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Old 12-23-2008, 02:07 AM   #1
Join Date: Mar 2006
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Default Christmas Event > LAG ?

Wow we got an announcement about a Christmasts event....well, abviously somebody is not doing their job not reading the damn forums.... We haven't heard word of NGD about the horrendous lag... man I bought 40 bucks worth of Ximerin, I already feel like that is lost money.

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Old 12-23-2008, 03:25 AM   #2
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This lag is caused by the amount of players playing on ra, theres been about 900 close to 1000, the servers arent ready for that yet..
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Old 12-23-2008, 12:17 PM   #3
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Since this guy seems relitivly new (to the forum at least) lets assume hes Horus for now :P

The server with low pop but still big lag quite often, the server can handel 1500 people (apparantly) but if more than 30-40 people are in close proximity then the lag kicks up...
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Old 12-23-2008, 12:39 PM   #4
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There are usually several kinds of "lag" reported. One that has to do with Framerate (i.e.: choppy performance), one that has to do with the server CPU being saturated (i.e.: a spell taking its time to cast) and another one that has to do with network latency, which could be a problem out of our control (i.e.: A router failing somewhere, ISP, a user using F2P programs, etc).

So, which one are you?

In any case, the other day we got to 1000 users connected at the same time, and for Regnum Online that's a first so we are basically watching how the server behaves and of course, we intend to keep improving upon. In the case of the client, there has been a lot of enhancements over the year but we are not done there either.

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Old 12-23-2008, 12:41 PM   #5
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The problem with something like a Christmas event is that it's hard to do it in, lets say, February. Usually Christmas events tend to take place at Christmas.
I suppose NGD already prepared this event and is also working on the lag.

It's something extra, something nice! Why is that bad?
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Old 12-23-2008, 12:54 PM   #6
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I assume you're using Windows. I assume you own a decent computer.

First of all, let's diagnose the problem:

Where are you from and what's your Internet Service Provider? Some locations are far from the servers (Sweden) and your ISP may be doing some traffic shaping. We'll check that later.

Describe your problem:

Are you having choppy performance (as niclam said) and/or high latency? You can check that by doing alt + p and alt + i while in-game. This will bring up two screens, one with the different "pings" and other with the FPSs and some debugging information.

Gameplay ping is the time the server takes to answer your petitions. On the other hand, plain "ping" is the time the data takes to reach to the server. Figure out a fast food restaurant: you may place your order (ping), but it will take some time to be processed and served to you back (gameplay ping). Make sure both are as low as possible. Green is OK. If "ping" is red then it means you should check your connection... Are you using Ares or any other download manager? If just Gameplay ping is red then it means the server is about to explode, and you can do very little about it (walk away and see it if gets green).

In case your FPSs are green then it's ok. Blue should be perfect. Orange means it's taking a lot of CPU to process all the users (did I mention Regnum is CPU-Bound?). Try setting everything to minimum, but more important: disable particle effects, multitexture and post-processing.
I don't have a solution, but I admire the problem.
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