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Old 01-07-2009, 09:56 AM   #1
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Default Advice for Mages who beg gold

I Started this thread here as even some high lvls dont appear to know how to loot.

Ello all, i have a message and a tip or two for the money begging mages i come ascross in Alsius.
Yes, i said money begging MAGES. Yesturday was the last straw, i was on my pt hunter in the inner realm to have
a lvl 47 mage (i wont post his name as it isnt necessary), say to me he was poor and could he have some gold.
I put it to him, that as he is a mage he is a veritable looting machine with low repair costs. He disagreed (arf)
After a longinsh discussion ^^, where it came to light he wanted some staff or another and i pointed out to him
that after high lvl 30's the staff is really decoration (you should have all range and staff types after high lvl 30).
I also pointed out that archers pay 900 gp upwards for 50 arrows, he decided to say i didn't know what i was talking about - so i told him who my mage was and to look up on the rich bitch list on the regnum homepage. His classic CLASSIC reply was, where did i get my items from and how much did they cost me, he also mentioned that i must have begged for some gold myself (pfft right), I did oblige him and show him my items, and also told him what mobs dropped them.

He said it was impossible to loot on a mage so here you go tips for him and the other mages who think they cant get gold

1. Find mob
2. Kill mob
3. read your log did it give you gold - yes? then \o/
4. did it drop loot (meat, fur, teeth etc) Check inventory
5. Sell loot from mobs when you have lots.
6. Did the mob drop an item (armour or weapon)? if so \o/
7. is the item something you can use, is it better than what you have - if so \o/
8. If you cant use the drop, sell it or trade it
9. take part if fort captures - you get paid \o/
10 go to step 1. ^^
11. DO QUESTS! you get paid (and you get items for your class)
12. repair often - its cheaper for you than all other classes
13. dont wear any tunic or gloves only your staff to repair then, and no you do not need
to be in warzone so no need to worry about enemy realm players
14 AND FINALLY! dont give your gold to beggers - you end up poor yourself


15. now i really mean FINALLY this time: Dont buy new tunics and staffs every lvl you dont need to

So there u have it boys 'n' gurl mages thats how you get rich quick, Toodles

P.S. no you cant have any of my inky gold :P
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Last edited by Inkster; 01-07-2009 at 10:02 PM.
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Old 01-07-2009, 10:13 AM   #2
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You are absolutely right. I started a conju and it is so easy to colect gold. I am lvl 14 and i have 100k gold. It costs me almost nothing to repair and the good drops i dont even sell, i keep them for change or give to clan bank. So as i see it archers have more to complain about repairing and buy arrows then mages!!!
Have no fear, Leg is here!!!
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Old 01-07-2009, 04:42 PM   #3
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Begging is the reason i usually have the /chat ignore option on.

That and those annoying and short conversations that go something like:



"ok bye"
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Old 01-07-2009, 05:19 PM   #4
Join Date: Jun 2007
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Hey Ink, I think you forgot to mention horses. I mean, it's even more annoying when they are begging while sitting on a horse. Of course, that could be a 1 week xim horse, but I really doubt it.
Ra: Lucinda {Silverbow,Wintersun,Ironfist}
Horus: Laleja - Conjurer (42)
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Old 01-12-2009, 10:24 PM   #5
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I remember when I was leveling my conjurer with my old clan. Like Inkster said, money just seemed to accumulate fast. I ended up helping three of four archers in my clan with their arrow costs and repair bills, and my money still kept growing. Then I made a warlock, and the money rolled in twice as fast. Now I've got an archer, and I have a hard time breaking even, though I usually grind without armor and only buy new armor every 3 or 4 levels. I expect it's just as bad for knights, with their high repair costs.

Maybe it would be nice for someone to post suggestions for what type of mobs return the best money. Anyone? Anyone?

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Old 01-14-2009, 11:27 PM   #6
Join Date: Jun 2007
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Originally Posted by octopus
Maybe it would be nice for someone to post suggestions for what type of mobs return the best money.
Any mobs that drop gold in addition to the usual loot, with high level mobs you often get 100-150 gold while the loot is mostly worth far less. That means basically all the "monster" type mobs (aquantis, cyclops, g/tol-tars, goblins, etc.) and ghosts. Aquantis used to be the best because they dropped gems too, but now that other mobs do that as well, it doesn't really matter.
Ra: Lucinda {Silverbow,Wintersun,Ironfist}
Horus: Laleja - Conjurer (42)
Retired: Laleja / Faer / Nalys Silverbow / Tain / Vorr
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