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Old 02-07-2009, 02:55 PM   #1
Join Date: Feb 2008
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tmp003 is on a distinguished road
Question When will be the progress curve decreased?

Quote from the Development Roadmap (at the bottom of character progress section):
Finally, the progress curve will be adjusted in the lower levels allowing new users to have a sooner participation in war.

Finally! The only information that we need now is WHEN? This should be among the first things to change.

The infamous grinding which all new players in RO are subjected to before they can enter the warzone is probably the main cause of players leaving before reaching lvl40. I am one of them, i left this game about a year back after about month of playing, because i was simply too frustrated and bored to continue. I mean seriousy, do you expect me to spend moths grinding, which is NOT fun to finally enjoy PvP/RvR (which is the main focus of this game) ? Really, having to kill 200-300 monsters (after completing all quests for this level) to just gain one level, when the only thing you get is the certainty of having to kill even more mobs - this is just mad. And don't even mention buying XP scrolls, i refuse to pay for a game when i am not even sure it will be worth it (since i cannot try the higher level spells and PvP before achieving at least lvl 35 - 40). I may be willing to pay for end-game customization stuff, but not for this.
When you consider that there are many games out there which are fun from the beginning (unlike RO) it is no wonder players massively leave this game.

Ok, enough of my rant. When i looked at regnum pages and noticed that they finally plan to fix this, i was overjoyed and decided to try it again. But i will wait until they implement this.
So, i am asking WHEN can we expect it?
And will the XP curve be decreased enough? I mean if it will be from 300mobs/lvl to 250 mobs/lvl, don't bother, no one will even notice it. It would have to be at least <50 mobs/lvl after quests to make a difference and eliminate the frustration of new players. And maybe increasing the XP awarded for later level quests(15+) would also help.
Now, some may object that this would make levelling too fast. That is not exactly true, because when you think about it, you still have to gain 4 levels to get new spells (which means 200mobs), and the only point of pre35 levelling is to try new spells and tactics anyway (and maybe explore the landscape/towns, but there is only so much of that).

One more thing, i think you should also increase the group XP bonus. Sure, everyone wants to group with a conjurer, but otherwise it is usually faster to levell alone, because being in a group will significantly decrease the base XP you get from mobs, and the group bonus hardly makes up for that.

So, what are your opinions on this?
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Old 02-07-2009, 04:26 PM   #2
Join Date: Jan 2009
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They say all changes should be done before june.

You're right about players leaving the game early. But other games that are fun at the beginning, are abandonned by experience players later. I have tried myself so many games. And they all have problems with unequal fun in the game (what I mean is that some parts of games are funnier and easier to play than others). Why I think RO is better then ? Because it has freaking non-korean developpers . And it is the first game where players actually gave ideas on the gameplay and aspects of RO. They had to start somewhere, and some aspects of the game have not been worked on because all the work they had to do. But if they can really do all their roadmap (and I agree with all their projects and updates) regnum online will be the best free MMORPG of all time. I'm serious

I say good job NGD
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Old 02-07-2009, 05:34 PM   #3
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I agree that the current roadmap looks good.
I also agree that all games have parts with unequal fun.
But most of MMORPG's out there don't have parts that are as boring and frustrating as the grinding here, and if they have, they cetrainly don't force players to endure it for months.
For example, roleplaying and PvE focused MMORPG's can afford slow leveling, because the players will have fun while doing it. If you look at successfull MMORPG's focused strictly on PvP/RvR, you can see that almost all have fast levelling (or have none at all). This is for a reason, as the levelling part serves only to introduce the player to the game environment and lets him try how different abilities work in practice.
So, with that said, i really hope that they significantly decrease the XP curve as soon as possible, so i (and many more players that left for this reason) can enjoy this game again.
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Old 02-08-2009, 06:29 AM   #4
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It will be done, and other things will be made to keep new players on the servers. But getting to lvl 20 took me only half a week (and I had school),
maybe it's just because new players don't go into parties, and they do like I always did : grinding alone. That is pretty ironic since its a MMORPG. Before decreasing the progress curve, they should show how team grinding is important, fun and it makes leveling really easier. Making parties important = less frustration about the whole grinding thing (well at least for me).
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Old 02-08-2009, 10:56 AM   #5
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hmmm, when I was leveling my barb on horus, I was in a grinding party of about 5 or 6. Ok so the base xp is reduced but you did not take into account that you will be killing the mobs a hell of a lot faster in a group, faster killing = faster xp.

P.S. My barb got to lvl 50 in 5 weeks
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Vortigern I lvl 60 Barbarian, Zarfall lvl 57 Lock,
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Old 02-08-2009, 11:24 AM   #6
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5 weeks? lol did you play 24/7 or what?

As for the group killing faster, yes that is true, but each individual member of the group is killing slower (because other members hit the mob too, taking away XP). Unless off course you have a conjurer in the party.
I noticed you have barbarian - maybe this is the root of the problem. Warrior classes (and maybe archers too, i don't know) certainly would benefit more from groups, becuse it will reduce their downtime due to low health since mob can attack only one player at a time. But caster classes (namely warlock ) will not, because they are dependent on mana.
So, maybe this is not a problem with group mechanics itself but with the benefit different classes get from being in a group.

I also agree that being in a group is much more fun, but people will join groups only if they get more XP from it.
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Old 02-08-2009, 12:10 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by tmp003
5 weeks? lol did you play 24/7 or what?

As for the group killing faster, yes that is true, but each individual member of the group is killing slower (because other members hit the mob too, taking away XP). Unless off course you have a conjurer in the party.
I noticed you have barbarian - maybe this is the root of the problem. Warrior classes (and maybe archers too, i don't know) certainly would benefit more from groups, becuse it will reduce their downtime due to low health since mob can attack only one player at a time. But caster classes (namely warlock ) will not, because they are dependent on mana.
So, maybe this is not a problem with group mechanics itself but with the benefit different classes get from being in a group.

I also agree that being in a group is much more fun, but people will join groups only if they get more XP from it.

There is no point to discuss. Grinding in party is faster. Its fact.
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Old 02-08-2009, 10:06 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Evola
There is no point to discuss. Grinding in party is faster. Its fact.
Not necessarily. I remember being in group with a warrior (i was a warlock), and after about an hour we disbanded that group and continued grinding alone, because we both got better xp that way. And this isn't the only case when that happened.
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Old 02-08-2009, 10:24 PM   #9
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In biger partyes you level faster. That is a fact. And by big partyes i refere to partyes of 5+
Have no fear, Leg is here!!!
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Old 02-08-2009, 10:25 PM   #10
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I've partied up with other archers same lvl before. We didn't use any mana, and almost no HP. We could grind as long as we wanted with no sitdown. Much faster XP.
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Thing: Don't go look in it.
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