direct >> pp && glxinfo | grep OpenGL >> pp && glxinfo | grep s3tc >> pp && echo "++++++MODULES++++++" >> pp && cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep Load >> pp && echo "++++++RAM+++++" >> pp && cat /proc/meminfo | grep MemTotal >> pp && echo "++++++SENSORS+++++" >> pp && sensors >> pp || echo "No sensors detected" >> pp && mv pp $HOME/diag.txt && echo "information available in ~/diag.txt " && echo "Detailing information " && echo "" && echo "" && echo "" && cat $HOME/diag.txt
btw theres a build-in Gentoo command, easy as this:
emerge --info
and is spits out a lot of useful info. ill just paste the first lines as the rest is about the build environment:
Portage (default-linux/x86/2006.1, gcc-4.1.2, glibc-2.6.1-r0, 2.6.18-gentoo-r3 i686)
System uname: 2.6.18-gentoo-r3 i686 Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU T5600 @ 1.83GHz

I just tried MALLOC_CHECK=0 without success
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Old 02-18-2008, 09:18 PM   #4
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i tested this on my other pc which has the same gcc/glibc/kernel version

and on the other box it works!

hmmm maybe broken ressources?!
ill try to redownload the game ... next time im in the mood ^^
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Old 02-19-2008, 01:15 AM   #5
Froste's Avatar
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in debian at least lspci used to be sbin long ago, but was changed to bin after a while, included in the package pciutils (which for some reason isn't part of the base install anymore), and findutils is part of locate, locate just reads a db file which is created by a cron script once every 24 hours

to make the script really effective however you might want to include the output of the program called lshw
Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines...
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Old 02-26-2008, 07:32 PM   #6
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after the update, my client crashed at the same point as before, but on the liveserver.

so i deleted the whole regnumfolder and now it works
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Old 02-26-2008, 08:54 PM   #7
NightTwix's Avatar
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ok i was wrong

i cant play after i fetched the ressources from the server. It crashes after clicking "enter game world"

$ cat incoming/regnum/live/crash_backtrace_73*
libs/libcore_client.so(_ZN10ClientBase14save_backtraceEv+0x7e) [0xa7caaafe]
libs/libcore_client.so(_ZN10ClientBase12client_crashEi+0x17) [0xa7caae87]
/lib/libc.so.6(__uflow+0x6a) [0xa6ed962a]
/lib/libc.so.6(getc+0xbc) [0xa6ed31dc]
libs/liblua51.so(luaL_loadfile+0x2c3) [0xa7105cc3]
libs/libresource_system_extension.so(_ZN13ScriptManager10lua_dofileEP9lua_State+0xbf) [0xa761581f]
libs/liblua51.so [0xa70ed73e]
libs/liblua51.so [0xa70ee016]
libs/liblua51.so [0xa70e71a5]
libs/liblua51.so [0xa70ecb50]
libs/liblua51.so [0xa70ee7a5]
libs/liblua51.so(lua_cpcall+0x4c) [0xa70e720c]
libs/libresource_system_extension.so(_ZN13ScriptManager10run_scriptEP9lua_StatePKc+0xf0) [0xa7618090]
libs/libresource_system_extension.so(_ZN13ScriptManager6dofileEP9lua_State+0x3d) [0xa761905d]
libs/liblua51.so [0xa70ed73e]
libs/liblua51.so [0xa70ee016]
libs/liblua51.so [0xa70e6fc1]
libs/liblua51.so [0xa70ecb50]
libs/liblua51.so [0xa70ee7a5]
libs/liblua51.so(lua_pcall+0x69) [0xa70e7039]
libs/libentity_system.so(_ZN9LuaEntity4callEii+0xac) [0xa74110fc]
libs/libentity_system.so(_ZN9LuaEntity6dofileEPKc+0x70) [0xa7411eb0]
libs/libentity_system.so(_ZN9LuaEntity10run_scriptEPKc+0x39) [0xa741a459]
libs/libconsole.so(_ZN7Console15creation_notifyEP7Message+0x160) [0xa744cbf0]
libs/libentity_system.so(_ZN13EntityManager32initialize_entity_as_custom_typeEPKciS1_P7MessageP6Entity+0x66f) [0xa73f0cff]
libs/libentity_system.so(_ZN13EntityManager27register_initialized_entityEPKciP6EntityP7Message+0x43) [0xa73f17e3]
libs/libcommon_entities.so(_ZN24ApplicationManagerEntity34start_application_entity_with_infoEPN17ApplicationEntity4DataEP7MessageP10EntityInfo+0xa7) [0xa7a94ac7]
libs/libcommon_entities.so(_ZN24ApplicationManagerEntity18launch_applicationEP7Message+0xb8a) [0xa7a962fa]
libs/libentity_system.so(_ZN6Entity22input_message_internalEP7Message+0xc3a) [0xa73e5a5a]
libs/libentity_system.so(_ZN6Entity13input_messageEP7Message+0x22) [0xa73e3c82]
libs/libentity_system.so(_ZN6Entity13input_messageEPKcP7Message+0x45) [0xa73e3ef5]
libs/libregnum_client.so(_ZN10GameClient19initialize_entitiesEv+0x1cf2) [0xa7e779a2]
libs/libregnum_client.so(_ZN10GameClient4initEiPPc+0x92c) [0xa7e793cc]
libs/libregnum_client.so(_ZN10GameClientC1EiPPc+0xc1) [0xa7e7aa51]
./game(main+0x37) [0x8048a87]
/lib/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xdc) [0xa6e8afdc]
./game(__gxx_personality_v0+0x65) [0x80489b1]

libs/libcore_client.so(_ZN10ClientBase14save_backtraceEv+0x7e) [0xa7d5dafe]
libs/libcore_client.so(_ZN10ClientBase12client_crashEi+0x17) [0xa7d5de87]
/lib/libc.so.6(__uflow+0x6a) [0xa6f8c62a]
/lib/libc.so.6(getc+0xbc) [0xa6f861dc]
libs/liblua51.so(luaL_loadfile+0x2c3) [0xa71b8cc3]
libs/libresource_system_extension.so(_ZN13ScriptManager10lua_dofileEP9lua_State+0xbf) [0xa76c881f]
libs/liblua51.so [0xa71a073e]
libs/liblua51.so [0xa71a1016]
libs/liblua51.so [0xa719a1a5]
libs/liblua51.so [0xa719fb50]
libs/liblua51.so [0xa71a17a5]
libs/liblua51.so(lua_cpcall+0x4c) [0xa719a20c]
libs/libresource_system_extension.so(_ZN13ScriptManager10run_scriptEP9lua_StatePKc+0xf0) [0xa76cb090]
libs/libresource_system_extension.so(_ZN13ScriptManager6dofileEP9lua_State+0x3d) [0xa76cc05d]
libs/liblua51.so [0xa71a073e]
libs/liblua51.so [0xa71a1016]
libs/liblua51.so [0xa7199fc1]
libs/liblua51.so [0xa719fb50]
libs/liblua51.so [0xa71a17a5]
libs/liblua51.so(lua_pcall+0x69) [0xa719a039]
libs/libentity_system.so(_ZN9LuaEntity4callEii+0xac) [0xa74c40fc]
libs/libentity_system.so(_ZN9LuaEntity6dofileEPKc+0x70) [0xa74c4eb0]
libs/libentity_system.so(_ZN9LuaEntity10run_scriptEPKc+0x39) [0xa74cd459]
libs/libconsole.so(_ZN7Console15creation_notifyEP7Message+0x160) [0xa74ffbf0]
libs/libentity_system.so(_ZN13EntityManager32initialize_entity_as_custom_typeEPKciS1_P7MessageP6Entity+0x66f) [0xa74a3cff]
libs/libentity_system.so(_ZN13EntityManager27register_initialized_entityEPKciP6EntityP7Message+0x43) [0xa74a47e3]
libs/libcommon_entities.so(_ZN24ApplicationManagerEntity34start_application_entity_with_infoEPN17ApplicationEntity4DataEP7MessageP10EntityInfo+0xa7) [0xa7b47ac7]
libs/libcommon_entities.so(_ZN24ApplicationManagerEntity18launch_applicationEP7Message+0xb8a) [0xa7b492fa]
libs/libentity_system.so(_ZN6Entity22input_message_internalEP7Message+0xc3a) [0xa7498a5a]
libs/libentity_system.so(_ZN6Entity13input_messageEP7Message+0x22) [0xa7496c82]
libs/libentity_system.so(_ZN6Entity13input_messageEPKcP7Message+0x45) [0xa7496ef5]
libs/libregnum_client.so(_ZN10GameClient19initialize_entitiesEv+0x1cf2) [0xa7f2a9a2]
libs/libregnum_client.so(_ZN10GameClient4initEiPPc+0x92c) [0xa7f2c3cc]
libs/libregnum_client.so(_ZN10GameClientC1EiPPc+0xc1) [0xa7f2da51]
./game(main+0x37) [0x8048a87]
/lib/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xdc) [0xa6f3dfdc]
./game(__gxx_personality_v0+0x65) [0x80489b1]

libs/libcore_client.so(_ZN10ClientBase14save_backtraceEv+0x7e) [0xa7cbbafe]
libs/libcore_client.so(_ZN10ClientBase12client_crashEi+0x17) [0xa7cbbe87]
/lib/libc.so.6(__uflow+0x6a) [0xa6eea62a]
/lib/libc.so.6(getc+0xbc) [0xa6ee41dc]
libs/liblua51.so(luaL_loadfile+0x2c3) [0xa7116cc3]
libs/libresource_system_extension.so(_ZN13ScriptManager10lua_dofileEP9lua_State+0xbf) [0xa762681f]
libs/liblua51.so [0xa70fe73e]
libs/liblua51.so [0xa70ff016]
libs/liblua51.so [0xa70f81a5]
libs/liblua51.so [0xa70fdb50]
libs/liblua51.so [0xa70ff7a5]
libs/liblua51.so(lua_cpcall+0x4c) [0xa70f820c]
libs/libresource_system_extension.so(_ZN13ScriptManager10run_scriptEP9lua_StatePKc+0xf0) [0xa7629090]
libs/libresource_system_extension.so(_ZN13ScriptManager6dofileEP9lua_State+0x3d) [0xa762a05d]
libs/liblua51.so [0xa70fe73e]
libs/liblua51.so [0xa70ff016]
libs/liblua51.so [0xa70f7fc1]
libs/liblua51.so [0xa70fdb50]
libs/liblua51.so [0xa70ff7a5]
libs/liblua51.so(lua_pcall+0x69) [0xa70f8039]
libs/libentity_system.so(_ZN9LuaEntity4callEii+0xac) [0xa74220fc]
libs/libentity_system.so(_ZN9LuaEntity6dofileEPKc+0x70) [0xa7422eb0]
libs/libentity_system.so(_ZN9LuaEntity10run_scriptEPKc+0x39) [0xa742b459]
libs/libconsole.so(_ZN7Console15creation_notifyEP7Message+0x160) [0xa745dbf0]
libs/libentity_system.so(_ZN13EntityManager32initialize_entity_as_custom_typeEPKciS1_P7MessageP6Entity+0x66f) [0xa7401cff]
libs/libentity_system.so(_ZN13EntityManager27register_initialized_entityEPKciP6EntityP7Message+0x43) [0xa74027e3]
libs/libcommon_entities.so(_ZN24ApplicationManagerEntity34start_application_entity_with_infoEPN17ApplicationEntity4DataEP7MessageP10EntityInfo+0xa7) [0xa7aa5ac7]
libs/libcommon_entities.so(_ZN24ApplicationManagerEntity18launch_applicationEP7Message+0xb8a) [0xa7aa72fa]
libs/libentity_system.so(_ZN6Entity22input_message_internalEP7Message+0xc3a) [0xa73f6a5a]
libs/libentity_system.so(_ZN6Entity13input_messageEP7Message+0x22) [0xa73f4c82]
libs/libentity_system.so(_ZN6Entity13input_messageEPKcP7Message+0x45) [0xa73f4ef5]
libs/libregnum_client.so(_ZN10GameClient19initialize_entitiesEv+0x1cf2) [0xa7e889a2]
libs/libregnum_client.so(_ZN10GameClient4initEiPPc+0x92c) [0xa7e8a3cc]
libs/libregnum_client.so(_ZN10GameClientC1EiPPc+0xc1) [0xa7e8ba51]
./game(main+0x37) [0x8048a87]
/lib/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xdc) [0xa6e9bfdc]
./game(__gxx_personality_v0+0x65) [0x80489b1]
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Old 02-26-2008, 09:03 PM   #8
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In our clan forums some people complained about this, too. I guess they will do it here as well.
I did not try myself.
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In War it does not matter who is right, but who is left.
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Old 02-26-2008, 09:18 PM   #9
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 127
Akooo is on a distinguished road

I have the same problems. If i start it without "aoss" it works, better than nothing i guess.
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Old 02-26-2008, 09:22 PM   #10
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Join Date: Dec 2006
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Originally Posted by Akoran
I have the same problems. If i start it without "aoss" it works, better than nothing i guess.
lol ok i havent read it properly.

when i start the client by NOT using aoss it works *heureka*

but now my sound stutters :/

Last edited by NightTwix; 02-26-2008 at 09:33 PM.
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