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Old 06-08-2008, 09:05 AM   #1
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56 hour fatigue you are joking ngd

I have been fatigued now for 56 hours, this is beyond a joke. I have been unable to grind at all in the last 3 days. I was under the assumption that it reset everyday this is clearly not the case. If you are trying to drive me away you are doing a good job, I am a premium user i was forced to buy a scroll yesterday just so i havent wasted two days grind.

You need to fix this ngd or you will be loosing my money as why buy premium if the fatigue system is flawed, 56 hours flawed, i'm sure i will still be fatigued later today
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Old 06-08-2008, 09:15 AM   #2
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We've heard it. There is more than one thread on the issue already...
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Old 06-08-2008, 01:18 PM   #3
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unfortunaly this is true, regnum is the most unapealing game to new comers.

i played a cuple other games now some with a negative fatigue bonus and others with a similar system and to tell the truth RO is the most painful. the only ppl in RO right now are in WZ and fatigue is horible some ppl cant play at all. maybe if fatigue was "take a 30min break from leveling" starting at lvl 5 because in the first levels no one does quests they want to kill because its easy and fast. in 2moons for example 4thday and im already lvl 20 in RO since max lvl is 50 from 1-20 would be a month now its definetly over a month.

NGD doesnt get it that no one will see how good this game is because they cant take it anymore, its like saying jump of a 9story building ill wait for you at the bottom to give you 1million dollars; its risky but might be worth it BUT no one is willing to do it. i think NGD is sad that some ppl play 13hours a day and get to lvl 50 in a few months and go to WZ like complite morons, well thats their crapy reasoning but now we are stuck face it the game was naturaly getting worse less xp and fatigue just killed it. we can handle 1(us averege players, just ignore those noobs that just level) either less xp or fatigue but not both give us back one! not the cronic levelres but the adverege players and if you want us to do something besides leveling this is not WOW there arent enoth quests, in WOW leveling is JUST A LITLE BIT harder than RO but they got thousands of quests we barely 200quests and besides that PvP and RvR doesnt get you any where but its just fun. this comunity cant handle it we play RO no as an alt game looking for the best RvR and PvP i told ppl about RO they love it but hate the fact that it forced you to buy premium become a lvl 30 and a stupid noob in WZ. the lvl 30 bost is great but from then on its pathetic these ppl see fatigue and then hear about an XP reduction and start thinking this must be a joke.

NGD we had faith in you and suported you some beta players for about 2-3years now, please do this for us get rid of these xp punishment features its worse than lag...and like my tread said earlier "pick one".
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Old 06-08-2008, 01:38 PM   #4
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1 - 20 in a month?

No way. I just started a warrior 2 days ago and now I'm lvl 21...
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Old 06-08-2008, 02:10 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Necrovarus
1 - 20 in a month?

No way. I just started a warrior 2 days ago and now I'm lvl 21...

then u play like 15hours a day. i only play 2hours and so do alot of ppl in their low lvl chars.

but still now alot of ppl dont want to put alot of efort in a low lvl char. will you waste soo much time on something that sucks and is only going to get harder at the end to get to something sort of worth while not even garunty.

dude have u seen the new ppl, they come for 2weeks then go to diablo 2 or something. look at another game's starting zone RO's simple they just let you into a safe litle wild to kill and at the end theres a litle simple town GREAT/2moons they just trow you into hell and sort of teach you to play in RO its simplre but you got to figure it out/runescape well they teach you so many things as if you were retarded then thew trow you in the darkest corners of hell and dont expect an easy way out its just get wierder and harder and more inconvinient.

RO is a great game and so far best comunity but it lacks something that will keep you in the game when you just start and then are introduced to something that is not an obsticle but a frking wall in your face called fatigue but no one notices the less xp part but its there making things harder without you knowing about it. you need the noobs experience 4days in 2moons im already saying its bull and looking at RO is like going WOOOW look powers got great graphics and best PvP ever then i made a new char in RO and it hit me you got nothing to hold on to after a while its not beginers quests its something interesting lacking in inner realm.
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Old 06-09-2008, 12:01 AM   #6
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I play 2 - 4 hours a day
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Old 06-09-2008, 01:19 AM   #7
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Hello BeanieA,

We just checked your account and it has indeed fatigue. Tomorrow (Monday 9, June) at 5:00 AM GMT-3, your fatigue should be reset. If it's not, we'll analyze the situation further and try to find the issue.

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Old 06-09-2008, 01:41 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Necrovarus
I play 2 - 4 hours a day

well its not just that, im nto one person and we play randomly so if one guy killed 25mobs and i log in latter dedicated to level ill be like hell screw it its that fatigue is very inconvinient so a nice replacement for it WOULD be -20% xp instead of 15% as long as fatigue is gone

noiw about beanieA's problems must be time zones so in the mean time i think NGD should give fatigue a 30mins or 1hour reset for example: noobA kills 500mobs in 4hours and stops playing then a while latter (30mins - 1hour) noobA comesback without fatigue.

or since theres nothing to do in inner realm why not only impliment fatigue in WZ and it only counts like XP scrolls and after a while of PVP and not leveling its timer (visible ingame) goes down.
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Old 06-09-2008, 09:43 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by niclam
Hello BeanieA,

We just checked your account and it has indeed fatigue. Tomorrow (Monday 9, June) at 5:00 AM GMT-3, your fatigue should be reset. If it's not, we'll analyze the situation further and try to find the issue.

Thank you very much for looking into it for me, it was very annoying
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Old 06-09-2008, 12:59 PM   #10
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I just checked your account again and it has been reset correctly. If this ever happens to you again, please contact us at support@ngdstudios.com.ar
Thank you.
Im closing this thread.


P.S.: Btw, the changelog is a little outdated but the first 20 levels are no longer affected by fatigue.
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